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School Reunion
School Reunion
School Reunion
Ebook24 pages22 minutes

School Reunion

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It took three days on the motorcycle for Trevor to reach the school reunion. The only reason to go was to see his high school sweetheart Debbie and show her that he wasn’t shy anymore or the guy who couldn’t perform. In high school, he was overweight, but now he was muscular and tan from construction work. Not in his wildest dreams would he have thought it possible to have Debbie and her two daughters. He also had her mother Doris, who thought he wasn’t good enough for her in high school. She turns out to be the best lover he ever had. Will he go back to his job or stay and enjoy all these women?

Release dateJan 22, 2019
School Reunion

S L Hendrickson

I was born in Rockford, IL. After serving in the Army, I earned a BA Degree in English from the University of Minnesota. I enjoy reading and writing erotic fiction and science fiction. Currently I live and write in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    School Reunion - S L Hendrickson



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    Trevor rode his motorcycle up Main Street and not much had changed since high school. They still rolled up the sidewalks at night. There was one grocery store, drug store, and the movie theater. There was a drive-in outside of town. Debbie his girlfriend all through junior and senior year worked at the concision stand. After she closed it down near the end of the movie, she would come to the car with a box of popcorn for him and all old maids for her. They would make out for a while, but that was all. She was a fantastic kisser. He loved her lips and

    He stopped at the café. It was still just open mornings and for lunch. During senior year they would sneak out during study hall and walk up from school and get hamburger and fries and put money in the juke box. Study hall was designed so kids could get their homework done and not have to do it home. Trevor was one of the weird kids who actually liked doing homework and would do things for extra credit. It was an opportunity to stay in his room and not deal with his father or step-mother. He never thought the marriage would last, and it didn’t just three years. He came back for his father’s funeral and left a forwarding address at the post office which is how Debbie got in contact with him about the twenty-year class union.

    At the only motel in town, he got a room. After taking a shower, he was having second thoughts about the reunion. Debbie and a couple of her friends were the only ones he used to

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