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My NatureFull Journey: Discussion Guide
My NatureFull Journey: Discussion Guide
My NatureFull Journey: Discussion Guide
Ebook29 pages19 minutes

My NatureFull Journey: Discussion Guide

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Grab your NatureFull Devotional and get ready to dive even deeper! The long awaited accompaniment to NatureFull: The 21 Day Devotional by Lauren Juliette Ramos has arrived! Now in addition to 21 days of devotional on God's perspective of health and wellness, now you can supplement your NatureFull Journey with discussion guides for each day of the devotional that you can complete alone for personal introspection, or with a partner, and even in a small group! Have a workout buddy, or a prayer partner? Dive deeper into your relationship with God and with your understanding of yourself in relationship to health and wellness. What are your triggers? How can you maintain your healthy changes and lifestyle choices? Reflect and grow in all this and so much more over 21 days alongside your devotional for the full NatureFull experience.

Now we know... the way we eat, rest, and move can reflect Jesus. You were created in the image of God-His nature reflected in every area of your life, including your health. Wanting to improve your health and wellness should come from a place of loving yourself and the body God handcrafted and gave to you. Let's go on a journey of discovering how our physical health and our spiritual health are intricately laced together, particularly in the eyes of God. Take your NatureFull Journey to the next level with this discussion guide!

Release dateFeb 7, 2019
My NatureFull Journey: Discussion Guide

Lauren Juliette Ramos

Education: MPH, CHES, BA. Author, singer/songwriter. Avid lover of life, coffee and Jesus.

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    My NatureFull Journey - Lauren Juliette Ramos


    For use individually, with a small group or with a partner.

    Day One - Bags of Gold

    SELF WORTH - little secret, the days are in a specific and strategic order by theme!

    1. What are the fears you might be facing in regards to making behavioral changes to improve your health? (Think about those thoughts that come to mind that decrease your motivation to workout or eat well, for example)

    2. On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your self-worth? 1 being I'm really not anything great or special, 5 being I'm pretty much the same as everyone else, and 10 being I'm pretty amazing!

    3. Think about the number you answered on your self-worth scale. What are the thoughts that occur to you that made you select that number?

    Now compare those to what the Bible says God thinks about you. Write down on post its that you can post in places you spend a lot of time, or in your journal that you revisit regularly, the thoughts God has towards you found in His word. (You can start with Jer. 29:11-13, Psalms 139:13, and Jer. 31:3 if you don't know where to look!)

    Day Two - Worthy to be filled of His Nature

    1. The nature of something doesn't denote just what it looks like but what it actually is and is made of… it's essence. Someone's nature is composed of their physical attributes, their character traits, even the way they make you feel when

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