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What About the Ninety Percent?
What About the Ninety Percent?
What About the Ninety Percent?
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What About the Ninety Percent?

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About this ebook

Principles will always work and produce the same result in any
Generation as long as they are rightly applied.

Beyound the controversies that surround offerings and tithe, they are
principles that supervise and ensure the result of offerings and tithes.

This book offers Biblical and life truths on:
*Offerings and tithes as well the truth about the 10% and 90%
*Generational wealth creation and sustainablility
*Covenant blessings and practices that ensure lasting wealth and impact
*Practical ways on how to utilize the 90% to attract the blessings on it
*Why many titers are still poor
*What laws govern wealth creation and lasting prosperity
*Timeless and proven wisdom tips on investment
*And many eternal wisdom tips on how to build and creat wealth.
This is the reason for this book, to help you discover how to creat wealth for
the advancement of the kingdom of God and operate in personal financial
liberty all your life. It encompasses everything about wealth creation.
It will impart and impact on you toward the right action. As it unveils the
hidden truth that all Christian must know and the needed wisdom they must
arm themselves with in the press to take their place in the World as
generational wealth creators.

PublisherDani David
Release dateJan 2, 2019
What About the Ninety Percent?

Dani David

Dani David Odeh is a christian Teacher, writer and leadership consultant. He is within the current charismatic movement in Nigeria, called with a specific mandate to go and teach the world the wisdom of God. He has serve as youth leader for many years in his home church and have been involved in running interdenominational youth empowerment seminars and crusades accross the nation. He studied Architecture from the the Nnamdi Azikiwe university Akwa, Nigeria. He has authored several books such as * The beauty contest * There is no independence * possessing the gates and lots more.

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    Book preview

    What About the Ninety Percent? - Dani David




          Why Tithe And Offering Is Not Enough Blue print for wealth Creations.




    Wisdom Books

    Published by Wisdom Media Publications


    Copyright © Dani David Odeh, 2018


    ISBN: 978-1980621546

    All rights reserved

    Printed in US, UK, and others.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    Lovingly dedicated to all those who desire to prosper by knowledge of the truth about kingdom prosperity and apply such to create and build wealth for the advancement and spread of God's kingdom and the course of their destiny and be a blessing to all humanity.


    1. This Tithe Thing
    2. The Church and Offering
    3. Why some Tithers and Givers Are Still Poor
    4. Vision: Seeing Beyound the Tithe and Offering
    5. What About the Ninety Percent?
    6. What Happens to my Ninety?
    7. God is interested in your prosperity
    8. The wisdom of Building Relationships
    9.  Sound Management is key to abundance or wealth creation
    10. Real prosperities and land ownership are key to financial and total Dominion on the earth
    11. Intellectual prosperities’ ownership is a major instrument of financial dominion on the earth
    12. Ideas Rule the world
    13. Wisdom for Worldwide Wealth Creation
    14. The power of the sworn blessing
    15. The four heads of the river of wealth creation
    16. Giving is key to prosperity on earth


    I cannot but mention some of the numerous people who have been of immense assistance to me especially in this work. My appreciation therefore goes to the following.

    * The Trinity (God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) for protection, preservation revelation, insight and illumination in this work.

    *  My  Editors  Miss. Blessing Okpale and Mr. Lucky Ogbor , thanks for your selflessness and dedication to see that this work meet up with the deadline.

    * All the team members of Wisdom Media Publications who proof read and published this work. Thanks for setting the pace for modern publications.

    * Special thanks to all my mentors and teachers on whose shoulder I am also standing today. I am forever grateful.

    *  Finally, there is so much to say thank you for, but when words cannot express, the heart really understands. Yes, to you reading this, Thank you!

    Again I say Daalu! Eshe! Soso! Nagode! Obe-ohoho! …


    The kingdom of God is a kingdom of His person(power) and of principles. The person of Jesus prepares you for eternity; while the principles of Jesus prepare you for the earth. If you do not understand this truth, you will be puzzled and possibly embittered and frustrated by the distribution of wealth on the earth.

    If you follow only the principles without the power, the enemy will make a mess of your destiny on earth and if you follow only the power without the principles, you may die in frustration. God’s kingdom is that of wisdom and power. Wisdom teaches how to apply the relevant forces for maximum success in life.  Wisdom means balance in our approach to things. Even though the gospel is free, it is never cheap. Some people have to pay for it with their lives and resources too.

    Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.

    Zechariah 1:17

    Though God is our ultimate source but not without man's involvement to lay down their resources. Someone needs to pay the bills and may you be willing to do that as God blesses. It is on this note that God desires to make financial giants out of His have people for the spread of the gospel for the salvation of all mankind. But ironically the church has only been one-sided on issues of kingdom prosperity and wealth, hence the need for this book.

    Contrary to some of those popular beliefs by some church folks that tithe and offering are the only blueprint for wealth creation. I beg to differ from this because it is not. John Louis Muratori says in his book Rich Church Poor Church that tithing is not the blueprint for wealth and prosperity, rather an act of obedience that sets the foundation for the principles of sowing and reaping. If tithing is the blueprint for wealth creation then every tither would have been very rich and no none-tither would have been wealthy at all. I believe in tithing and I tithe every penny on my pay check.

    But spiritual forces don't work alone, they work together to make a perfect believer or Christian. If You pay tithe and lack financial prudence and wisdom in creating wealth you will never be wealthy.

    The prosperity gospel as preached by the Church today and in the past has been majorly on the issues of tithe and offerings.  Only few have taken time to declare the whole counsel of God on wealth creation and kingdom prosperity. Wealth is not a citizen of any nation or country. Wealth only multiples in response to kingdom principles, effective resource management, giving, wisdom and development of workable structures that sustain it forever.

    Miracle provision is good but only that will never bring you into generational relevance or wealth.. If miracle is enough for financial liberty then the criminals would not have been rich at all. God never decide who has money. If God did, you would have to explain why Mafias have money and most pastors and missionaries do not. Wealth begins with your decision, determination and willingness to know and create wealth by following the principles that governs its creation.

    God did not design man to live on miracle of provision or manna forever, if not he wouldn't have the manna cease the moment they could plant or cultivate their seeds in Canaan.

    And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

    Exodus 16:35

    And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna anymore; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

    Joshua 5:12

    Yes, everything about God is a miracle yet his approach to miracles differs from man's expectations in most cases. Whereas man is one-sided in his expectations, God is multifaceted in answers. The scripture says the manna ceased when they came to the border of the Promised Land. Yet the growing of the crops in Canaan was a miracle but a different miracle from the ones in the wilderness. One left them with no responsibility at all except to collect the manna as they fell while the other miracle of eating and reaping from the fruits of the land, required they share responsibility of miracles of bumper harvest with God by exercising their God given creative ability to produce food as God gave the increase.

    The falling of manna in the wilderness was a great miracle yet their planting of the fruits in the land was a greater miracle. This is because God does not want you to live on just the peanut handed over to you but for you to own the source and production systems or plants. The institutions that generate the wealth that will help spread the gospel. I believe in miracle with every of my being but the highest form of miracle is for us to tend and dress the garden as handed down to Adam long before the fall.

    And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

    Genesis 2:15

    God gave us the responsibility of dressing and keeping our garden long before man’s fall. Even when man had total control of the system, God wanted him to share responsibility in creating the miracle he desired. Then how much more will that be required after man has fallen. Even the miracle of salvation does not leave God absolutely responsible. There is the God part by sacrificing his only Son while there is the human part which is to believe on the sacrifice of Jesus and confess his Lordship in order to be saved. If any is too big to repent, believe in his heart and confess with his mouth, God cannot save such a person no matter what any man does.

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    Romans 10:9 -10

    Until the church owns the structure and the system, they will always live by the dictates of the world as long as the world controls the systems. He that owns the gold dictates the rules. Economy drives nations not just character or moral. After God and his word in your life, the next powerful tool on earth is money

    For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

    Ecclesiastes 7:12 

    Wisdom connotes God since the fear of God is wisdom. So wisdom begins with having God which is defense. Then money also is a defense. But the advantage of God and wisdom is that He gives life to any one that has Him. Bishop Oyedepo said that money in the hand is good but money in the heart is bad and destructive because God created our heart for himself alone. That is His temples. Money is not a sin but the love of money is a sin and causes all kind of evils.

    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    1 Timothy 6:10

    Jesus says that no one can serve two masters at the same time and the two possible masters he identified were not even God and Satan but God and money. This is because Jesus knew the power and place of money in the hearts of men.

    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Matthew 6:24

    Thus, the need for Jesus to clarify that. He did not say having money is sin rather he said serving money is. That is when money becomes a reason for your actions. Money should serve you and not you serving money. And until you serve God in the totality of the truth your will remain a servant of money and hence can never please God and work in total kingdom and financial prosperity.

    And money is only a reward for the problem you solve. Whenever there is a problem, it is an invitation to make money. There is no relationship between God’s love and your money. God loves many people who do not have money. While they are many sinners who are not loved by God like some saints yet they have a lot of money to fuel their evil visions. Yet, many sincere lovers of God remain broke and unable to pay their bills.

    If you don't solve problems you will not have much money on earth. Even if you live on manna, the manna won't last forever because God wants you to create a system to help sustain you and the generation yet unborn.

    We have had countless revival movements that have been operational from the birth of the New Testament Church yet there have not been lasting impacts of such works except in rare cases. Is it that some of those mighty works did not carry God's backing or why did most of them never last beyond a century whereas some work done by unbelievers tend to remain relevant till date? The only justifiable answer to this is that the Church failed to strike a balance. Some of the early revivalists were so heavenly minded until they became of no earthly relevance.

    Yes we gather in church and pray all day and night long and there is nothing wrong with that but while we are at it, the unbelievers were busy with the principle of sowing and building structures and owning the system while we only think of leaving and escaping from the world to heaven. Heaven is for overcomers and not escapees. God desires we establish his kingdom first in our hearts and then in the world for all to see.

    Jesus gave us the world to occupy till He comes and it will be a grave sin for us to want to escape without leaving our footprints here. No matter who you are, if you don't follow the principles outlined in the scripture, you may live under the dictates of an unbeliever who has a system that you work under. And you may be more tempted to compromise your standard in a secular organization than one that upholds your value system.

    I remember how during my university days when we got admission into the school of architecture. How many people who professed to be Christians and upheld their godly values initially, began to compromise after a while when they encountered one challenge or the other whereas those other unsaved guys who used all means to pass are being praised and celebrated as the most intelligent. One of my course mates said to me that he would do anything to pass now and read after school.

    Most of these people began to compromise their values to do what everyone else was doing. The issue became so tense that one of the acclaimed believer was told one day that it's only three persons ( pastor which is myself, my friend Illorah and Arinze Onwe who graduated as best student in my set) who would not ask in the class no matter how tough the examination or test might be. That all other church people in the class do compromise at one point or the other by cheating or asking as they called it.

    Most of these people probably would not have compromised if they found themselves in Christian institutions that keep to their core values of integrity and righteousness and rewards honesty and integrity above everything else. They would have been encouraged to uphold their initial conviction with ease. A Christian should pray and win the lost at all cost yet that should not stop them from doing good works and owing and rendering services to the world and getting paid in returns.

    Today majority of bankruptcy cases,involves born again Christians who all through their lives have heard the message of tithing and offering as the only gateway to their financial freedom and yet have not been free from financial bondage. Some have been committed to it but have not been able to pay their bills while the unsaved who are not even tithing are getting things done and their bills paid with ease.

    This book is not written by just a researcher. Even though I am a very curious person and one who loves details and had the patience to do good research, but it is written from a point of a great observer

    Over the last 30years, as a youth pastor for 10 years and now as one who has been in the field ministry for years and has founded and headed interdenominational fellowship for over a decade and been in church leadership at various times, I have been afforded an opportunity to preach and work with different congregations, church members, pastors, evangelists ,laypersons and have met many unsaved persons too.

    They all have one thing in common which is either having enough or never having enough to pay their bills and have always been taught that tithes and offerings are enough blueprint for wealth creation. While they are unbelievers who do not tithe and can take care of their bills and are rich just like the rich fool. Yet there are many who claim to be committed tithers and hardworking but are far from abundance.

    You are free to agree or disagree with me, and I am sure many will. I have only my own eyes  and ears on the bible and facts around us to  back up my findings of why and how the ninety percent is as important as the tithe and offering in wealth creation and that tithe and offering is not enough blueprint for wealth creation.


    This tithe thing

    One man got saved not long and suddenly began to hear the message of tithe and offering and decided to ask the pastor what this tithe thing was all about, that he really wanted the pastor to throw more light on the subject. So the pastor said to him that the tithe is one tenth of all his income or earning, that is, if you have ten naira the tithe is one naira. And the man asked How about one thousand Naira? the pastor says its one hundred naira. The man asked on and on until he got to hundreds of millions and he asked the pastor Sir, how about when I have one hundred million naira, what would be the tithe? and the pastor responded that makes your tithe ten million naira. The man started laughing and he said Pastor that is too much nau!. Many are like that in the body of Christ today. Some don't have problems paying tithe of little money or things but when it involves higher amounts, they feel that it is too big because they have not conquered greed.

    Nothing poses challenge to most Christians like money matter especially the issue of tithes and offerings. Many don't have any problems until the issue of offering and that of tithe comes onboard and that is when they make all kinds of excuses to escape from it. 

    Tithing which is an act of obedience is the foundation for true and lasting prosperity in the kingdom .There are many who are of the opinion that Abraham was blessed by Melchizedek before he first gave tithe but that does not stop him from paying the tithe. You can prosper without tithing but you cannot have generational relevance and guarantee the security of the wealth if you are not a tither.

    And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 

    And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: 

    And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

                                                                  Genesis 14:18 -20

    But one thing they fail to understand is that until after the tithe, Abram’s name was not changed to Abraham and neither was Isaac given birth to. Nor did the heavens opened for him to be shown vision of his descendants as the stars of heaven and sands at the seashore. Tithing secured and opened Him to posterity of blessing and financial fortunes.

    After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

    And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? 

    And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.

    And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. 

    And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.

                                                                              Genesis 15:1 -5

    But what scriptures did not tell us was that whether he had been tithing before that time. But certain things indicated that Abraham had been tithing before that time. This is because even the remaining ninety percent from the spoil he never took anything out of it but gave it out to the king of Sodom and his servants.

    And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself. 

    And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, 

    That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich: 

    Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion.

                                                          Genesis 14:21-24

    Though he was not interested in the spoils he was interested in tithing from the spoils because it came out from his victory and hence it was his earning. He understood that it was God and obedience to covenant practice that makes one rich and not human help. So he told the king You can take everything but let me return God's portion to Him from it before you can do anything you like with the remaining ninety percent.

    Furthermore we see the blessings of Isaac and Jacob who vowed that if God would bless and keep them they would give one tenth of all and were blessed as a result of those vows.

    What Is The Tithe?

    It is the one- tenth (10%) of all your earnings or income both cash and kind. It’s the God's portion that makes the remainder meaningful. It is that which sanctifies the whole or remaining. It is the gateway for the believer into the covenant of God's blessings. The word "maaser or maasrah, in Hebrews is translated tenth, or tenth part, while in Greek apodekatoo" and in both, it means a payment or giving or receiving of the tenth which is tithe.

    The tithe is that tenth of our income that we give to God, which enables Him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. The Bible contains numerous accounts of men tithing to God. Though, God is the creator of everything that exists and everything that we are privileged to be blessed with, giving begins only after you have paid your tithes.

    God owns everything and you and I are simply stewards of what He has entrusted us with. The whole principle behind tithing is that, He gives unto us; we give back to Him one-tenth of all that He has blessed us with.

    The tithe should be removed first before spending any of your resources or money. Statistics has proven that in less than six months when money is released into circulation it has passed through the hand of every kind of people with all manner of sicknesses and diseases and spirits hence tithing is the only way to secure and sanctify your resources.

    If your tithe is in kind, God expects that if you cannot pay or give it directly, that you should convert it into money equivalent or cash and take it to the place of your worship which is the church of the living God where you are fed with the word of God.

    Origin Of Tithe.

    The tithe is the part reserved for God only. God is the origin of tithe and He is the receiver. When you offer or pay your tithe, you are not offering to a church rather you are offering to God through the church. That is why what happens to it should not be your concern like the time of the Levitical priesthood.

    Many people question what the church does with the tithe and will never question what the Government does with their tax money even when the politicians live off their taxes. Every Government or kingdom operates under codes of conduct or policies. The financial policy or protocol behind government funding is TAXATION while the guiding policy or protocol in that of God's kingdom or government is TITHING. God ordained tithing as the gateway to financial dominion of His people and the Church. But unfortunately statistics show that approximately only 20% of Christians tithe. This means, 80% of Christians are not in covenant with their God, but are like beggars and thieves looking for handouts and what they can steal from Him.

    When God created the Garden of Eden, there was a reservation within the Garden which man was forbidden to eat of; it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil as was contained in the book of Genesis.

    And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

                                                                          Genesis 2:16 

    The reservation within the Garden was a figure of the tithe in view. Your tithe is the reserve God has asked you never to eat. It is exclusively reserved for God only.

    God’s kingdom cannot just stop or end even if the people refuse to tithe because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and God's proclamation on that, but yet we have seen and heard of nations that were swept with revival wind in the past and are now under the siege of demonic and satanic influence. Some of these nations have been Islamized and others taken over by secularism which is largely due to spiritual lukewarmness and the lack of effective wisdom and financial structure to keep the fire of revival burning outside the church building by controlling their nations’ economy. Our light should not just shine in church but outside the church wall through our works, investment, kingdom mindset and financial dominion in our nation.

    And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

    He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

    And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

                                                                                                                                                  Luke 1:31-33

    God’s word tells us that the kingdom shall have no end and it should shine that all people will see it and glorify God. And until our works begin to speak both spiritually and physically, no person will glorify God because of us especially the gentiles. Without  wealth or money your influence will be limited.

    Is Tithing Optional?

    Just like every other covenant practice and the way of life of a believer, tithing is never optional for any true believer. There are many who say God relates with us on different bases and my candid opinion to them is that they should write their own different Bibles too. God's demands from all His children are the same on the issues of kingdom stewardship.

    There is no exemption to salvation of any mankind. Who so ever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved and no matter what anyone does but refuses to call upon God through Jesus Christ, he or she will die and still go to hell. Prosperity is not a promise and thereby does not answer to just prayer and fasting but is a covenant and until your part is played, God cannot play a man’s part. God speaking in Malachi commanded that they bring all the tithes and not some. All means all.

    For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 

    Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? 

    Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

    Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

    Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,

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