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Aelys with golden hair
Aelys with golden hair
Aelys with golden hair
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Aelys with golden hair

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- We don't get married for her pleasure!" decreed Véronique, the governess of the young Aélys, in a severe tone.

Aélys de Croix-Givre has just learned that her father, before he died, had intended her for Prince Lothaire. She frightenedly rejected the idea of uniting with the descendant of the Waldsteins, who, always, were "as cruel and terrible as the worst wild animals".

The prince is superb, haughty, satanic. Didn't he take pleasure, as a teenager, in having his servants whipped? Defeating is his passion. Aélys hates him, he knows it. The prospect of marrying him seduces him. Submitting this young fairy with golden hair will be a lot of fun...

In the prince's entourage, we are opposed to this marriage. To oust Aélys, the beautiful Sidonia, also of noble blood, is ready for anything.

Will Aélys and Lothaire marry? When the prince contemplates his fiancée, he sometimes passes, in his gaze, a strange sweetness...
Release dateJan 7, 2019
Aelys with golden hair

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    Aelys with golden hair - Delly

    Aelys with golden hair

    Pages de titre


    First part
















    Second part

    I - 1

    II - 1

    III - 1

    IV - 1

    V - 1

    VI - 1



    Aelys with golden hair


    Delly is the name of spouse feather of a brother and a sister, Jeanne-Marie Littlejohn of La Rosiere, born in Avignon in 1875, and Frédéric Petitjean of La Rosiere, born in Vannes in 1876, authors of romance novels popular.

    Delly's novels, no known current players and ignored by the academic world, were extremely popular between 1910 and 1950, and were among the most successful in the global publishing at the time.

    First part


    Old Castle seemed asleep under the burning summer light that was cooking the black walls and withered mosses which were covered roofs steeply facts to support the heavy weight of the snow.

    You could not hear a noise nearby. In the forest beginning to the end of the garden, the birds were silent as themselves overwhelmed by the heaviness of a storm charged atmosphere. Two young dogs of St. Bernard slept near an old gray cat, all lying in the shadow of the arched porch which appeared under the old studded door ajar iron.

    Through this opening suddenly slipped a little girl. When she went into the sunny area, his hair seemed to buckle under the blazing light that enveloped them. One dog up a little head, was about to rise, and then lay down again, closing his eyes.

    Already, a jump, a child had won the shade of the park. She darted into a trail, jumping like a fawn. Her hair, unfettered floated around her long silky curls a fiery golden blonde. The body menu was comfortable in the white percale dress with green flowers that held around the waist a faded green silk belt. The little girl could therefore run unhindered in the narrow paths, evil plots, including her tiny feet, shod with shoes of gray cloth, seemed barely to touch the ground.

    This Cross Frost Park had a slightly wild look in this part near the forest. But a little later, he began to present a more civilized appearance that is accentuated with the approaches of the castle. However, it was not a raked park, meticulously neat. Jean Forignon, the gardener, and his two assistants were content to prune too exuberant trees removed at the end of autumn leaves in the main aisles, cut two or three times during the summer the grass that formed in clearings large rustic lawns. For the rest, they disdained to take care, reserving their care in the pit to the French that stretched around the residence.

    An ancestor of Jean Forignon, student of Le Nôtre had traced to when Edme Henry Cross Frost settled in the new castle built on the model of the palace of Trianon. Since each Forignon had cared for, maintained with jealous affection, even during periods, sometimes very long, where the Castle Verde was abandoned by its owners.

    When the little girl had inspected the space that could embrace her eyes, she continued to advance.

    Near the large pool, she paused.

    She cocked her head to watch the shimmering blue water sparkling wrinkles and big golden curls slid over his chest, encadrèrent her little face became suddenly laughing. His tawny brown eyes, in the shadows of dark lashes, followed the turmoil produced by falling rain water sparkling in the azure mirror. Then the little girl stood up and began walking, become more cautious still.

    She went to the castle, one of the facades stood in front of it, preceded by a terrace balusters topped with orange-trees, which also skirted the two wings making return. Between them lay a flower bed in the center of which a dragon-shaped marble fountain dripped streams of pure, fresh water sources coming from the mountain.

    The girl veered to the right and slipped between two rows of yew that fancy Forignon grandfather - the great Forignon, as designated his descendants - had given the godly form of mushrooms preserved by other Forignon. It thus reached the end of a wing, marble steps of the bottom leading to the terrace.

    Again, the child stopped for a few seconds. She hesitated visibly. Then she shook her curls, with a quick movement of his small head, had a mischievous smile that gave an extraordinary charm mischievous expression in his face, and whispered:

    - I want to see the little prince! Too bad if Veronica punishing me!

    In two bounds, she was on the terrace. At the end of the wing, there was a window set high. The child walked around the corner and walked with light steps.

    There were tall doors, made entirely of ice.

    As a sylph, the girl slipped slightly on marble slabs. She stopped at the first ice gate, then past a second with each press his face against the windows trying to see inside. But thick dark curtains fell before these windows, and barely be distinguished in their spacing a tarnished gilt luster of silk, mirror fragment.

    The child walked again. She saw that the third door was open and walked slowly to the door.

    It had before it a tense lounge pale green damask, delicate and charming furniture, decorated with inlays and bronzes, works of Riesener and his emulators, high recessed windows in the white carved woodwork. Opposite the door open on a large sofa of purple brocade, lay a boy dressed in a white silk suit. The head rested on a cushion of the same dark purple, which highlighted both the satin brown thick hair, curly as astrakhan fleece and white matte fine face with closed eyes, on which stood out purple lips and the dark color of well-drawn eyebrows. A delicate hands rested on the blond head of another small boy sitting near the sofa, on a cushion, and that, too, seemed asleep.

    The girl opened her eyes very large where amazement, wonder, did go gold lightning. She was so absorbed in his contemplation that she did not notice the little blond boy raised his eyelids and looked at her with a mixture of surprise and indignation.

    Miss does not live a flexible form, extended a few steps from the door, behind a crate of oranges, which rose silently advancing step velvety. But when this was to be near her and leaned softly uttering a few words in an unknown language, when, especially, looking up, she saw his face a yellowish brown, short nose, high cheekbones and small black eyes shining with an almost ferocious anger, the child trembled, turned pale, tried in vain to utter a cry which choked in his throat.

    At this time, the little brown boy parted his eyelids bordered with thick eyelashes and short, silky and golden brown. Two black eyes appeared, rested with a nonchalant astonishment on the frightened little girl.

    - What is Valerian? asked a young imperious voice.

    - I do not know who this little cheeky, Highness ... but Fragui will punish her as she deserves!

    While talking, the little blond boy by the name of Valerian rose over the other child her eyes bright blue, the humble expression, almost worshipful.

    In a nearby room emerges at this time a woman of fifty, whose small stature did not prevent some stately pace. The gray silk dress fell in stiff folds around a plump size; the barbs of a white lace cap trimmed with royal blue ribbon framed a round and yet fresh face, expressing now an angry surprise. In advancing, the newcomer asked with authority in a stained French to German accent:

    - What could he? Would be allowed to awaken your Highness?

    Behind it slid a tall girl with ash-blond hair was in two braids on the white dress with high waist. She cast a glance full of disdainful arrogance on the little known, then turned back - but suddenly become a tender sweetness - the little brown boy whom Valerian had given the title of Royal Highness.

    He had not seemed to hear the question addressed to him. Without leaving his indolent pose, he stroked the left hand woke leopard, too, while the right fell carelessly along the sofa. In their half-closed eyelashes, the eyes of a velvety black felt the group formed by the little girl and the man in the Kalmyk type whose gaze turned to him, not fierce, but containing a fanatical submission.

    It was Valerian who answered the question with an indignant tone:

    - Yes, Countess, that ugly creature appeared here all of a sudden! That was enough to interfere with sleep ... But the prince will Fragui beating, before returning home!

    - Alas! my little Valerian, we are here in a country where we could act as in other areas of His Highness, without attracting us inconvenience with people around! That's why I tried to dissuade our dear prince to spend a few weeks in this house, knowing he might be offended unable to punish the guilty as they should be.

    - If I liked to punish the girl, I do not mind what that think these people.

    The words fell with disdainful slow barely parted lips of the little prince.

    The lady with the hat that Valerian had just called Countess covered the child of an adulatory look, replicating eagerly:

    - Perhaps, indeed, one could make an example, if your highness desires?

    - No, I do not want to.

    The countess turned to the little girl a look that suddenly, took coldest hardness and ordered:

    - Come to apologize to our dear Prince and thank you thanks to a punishment so well deserved.

    This little elf with golden hair must already have a brave soul, because the first moment of fright, she ressaisissait and supported without impudence, but without apparent fear not the little kind attention of the foreigners. On hearing the order given by the countess, she remained motionless, while her little face reflecting an incredulous surprise.

    - Have you understood ? Come and kneel and thank His Highness cheeky creature.

    The child's body stiffened, small head straightened in a fierce pride movement. In the tawny eyes passing of indignation and revolt lightning. The girl said with an accent of simmering protest:

    - Me, kneeling? Why ? I have done nothing wrong ... I only wanted the see ...

    His hand stretched toward the child dressed in white who continued to consider it between his half-lowered lashes.

    - You hear, Your Highness? You see? ... cried the Countess, throwing back with an impatient gesture, her lace beards. This child of anything not even aware of the fault committed by it by daring to approach the scene where rested Your Highness! This is intolerable! ... Also, whatever your desire not to draw us into trouble in this country, should he give a severe lesson to so unpleasant wench. Some lashes teach him the respect due to a prince of Waldenstein.

    The voice of the little prince rose, musical and imperative at a time:

    - This is Valerian woke me up, stirring his head under my hand. It is he who will be whipped. Let the little girl returns.

    Valerian was a slight quiver. He lowered his eyes a little, slid a sly kick hateful eye to foreign small. Then, lifting, he knelt down, took the slender hand coming out of a lace collar, and humbly kissed.

    The Kalmyk crosses the threshold of the living room and walked, leaving one of his boots a bundle of twigs. The girl opened the biggest yet her beautiful eyes that were filled with amazement and excitement. The Countess said harshly:

    - Come on, go away, because the prince wants to do through you.

    - But I do not want the boy to be beaten! He did nothing to him either!

    A generous indignation was carrying the child. With one bound she was near Valerian who began to remove her small thin light linen jacket.

    - ... must not it beat! It would be too wicked!

    She spoke fearlessly to the little prince and did not lower his gaze, did not tremble before the sudden frown brown eyebrows purposes and sprung flash of black eyes that this time opened completely, clung with haughty surprise at the audacious little creature whose face and whole person quivered tiny revolt.

    - This is too much ! cried the countess. This insolent abortion should be punished! Highness must instruct Fragui ...

    Hurried footsteps were heard outside. A woman suddenly appeared in the living room of the threshold - a big strong woman whose gray hair was a black lace cap. Heat, and probably the speed of the race, empurpled thin face, with firm and almost rigid lines. The newcomer said with a voice choked with shortness of breath:

    - Ah! she is here ! I thought ... What the prince apologize. I'll take the child was a little too curious.

    - Really, you quickly to fix things!

    The countess was staring with cold disdain newcomer who had greeted with deference, but without servility shade.

    - ... You do not seem to doubt you, my good woman, that little wretch has committed a serious lack of respect due to His Highness thus arriving to the door of her apartment and she had to offend more seriously even by daring to blame one of his acts?

    The woman and turned to the one that spoke to her eyes a hard blue and it was she, in turn, who eyed the noble lady.

    - This little miserable called Aelys Cross Frost, and is the cousin of Prince Waldenstein.

    With that, she went to the girl and took her hand.

    - Come, child, she said.

    Aelys obediently let himself take. They both went out before the countess had recovered from his first surprise.

    - Aelys Cross Frost? repeated the blonde girl who had remained mute spectator of the whole scene.

    The countess raised her arms to the ceiling.

    - It's a horrible thing to deal with such people! This woman ... this insolent ... and what this Aelys Cross Frost?

    - The last descendant of the younger branch, said the little prince.

    It was a bit raised, elbow purple brocade cushion and rested her cheek against his hand.

    - ... This is the daughter of Ferry, that made Frost Cross my father. Also, I forgive him.

    - But the woman, Your Highness! This creature who behaved so rudely ...

    The child had a singular smile, in which the most arrogant contempt expressed himself. He dropped his head on the pillow, stretched his thin body, with the flexibility of a young fawn indolent, and said in a tone of nonchalant disdain:

    - The woman is nothing ... Go Fragui and hits hard. I need to distract myself because Fritzel Countess annoyed me with all these stories.

    The Cross Frost were proudly trace their nobility to very ancient times. Anyway, it was authentically old enough to compete at this point with the oldest families in Europe.

    At the time of the Austrian domination of the Franche Comté, they retained many of their privileges and even increased their great wealth. They were so powerful that the lords of Prince Karl Waldenstein, nephew of the sovereign prince of that name, did not disdain to ask her to marry the daughter of one of them, Amélyse, famous for its beauty. Later, he was again in the family another Austrian marriage: the daughter of Edme Henry, sole heiress of the elder branch, with Prince Otto of that house Waldenstein.

    Towards the end of the sixteenth century, a younger brother, Luke Cross Frost, in love with a girl belonging to a noble family of Rouergue, pledged to the king of France and the service was brilliantly successful in the career of arms . However, there was no fortune. His heritage was thin and his wife had given him other property a charming face and a cultivated strong intelligence at the time. Later, it happened that his descendants, like him, consulted much their heart that their interest to choose the partner of their lives. In addition, they had a generous soul and largely open hand. As their financial situation, never flourished, she had passed through critical periods. At the time Edme Henry, the last male representative of the elder branch, gave the Old Castle for his cousin, it was precisely in these difficult stages and had just sold to the Marquis de Seignelay, son of Louvois, the small field he owned in the Île-de-France. The ancient remains of the Cross Frost continued to host later his son and grandchildren son. Ferry did not leave her for the Chateau Verde, when the inhabitants of the village of CORNILLAN decreed, on behalf of the Nation, he became the owner of the areas of the former prince of Waldenstein.

    The ferry was a figure slightly mysterious. Young officer in a royal regiment, when the Revolution, he had first retired from the army, and in 1794 became involved in the Republican troops. He fought bravely, reached the rank of colonel and then retired to the Old Castle. He had just married Adelaide Fragols, of noble family that he, poor and very pretty. Was it the influence of this young woman who changed Ferry ideas? Or the middle age he encouraged to return

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