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A Scribe's Sentiments
A Scribe's Sentiments
A Scribe's Sentiments
Ebook210 pages2 hours

A Scribe's Sentiments

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About this ebook

Humanity is the blank sheet of paper.
Profundity is the quintessential ink.
Transcendence is the inspiration.

Those three characteristics mark the composition of A Scribe’s Sentiments, the first short story collection by Queen of Spades. This assortment of anecdotes will make you think while taking you on a trip beyond the mind and into the soul.

Works include: “Knight of the Village”, “The Mysterious Tale of the Vanishing Toys”, “The Authentic Heal”, “A Shar that Flummoxes”, “Mr. Bradley’s Garden”, “By Its Cover”, “The Gia Experience”, “Highly Unlikely”, “Hope Lives”, and “Quincy: Redefined”

Release dateJan 10, 2019
A Scribe's Sentiments

Queen of Spades

The best way to describe Queen of Spades is an Antiquated Hybrid— a contemporary author whose writings have a down-to-earth resonance to anyone who reads them. Since the age of eleven, Queen of Spades’ flowed with the fire of ideas indicative of rhythm inundated with stanzas. She made her writing debut as a presenter and poet in the anthology Soulful Branches: Words and Sounds. Her other poetry works include: Reflections of Soul, the Eclectic collection (Skin Edition and Beyond the Skin), the Spaded Truths collection (Themes and Proclamations and Life-O-Suction) and Private Pain: Amidst These Ashes. Queen of Spades also collaborates in subjects she is passionate about. She provided works in the April 2014 poetry anthology Words of Fire and Ice by Durham Editing and E-books. In addition, she partnered with fellow author MJ Holman on two works addressing the stigma of mental illness: The Sea of Conscience and Waves to Light. Storytelling took spotlight alongside poetry in Queen’s literary evolution. She has written three independent short stories: “Taint on Religion”, “Mr. Bradley’s Garden”, and “When Summer Lingers”. Furthermore, she has participated in a number of short story compilations, such as Continuous Drips, Concordant Vibrancy I, II, and III, and the Divergent Ink series (Crackles of the Heart). Some tout Queen of Spades is a Poet of the People. Others classify her as a Life Writer. The primary things that remains constant is her dedication to contemporary creativity while remaining true to herself. To track all things Queen of Spades, check out her Facebook Author Page or follow her on Twitter @authorqspades.

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    A Scribe's Sentiments - Queen of Spades

    This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal rights to publish all the materials in this book.

    A Scribe’s Sentiments

    Queen of Spades

    All rights reserved

    Copyright © January 2019 Queen of Spades

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your retailer and purchase/download your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Genre: Anthology

    First eBook Edition

    Printed in the United States of America

    For those who treasure

    the art of storytelling


    To those who still rock

    to the rhythm of imagination

    Introduction: From a Rocking Chair

    Knight of the Village

    The Mysterious Tale of the Vanishing Toys

    The Authentic Heal

    A Shar That Flummoxes

    Mr. Bradley’s Garden

    By Its Cover

    The Gia Experience

    Highly Unlikely

    Hope Lives

    Quincy: Redefined

    About the Author: The Antiquated Hybrid


    Hello Dearest Readers,

    Let’s take a break from the reality circus on the television. Let’s have a reprieve from all things social media.

    It’s not that I have a grudge against television or social media, but there is an observation that cannot be denied. The bare bones of human interaction and simple pleasures are decaying with the increase of Internet speed, the shortage of attention spans, and incessant demand for instant gratification.

    I could go on a tirade but will pause here, for this is a lead in to what I treasure from my good old days.

    Before I was an author, I was a reader. An enthusiastic one, at that. The first piece of literature I read was from a newspaper; the Enterprise Journal. Reason being, it is the publication my grandma subscribes to. Also, there weren’t many books in the house, aside from research materials and outdated textbooks.

    Then, from the Sunday newspaper, there was an advertisement for the Disney Book Club. You could get a certain number of books for an introductory price but was charged monthly thereafter. Grandma got just enough under the introductory price but remembered to cancel right away, for we didn’t have the disposable income to spend on books.

    I read Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty countless times. I fantasized that Grandma sat near my bedside and read to me, even did the different voices of the characters. Why not? It matched the scenes in the movies: where the little girl would wait in anticipation for Mom or Dad to come with her favorite book and read until she was lulled to sleep.

    In other dreams, Grandma sat in a rocking chair. Other children sat in front of the antiquated seating while she recanted stories. Some stemmed from her own memories, others with the purpose of delivering a moral message.

    These characteristics marked the origins of my storytelling. My belief is if a story contains relatable characters, identifiable content, and possesses a strong message, then it resonates with a reader more so than sensationalized scribble focused on sales as opposed to substance.

    Fast forward to the present.

    I present to you "A Scribe’s Sentiments"—told from my modern day rocking chair, which varies between a desk chair and my bed. Ten stories that will stir the cerebra, lift the spirit, and capture your heart.

    May your reading pleasure match or exceed the exuberance I felt as I created the content.

    Once upon a time, in a nearby village, lived a princess named Phalicia. Princess Phalicia was kind, pretty, and highly intelligent—characteristics no resident could dispute. Although respect, admiration, and love was given from all of the villagers, Princess Phalicia was unhappy for one reason.

    There was no one she could call Her Prince.

    At first, the King and Queen played matchmaker by selecting possible suitors, but none fit what Princess Phalicia desired. In fact, the Princess encountered so many frogs, she believed they were the norm in the world. Not frogs in looks, per se, but reptilian-like in attitude and characteristics. The few suitors fortunate enough to receive an opportunity: slime-like in treatment of her person.

    Due to these mishaps, Princess Phalicia’s search for companionship was at a standstill.

    A few months later, a wanderer entered the village, seeking employment. The villagers, upon first glance of the individual, were leery. Their caution soon was unfounded. The new arrival enthusiastically proved himself through his hard work, welcoming demeanor, and discretion. The latter was what the locals respected the most.

    During a break from his duties was when the stranger first cast eyes on Princess Phalicia. Although the glance was mere seconds, his whole equilibrium was altered. It remained so, long after she departed.

    One of the older villagers noticed the stranger’s interest. A tsk sound followed, along with the shaking of his head.

    Why do you shake your head, sir? the stranger asked. Do you have a crick in your neck?

    "A crick? Fella, I’m not that old. Truth be told, she’s not in your league," the villager responded.

    The newcomer still looked confused, so the villager continued. "The princess isn’t stuck up by any means, mind you. Princess Phalicia is down to earth, always friendly to everyone. However, she has experienced great strife. Therefore, if you are considering courtship, there is a huge mountain to climb. Besides, what do you have that will impress the King and Queen? They only want the Princess with the best. Do you have money or anything of value you can offer to her or the kingdom? If not, quit while you’re ahead."

    The newbie realized there was wisdom in the elder’s sentiments yet his heart was not moved. He wanted to be with Princess Phalicia. One challenge existed.

    Princess Phalicia had yet to notice him.

    Once the other villagers surmised the stranger’s interest in Princess Phalicia, they provided small tokens of assistance, although most believed him to be a fool. Some placed wagers as to whether the outsider would end up with the princess.

    As time passed, the stranger was privy to Princess Phalicia’s routine: when she would take a stroll, desire sustenance, and indulge in the occasional shopping spree. The stranger miraculously became available. If Princess Phalicia accidentally dropped an item, he was there for retrieval. If she was reading a book near the beach, he would play with the sand nearby, waving to her as she passed.

    Finally, after a few weeks of appearances, Princess Phalicia confronted him.

    "It is so strange that you are always present at my whereabouts. Could it really be coincidence?"

    Um … I guess, the stranger shrugged.

    Are you new around here? I know all of the villagers. You are not familiar to me.

    No, I am new. My name is Knight.

    Princess Phalicia giggled until she saw he wasn’t laughing.

    "Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was your real name."

    It’s all right, Knight said, I get it all of the time.

    That is how everything began.

    As Princess Phalicia became more comfortable with Knight, excitement blossomed at the prospect of their encounters. The conversations were usually trivial—about the weather, books, and their favorite foods.

    Unfortunately, as her private life turned traumatic, Princess Phalicia desired a confidant. She became less comfortable with talking to her parents.

    Princess Phalicia was in a new relationship. On paper and in presentation, her boyfriend Bradley fit her parents’ ideal, yet Phalicia was not happy with him. On one particular day, Knight noticed her sadness.

    What troubles you Princess?

    Knight, where do I even begin?

    Just start anywhere.

    The princess wept in Knight’s arms as she divulged the story of the courtship with Bradley along with her current dilemma.

    "My parents love Bradley but I do not. Although I respect Bradley’s title and reputation, he doesn’t respect me. Bradley talks at me, not to me."

    Have you confronted Bradley about his behavior? Have you mentioned this to the King and Queen?

    Bradley thinks I’m being too sensitive. My parents think it’s time for me to marry and give them grandchildren. They think Bradley’s offending behavior is because I won’t set a date for the wedding but once I do, he won’t act that way anymore …

    Do you want to know what I think? Knight interrupted. I think you should do what makes you happy. If Bradley cannot provide happiness, you should not be with him. The King and Queen don’t deal with his volatile temperament on a daily basis, you do.

    "You are right but I was alone for so long before."

    Which is your greatest fear, being unhappy or being alone? Once you answer that, you will know exactly what you need to do.

    Once Knight left, Princess Phalicia sat for hours, letting his advice marinate. She returned home and engaged the King and Queen in discussion, mapping out each reason why the relationship with Bradley was not conducive.

    I know Bradley appears to be the perfect guy, but he’s just not right for me. Please … try to understand!

    The Queen nodded, then gave her a hug. Princess Phalicia breathed a sigh of relief. The King, however, was not as supportive.

    "At this rate, you’re going to be an old maid. I’m starting to conclude you have no idea what you want!" Face flushed in anger, the King stormed into the bedroom.

    Princess Phalicia’s eyes welled up in tears. The Queen pat Phalicia on the back.

    Don’t worry, dear. Let me talk to him.

    While the Queen attempted to appeal to the king, Princess Phalicia visited Bradley to reveal her decision.

    Why are you doing this?

    I’m sorry, but I’m just not happy Bradley. I’m sure you will make a wonderful mate for someone; it’s just not me.

    I don’t want anyone else; I only want you, Phalicia!

    Bradley, my decision is final, Phalicia countered, removing the promise ring and placing the token on the dinner table. I wish you well and pray someday you will forgive me.

    Vexation washed over Bradley. His once controlled emotional instability morphed into domesticated madness.

    After the encounter, Princess Phalicia’s movements were calculated yet slow. Any hurried ones would render a profusion of pain. Once deducing the body was in too much distress to journey home, the Princess settled on her favorite place to rest and regain her strength.

    When Phalicia didn’t come downstairs for breakfast, the King and Queen weren’t that worried. Her normal practice was to stay the night with Bradley, then eat with him in the mornings.

    The family always had lunch together.

    When there was still no sign of the Princess, frantic obliterated their calm. The villagers caught wind of the Royal Family’s dismay and rushed to tell Knight.

    No one has seen Princess Phalicia since last night. She never misses lunch with the King and Queen. Can you locate her?

    It wasn’t long before Knight discovered Princess Phalicia. Her breath was barely detectable. Underneath her clothing, Knight saw numerous bruises on her body. Knight scooped her in his arms, running to the castle as quick as his legs could muster.

    The Queen sobbed; the King howled in rage. Doctors rushed to attend to the Princess.

    "Who could have done this to her?" the Queen demanded.

    "I want this scoundrel brought to justice!" the King commanded.

    Knight was silent but had his suspicions. Once the doctors departed, Knight sat near Princess Phalicia’s bedside. He kissed the Princess’ forehead while holding her hand.

    I will avenge you Princess.

    The next day, Knight paid a visit to one of the old villagers. Consequently, it was the same gentleman who was the impromptu

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