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Remnants of Terrene
Remnants of Terrene
Remnants of Terrene
Ebook308 pages4 hours

Remnants of Terrene

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     When a moon-sized asteroid is discovered bearing down on their peaceful planet, the inhabitants that know their planet will be destroyed defy the ruling body and secretly build two ships to get a meager few citizens to the blue planet within their own solar system where they can live and flourish. 

     Today the people of Earth that call them Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti and many other names, strive to prove their existence.  The descendants of that destroyed planet, the Remnants of Terrene, hatch a plan to take one Sasquatch researcher and television personality into their hidden home to teach her of their history.  

PublisherJ.J. Jeffries
Release dateFeb 5, 2019
Remnants of Terrene

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    Remnants of Terrene - J.J. Jeffries


    I would like to thank several people who have helped me out along the way.  First and foremost my wife who listened to my ideas and sometimes would point out a plot hole or inconsistency. 

    To my Beta readers, Aunt Geri, Valeria, and Sam whose opinions and thoughts were so very helpful and your words of encouragement were of great importance to me, thank you! 

    To my sounding board and one of my best friends Tom who can help bring clarity and order to chaos on the page.

    And special thanks to my cousin Chet who created the cover for this novel.  You were able to take an idea and make it solid! 

    Thank you all!


    I would like to dedicate this work to the three most important people in my life, Michelle, Giada and Anthony, without whom I would be nothing. 



    J.J. Jeffries

    Chapter one

    Terrified didn't even begin to describe what she was feeling at the moment.  She just had to run!  All her professional life, she has been obsessed with hard facts and figures, never too impressed with urban legends about Bigfoot, Sasquatch and whatever other names people called the mythical creature.  She wanted to see them, wanted to prove their existence, not just cast impressions that may or may not be that of the elusive creature.  She heard sounds that are supposed to be them all the time during expeditions, but always on the next ridge or in the next valley or just on the other side of the tree line that for all intense purposes could be a human playing at a hoax.  Has she ever gotten a really good look at them?  No, neither in person nor in a grainy, out of focus photo that was supposed to be one of the elusive creatures.  She longs for just such an encounter.  That is the desire that has been driving her for most of her professional life, the opportunity to face a Squatch in person, Mon-O E-Mon-O, or more aptly Mon-O E-Woman-O, so to say!  But this very moment was more than she had ever expected, hoped for or dreamed of.

    The investigation had started out routinely enough with the team coming into the Mount Shasta area due to an almost exponential increase of activity.  They scoped out several areas of recently reported sightings and purported hot spots.  They talked with homeowners in the immediate area and then waited until nightfall, opting for a few hours of sleep before they headed out for the first nights investigation.  As was the normal routine, they split up into two teams; one team went through the valley as the other team took to the wooded tree line.  But the night was quiet.  Very quiet in direct contrast as to what the reports had said.  But they were happily into the investigation even though nothing was heard.  No knocks.  No howls.  No whistles or tree breaking.  It was a veritable Squatch ghost town, but the team was not discouraged in any way.  This is how it goes sometimes.  They would look into the local reports and come tomorrow afternoon, they would have their town hall meeting.  But for now it was late and they just wanted to get out of the woods, into some dry clothes and get some sleep.

    The next morning, with a goodnights sleep behind them, the four checked out the local museum of Squatchery.  Photos, casts, a grainy 1970’s home film of a suspected Bigfoot sighting and several recorded transcripts from the local Indian reservation detailing the activity with a history dating all the way back to before colonial days, all very interesting to the four. 

    Lunch and then to the town hall meeting, which would turn out to be one of the most interesting town-halls they have had to date. 


    There was a good crowd of people sitting patiently in the gallery as the camera crews did what they do, lighting checks, sound checks, camera placements and all that production stuff.  The producers stepped up to address the crowd to go through their greetings and introductions in order to detail what the crowd was to expect when the cameras were rolling, and then they were off.

    The shows four stars strode through the large double doors and took their places at the front of the gathered crowd, asking if there were any eyewitness who have seen or heard, or think they have seen or heard a Bigfoot.  There were a lot of raised hands, but one man stood up without waiting to be called on and had to be told to start over because there was no microphone or camera trained on him as he started telling his story.

    My name is Caleb Schindler and the incident I am about to tell you about happened last night shortly after I got home from work.  I had started chili in the crock-pot that morning so when I got home I threw two bottles of beer in the freezer and went right to the shower.  After my shower, I grabbed a bowl of chili and loaded it up with my favorite condiment, Squatch Sauce, grabbed a beer from the freezer, and went onto my back porch to eat, kick my feet up and relax.  I had been out there for just a few minutes enjoying the night and my dinner when the phone rang.  So, I put my half eaten bowl of ramped up chili on the railing and went inside to answer the phone.  I was only in the house on the phone for maybe a minute, but as I hung up, there was this god awful howl that was so loud with so much pain in it, I thought it was from inside the house.  The walls shook and it was deafening.  It went on for a good ten seconds!  I realized it was coming from outside when the howl was getting lower and lower until it finally stopped.  When I was able to move again, I checked that I didn’t need to take another shower, grabbed my baseball bat and peeked out the back door.  Nothing was out there so I stepped out, went to my bowl and it was empty.  I know I didn’t finish it off myself, but there it was, licked clean.  But that's not what made me mad.  The beer bottle was about twenty feet away on the lawn, empty.  My first thought was that my neighbor was messing with me so I yelled across the yard at him.  Turns out he wasn't even home from work yet." 

    You said pain in the howl, why pain? Marty asked.

    I like my chili really hot, Caleb answered, maybe it was too much for the big guy.

    The team smiled and nodded their understanding.

    So, I went inside to get some more chili, spiced it up again and grabbed my other beer from the freezer all the while I was thinking to myself that I was having a senior moment and that I actually cleaned out my bowl and drank the beer myself.  I came outside again because it was a clear beautiful night when I heard some noises from the tree line.  My property backs up to the reserve and it’s not unusual to get animals in the night coming in to forage, but this sounded big..

    As she watched, she seemed skeptical.  No real surprise. 

    Marty looked at the man.  We usually like to keep the best for last, but this just threw our agenda out the window.  We’re checking out your property when we leave here this afternoon.

    Fine by me, Caleb said with a smile.

    The rest of the meeting was full of stories and eyewitness sightings, but nothing compared to the very first account. 


    The town hall meeting concluded and the four investigators wanted nothing more than to get to Caleb’s house.  It was decided that only two camera men would accompany them to the location.  Once there, Caleb re-enacted again what had happened.  They were up on the back porch and he showed them where he put his bowl down when he went inside to answer the phone.  Clint looked over the railing at the ground. 

    Marty, do you see what I see? Cliff asked pointing.

    Marty came over and looked over the railing.  There in the flower bed, below the railing was an indentation appearing to be a very large footprint.  Clint came around and down the stairs and got closer.  Kneeling at the flowerbeds edge, he said "This is a footprint!  Look at the definition of the toes, the size is almost twenty two inches long!  That's huge!

    Caleb joined them on the ground.  To tell you the truth, I did not see that this morning.  I didn’t think to even look, unless it’s fresh today?  My wife likes to garden and the flower bed looks as if it was just weeded.  Let me make a call, he said as he took out his phone and dialed.  Darla, did you garden along the deck before heading in for your shift?  You did.  Ok, no.  Everything's alright, but the SRO people are here and we found a huge print in the bed at the foot of the deck.  Yeah, ok.  See you soon.  Fresh turned soil. he reported as he hung up his phone and looked at the print again, and then up to Marty.

    This is getting casted.  I have never seen a footprint this large, have you Marty? Clint asked as he took off his backpack and dug inside for plaster and a bottle of water. 

    Marty, too stunned to respond at first just looked at him, his mouth open. 

    Bubba smiled from ear to ear.  Clint, you win the today’s daily prize, you got Marty speechless!  Shut him right up! he said almost laughing.

    Clint mixed the plaster and water and in a short minute he was pouring the plaster into the print while the cameras rolled.  Clint laid the empty water bottle next to the print for a size comparison and took a dozen or so photos before standing. 

    Clint turned and picked up his laptop.  Caleb, now that we have a chance, can you send that video you showed us at the town hall today to my email?  I downloaded a new editing program that plays with visual and non-visual wavelengths of light.  I want to try something. 

    Caleb nodded and sent the file.  It was a large file and took a few minutes to download and as they waited, Clint opened his new software.  Let’s see what this can really do. 

    Once the file finished downloading, Clint loaded it to the program.  Setting the file to loop, he began adjusting the filters as he talked.  What this program does is gives us the opportunity to view different wave lengths of light using different filters.  It works almost like the FLIR but also has several declassified military grade applications you can scroll through that utilize low level starlight and other non-visual wavelengths.  Oh, that's interesting.  See here you have the eye shine.  Wow, it even picks up what looks to me like a blink and a head turn.  Let’s switch filters, nothing to see here, nothing to......oh!  Marty!

    Marty was actually looking over his shoulder and again, his mouth dropped open.  I can't believe what I'm seeing.  Holy Shit!  Is that for real? he asked as he looked to the tree line.

    That’s about as real as it gets brother! Bubba said. 

    Rhonda looked at the laptop, surprise in her eyes.  No way! she exclaimed as she saw the very large, heavily shadowed figure inside the tree line. 

    Bubba turned and headed for the tree line.  Tell me when I get to the right spot Clint.  Let’s do a size comparison.  Stopping at the trees, Bubba turned.

    Clint said Bubba, don't even bother putting up your hands.  With what I can see on the video and you standing there now, you’re about three heads shorter than what was standing there and way smaller in the shoulders.  My God this is a monster!  Caleb, how often do you hear sounds out here?  Clint asked looking over at him.

    I would say that there is some sort of, something, I can’t put an explanation to just about every night.  It seems that there is always something out there.  Sometimes I just get eye shine, sometimes I get a few pebbles or pinecones tossed at the house and sometimes I even get what sounds like two separate people talking in a foreign language.  I even hear knocks and howls from a ways away, but there’s always something.  Caleb said.

    Really? Rhonda commented.  I say we stay here tonight for our first nights investigation, if that's ok with you Caleb. she asked.

    Only if you let me go out with ya'all. he said with a smile.

    It’s your property, you can show us around. Bubba said as he walked back to the group smiling.

    Bubba stopped when he got back to the group.  If what you said is true Clint, what he caught on video is a monster, at least 9 foot tall. 

    Judging by this footprint Bubba, which I think is the largest one I have ever seen, what he caught on film may even be over ten foot tall.  Even though this program is good, it’s still difficult to tell for sure.  Clint stated. 

    Rhonda smiled.  Hopefully we'll catch some sort of activity and not just silence tonight. 

    Bubba held out his hand to Caleb. Let me be the first to welcome you into the elusive eye witness club.  You got yourself a bonafide Squatch on film! he said shaking Calebs’s hand. 

    As was the norm, Bubba, Marty and Rhonda began walking through the yard with their heads down combing the lawn, looking for any other evidence when Bubba suddenly looked up.

    Hey, what was that? he asked as he looked at his shoulder, and then down to the ground.  Guys, I don't think were alone, he said, pointing to a small rock that wasn't there before.

    Rhonda turned at a sound in the far off tree line, but saw nothing.  Are we just imagining things Bubba? she asked.  I heard something rustling the trees but I don't see anything.

    Marty turned to a cameraman.  Who's got eyes on the tree line? he asked.  He really didn't need to ask because both of them turned their cameras when they heard the rustling in the trees.

    They waited and watched for a few more minutes, willing for something to happen or for something to show itself.  But nothing happened.  No squirrel, rabbit or dog emerged from the foliage, and it quieted down quickly. 

    One of the cameramen noticed the noises of the woods had suddenly gone silent, and as he stood, camera focused on the tree line, something happened.  Not something that was able to be caught on film, but something.  From not too far off, a tree cracked and fell, and as the noise from that was quieting down, a howl arose that was so close, they felt it in their bones as it made the hairs on the back of their heads stand up. 

    No one moved.  No one dared breathe.  Everyone was looking towards the tree line, dumbstruck by what they just heard.  In the middle of the day, they get a tree break and a loud howl, this close.  It was too good to be true and they were all shocked, for just a few moments though.

    As one, four investigators, one home owner and two cameramen ran as fast as they could towards the noises.  The howl stopped and when the group stopped, the wildlife had come back to life. 

    Which way do you think Clint? Marty asked.

    I say straight back, maybe to the left and up the slope just a bit.  But it can't be that far!  Caleb, what do you think?  Do you have any trees that would just fall like that?  Clint asked.

    Nope, Caleb said shaking his head.  I walk this hill quite often and I don't know of any trees that are ready to fall.  That shouldn't have happened, at least not naturally. 

    Bubba nodded his head.  The weathers clear, no wind really at all, so the only thing that could have been was a Squatch! 

    Let’s continue on for a few more minutes, see if we can find that tree.  It should be around here somewhere! Rhonda said. 

    They kept walking for a few more minutes, staying on a pretty straight line up the slight slope when they came across it.  The tree had been healthy.  It was easily five inches across, not a sapling but by no means could it be considered old, and it was snapped off a good eight feet up off the ground.  It was so fresh that the sap was oozing out of the fresh wound. 

    Collectively, they all just said Whoooooaaaaa!

    Chapter two

    Nothing was moving in the woods anymore as the small group stood around the tree, looking at it like it was a sight they had never before seen. 

    It was right here, right now!  Can you believe this? Marty asked excitedly. 

    It was something alright. Bubba said.  Look, is that blood? he said pointing. 

    Rhonda squatted next to the snapped trunk, nodding her head.  It looks like blood and here, she said pointing.  I think we have hairs and if my eyes are working right, it looks like there’s follicle’s attached.  We can get a real good DNA sample from this guy.  Who has a Ziploc?

    Three bags were produced, for a good Squacher never leaves home unprepared. 

    She collected the samples and pocketed them.  We can send them off to the lab as soon as we get back to town, but for now, I want to keep going, stated Rhonda.

    We all do Rhonda, but let’s get back to the vehicles and gear up.  If we do this, we do this right, plus it’s just an hour to nightfall.  Let’s make sure all our gear checks out. Marty said.

    Logic was listened to and they headed for the cars.  Their hopes were high that tonight, they would finally find what they were looking for, Sasquatch!


    From upslope and upwind, he watched silently hoping the bait of fresh blood and hair would be taken.  He smiled when he knew that it had been.  The perfect moment for action was now a waiting game.  He stayed still as a monument, shrouded in shadow with a bleeding finger stuck between smiling lips. 


    The normal procedure for this investigation has been tossed right out the window.  Usually after a town hall meeting, they pick a few promising sightings and check out the area’s and hear firsthand descriptions of what happened and why they thought it was a Bigfoot while at the site.  After a day of checking out sightings, one of the team would pick a spot for a solo investigation.  Not so this time.  The four checked out a sighting, and dove directly into a night investigation.  They were all so excited and eager because of the earlier incident that they didn’t think of the shows protocol.  Marty thought as they were gearing up that they could always get back on track with the shows format tomorrow.   

    Nightfall and the team is now so anxious to get into the field they could taste it.  Anticipations were running high as with what happened earlier still fresh in their mind, they knew they would get evidence of some kind, and not just blood and hair. They were all strapped with night vision goggles, a FLIR for each team and completing their gear, wood knockers.  They warmed up their voices for whoops and calls as the sun set agonizingly slow.  They were as ready as they would ever be.  Soon full night was upon them, so they headed out. 


    He watched, he stayed silent, he didn’t move.  They were searching for him but were not onto his exact location yet and he knew it.  He was luring them in, baiting them by first eating the stew and drinking from the bottle last night hoping at first they would show up and find the footprint he left in the soil this very afternoon.  Throwing the rock was to sweeten the chase and he knew that they would react to his perceived warnings.

    The noises that he had made with the tree snap and the calls he had used were to just warn his people within earshot to steer clear of the area because he was going to be doing something bold and unusual, especially in the middle of the day.  The time for extreme measures was almost upon him and he was prepared. 

    The hairless ones left the area and he watched as they made their way down slope to their vehicles.  They seemed to be gearing up for nighttime maneuvers.  That suited him just fine.  He was in top shape and he knew he would blend with the fauna and temperature just fine.  Hunkering down, he waited and watched as the group took their time, waiting for night.  He could smell their excitement for the hunt on the evenings wind, and he especially watched for weapons.  None were evident to his keen eyes, but he kept watching.  Patience was his mantra.


    The gear all checked out and they strapped in.  Final checks were done, extra batteries for the cameras were loaded and beef jerky was in a pocket.  They were ready.  They topped off their canteens in the house and were ready to go.  They divided up the mountain. 

    Clint, what do you say we head back to the tree and make that our jumping off point?  You and Bubba head up the slope, Rhonda, Caleb and I will circle around the lower portions.  Hopefully one team will drive that big guy towards the other.  Let’s make some noise up there and see what happens!  Marty said as they began their trek. 

    Spirits were high and as they moved through the woods, they listened for any sounds that seemed off, a footfall, a loud breath, anything that would indicate another’s presence.  They had the night vision goggles on, cameras were set for low light and F.L.I.R.’s were active.  They spotted plenty of wildlife in the area and comments were made on how a Bigfoot community could survive here as they pointed out edible plants all over the place for the benefit of the cameras.  Mice, Rabbit, and all other sorts of game were evident, just ripe for a Squatch’s habitat. 

    Rhonda to Bubba, Marty is going to do a howl in five.

    Go for it! he responded. 

    Stopping, they folded the wool caps up off their ears.  Marty had one of the best howls in the business due mainly to his lung capacity.  He was good. 

    Done. came over the walkie talkie.

    As was normal, they waited silently, willing for something to respond.  Very faintly, seemingly far off but from Clint and Bubba’s direction issued a single knock.  Mountain top to valley, both parties heard it. 

    Clint keyed the walkie.  Let’s try to lure him in.  I’m going to respond with some woops in five

    Go for it. was the low reply.

    Raising his hand to his mouth, he called, Whoop...Whoop...Whoop

    Almost immediately Bubba pointed down slope, Eye shine!

    Clint turned to where he was pointing but saw nothing, but a small ultra low register whoop came to him.  Bubba, we just got a response. 

    I heard it, but it was far off and nowhere near the eye shine. I think we have more than one in the area. he responded.

    They waited for more, but nothing.  The woods went quiet. 

    Silently waiting for hours while not moving became tedious, Matt called over the walkie talkie I think it’s been too quiet for the last few hours.  Let’s call it a night and start fresh in the morning.  We have a lot of interviews to get through, and I’m hungry.  Caleb says Darla made up some more stew for us. 

    Bubba smiled, Bitchin!


    The next day would be a busy one for the crews.  They had scheduled one on one interview’s at several locations where sightings had occurred, plus they were trying to figure out where the next night’s investigation would take place.

    But for the moment, everyone had a bowl of hot stew, fresh bread and butter with either beer or soda.  Just one camera was rolling in the house for the shows purpose. 

    Rhonda was smiling across the table from Marty. I know it’s my turn for a solo investigation, and if it’s alright with Caleb, I want to do it right here in his backyard.  Upslope a little but I want to be here.

    I’m ok with it. Caleb said.

    "Then it’s settled, Rhonda stays here for her solo investigation, we’ll head out and

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