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Presence: A Handbook for Enlightened Living
Presence: A Handbook for Enlightened Living
Presence: A Handbook for Enlightened Living
Ebook265 pages2 hours

Presence: A Handbook for Enlightened Living

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In Presence, Sa Silvano takes the reader on a journey of awakening to the present moment. She reveals effortless ways to fully experience and enjoy the richness and beauty that is always here. She guides the reader into states of self-awareness and presence in order to release outmoded conditioning and patterns of absence, and shows - clearly and succinctly - how to open up to more beneficial and harmonious ways of being.

This book is more than just a mere read, it is a powerful and transformational journey into the heart and soul of each of us. Presence offers guidance and assistance to whoever wishes to become free from debilitating fears, from constricting circumstances and from negative conditioning.

Presence opens one to the immense power and potential already present within. This presence in turn empowers the reader to create a more fulfilling, joyful and peaceful experience of life.

PublisherSa Silvano
Release dateJan 3, 2019
Presence: A Handbook for Enlightened Living

Sa Silvano

Sa Silvano is a spiritual teacher, mentor and healer whose private consultations and workshops in meditation, shamanism, mindfulness and energy-healing modalities has been uplifting and inspiring people in Perth for the past 25 years. She lived in Adelaide for a period of four years, forging deep connections and still returns regularly to teach.She is loved for her compassion and respected for the direct truthfulness of her approach.For the past 3 years she has also been working with indigenous university students at St Catherine’s College in Perth, assisting them in their personal growth and teaching them effective ways to navigate their sometimes highly stressful academic environment.Her deepest joy comes from assisting people to discover their own intrinsic value and to embrace the gift of life fully.Her published book, “Pearls from the Heart: a Guide to Living Consciously”, is a precious manual to remind the reader that the truth is simple and completely accessible, at any given moment. Her second book “Presence – a Handbook for Enlightened Living,” is a comprehensive map of the awakened state and acts as a powerful guide for aspirants everywhere.

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    Presence - Sa Silvano


    Presence - A Handbook for Enlightened Living

    Copyright © 2017 Sa Silvano

    All rights reserved

    The right of Sa Silvano to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    First Published in Australia in 2017 by

    Ganesha Imprints

    63 First Avenue, Claremont, Western Australia 6110

    ISBN: -13 978-0-9923393-3-3 (paperback)

    I dedicate this book to my beloved sons

    Michael and Steven

    and my granddaughter

    Lily Rose

    I love you

    Other works by Sa Silvano

    Pearls from the Heart - A Guide to Living Consciously


    Jan, my editor and friend, thank you so very much for the incredible commitment of time, energy and heart you invested in Presence. Your honest and excellent editing and refining has resulted in this book feeling truly finished. What’s more, the journey we embarked on at the beginning of the book has led to a friendship I am delighted to explore and deepen.

    Claudio Silvano, thank you my beloved partner, even though you were deep in the midst of completing the last book of your wonderful trilogy, you still found time to go through my book and help me iron out the glitches.

    Thank you to Monica Gagliano who was the first to read a very clunky version of my book and help to sort out the grist from the chaff.

    Evalee Smith, once again your generosity with your time and energy with this, my second book, is deeply appreciated.

    Carrie Broun, regardless of all the difficulties and challenges that were manifesting in your life, you still made time to read through Presence and offer some wonderful suggestions that I took on board.

    Nada Orlic, you are a truly sensitive and talented designer. I sent you some of my writings and you sent me a most beautiful cover for my book. I am deeply grateful and very happy to be working with you.

    Rifai, I thank you for typesetting both my books. You always do such excellent and professional work, and I love the soft touches you add which enhance presentation.

    Note from the Author

    Four months after I published my first book, Pearls from the Heart, I awoke on the morning of February 4th 2014 with a completely quiet mind. No thought. I was fully present, utterly at peace. I spent a couple of weeks in that state, deeply experiencing my intrinsic connection to the trees, the sky, the birds, the water, and all else that was there with me. I was one with the natural world, not separate from anything. I saw that everything was alive and conscious.

    It has now been over three years and although thoughts come and go, I know that I am not those thoughts and ­neither am I who I thought I was. I just am. I am free and I am life.

    When things happen they do not happen to a personal me, they just happen. When feelings arise I experience them in the moment and soon they are gone. Just as a breeze blows, and then is no more. Just like that.

    I see that I am the aliveness that is here in this moment.

    I am not separate from anyone or anything. I am just a different expression of the one consciousness.

    Although life is much the same as always - I work and play and the weeks are sometimes busy, sometimes quiet – I still feel the same about it all.

    Life is a dance, a movement that is happening in the stillness of the moment. It feels spacious, silent and peaceful. Even when there is chaos, noise and drama, I can always feel the quiet beneath it all.

    Dear reader, the pages in this book are an invitation to you to discover and anchor the same beautiful experience of spaciousness within you.

    You may notice some repetition as themes recur throughout this book. Repetitions help to anchor. When I point to Presence, to the truth of us, I express this in many ways. Different words are used to point to the same thing so we don’t attach to and identify with any particular word. Some of the other words I use as pointers are consciousness, awareness, spaciousness, love, isness, grace, and softness.

    One of these words will speak directly to your heart and offer you a true experience of yourself.

    Ultimately the truth is simple. All that is here in this moment is the truth of this moment. This is inclusive of you and any thoughts and feelings that may also be present. There is nothing else outside of this.

    All that is present, inclusive of you, is the Presence that is here.

    Sa Silvano

    Perth, November 2017

    Note from the Editor

    I had only ever edited fiction before and, from an editor’s perspective, didn’t really understand what Sa meant by Presence. Of course I knew what the word meant, but realised there was obviously more to it than just a word.

    At the time I was editing Sa’s book I was going through a tough few weeks personally. Then I realised that I was actually drawing on what I had read to help me not only cope, but sail through that time and come out feeling refreshed.

    Soon after I finished editing, I had the opportunity to share what I had learned from Sa’s book with a dear friend. As I spoke with her I actually got goose bumps as the words from the book flowed from me and my friend’s face lit up. She understood.

    I now understand what Presence means.

    Jan Bayly

    Adelaide, November 2017



    Life is beautiful

    The wonder of life

    We are free

    The experience of emotions and feelings

    Life creating unhindered

    About needing a purpose

    Serenading the moment

    Sanctuary of Presence

    True heart


    All one

    Being comfortable

    The body

    Choose this moment


    Listen to your heart

    Lost in thought or present to here, now

    Relationship & liberation


    Liberation from fear

    We are the essence of love

    The joy of work

    The trees I Am

    Naturally free and responsive

    Unique but not separate

    Waking up

    Personalizing rejection

    Dealing with projections

    This life experience

    Encouragement not criticism

    Expectations limit life

    What keeps us separated?

    What is attraction?

    About thoughts and thinking

    Making decisions

    Allowing is the key!

    The movement of creation

    What is important?

    What is enlightenment?

    Unconditional love


    Subconscious influences

    Awareness and thinking


    Letting go, letting be

    Discovering the truth of you

    Authentic living

    Suffering or experiencing

    Your true face

    You are perfect just as you are

    You are already that

    You are not separate

    You are not your story

    Courage, trust and love

    Coming up for release

    About story and Presence

    Be here and everything is open

    Be without opinion


    You are all life

    What should you be doing?

    You are already whole

    Unfolding story

    To believe is to hold on

    Come to your senses

    The suffering shadow

    The softness of the love that you are

    The silence at the heart of you

    Sleeplessness, a portal to liberation

    Where are you looking from?

    The nourishment of Presence

    The beauty of everything

    Synchronicity is grace in action

    The heart of us is love

    No substance in the story

    Story meeting story

    Nothing is broken here

    Stop the story

    Showing another their truth

    Reasonless joy

    Dealing with anger and sadness

    Present to each other

    Mind is like a child

    Overcoming boredom

    Okay not to know

    Nature’s comfort

    Successful meditation

    Movement and stillness, sound and silence

    Meeting in the oneness


    Living without a recipe

    Listening Presence

    You are life’s loving availability

    Liberating the contractedness

    Laughter is life enjoying itself

    Knowing who you are

    I can love everyone

    I am you and we are one

    No struggle here

    The wisdom you are


    Indescribable love

    Comfortable to be you

    A story about the perfect relationship

    Free from the noise of thoughts

    All is happening in the One

    From avoidance to acceptance

    Be your natural self

    A letter from One to another One

    Listen to the Silence


    Through the following pages, offered with Lightness and Grace, Sa offers us the opportunity to peer through the eyes of Awakening by showing portals that lead back into our own true identity, to the one that peers through the eyes of all that lives and breathes.

    By investigating first, what holds us captive and then offering a way back into our own innate freedom, every page invites the reader to contemplate and explore just how very close and immediate Awakening actually is. Whether it be asking the Trees how to be, through to recognising the perfection that is already right here, her reflections constantly and consistently gently nudge the reader back into their own true nature as Presence Itself.

    Sa has the ability to pick a moment and investigate through a keen mind and awakened heart, just what it is offering. She knows that every moment is sacred, thus being another unique opportunity to be transported back into who and what we truly are. She takes a normal, everyday activity or situation such as work or suffering and scratches the surface to begin to shine a light on just what makes it tick. And, as we journey through her own encounter with each moment, she awakens something fresh and new within ourselves.

    Sa’s ability to access both her Inner Child and her Inner Teacher, makes this book a beautiful celebration of all things that open the heart and bring us right to the very doorway of pure presence in the realization that each moment always offers its own wisdom and its own blessing. Each page offers a rare and precious insight, leading us always back to the One that is always present, always vast, always clear – that One that is looking out and in, forever at peace and without limits.

    Through her words, we are visited by a loving heart, always offering a view that uplifts and awakens. And through her loving heart we are given direct access to our own. This is Sa’s gift.

    This book is a joy to read, a gift to be savoured as you too awaken to the Presence that is always right here, right now. In her own words: Be still and weave yourself deeply into where you stand. This moment holds all the nourishment you need.

    May you discover your ever-present freedom.

    Enza Vita

    Author of Instant Presence – allowing natural meditation to happen

    It is your complete Presence

    that makes an ordinary moment extraordinary


    Even as you read these words, be aware of that which is seeing through your eyes.

    For just a few moments, be still and savour…

    We seldom perceive the present as it is. Most of the time, the tendency is to meet the present moment influenced by the thoughts and opinions we carry from our past.

    We base our judgements of all that we see in the present on how we have been conditioned to perceive them. Our judgements result not only from our personal experiences but also from those cautionary tales passed on by our parents and other important people in our young lives.

    What would it be like if you were to look at something without opinion and without interpretation?

    To see without opinion would mean that we could look upon something without reference to the past. We would simply see it as it is in the here and now.

    When we see like this, there is no judgement of what we are seeing. We see that whether we have an opinion about it or not, it is as it is.

    I invite you to look now at something in your environment.

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