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Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic: Wicca Healing Magic for Beginners, #2
Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic: Wicca Healing Magic for Beginners, #2
Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic: Wicca Healing Magic for Beginners, #2
Ebook72 pages44 minutes

Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic: Wicca Healing Magic for Beginners, #2

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Become a practicing herbal Spellcaster with the power of Wicca.

The Beginner's Introduction to Wicca Herbal Healing Magick

Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic is the second book in a Wicca spellcasting series for beginners by spiritual new age author Marion Jaide. Whether you are already practicing or curious about understanding Wicca, the secret behind magick, learning how to use herbs or needing a detailed step by step guide to casting spells with herbs, spices and resins, Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic is the book for you.

Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic is organized into three easy sections for your understanding.

An Introduction to Herbal Magick. Learn how herbs are used in spellcasting, how to buy herbs and take the best care of them.

A Beginner's friendly guide to Wicca and spellcasting with herbs, spices and resins. New to Wicca or spellcasting? Learn the basics to get started and the philosophy behind Wicca. Learn how to make homemade incense, build altars and prepare healing herbal teas.

A Step-by-Step guide to casting spells with your herbs and equipment. This section is your book of spells with herbs. Turn your knowledge into practice with the simple step-by-step guide on how to cast spells with your herbs and spellcasting toolkit.

Choose and buy your herbs with ease of mind and begin your Wicca herbal healing practice today.

Get your copy of Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic today.

PublisherMarion Jaide
Release dateFeb 13, 2019
Wicca: Herbal Healing Magic: Wicca Healing Magic for Beginners, #2

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    Book preview

    Wicca - Marion Jaide


    When most people think of witchcraft and spellcasting, one of the first things that comes to mind is a cauldron full of exotic sounding, foul smelling herbs.

    Eye of newt, anyone? How about some hellebore or deadly nightshade? These things just sound magickal. And the iconic witch from stories and folklore is forever associated with herbal remedies, potions, and enchanted ointments and salves. Herbs and magick just seem to go together.

    However, there is a good reason for this association between witches and herbal ingredients. This association has little to nothing to do with noxious potions and bitter tasting brews. But rather, herbs have been used in pagan and Wiccan spellcasting for thousands of years, and there is a massive body of lore and history around using herbs for magick. But, you’ll be glad to hear that herbal spells are some of the easiest and most accessible to learn and to perform. Indeed, you can perform many spells simply with the herbs and equipment you have in your own kitchen. And no special order of adder’s tongue or eye of newt is required.

    If you’re interested in practicing herbal healing magick and have little to no knowledge of Wiccan practice, this book is written just for you. In this book, we’ll learn the principles of Wicca, its relationship with herbs and the importance of setting your spellcasting practice intention. We will get informed on acquiring, preparing and using herbs and the equipment you’ll need so that you can cast your first herbal spells. And in the second section of this book, you will have the chance to cast your own herbal healing spells with everything we’ve learned.

    I’m so excited to be with you on this journey. It’s an honor and joy to let me introduce you to the wonderful world of Wiccan herbal healing magick.

    Wicca and Herbal Magick

    What is Wicca exactly? There are indeed many and long answers to this question, but I feel the best response I can give to this very common question is my own, personal definition of Wicca.

    Wicca is an individual practice based on the unifying principle of nature as deity. In Wicca, Mother Nature and the Universe is one with ‘the divine’ or God as some people might call him or her. Our bodies, the cycles of day and night, the earth we stand on and the air we breathe are all from Nature.

    We are all connected physically and spiritually and are individuals part of a bigger force called nature. This is the central belief of Wicca. And as such, as long as one’s actions follow their belief that nature’s divinity is within all things, they can be a practicing Wiccan. But what does this have to do with herbs and spellcasting?

    Indeed, nature’s force is contained in all things. And her divine energy can be drawn and influenced from one source to another. Vibration, Aura and Energy are all words through the ages, philosophies and frameworks that describe this fantastic relationship between the physical and divine energy. By performing a ritual, with an intention - that is each individual goal when casting a spell - it is possible to influence and manifest energy or intention in the world. This is the essence of Wiccan spellcasting. But in order to achieve these goals, the power of nature needs to be consulted. And this can be done through herbs.

    Herbs are an excellent source of Nature’s energy. They contain the essence of nature. Herbs are born in the earth, are nourished with air, and watered with the lakes and oceans. They are pure expressions of mother nature’s green energy and beauty and capture perfectly the fleeting cycle of life. It is with the power held within herbs, that practicing Wiccans can channel their spellcasting intentions with nature’s energy to manifest real outcomes in the world.

    Practical Reasons to use Herbs in Spellcasting

    There are several reasons why herbs are an ideal material for spellcasting, and are especially suitable for beginning spellcasters.

    Herbs are above all things, easily accessible. Even if you don’t have access to an occult or metaphysical shop, you can easily obtain the most common herbs used in spellcasting simply by visiting your grocery store, farmer’s market, gourmet supermarket, or natural food store. Or perhaps you have a kitchen and enjoy cooking, in which case, you likely have several tried-and-true magickal herbs already in your kitchen cupboard or spice rack! Alternatively, for those

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