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Hope: Her Dark Past
Hope: Her Dark Past
Hope: Her Dark Past
Ebook22 pages20 minutes

Hope: Her Dark Past

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Avantika has everything she has ever asked for - a loving husband to care for, an adorable child to dot on, a life full of hope...until one day she encounters a stranger and stumbles upon her dark past that threatens to shatter all her hopes once and for all...

PublisherSaurav Somani
Release dateJul 12, 2018
Hope: Her Dark Past

Saurav Somani

Author of Laughing with Life- your delicious soup of success – A book guaranteed to tickle your funny bones and teach you about life! Well, it’s not really about “Me”... Invert the “M” and “Me” becomes “We”! Oh yeah, believe me, it’s actually about Life and World and of People out there...their dreams, their stories so interconnected with you, me, we and everyone! But still...a little about “me”- Although I am a chartered accountant by profession, my passion loves to play with the pen...Nothing, to me, can be more pleasurable than diving into the oceanic chasms of literature, exploring the unfathomable depths of the prose, experiencing the kaleidoscope of emotions, the unbridled surge of sentiments...whoa! The feel of it! My first work – a poetry book, Anthology of poems, was authored and self published in my school days. Literature has been my first love ever since! My articles, witty pieces and short stories have been featured in various journals, forums and newspapers, including the daily English newspaper – The Assam Tribune. So, that’s a little, tidbit about me... And, yeah...I am all ears and eyes to know a lot about you over a cup of tea!

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    Book preview

    Hope - Saurav Somani

    Hope: Her Dark Past

    The Rebels shall rise. A young man, dressed as a civilian, thought as he stopped by the Great Mall situated near the main road in the Guwahati city. He casually glanced at his watch and a wry smile flitted across his lips. The ‘minute’ and the ‘hour’ hands had joined hands symbolizing Namaste, signaling 12-o-clock midnight, welcoming a new day that would sculpt a history, greeting the cause for which he and his comrades had been preparing for so long…

    The main road was deserted except for a few stray dogs and sleeping beggars. Light posts casting a yellow sheen mingled with the pale moonlight. The young man scanned the tall Mall building with a morbid look in his eyes. The Mall was empty. A guard was dozing off in his seat, carefree and untroubled, oblivious to his grim fate that could befell him.

    Fools come to shop here! He swore internally, now they would come to plead for mercy! Twelve hours from now, precisely, their assiduously made plan would begin to blossom into reality; their rebellion would embark on a quest the world would remember for ages…His comrades were all geared up; their wherewithal all set, reconnaissance trips were over; now the Rebels waited for their retaliation, for their revenge…

    The Rebels shall rise. He murmured with fanatic determination.


    Morning…honey… Avantika Hazarika whispered lovingly in her husband’s ear as she sat on the side of the bed.

    Hmmm… Kailash Hazarika mumbled in sleep, pulling the pillow cozily over his face, five minutes more...

    "You can’t miss the gym every

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