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Ladies in Love
Ladies in Love
Ladies in Love
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Ladies in Love

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This collection entitled, Ladies in Love includes:

1. Corn, College & Karter: Two eighteen year old's Co-Eds meet at the beginning of their freshman year, and their lives change direction unexpectedly
2. CURIOUS LEIGH!: Leigh is seduced by her best friend Tasha. The relationship leads to a path of whirlwind sexual adventure.
3. BLACK COFFEE IN BED: Paige is a very successful shop owner, and takes a moment to reminisce about her life style, and her experiences.
5. Addicted to Love: Traci Is a Desperate Drug Addicted Prostitute, Trying Desperately to Earn Money for Her Next Fix. Her Looks Are Fading She Settles for the Dregs of the Earth, Even Lesbians.
6. GOLDEN RINGS is a collection of Christmas themed short stories that are romantic and erotic; The NIGHT VISITOR, CLOSING AT CHRISTMAS EVE, GIFT OF GOLD FOR CHRISTMAS, and CAROL OF THE BELLS
7. An Officer and a Lady: Billie and Lauren Are Naval Officers and Very Much in Love. They Are Also Lesbians
8. Fox Hunt: Anna is an emerging lesbian female. The interlude with her roommate emboldens her to move on to other willing eager ladies
9. Betrayed: Liz Takes Up Weight Training at the Suggestion of Her Lover Alex. Thinking It Would Give Them Something in Common. It Turned Out to Be a Fiasco for Liz.
10. Panacea of Time: Jill and Tami, long time lovers, decide to use a time machine to reverse an operation both of them had when they were infants

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJan 31, 2019
Ladies in Love

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Ladies in Love - Candice Christian

    Ladies in Love

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2019 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Adults Only 18+


    Hans- Georg Gadamer

    Chapter One

    Addicted to Love

    Part One

    I had been unsuccessful at the free clinic today. My need for help was surpassing their desire to provide me with what I needed. I was told, I would need to wait for another day before they could help. No Methadone today for me. So I came to grips with the thought I would have to go to the lane for help. My last visit there had been less than pleasant, but nevertheless in a sense rewarding of sorts.

    Staring down the dark pathway, I began to shiver inside. I was afraid. Scared of moving down that narrow, dimly lit tunnel... I didn't want to be here, looking at it, smelling it, breathing in the aroma of sex, sweat and blood that seemed to ebb like waves from what was known as Lovers Lane. But I needed money more than I needed my dignity. And this was the only place to be if you were young, less than dressed and ready to spread yourself wide for another human being.

    How I ever got to this point in my life is another story entirely, yet it's an unknown story, because I don't quite know how I came to be here, living this life of a hooker on a street corner. I don't even know how the whole sad sorry tale managed to start, all I know is, here I am... Less than dressed and prepared to spread myself wide for another human being. Let's just hope they're not old, perverted, or ugly.

    I guess this is probably where I should introduce myself. I'm Traci Vincent, I'm 19, thin(ish... which means I weigh in about 55 kilograms), my hair is brown, plain and goes halfway down my back and my eyes are blue. Some say I'm pretty, but anyone who has ever said it to my face was probably drunk at the time! Until this point in my life, my attire has been what some refer to as Walmart chic and I'm plain boring. A geek in other words.

    So, leading the life of the biggest nerd in high school history, I don't yet know how I came to be here. My grades were high, my friends low (on average nil) and I never partied or did anything wrong. Or at least, that's the way it used to be. Now that I think about it, the miserable part of my life started when I decided to follow those boys home from the park. I had seen them, harassing a girl and she ran away. They followed her, so I followed them. It all went downhill after that. Those boys were loud, and they were very drunk. They had seen me. I never saw them coming. Some super spy, huh?

    Three boys, one geek. Sounds like a great party huh? All I remember of it though, is that one of them grabbed me and jabbed me with a needle. I don't know what was in it, but I passed out pretty quickly. What happened after that is anyone's guess. Though when I woke up, there was no blood, or pain, so I assumed that they didn't do me any harm other than jab me with their pointy needle (as opposed to jabbing me with pointy man parts).

    Any which way, that I guess is the beginning of the end. Because now I stand here, at the door of Lovers Lane, 19 years old with a heroin habit I can't support and a growing need. If I don't shoot soon, it's going to break me and I can feel it. '


    There is nothing more humiliating than having older men, even drunker older men, look at you, then move on. It makes you wonder if you're really so bad. I'm in hunger for the rush, standing here in the dimly lit Lovers Lane, I also feel humiliated. Twelve men and no customers. Maybe that's how it's going to be. A long hard road to the end of the end. I look like a strung out crack whore, which I am, I seem to attract only the roughest, meanest customers. Men are just brutes, the ones that go with me. Slap me around, call me vile names, then spit on me when they finish their business. I am not a lesbian but I have had a few female clients, and they can be quite vicious, and they enjoy the misery they inflict. I try my best to avoid females. Men are bastards but, they have a single purpose and when then shoot their load, most times they are ready to leave.

    The last time I was down here I had a woman approach me. A women in her mid-thirties. Hard, mean looking woman built more like a teenage boy, with dirty blond hair, and arms covered in tattoos.

    "How much, skank?' She snapped.

    Gathering my self-confidence I looked her in the eyes,A hundred and fifty for oral, and fifty more for each extra. I said

    Once inside, the woman, threw me onto the mattress and began removing her clothing. Tight black jeans, and a pink Atomic Rooster T-shirt. She was wearing only a red thong underneath the jeans. Before she had pulled the jeans off, she pulled a bottle of mineral oil from her hip pocket and threw in on the mattress next to me. I usually don't undress for oral sex, but she indicated that is what she wanted.

    What's your name bitch? she asked.

    Randi, my name is Traci. Short for Teressa.

    Fuck that shit, you are to call me Mistress, and I will call you whatever I want .

    Then,,,, It all happened so quickly I was unable to react. Mistress moved into straddling me so that I was pinned down on my back.

    Hey! Get off of me! I told her.

    It all happened so quickly I was unable to react. When the last of my clothing was removed, she took of the red thong and stood defiantly in front of me. Her sex was shaved smooth, her breasts were like two mosquito bites on her chest. And Mistress moved into straddling me so that I was pinned down on my back. I was

    Hey! Get off of me! I told her.

    Arms pinned, legs trapped, I was helpless. I could only watch impotently as Mistress reached down and adjusted her pussy lips right there in front of me. As she spread her crotch less than a foot from my face, she smiled evilly at me. What the hell had I gotten into to? It was bad enough to be trapped helpless like this, but how could Mistress be so crude. Who knew what she meant to do with me now?

    Mistress, what are you doing? I cried as she carefully scooted forward on my body, taking care to keep my arms pinned.

    As her crotch moved closer and closer to my face, Mistress's hold on my legs bent me into an ever more uncomfortable curl. I was frantic, but helpless as Mistress's shaved crotch moved right over my mouth!

    I know just how to shut you up. A little pussy-smothering ought to do the trick. You'd better take a deep breath, because you're about to be breathing pussy!

    Mistress! Stop this! Don't even think about sittmmmmmmmmppphhhhhh. I was cut off as Mistress sat down on my face!

    My nose was rammed into the front of her mound as it settled heavily over my mouth. I had one last breath of air before she closed off my nose and mouth and filled my lungs with the scent of her crotch. What little struggle I had been putting up ended instantly as I froze in horror at what she was doing to me. Only making it worse was the fact that I could see Mistress's smiling face from my vantage point pinned between her thighs.

    There, that's better. You're nice and quiet now. I think this is it. This is the way I'm going to make you pass out. Mmmmmmm. This feels really nice too.

    Mistress wiggled her hips and actually *giggled* at my plight as she settled herself even harder on my face. I couldn't breathe at all, and I wanted to die from the humiliation I felt. It did surprise me she was not very damp, she wasn't turned on yet for some reason.

    What's wrong Traci? Are you having a little breathing? Don't you just love how it smells?

    She was still smiling down at me as I began to asphyxiate. I got light-headed and dopey, my lungs ached and burned, and all I could think about was the humiliation of having Mistress's *pussy* in my face. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Mistress's evil grin above me. When I came too, Mistress was standing fully nude, and had coated her entire body in the mineral oil. I watched as she worked the lube into her puffy lips.

    This is for your benefit as much as mine, you should thank me. She said sardonically.

    She sat down on the floor above my head with a thump, and then roughly lifted my head up by my hair as she hurried to get in position. Sliding herself forward, Mistress scooted her sex right under my face.

    No! Nooommmmph... I cried as she pulled my face down into her pussy with both hands, pulling my mouth and nose right up against her slit.

    I was disgusted to feel the hot, and worse--wet, sensation of her private parts on my face. Mistress started pumping her hips, smearing her well-oiled pussy all over my face as she held me firmly with both hands in my hair.

    Go on, suck it. Suck my pussy! She ordered.

    My face was becoming slick with the evidence of her obvious arousal as she wiggled and humped her cunt in my face. Pulling my head so that my nose was completely buried in her, she settled in and waited for me to give in.

    Suck it or smother in it. Mistress laughed.

    At this point it didn't take long without air before the blackness came, and I think I surprised us both as I sank into unconsciousness after only a few moments.

    Part Two

    I awoke some interminable time later. As I slowly gathered my wits I began to feel the pounding pain of my headache once more. Vision came only gradually, and sight of my surroundings only brought the memories of what Mistress had done to me back. Now I was laying on my back, my tortured shoulders adding to my pain as my tied hands were pinned under me. Mistress, still naked, appeared in the room just in time to see me stirring.

    Wow, you were really out a long time. How are you feeling?

    My...head hurts. So bad...please go. I stammered so softly that Mistress had to lean closer to here.

    You know, I think all this smothering might not be good for you. I think if I keep smothering you it might even cause brain damage or something.

    Thank goodness. She was finally going to stop.

    So I think you'd better give in now, before we find out. She told me.

    She *was* insane. I couldn't take anymore. I had to make her stop.

    I watched in horror as she quickly moved to me and grabbed my head to hold it upright as she squatted her round ass down onto my face! Just as she got her full weight settled onto my face, her puckered anal opening gliding across my nose, the terrifying fear of suffocating to death was my only thought. I couldn't breath and I was supremely afraid of Mistress now. She didn't even smother me long this time, but that didn't matter. I was broken. In that moment that my face had been squished under her soft ass-cheeks I'd decided I'd do anything she wanted. The moment her ass lifted from my face I began to beg and plead to her.

    I'll do it...I'll do it...I'll lick you...anything.....I'll lick you. I muttered and it Mistress smiled at my submission.

    "You're going to have to do more than just lick me now. She told me, looking back over her shoulder at me.

    No, please...I'll do it...I'll be your slave...please, I'll do anything you want. I begged.

    Almost sitting back down, Mistress lowered her ass until it hovered over my face.

    Show me. Kiss it, kiss my ass. She hissed.

    I barely had the energy to obey her, but I did my best to lift my head and press my lips to the center of her smooth, widely parted, ass-cheeks. I heard her suck in her breath the first time my tongue touched her nether region. I was hers to command, and with this degrading act of capitulation it was now clear to Mistress that she could do whatever she wanted with me. She turned around and sat on my breastbone so that I was looking right up at her exposed sex. Sliding forward until her puffy pussy-lips rested on my chin, Mistress made me watch her pussy's slow approach.

    Now you're going to find out how you show respect to a better woman. You're going to suck my pussy like it's never been sucked before, or it's going to smother you dead. If I don't come in five minutes, the last thing you'll ever see will be my fucking twat! She threatened me.

    It was a threat that motivated me well. In spite of my own disgust and shame I began to do what she wanted. With my first tentative tongue stroke into her already wet slit I almost gagged as the full revolting truth of what she was making me do took hold of me. Mistress was unbelievably wet, her slick slit practically dripping her excitement. I threw myself into the horrible task, thinking that the sooner she came the sooner she'd leave me alone.

     That's it, lick my pussy like a good little girl and maybe I won't have to smother you anymore. Oh yeah Traci, that's it. Just like that, keep that tongue busy in my snatch. She encouraged me.

    Again and again I dipped my tongue inside her folds and mashed it against her clit in an attempt to just please her and make it end. Her moaning rapidly gained speed until she came, crying out and quivering above me. Sighing Mistress sat heavily down onto my mouth, so that my nose only barely remained uncovered. Her pussy was sloppy and wet with a combination of her own ample lubrication and my saliva.

    Now suck my pussy out. Drink my cum. She ordered nastily.

    I was already humiliated beyond belief, but Mistress's vulgar verbal domination almost seemed worse than what she was making me do. With her all but smothering me in her pussy, I had little choice but to obey her. At this point, I was too weak to even think much less try to fight. My vanquisher's foul juices filled my throat as I lay there on my back and drank in her hot secretions

    Mistress wiggled her cunt until it formed an even better seal over my sucking mouth. Suddenly I was filled with a hot bitter new fluid that I realized was Mistress's urine. Before I could even react the powerful flow of her salty brine filled my mouth to overflowing, until I was choking on her piss. I gagged and tried to cough up her disgusting liquids, but she easily held me pinned under her cunt. Stifling her flow of piss as she waited for me to swallow, Mistress giggled at my torment.

    Drink it! Drink my piss. Show me what a good little slave you are. She ordered me.

    Even as she was commanding me to do it I was already choking down that first mouthful to keep from drowning in it. I gagged uncontrollably against her, and she continued to laugh at my plight as she lifted her hairy wet weight off of my face just enough to let me gasp and cough under her.

    I can't believe I made you do that! I never even did that to my sister. That's *so* disgusting. You're my little piss-drinker now. Be a good little toilet-girl and lick me clean.

    I just lay there, gagging and coughing, barely able to think at all. The horror of what Mistress had done had overwhelmed my already befuddled brain. My mind just sort of shutdown. I was barely alert at all while she made me suck her urine soaked muff clean. When she rolled me over and tied my feet and hands together somehow I didn't even understand what she was saying to me. She was talking, but I was gone, my mind retreating to someplace deep inside me. She disappeared, and I quickly passed out.


    I drifted in and out, consciousness coming and going like a fluttering butterfly that I chased but could never quite catch. I'd come slowly to awareness, just long enough to feel the pounding pain of my stupendous headache and to taste her piss on my breath. And then I'd blank out again, drifting off to the peace of unconsciousness.

    At some point I became aware of Mistress's presence when I'd awaken. A few times she was shaking me awake, but each time I'd just black out again before I'd ever even really understand what she was saying to me.

    Gradually I started awakening for longer, with greater awareness as well. As I became able to actually think again, I remembered where I was and why I was laying on this filthy mattress. I expended what little energy I had on sobbing with the humiliation I'd suffered at Mistress's hand. She returned again, and laughed at my tortured crying.

    Oh quit your crying. Or do I have to roll you over and sit on your face some more? Is that it, you're crying because you miss my ass in your face? She asked me, grabbing my shoulder as if to roll me over.

    I was still terribly afraid of her smothering me anymore, absolutely terrified.

    N-no. Please Mistress. I croaked.

    You've already agreed to provide me sex for a price, but I've decided to give you a second chance. We're going to wrestle for the payment, double or nothing. If you win you go home, if you lose you get to be my slave all weekend. She told me as she finished freeing me.

    Wrestle? I could barely lift my head! I was so weak, and the headache made it hard to even think much less fight Mistress.

    No, Mistress. Please. I-I can't.

    Sure you can. I'm starting to worry about you a little though. I think I may have smothered you a little too much before, I was starting to think you were in a coma. But you'll be fine for a quick little fight.

    Mistress please. You win, I can't beat you. Stop this, you win. I begged.

    I can't believe you Traci, I'm offering you a great deal and you have the nerve to try to turn it down. I don't think so. Now get up and fight.

    This isn't fair. I can't beat you. Please Mistress. I plead.

    She just dragged me to my feet. I stood unsteadily, holding out my hands in an attempt to keep her away.

    Alright, let's start first one to smother the other unconscious wins. She told me, and then she was coming at me.

    I tried to fend her off, but I was just too weak. She pushed me around, toying with me for a moment, until I was standing right where she wanted me. Throwing me down on my back and holding my hands trapped, she mounted my face and started pussy-smothering me once more. This time I knew that not only was I smothering in my friend's sex, but my pathetic wiggling under her just seemed to make her laugh.

    Ha ha ha. You're trapped now. You just lay there and sniff my pussy until you pass out Traci. Remember our deal, now you're going to have to be my slave all weekend! She laughed above me as the darkness came again. It had to be at least two hours before I awoke. I was alone, the smell of fresh piss, wet pussy and sweat filled the room. Three one hundred dollar bills were stuffed in my vagina.

    So much for lesbian sex with johns. Never again I vowed at that moment.

    Part Three

    I was jarred out of my horrible reverie by the clip clop of high heels walking along the cobblestone alley. It had been four hours that I waited alone in Lovers Lane, men came and went, and only the bare few even looked at me. But....Then she came.

    She looked classy, dressed to the nines in her leather pants, tight red top lined with black and her thigh high boots. Her hair was what I noticed first. She was perfectly coiffed, with her dark curls piled high on her head. A few curly tendrils escaped, running down her neck, curling around her ears. She was beautiful too. I noticed that second. She looked like an exotic goddess, and she smelled like something that I found totally indescribable. Leather mixed with something else... Something sweet that permeated the air and mingled with that leather scent, it was intoxicating.

    Then she came to me, her lips curled in the faintest hint of a smile. She took my hand. Her skin was smooth. Smoother than anything I've ever felt before. She didn't say a word, only pulled me into the light that fell outside the doorway of the bar she had just exited. She scrutinized me. Then she spoke.

    Name your price... She said, her voice was a lilting, sing-song blend of both English and Irish at the same time and I paused, looking at her.

    Well, I never thought-

    She held up a hand, silencing me. Say nothing then. You will be paid in due... Come with me.

    She wasn't commanding in voice or person, but I obeyed her. Why wouldn't I? This aromatic, singing Goddess who was making my loins itch, woman or not. I realized now what her accent was, she was Russian. She led me to her car, a monster Jeep, with a large open tray in the back. I climbed in beside her and she turned the key in the ignition. I didn't know where we were going, maybe I should have asked, but I could only stare, awestruck at her stunningly featured face. Her high brow, her cheekbones, her nose. Her dark skin was captivating as was her beautiful hair.

    As she drive, she looked at me. I would like for you to help me out. She said.

    I nodded.

    My hair clip, can you please take it out?

    Turning to her, I forced my hands from my lap. My hands shook, I couldn't do it any more than this. I had to go away. This wasn't how it would work. And before I could reach her hair, she stopped the car, reaching for my hand. I swallowed hard, lost in her dark eyes, drowning in their depths. I couldn't escape even if I had wanted to. Yet I didn't. She drew me in. My need for her now overloaded my senses, I didn't crave the rush of the needle as I stared at her, I craved what I knew she could give me. Release from my nervous desire.

    It was dark and the only light came from the moon, as she held my hand in her own. Then she spoke again.

    My name is Sophia. This is my home, here. Of course, you cannot see it, there are no lights. But here, I have bought you.

    I nodded, my eyes only following hers. I am Traci... I said to her.

    Yes, you are. Sophia said. You are beautiful... You make me want...

    I'm not, really I'm not.

    You are more beautiful than you know. She caressed the back of my hand in her own, and I watched her fingers as they touched my skin. I watched her, as she moved her hand, and mine, against her skin. Touch me... she said, releasing my hand.

    I slid my hand against her stomach, feeling the warm material of the shirt that covered her stomach, before I slid my fingers underneath of it, touching her warm, bronzed skin. She closed her eyes, and I slid my hand higher, feeling now the soft delicate skin of her breast. She didn't move and I allowed myself to encase her breast in my hand, touching her skin, feeling the warm bud of her nipple under my fingers.

    With more urgency, I needed to be closer to her, and I removed my seatbelt, turning in the seat to face her. She was even more beautiful in the moonlight and the sight of her dark skinned stomach unsettled me, I was turned on. By another girl. A strange, beautiful, exotic woman.


    What am I doing here? In the dark, with this woman? Am I about to make love to another girl? Something I had vowed never to do again.

    Using my other hand, I touch her stomach again, before running my hand up over her other beautifully formed breast. The nipples grow hard under my touch and I want her even more as I hold her in my hands. Her eyes are still closed and I lean down, kissing her stomach, tasting her warm skin on my lips. That beautiful aroma, it smells better than before. I know what it is.

    .. With both hands, I untie her lacey top, allowing it to fall away from her breasts. She is now naked from the waist up, her eyes closed, her beautiful hair posed on top of her head. Leaning down, I take her nipple in my mouth, teasing it with my tongue, tasting the warmth on my tongue. She stirs now, thrusting her chest out more for me to take and I do, taking her entire nipple, areole area into my mouth, running my tongue over the hard bud, tasting, enjoying.

    In my other hand is her left breast and I flick the nipple in my fingers, teasing the bud until its hard, before taking it into my mouth and holding the other. The cold night air against her now free right nipple urges the bud to hardness in seconds and she encases it in her own hand, moaning aloud. I want to kiss her so badly, but that smell, that intoxicating smell, I want that even more. As I suck her nipple, I slide my other hand down her beautiful stomach, feeling the leather of her pants under my hand, I use my fingers to guide me to her womanly spot. The leather is wet, and I feel it, pressing my fingers harder against her. She jerks in her seat and I move away, watching her as she opens her eyes.

    She looks upset, and I don't know why.

    Are you okay? I ask.

    You make me feel like nothing else I know... she says.No man makes me feel this way...

    I did something wrong, didn't I? No, you do everything so right... You frighten me... You found what I wanted so quickly...

    I can slow down if you want me to... I suggest and she shakes her head, smiling.

    No, please don't. If this takes much longer, I think I might end up orgasming in my own pants... She laughs, self-consciously. You can help me?

    I nod, even more eager than before. I can...

    She grins, then looks down at her pants. That is probably a good thing. I'm not quite sure how to get out of these pants...

    We both laugh, then I climb out of the car, helping her down. Maybe we can try to get them off in the back here.

    She nods, lowering the tailgate. She lays down and I lay next to her, grasping the zipper of her pants in my hands. I am only inches from her stomach, my arms between her legs. With a small jerk, the zip releases and the pungent scent of her sex fills my nose. I inch closer, my anticipation growing with each movement. Together, we hold the top of her pants, tugging them down her legs, slowly and steadily, as they move, the aroma from between her thighs makes me gasp until finally, there is enough space between her thighs for me. Eagerly, I lick her stomach with my tongue, sliding myself down, breathing in that deep smell that I love. I can taste her now, on my tongue. She's wet, and she tastes better than honey. The taste is sweet, like sugar, yet slightly acidic, I don't begin to wonder what the taste is, I only know it is her, and I want it.

    I probe inside of her with my tongue, my hands against her beautiful, flat, bronzed belly, and I listen as she gasps in delight. Slowly, I slide my tongue over her sweet throbbing clit, taking it between my teeth, I suck it and she cries out. I can still taste that sweet yet bitter warmth and I begin to wonder if at some point in the night, Sophia has wet her pants, yet the taste of her drives me to stay. I feel compelled to ask her, but I don't wish to ruin the moment with talking, I want to savor her taste, encase the sound of her voice inside of my mind for the future, even more than that, I want to make her cum, so I can taste it.

    Part Four

    You say you are new to this? Sophia asks me.

    Yes... I mutter, not wishing to speak, my only thought is to slide my tongue deep inside her glistening, wet hole. I want her, need her... I've only ever really had one lesbian experience...

    For a beginner, you make me feel so much...

    Thanks... Can I ask you a question? I ask, rubbing my thumb over her gorgeous, salty clit.

    Anything, Traci... Anything... She moans. Grinning coyly, I lower my face, How does this feel I ask... Before I take her clitoris into my mouth. As I suck her tiny love bud, I slowly insert one finger into her sticky, damp pussy, wiggling it deep inside. She pushes herself down onto my hand and gives out a cry.

    That feels so good... She moans.

    You want more then? I tease.

    Oh, yes, yes I do... Oh please, put your fingers into me...

    Her amazing Russian accent is turning me on, as is the taste of her cunt, the smell of her leather pants and the desire to make her cum. Still sucking her clit, I slide a second finger inside of her and she jerks her ass. I grab it with my other hand, kneading the dark flesh of her tight little backside with my fingers, as I slide a third finger deep inside of her juicy pussy. I wiggle my fingers, lapping idly at the rushes of juices that flow from her, as I wiggle.

    Oh, Traci, you make me want to wet myself... She says.

    I look at her, licking her juices from her hole as I slide in another finger. Haven't you already done that tonight? I ask.

    She looks at me, slightly embarrassed. At some point in the night, I did, yes. I thought it would be all gone... She flushes, scarlet, "Was it not gone?

    I shake my head. Not entirely."

    I have shamed myself... She says, putting one hand on my arm. I have been so very disgusting... You may go if you wish...

    I take her hand in my own, then pull her forward to kiss her. Our tongues mesh as one and she pulls me against her, tasting her own juices on my lips. I pull myself away, kissing her lovely breasts again, and then her stomach as I make my way back down to her pulsating core. My fingers find their target, sliding back into the caves of her body and she leans back, closing her eyes.

    Do you like this? I ask.

    Mmmmm, oh yes.... She murmurs, her eyes closed. Your lips, they taste good...

    Shifting myself, I remove my fingers from inside of her, before sliding those of my other hand deep inside. I reach up to her mouth and she sucks my fingers, one by one, licking her lips. That is yourself that you can taste...

    Do you taste like this? she asks me, wiggling her cute ass, grinding her pussy down hard onto my hand.

    I don't know... I admit.

    She watches me for a moment, and I lower my face to her thighs, licking the juices that have splattered onto her legs. Slowly, I slide my tongue up over her flesh, reaching over her budding clitoris before I slip my tongue inside of her. I take as much of her juices into my mouth as I can, before reaching up again to kiss her. She moans as our tongues slip against each other's, wet with her juices. As we kiss, I hold her close, my hands against the tight flesh of her stomach.

    I can feel the heat coming from her, and she takes my hand, sliding it down over her box. She kisses me with hunger, prompting me with her touch. I probe deep inside of her, sliding my fingers in and out of her warm, wet haven. She is dripping with juices and my fingers slide with unexpected ease. Urgently, she takes my hand, pushing another of my fingers inside of her. I slide all four fingers as deep as I can and she moans, holding my wrist, guiding me, pushing me far inside. I allow my thumb to make its course, following the rest of my fingers into her haven. She throws her head back, screaming, thrusting her body against me.

    Yes, oh my God, Yes! She screams, Touch me, oh touch me...

    Excited by her fervor, I tighten my hand into a fist,

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