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Having the Bachelor's Baby
Having the Bachelor's Baby
Having the Bachelor's Baby
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Having the Bachelor's Baby

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Having the Bachelor's Baby
Suddenly In Love Book 1
A novella

Ruby and Jonah have an understanding. It’s just a fun, no-strings relationship...until she ends up falling for him. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, she ends up pregnant, too! Ruby tries to find a way to break the news to Jonah, not knowing if the truth will bring them closer or tear them apart.

PublisherJaye Diane
Release dateOct 14, 2018
Having the Bachelor's Baby

Jaye Diane

Jaye Diane is a teacher, poet and novelist with a degree in English. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a writer and wrote and illustrated her own books. A lover of various genres of books, she is an avid reader as well as writer. Email:

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    Book preview

    Having the Bachelor's Baby - Jaye Diane

    Having the Bachelor’s Baby

    Suddenly In Love Book 1

    Jaye Diane

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Copyright 2018 by Jeanette Diane Richardson

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To the few who have never, ever given up on me. Thank you so very much for your love, support, dedication and honesty. You are exceptional.

    Part One

    Ruby Daniels looked down at heels that had been shiny and new twenty seconds before and were now covered in vomit. She didn’t know if she should cry or just run and hide. Her humiliation was severe.

    Are you okay, Rubes? Her best friend, Jessica Thorne, asked before she spotted the mess on Ruby’s shoes. Jessica gasped. What happened?

    What do you think happened? Ruby snapped, her eyes scanning the crowded cafeteria. I puked.

    So far, it seemed that no one had noticed the mess she’d just made. But it would only be a matter of seconds before the odor began to permeate the air. She knew she had to get the hell out of there. Right away.

    Ruby put down her tray, filled with food she’d just purchased, and rushed out of the cafeteria. On her way out of the double doors, she tripped on her own feet. Jessica, apparently right on her heels, slammed into her back. Ruby landed against the bright white wall with a light thud. Jessica bounced off her back and fell down to the carpet.

    Ruby looked down at her soiled shoes and over to her friend and hesitated for half a second before reaching out to help Jessica off the floor. They had a small audience but Ruby ignored them.

    Are you okay? Ruby asked, rushing towards the bathroom. She spared Jessica a glance, noting that Jessica was immediately behind her.

    I’m fine. What about you?

    I’m okay. Other than having mucky feet.

    As soon as they entered the bathroom, Ruby stepped out of the heels and threw them into the sink. They landed in the porcelain sink with a short thud.

    You can’t wet the inside of the heels, Jessica said. They’ll be ruined.

    I don’t care, Ruby muttered. I just need them to get me through the rest of the day and I’m throwing them out. They’ll probably smell like vomit forever.

    She glanced at her reflection. Her light brown skin looked sallow. She didn’t remember ever looking so pale or feeling so sick in her life. This pregnancy was already taking a toll.

    Her light brown eyes looked wary and there were dark smudges beneath them, attesting to the fatigue that she felt. Her doctor had told her to take it easy but it was her last semester of school and she was determined to graduate on time. She knew better than to push herself too hard. But some things just couldn’t be avoided.

    After rinsing her mouth, she washed the heels as best she could with soap and water while Jessica looked on in concern.

    Damn, Jessica said, peeking at her watch. I’ve got to get to class. Are you okay?

    I’m fine, Ruby replied as dried the shoes with paper napkins.

    If you get sick again, go to the doctor.

    Ruby wanted to tell Jessica that there was no need, since she already knew what afflicted her. But until she told Jonah about the baby, she really didn’t want to tell anyone else. And she’d already known she was pregnant for a few weeks. She just couldn’t find it in her to tell Jonah. As soon as she told him, she knew everything between them would change.

    Jessica quickly fluffed her blonde curls before giving Ruby a kiss on the cheek and leaving the bathroom.

    When Ruby exited the bathroom, she bought a pack of cheese crackers from a vending machine and took them with her to her last class. Clearly, she wasn’t meant to eat meals anytime soon. Her stomach had been getting worse and worse over the last few weeks. Her first couple bouts of nausea had been what caused her to go to the doctor.

    Her periods were extremely irregular. She’d never suspected she was pregnant. And she and Jonah always used protection although she could admit to herself that sometimes their lovemaking was so vigorous that the condoms had been pointless. In the ten months they’d been together, they’d broken more than a few condoms.

    Finding out that she was pregnant had come as a great shock. Being an only child, she’d always dreamed of being a mother. And having at least a few kids. But not any time soon. School and career had to come first. At least, that’s how she’d planned it.

    She and Jonah were stuck on each other. She felt like they were close. But nowhere near close enough that they were ready to co-parent a child together. Now that the shock had worn off, she felt a mixture of awe and doom. Awe because a new life had been created, and resided within her. Doom because she couldn’t imagine any good outcomes to Jonah finding out he was going to be a father.

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