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Sugar Sweet
Sugar Sweet
Sugar Sweet
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Sugar Sweet

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About this ebook

Erika Porter has made a home with the irresistibly sexy Lucas Martin and the always charming Marlene Pierce. They keep her nights filled with naughty adventure and dark promises—or rather, they would, if her new job allowed for anything more than quick dinners at her desk and cold sheets.

But something is amiss to Erika. The sweet sugar of success turns sour in her mouth. Before long, she begins to doubt the choices she’s made and whether the outcome is what she’s really been looking for. Especially when those choices seem to increase the distance between her lovers.

When the investigation that brought them together comes to a head, Erika finds herself torn between the call of her promotion and repairing a rift that might mean the end of the trio. She’s worked for this job for as long as she can remember, but Erika will have to decide if her life with Marlene and Lucas is worth it. After all, they say money can’t buy happiness—even if that happiness comes with two warm bodies in her bed.

Release dateJan 16, 2019
Sugar Sweet

Siren Cooke

Siren Cooke is a kink-friendly, LBGTQ author who believes the only limitations sexuality should have are those imposed by our imaginations. Her favorite fetishes involve food and bondage, preferably together. You can learn more about Siren on her website and social media! Website: Twitter: Facebook:

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    Book preview

    Sugar Sweet - Siren Cooke


    By Siren Cooke



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    About the Author

    Copyright © Silent Siren Publishing 2019

    All rights reserved.

    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    This book is intended for mature, adult audiences only. If contains extremely sexually explicit and graphic scenes and language which may be considered offensive by some readers. This book is strictly intended for those over the age of 18.


    To my siblings, who remind me that success comes to those who believe.

    Chapter One

    Erika sliced even disks of eggplant and zucchini with practiced speed. The constant rattle and bang of the kitchen around her faded into nothing as she worked, settling into the rhythm of her cooking. She had just put the lid on the skillet when she heard an insistent, Ahem, sound from the other side of the counter.

    Her head snapped up when she realized Justin Rémy was standing in front of her. The owner of Café Chaleur smiled patiently, revealing pearly white teeth. You were so focused, I hate to interrupt you. Your ratatouille looks as flawless as always.

    Erika quickly plastered a fake smile to her face. What a surprise! I didn’t know you were coming to the kitchens today. Several months ago, she would have killed to hear such praise coming from one of the most powerful men on the cooking scene. Rémy had always been kind and encouraging—appearances could be deceiving. If Erika’s lovers were right, the only thing Rémy cared about was money. The lives he destroyed in the process were a mild inconvenience.

    How could I resist, when I just got word of my favorite up-and-comer shaking things up? He motioned for her to join him and turned, leaving the bustling area without even bothering to look back to see if she followed.

    Erika swallowed nervously, looking around the kitchen. Chef Marlene Pierce, one of her lovers, was nowhere to be seen. Erika cursed her luck. If the buxom chef had been around, Erika might have gotten away with an excuse about having to join her. Marlene had been managing to hide her disdain for Rémy for much longer than Erika had had to. She was an expert.

    Not wanting to draw speculation about her hesitation, Erika signaled for one of the kitchen chefs to follow the next steps for the dish. She knew that one of the nearby stations would make sure the dish made it to the table that was waiting for it. She quickly shed her protective clothing and swiped a towel to wipe her hands.

    She expected Rémy to lead her to one of the side rooms in the back of the kitchens, but he walked right by them and headed toward the offices upstairs. Erika kept her face placid when they moved by the double doors that stood between her and Lucas Martin’s office.

    A large plaque denoted it as his work space, but Erika would have known even without it. Lucas was her second lover and she had no doubt he was watching her and Rémy from the state-of-the-art security system he’d had installed the moment he’d been hired.

    He certainly does like to watch, doesn’t he?

    Erika’s mind didn’t just slide into the gutter. It dive-bombed into it, splattering a torrent of memories as she landed. Two months ago, Lucas had lounged on the big, leather couch in his office and watched as Erika had eaten Marlene’s sweet pussy. It’d been the first time the three of them had been together and the memory was still enough to make Erika’s mouth water. She could practically hear Marlene’s soft moans and the way she’d panted Erika’s name. Being so close to the location made Erika’s panties wet, despite what she should have been focused on in that moment.

    Not to mention what Lucas liked to do with his little black bag of toys. She shuddered, just remembering. The man was inventive with his toys.

    Rémy caught her staring at the door as they moved to his office down the hall. He’s certainly making quite a few changes, isn’t he?

    Erika cleared her throat, hoping she didn’t sound as aroused as she felt. She shot for an impartial tone, impersonating the concerns being whispered in the kitchens. I hope that change isn’t all he’s bringing. It won’t do us any good to change the menu if it turns off our regulars.

    Rémy opened his door for her and raised an eyebrow as he waved her through the threshold. She lifted her shoulder and let it drop as she stepped through. I would have thought you’d be happy with his changes. Of everyone affected, you seem to be the one who has found the most synergy.

    Erika couldn’t deny that. After all of the time I’ve spent working behind the counter, it’s a wonder that I’m so well suited for more…administrative duties.

    Rémy chuckled. It is surprising, but I think it’s like that for a lot of people. You never know where your true strengths lie until you’re tested.

    You would know, Erika thought unkindly before taking a look around. It didn’t matter that he was right—she was doing much better as an event manager than she’d ever done as a chef and, more importantly, she was happier. Yes, well, as long as the menu is up to the task, I don’t have any complaints. Ultimately, I’m still able to cook when I want to, so it’s no big deal.

    Rémy’s office was the complete opposite of Lucas’. Where Lucas had decorated his office a lot like an old library, Rémy’s was…immaculate. Sparse. It was furnished in grays and whites, from the small—tiny, really, too small to actually get any work on—desk in the corner, to the full couch set that dominated the middle of the room. A gleaming, white-wood bar stretched along one wall, eating up space like it was the most important thing in the room.

    It wasn’t what Erika had expected at all and she realized she’d never been in the part of building before. It had never occurred to her to wonder what was on the second floor of Café Chaleur in the first place. If it hadn’t been for Lucas, she probably wouldn’t have come up here.

    I’m also surprised to hear you express such a strong opinion about the menu, Rémy said casually as he moved deeper into his office. He settled onto one of the couches and drew one knee across the cushion. His

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