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A Heart For Him To Find
A Heart For Him To Find
A Heart For Him To Find
Ebook233 pages4 hours

A Heart For Him To Find

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About this ebook

Being jilted at the alter is not an easy pill for any bride to swallow. Make that bride Mary Giles, and the drama to follow will take on a life of its own. As Mary comes up with a plan for revenge, Jason Ternell is left to deal with the consequences of her actions. What started off as a self-seeking plot soon lands Mary and Jason into a life and death struggle. As feelings between the two develop into love, the heart-wrenching truth is revealed. The end question will be, can Jason and Mary survive the danger that closes in on them?

PublisherKay Edwards
Release dateMar 28, 2019
A Heart For Him To Find

Kay Edwards

I am a country girl. I grew up along the Susquehanna River in central PA. I am a Christian and not ashamed of it. I have four children and an awesome (according to him) husband. I believe that Christ must be first, family second and everything else as God sees fit to lead you. I absolutely love a great love story and have written many just for fun. After introducing some friends to my writing, I have been encouraged to publish. I will find a way to always put a twist of humor in everything I write, because that is who I am. If it comes into my mind it is usually out of my mouth, which has put me in some absolutely hysterical situations. I look forward to sharing work with people and hope you all enjoy.

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    A Heart For Him To Find - Kay Edwards

    A Heart For Him To Find

    By: Kay Edwards

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2019 By Kay Edwards

    All Rights Reserved


    Jason grinned as he picked his three-year-old niece up. He looked into green eyes that matched his still in awe that this little person belonged to his sister. Well, what do we have here?

    The little girl giggled. She wrapped her little arms around her uncle’s neck and squeezed tight. You haz a me.

    Jason watched Foster run out the front door. He chuckled as the man spotted them. Jason couldn’t help but note the look of relief that crossed Foster’s face. Did you tell your mommy and daddy you were coming out, Lauren?

    Lauren saw her dad walking toward them. She hid her face in the crook of her uncle’s neck. Iz forgotted.

    Foster wanted to laugh at the grimace on his daughter’s face. It looked entirely too much like her mother’s. He kept his frown as he spoke. Young lady. You were told to finish your breakfast and then make your bed.

    Lauren batted her eyes at her father. Her little bottom lip pushed out. I sorry, Papa.

    Foster knew what his daughter was doing. He also knew that he couldn’t let her get away with trying to ‘pout’ her way out of being punished. Lauren, you know you are not allowed out here alone.

    Lauren’s little face beamed. Iz not awone Papa. Sees, Iz gots Wuncle Jason.

    Jason was well aware of the dangers that lurked outside the safety of the house. He put the little girl in her father’s arms. His voice was gentle. Lauren, you didn’t know I was out here. Your papa is right to be upset. You should have stayed in the house.

    Foster hugged his daughter gently. He kissed the side of her head, before putting her down on the ground. Honey, Papa doesn’t want to see you get hurt. You have to ask to come outside.

    Jason watched as his twin sister walked toward him. He smiled as she rubbed her pregnant belly. How are you feeling, Glen?

    Glenda smiled. I feel fine. She looked at her daughter. The question is; how does Lauren feel?

    Lauren glanced down at her feet. I feelz sorry.

    Glenda took the child’s hand. Why don’t we go back in the house? I’m thinking you need to think about what you did. A little time in the corner will give you a chance to do just that

    Foster watched Lauren pout as Glenda tugged her along. He looked over at Jason. That daughter of mine acts just like her mother.

    Jason laughed. Yes, she does. And, when she puts that lip out, it is all you can do not to cave. I saw you thinking.

    Foster grinned sheepishly. Denying it would be a lie. That little girl makes me feel as soft as milk toast. She starts looking at me with those beautiful eyes, and I want to give her the world.

    Jason chuckled. Her mother likes giving you those eyes too.

    Laughing softly, Foster couldn’t disagree. Glenda’s eyes are everything a man could ask for. She’s not afraid to use them.

    Jason knew his twin’s husband was a man in love. It was more than he had ever dreamed for her. Jason was proud to call Foster family.

    Foster knew they had a lot of work to do that day. He looked at Jason after he shook his head to clear it. Thanks for doing this drive. I don’t want to leave Glenda. She only has a month left before it’s her time to give birth.

    Jason nodded. I don’t mind doing this for you, Foster. This will be my fourth year out. I’m confident that Daniel and I can handle it.

    Foster was aware that his brother-in-law and foreman, Daniel, had the day planned out. Are you two going into town today or tomorrow?

    Jason glanced at Foster. Daniel said we’ll go in two days. We don’t really need a great deal of help this year. You still have most from last year.

    Foster shook his head. That sounds fine. I’ll trust you two to take care of it.

    The two started for the barn. In four days, Jason and Daniel would be leaving the ranch. They would be driving Foster’s cattle north, to Wichita. Jason was ready to take a lead so Foster could stay with Glenda. He was just as thankful that day as he had years before when this man took he and his sister in. Helping out so Glen wasn’t alone was the least he could do.

    Mary Giles looked at the letter in her hand, once more. She sat down hard, on the chair. Her voice shook with rage, as she bellowed her frustration. That yellow bellied cowered!

    Tanya Giles looked at her daughter. She spoke softly words she wasn’t sure she believed. Now, Mary, maybe this is for the best.

    Mary glared at her mother. William Parkerson leaving me at the church on our wedding day is not for the best. How can you say that, Mama?! I wanted to marry him!

    Gary Giles looked at his daughter. He had never wanted her to marry William. He had no intentions of telling her that at the moment. He waited for his daughter’s explosion to grow. Gary knew she wasn’t done voicing her displeasure yet.

    Mary’s second eruption came fast and furious. She started ripping the letter as she screeched at the top of her lungs. How dare William leave her like this? Mary was livid to say the least. William had been part of her plan, and now, she was right back where she started. I can’t believe he went to Wichita to start a hotel! Not a word! The coward! He didn’t even give me the curtesy of telling me to my face!

    Tanya grimaced. Her daughter was good and mad now. She listened as Mary yelled her annoyance. Mary was fighting mad. Tanya silently prayed she would stay that way. Tanya had a feeling about Mary she couldn’t shake.

    Mary stopped yelling. Ending her tantrum, she looked at the pieces of paper scattered on the floor. Her voice was soft now. If the evidence wasn’t all over the floor and her parents hadn’t witnessed the outburst, it would seem that nothing had happened. Mary turned and spoke pointedly to her father. I want to go confront him. Daddy, I need money for the stage.

    Gary shook his head. You aren’t going anywhere. I’m leaving tomorrow to drive our cattle. You are going to stay put, Mary. Going to him is not going to change anything. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone else.

    Tanya didn’t want her daughter to meet someone else. She wanted her to find love and happiness. Sadness hit her as she realized Mary’s need to control things could cost her that.

    Mary looked at her father’s face. She knew he meant what he said. Mary had made it a priority to know when she could and could not manipulate him. She sat down on the bed and thought. Her father’s ranch was always one of the first in that area to leave. Mary knew his was not the last. If she did everything right, she would be able to go to Wichita. All she needed to do was come up with a plan.

    Gary looked at Mary. He tried to pacify her temper. Honey, you are the prettiest girl in Dallas. William was foolish to leave you. He gave up a treasure. I have had more than a few men beg for an audience with you.

    Mary nodded. Her daddy was right. She was pretty. She also knew how to ride, rope, and shoot as good as any man. She, of course, wanted nothing to do with any of the men her father would approve of. The more she thought about it the more she realized she was going to have to take action. The fact that William let a prize, such as herself, go, showed he was stupid. There was only one thing to be done. She would go to Wichita and do what any proper Texas woman would do. She would shoot William Parkerson.

    Chapter One

    Mary loved pretty things. She had dressed in pants on occasion, but always knew how to place a belt just right on her father’s oversized shirts to make her outfit look cute. She loved being feminine. Looking at herself in the hotel mirror, she frowned. Well this doesn’t look pretty.

    A stranger looked back at her. The shirt and pants were both baggy. Her feet were shod in a pair of boots a size too big, so they would accommodate her two pairs of socks. She looked at her best friend, Lizzy. Do I look that bad? Be honest, I can take it.

    Lizzy loved Mary dearly. She had always been a shy girl, but Mary had seemed to befriend her anyways. She did, however, worry about Mary’s hair-brained schemes. This one was her craziest yet. You are really starting to look like a young boy. Remember, you are not going for cute, Mary. Stay focused.

    Mary flung herself dramatically across the bed. Throwing her arm over her eyes, she sighed. I hate not looking pretty. It is what I do. It is how I get what I want.

    Lizzy knew Mary was being superficial at the moment. It was the picture Mary allowed most to see. However, Lizzy knew that Mary was deeper than that. Lizzy knew her dear friend’s hurts and fears. Mary, maybe this was for the best. You have always wanted to stand on your own without a husband. You can’t tell me there wasn’t a little part of you relieved that he left you at the church.

    Mary glanced at Lizzy. I thought I found the perfect man to stand on my own. Surely, you noticed that William was wrapped around my finger. I could have talked him into anything. Now I have to go shoot him and then find another.

    Lizzy shook her head. Why don’t you tell your dad how you feel? Tell him you want the ranch to be passed down to you, not you and a husband.

    Mary was done talking. She knew Lizzy wanted her to tell her parents what she had witnessed as a child. It was something she refused to talk about. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, Lizzy. Now, tell me. What else?

    Lizzy looked at her friend’s hands. She handed her a set of clippers. Those filed, perfect nails are going to give you away. Sorry Mary, you have to.

    Mary knew she had to look the part. She made a face as she cut her beautifully sculpted nails. Grumbling, she walked over to the potted plant and dug her fingers into the dirt. I don’t know how men live with themselves. They certainly are filthy.

    Lizzy tried not to laugh. It really was quite remarkable. Her stunning friend was looking more and more like a young boy. She knew Mary would riot when she pointed out the last thing. That didn’t stop Lizzy from pointing it out though. Your hair is going to have to be cut.

    Mary’s gasp almost knocked her over. I will not cut my hair! Lizzy, I can’t do it! I have had a lot of practice keeping my hat on! There is just no way I can bring myself to cut it!

    Lizzy bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. By the time Mary was done with her little dialog, she was wailing. Her friend had put her hand on her hair during the dramatic homily, patting dirt into her blond tresses. Gaining control, Lizzy knew Mary had to see some reason. Mary, you can’t keep your hair. If your hat falls off, you will be found out. You’re going to risk being left along the trail.

    Mary stomped her foot. Her tantrum over her hair wasn’t finished. I will not do it, Lizzy. I find it worth the risk.

    Lizzy rolled her eyes. Ok. But, when this goes bad, remember I warned you.

    Mary nodded. Your concern is noted.

    Lizzy watched Mary put her hair up. When it was pinned securely and Mary put her hat on, Lizzy had to admit she couldn’t tell that Mary was a girl. With the hat, Mary’s disguise was complete. Her best friend looked like a young orphan boy. You did it.

    Mary smiled. Now all I need to do is go find a cattle drive to join.

    As Mary’s best friend, Lizzy felt like she needed to try to reason with her one more time before she set her hairbrained plan into action. Mary, are you sure you want to do this?

    Mary squared her shoulders in determination. Her head nodded. I’m sure.

    Jason stood beside Daniel. He looked at the young boys still left. They had picked four, but needed one more. He spoke to the group. Do any more of you know how to rope, shoot, and ride?

    Mary had just strolled up to the group. She kept her voice low as she spoke. I can do all three.

    Jason glanced at Daniel. He doesn’t look old enough to leave his mother.

    Daniel chuckled. I was thinking the same thing.

    Jason sobered at the thought of a young boy being on the streets. The fact was, there was a good chance this kid didn’t have a mother. Ok. Show me what you have.

    Mary wanted to slap the arrogant man. She had seen the disbelief in his eyes. She didn’t wait for them to tell her what to do. She pointed to a horse. Is that horse one of yours?

    Jason nodded. It is.

    Mary ran over to the horse. She vaulted onto its’ bared back from behind, startling the animal. In seconds, she had it under control. Pushing it into a gallop, she headed toward a water trough.

    Jason knew his jaw dropped as he watched the young boy jump the trough. The skill of this young cowboy could not be disputed. The age was a different story.

    Mary slid off the horse. She walked over and stood in front of the men. I know I’m small. I was born this way. However, I am almost nineteen. I can rope and ride as well as any man twice my size.

    Jason looked at Daniel. What do you think?

    Daniel had another question. It is obvious you know how to ride. If you are as good as you say you are, why do you want to go with us? You sound like you’re from a ranching family.

    Mary was honest. She didn’t keep the pain out of her voice. I’m being denied my father’s ranch, because of my birth. I will not drive for him. If you’re okay with it, I would like to drive for you.

    Jason glanced at the man beside him. I’m willing to go with him if you are.

    Daniel nodded. He seems to be honest about being small. I’ll say yes.

    Jason looked at Mary. Go ahead and get in the wagon. It looks like you’ll be working for Foster Stewart’s ranch now. What’s your name?

    Mary didn’t hesitate. I’m Marty. Lizzy had come up with her pseudonym. The women had agreed that Mary would probably answer to it.

    Jason observed the boy walk to the wagon. He glanced at Daniel. He is kind of spunky.

    Daniel shook his head. He is small, but you’re right. I think he’ll be fine.

    Mary got into the wagon. The group of boys there, didn’t seem talkative. That was fine with her. She watched the two men get into the front of the wagon. When the younger one looked at her, she looked away. He had penetrating green eyes. The last thing she needed was for him to see through her disguise.

    Jason and Daniel talked the majority of the ride home. They spoke to the new cowboys a few times, but respected the fact they seemed to want to be silent. As the ranch came into sight, Jason’s heart dropped.

    Mary watched fascinated as Jason jumped from the wagon. She almost screamed, when she saw the little girl crawl under the fence of the corral.

    Jason made it to Lauren just in time. He lifted the girl out of the fence, just as the unbroken stallion stomped his hooves where Lauren had been. He heard his sister scream, and knew she had seen the entire thing.

    Foster and Glenda had heard the wagon and were stepping out of the house to greet the new cowboys when they saw Jason rescue Lauren. They had both thought their daughter was asleep in her bed taking her afternoon nap. Glenda’s legs buckled, and she hit the side of the rocking chair before Foster could catch her in his arms. He yelled at Daniel. I need the doctor.

    Mary looked at Daniel. I’m the fastest, and I don’t need a saddle.

    Daniel shook his head. You don’t know the way back.

    Mary disagreed. I was raised in this area. I know the way.

    Daniel nodded toward one of the horses tied to the back of the wagon. Go.

    Jason started for the house, with Lauren in his arms. His voice was harsh. Lauren, what were you thinking?

    Foster watched Jason walk in with Lauren. His hands shook as he took his daughter into his arms. Lauren, I’m spanking you, but first, I need to hug you.

    Lauren looked at her mother on the sofa. She started crying. Did Iz hurt mama?

    Jason knelt beside his twin. He patted her cheek gently. Glenda? Can you open your eyes?

    Foster watched Glenda’s eyes flutter and then open. He held Lauren, so his wife could see their daughter was ok. Jason got to her.

    Glenda started crying, which caused Lauren to start crying. Jason tried to comfort his sister, as Foster tried to soothe the wailing child in his arms. When Glenda gasped, Jason knew something was wrong. Glen?

    Foster handed Lauren to Jason. He knelt beside his wife. Are you in pain?

    Glenda felt her stomach tighten slightly. I think I’m having contractions.

    I sent Daniel for the doctor. Try to relax until he gets here. Take some deep breaths. Foster pushed Glenda’s hair away from her face.

    Daniel walked into the house as Foster did his best to calm his wife. He made sure they knew help was on the way. Marty went. He’s the fastest.

    Mary rode hard. She made it to the closest doctor in fifteen minutes. She knew her horse needed rest and would see to it after she had the man

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