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The Unconscious Saboteur
The Unconscious Saboteur
The Unconscious Saboteur
Ebook213 pages2 hours

The Unconscious Saboteur

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Nothing you do will alter your fate when unconscious saboteurs remain opposed to change. Fortunately, there are steps to engage your hidden observer and suddenly your life becomes open to greater growth and the realization of potentials previously unrealized. Cognitive psychologists illustrates hidden obstacles to change residing within the unconscious mind. This handbook reveals how to elicit the mind's RAS encouraging elevated self-esteem, confidence, influence and peace of mind. Handbook displays multiple personality traits and behaviors impacting mental and physical health. Strategies are based upon the writer's research showing self-esteem and alpha leadership traits can be quickly developed. The end results promise greater interpersonal effectiveness and reduced cognitive dissonance, leading to richer and fuller lives and autonomy. The unconscious mind is too powerful to be left out of control. This handbook shows an effective means for reprogramming the mind.

Release dateFeb 9, 2019
The Unconscious Saboteur

Lawrence Peterson

Lawrence Frederick Peterson Ph.D. is a cognitive psychologist, writer and musician. His books range from self help to color books. Please consider his books for reading and adoption. His latest book is How to Become an Alpha Being, involving personality theory for enhanced self esteem. Enjoy.

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    The Unconscious Saboteur - Lawrence Peterson


    How to Become an Alpha Being

    L. F. Peterson Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2019


    As a cognitive psychologist, I have written a self-help handbook for the layperson seeking personal awakening. Although personality traits are relatively fixed from early age, unconscious traits can be modified through feedback. Awareness encourages the expression of ideals. Alpha traits can be learned. Anyone desiring Alpha influence soon realizes greater peace of mind and cooperation from others.

    Roman patrons attended food orgies where great quantities of food and wine were consumed. When completely gorged, patrons visited Vomitoriums outside the orgy to purge their gluttony and return to the festival for more gorging. Adept practitioners at the Vomitoriums assisted patrons with purging the gorged food. At times a feather was employed to tickle the throat. At other times smelling a noxious odor sufficed.


    For difficult patrons, a live mouse was dipped in honey and encouraged to scamper down the patron’s throat. The patron immediately vomited the live mouse along with the gorged meal. The process of purging encouraged a popular maxim suggesting we may swallow many beliefs, but until we digest them, they do not become part of us. I trust you will read this handbook with the intention of digesting the information for enhanced mental health and personal growth.


    This primer puts forth a proclamation for the emancipation of the mind. A profound change awaits the reader leading to extraordinary insight, immense understanding, and remarkable mindfulness. When we observe human behavior, we typically see people as they were, not as they can be. The adage of the child being father of the man illustrates how early conditioning becomes ingrained as unconscious habit. If you desire more influence, habitual memories must be changed.


    Problems with health, concentration, memory, and relationships are easily traced to personality traits ingrained from birth. Unconscious habits are responsible for many of the stress related problems we face as adults. Stress causes high levels of cortisol impairing memory and decreasing brain volume. As you will soon realize, Alpha Beings seek personal growth and illumination by overcoming internal conflict. Self-defeating traits passed on by parents, peers and significant others will soon be revealed for immediate removal.

    Explanations for human personality include astrological birth signs, the supernatural, the size and shape of the head, the human physique, and genetics. This mix includes birth trauma, birth chronology, dreams, and nature versus nurture. In modern terms, personality is understood as a complex pattern of habitual traits, temperaments, emotions, and behaviors adopted from early childhood experiences. Unconscious habits, left unattended, prevent the emergence of Alpha leadership traits.

    The Greek philosopher, Plato, used the analogy of the cave to describe human conditioning. The Myth of the Cave tells of people chained since birth to walls inside a cave. The chained prisoners could see only shadows of reality reflected on walls when objects moved outside the cave opening. Plato goes on to tell how one prisoner breaks free from the chains and achieves freedom outside the cave. Slowly, the renegade realizes the profound implications and realities existing beyond the habitual shadows of conditioned ignorance. So will you.

    The story by Plato illustrates servitude to habitual ways of thinking, feeling, acting and believing. The cave prisoners were conditioned to relate to reality in terms of shadows. Conditioning is a common method employed to train young elephants. The Mahout secures a young elephant to a tree by binding the elephant’s leg with a strong chain. After days of unsuccessful attempts to break free the elephant stops trying. The lesson becomes so ingrained adult elephants can be held in place with a small ornamental chain fitted around their leg. They have been taught a limitation.

    Consider the example of sturgeon who typically eat smaller fish. A glass enclosure filled with small fish was placed inside a sturgeon aquarium. Attempts to eat the smaller fish were blocked by the glass. When the smaller fish were released from the enclosure the sturgeon no longer tried to eat the smaller fish. Like elephants, sturgeon learn limitations. Children also learn limitations through conditional regard. As you will soon see, Alpha personalities overcome past experiences to achieve liberty and self-determination.

    Gandhi saw human potential as the center of a circle without a circumference. Potential is inhibited by fear, anxiety, prejudice and defensiveness. Ego defense mechanisms elicit biological and psychological stressors working against personal growth and health. The central nervous system follows paths of least resistance. Since denial and rationalization require less cognitive energy, they are employed at the expense of free will and personal growth.

    The habitual pattern of repeatedly following the path of least resistance resists change until we become aware of internal traits working against us. As the popular slogan suggests, there is no gain without pain. Plato believed right will always be selected over wrong when the implications of both were understood. The strategic journey into the realm of unconscious habits fosters a cornucopia of valuable treasures contributing to composure, discernment, sovereignty, and confidence. Like a snake shedding its annual skin, eliminating unproductive traits allows newly adopted Alpha traits to emerge.

    The renegade in Plato’s myth escaped the chains of conditioning to realize freedom. Alpha personalities break free from habit to realize influence, respect, and cooperation from meaningful social interactions. Mindfulness is key to reducing stress, fear and anxiety. Alpha Beings are made, not born. A fulfilling journey leading to personal enlightenment and transformation awaits. If you desire greater influence and fulfillment from others, read on.

    Journey to Alpha

    Identifying and eliminating counterproductive traits is essential for personal growth. Alpha Beings achieve influence and cooperation by reprogramming thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs. As a wise teacher once proclaimed, cultivate habits we wish to master us. When habits validate success, confidence and peace of mind are inevitable. The following analogy of the Buddha sculptor provides insight into the Alpha journey.


    An young lad from a humble farming community sidestepped the family tradition and began fashioning Buddha statues from granite cast aside from clearing fields. The granite statues displayed such realism, they defied rational explanation. Many farmers were convinced the lad and his Buddha statues possessed magical qualities. Soon demand for the statues grew throughout the kingdom. Artists of unequal skill became dismayed. Envy reared its ugly head. Artists began insisting the sculptor be shunned for not following the family farming trade. The devious artists conspired with a sympathetic magistrate to demand the sculptor stop making statues. Their hidden agenda became obvious when they insisted the lad divulge the secrets behind his amazing skill. The young Buddha sculptor had no recourse but to come before the magistrate. Imagine greedy artists forming a corolla around the court hoping to purloin the secret from the young lad. When the magistrate demanded the method behind the perfect Buddha statues, the young lad shrugged and stated the secret involved nothing more than chiseling away all granite not conforming to the likeness of Buddha. This was not the secret fellow artists wanted to hear. The lesson is priceless.

    There can be no doubt Alpha Beings are made, not born. Following the wisdom of the Buddha sculptor, removing unproductive thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs provides Alpha efficacy. Awareness to personality traits promises profound insight and personal growth. As Carl Jung suggested, when we look outside, we dream. When we look inside, we awaken. When inspiration and desire for growth merge, Alpha awakening leads to transformation.

    Forest squirrels scamper along branches to hide nuts they find. The behavior is amusing but problematic. Science shows squirrels forget where they hide the nuts. The instinct fails to compliment winter storage. If only squirrels could alter instincts. Fortunately, humans have the ability to change behavior. Human awareness blooms like a beautiful lotus flower reflecting petals of transformation. Feedback to traits encourages positive changes in self-esteem. In reviewing the following traits, learn to identify behaviors causing stress, anxiety and interpersonal conflict. Mindfulness ensures fulfilling Alpha interactions with others. Have fun and enjoy.

    The Control Conspiracy.


    The unconscious mind is far too powerful to be ignored lest weeds entangle it with misguided habits.Thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs are shaped from infancy. Simply put, society attacks early while children are helpless to protest. Consider the famous experiment performed by Watson where a young lad was taught to fear a white rat. Each time the white rat was presented to the boy, the rat was accompanied by a loud noise. The pairing soon led the boy to develop a phobic reaction. Merely seeing a picture of a white rat caused anxiety. Imagine the implications for life and learning.

    Experience creates ingrained personality traits. Productive experiences lead to pleasure. Painful experiences lead to defensive reactions. Because personality traits take refuge in the unconscious, we believe we are exercising free will when we are exercising memories. Consider the example of hysterical blindness. The patient is unable to acknowledge their blindness is a response to a traumatic event. With therapeutic intervention, many patients learn to regain their sight. Remaining blind to personality traits prevents us from growth and happiness.

    Children left alone in a room with toys engaged in normal play. Devious experimenters subsequently entered the room and began playing with the toys in a destructive manner. After the experimenters left the room the children began abusing the toys in a similar fashion as the experimenters. This modeling of behavior shows early examples leave lasting impressions for adults. We become what we experience.

    Anger, denial, prejudice and extremism are examples of faulty social conditioning. As the philosopher, Whitehead, once observed, we cannot step in the same stream twice. Change is inevitable and essential for successful adaptation. We cannot change what we cannot understand. Adopting behaviors suited to current circumstances ensures efficient problem solving. CAT scans reveal we act before we think. Imagine the implications for the early development of personality traits. Unconscious habits frequently run afoul of growth. Mindfulness opens doors for Alpha traits

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