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short story. Sliver – a bit, a bite, a slice. Life is going smooth for a cute young EMT playing the field, making it all work. Until the swank new doc shows up and unwittingly messes with her flow. W/w lgbt content, but no racy details (in this one). Hint: “No,” she shakes her head, hair dancing in the sun, “people have preferences. Coffee - if you drink it, you have a way.”

PublisherR. Cane
Release dateFeb 1, 2019

R. Cane

Finding the human condition and our antics endlessly fascinating, I tend to write ‘slice of life’ pieces about moments, situations, interactions, personalities – most often with some amount of humor or irony, always with wonder. The subject or subjects are frequently lgbtq, w/w, to the degree it matters, since people are people, stories are stories.

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    Sliver - R. Cane


    by R Cane

    Published by R Cane

    Copyright 2018 R Cane


    Smashwords Edition

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    She must know I can see her - sliver of damp tan skin, an elbow, flash of side nipple, her ass when she turns her back.

    This is the spare bedroom I guess, but still, how could she forget that lying here minding my own business I will see her in the bathroom beyond the slightly open door - wisps of loose hair flying in the breeze as she runs lotioned hands over skin.

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