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Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1
Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1
Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1
Ebook59 pages48 minutes

Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1

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About this ebook

Weird Sex Tales. That's what you got on your hands, now. Little Weird Sex Tales. Not my problem anymore.

Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1 includes:
My Girlfriend's Mother Gave Me A Much-Needed Release
My Daughter's Tiny Little Best Friend Has Practically Been Begging Me To Take Her For A Driving Lesson
Before My Girlfriend And I Were Allowed To Be Alone Together, Her Mother Insisted I Empty My Cock Inside Her Ample Cleavage
Who Am I To Say No When My Super Sexy Health Teacher Really Wants To Practice Her Blowjobs With Me?

Release dateJan 18, 2019
Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1

Byzantine Thomas

Byzantine Thomas is an extraordinary scoundrel with a wicked imagination. He needs to be stopped! Or encouraged in every way. The best way to do this is by showing him your support. And the best way to show him your support is by purchasing his ebooks, specifically from his series The Amazing Mosely Untreu Sex Guide, Eldon And The Sorority House Zombie Apocalypse, Weird Sex Tales, and others. Another great way to show him your support is by leaving reviews. Good ones. But honest ones as well. BT thanks you for your support.Hey you! Would you like to get discounts on Luca Satana and Byzantine Thomas books? All you have to do is go to the Legion Of Filth Website and become a member (only 1 buck a month) and you'll get instant access to tons of coupon codes! Tons of savings! Check it out now!

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    Book preview

    Weird Sex Tales - Byzantine Thomas

    Weird Sex Tales

    4-Pack 1

    Weird Sex Tales Series

    by Byzantine Thomas

    Copyright 2019 Byzantine Thomas

    Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters engaging in any sexual act of any kind in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.



    Weird Sex Tales Intro

    Weird Sex Tales 4-Pack 1

    My Girlfriend's Mother Gave Me A Much-Needed Release

    My Daughter's Tiny Little Best Friend Has Practically Been Begging Me To Take Her For A Driving Lesson

    Before My Girlfriend And I Were Allowed To Be Alone Together, Her Mother Insisted I Empty My Cock Inside Her Ample Cleavage

    Who Am I To Say No When My Super Sexy Health Teacher Really Wants To Practice Her Blowjobs With Me?

    More Legion Of Filth Titles

    Weird Sex Tales


    Weird Sex Tales. That's what you got on your hands, now. Little Weird Sex Tales. Not my problem anymore.

    Weird Sex Tales: 4-Pack 1 includes:

    My Girlfriend's Mother Gave Me A Much-Needed Release

    My Daughter's Tiny Little Best Friend Has Practically Been Begging Me To Take Her For A Driving Lesson

    Before My Girlfriend And I Were Allowed To Be Alone Together, Her Mother Insisted I Empty My Cock Inside Her Ample Cleavage

    Who Am I To Say No When My Super Sexy Health Teacher Really Wants To Practice Her Blowjobs With Me?

    My Girlfriend's Mother Gave Me A Much-Needed Release

    Billy Garrison was a very fine young man. Never one to push. Never one to force anyone's hand. Including his girlfriend Charlotte Feeney.

    Billy was a very handsome and clean cut 18, almost 19-year-old high school senior. His girlfriend was the same. Very beautiful and clean cut, 18, almost 19-years-old. Both had a very good head on their shoulders and specific plans for college and beyond.

    Billy and Charlotte had been dating for almost the whole school year. Many thought of them as the perfect couple. However, things weren't perfect. In fact, things were downright blue. At least for Billy, because Charlotte, as beautiful and sexy as she was, didn't believe in premarital sex. Unfortunately for Billy, Charlotte did believe in premarital making out, heavy, almost to the brink of explosion, making out.

    And tonight was no different.

    Billy and Charlotte were immersed in another marathon session of making out, which involved lots of kissing and nibbling and sucking and caressing, but no actual touching of the cock or the pussy. Clothes remained intact. But thoroughly disheveled.

    In the midst of all this, Charlotte's mother called them down for dinner. They moved slowly and gingerly, mostly Billy, who was barely able to walk, as they hobbled down the stairs to join Charlotte's family at the table.

    Aside from Billy's shooting pains from his beyond blue balls, dinner was very pleasant. Billy believed that Charlotte's family was the closest he was ever gonna find to a 50's TV-type family. Donna Reed or Leave It To Beaver came to mind. Everyone was so nice and cordial and polite. If Billy wasn't smarting so much, he might have joined in a little more on all the pleasant conversation.

    At some point during dinner, the topic of what Billy and Charlotte had planned for tonight came up.

    Movies, Billy said, glancing, almost wincing, over at Charlotte. Right?

    Jurassic Park, Charlotte said and smiled.

    At the mention of Jurassic Park, Charlotte's little brothers nearly leapt out of their chairs with excitement.

    "Do you wanna come

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