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U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear
U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear
U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear
Ebook70 pages46 minutes

U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear

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The last thing you offer a person dying from spiritual dehydration is a list of complicated directions to some mythical watering hole in another part of the world.

A longwinded book of fiction this is not.

The wellspring you seek is nearer than you think.

If you’re gasping, dive in!
Release dateFeb 25, 2019
U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear

W. L. Sorrell

West Australian Christian author W. L. Sorrell was born in 1959. Growing up in the southern suburbs of Perth, he entered the blue-collar workforce in 1976. Married, with three children, he continues to earn his living in the plumbing and construction industry, mirroring the ‘hands-on’ work ethic of his beloved parents, Heather and John Leslie Sorrell. Inspired by the Gospel, and having experienced first-hand the saving grace of Christ, he established his website mentalflush in 2014 – its sole aim to lead people away from their dispiritedness into the outstretched arms of Jesus. Freely received, and freely given, the collection of teachings, poems, and short stories has seen thousands of people visit the website to rekindle their frame of mind with the truth of who it is we really are. In 2018, his widely read eBook, U TURN TO JESUS was re-published, followed shortly thereafter by U TURN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. Dedicated to his beloved children and grandchildren, U TURN TO OUR FATHER was released in 2020.

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    Book preview

    U Turn to the Holy Spirit - W. L. Sorrell


    Chapter 1

    Worry water

    Try pouring your next cup of coffee from a pot filled with something else.

    Impossible isn’t it?

    No matter how hard you try, you’ll never make it happen. And the reason is simple. A pot only pours what it stores. It may well be a coffee pot, but if it’s not storing coffee, it’s not pouring coffee. End of story!

    The world we all live in is just like a coffee pot, filled with its own everyday blend of beens, seens, and dones. It’s a pot we all drink from using a cup called our mind.

    The mind is a strange cup indeed.

    Unseen, unpredictable and seemingly unable to be held for any length of time, it sits on a shelf somewhere between our ears, trained and stained by whatever the world wants to tip into it.

    It’s a brew we just chug down on the premise that it is what it is, a cocktail which somehow manages to impart an unmistakeable unrest to every nerve ending of the body it swims in!

    Distilled from the fermenting situations, circumstances, and consequences of daily life, using every possible thought, word, and deed ever conceived, the all-inclusive mix of ‘everything human’ offers a distinctly ‘disappointing’ aftertaste.

    Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that every single moment ever lived by every man, woman, and child, up to and including a second ago, is now history?

    It’s all been and gone, done and dusted, or as some would say, water under the bridge.

    But here’s the thing.

    That self-same grey water (warts and all) always seems to drain straight back into the percolating pot of humanity’s melange.

    It’s an endless revolving loop, and guess whose cup it ends up being poured back into every morning?

    Fact: It is the cup from which you drink, which determines what you think.

    So, how’s your headspace travelling at the moment?

    How’s today’s ‘flat’ sitting in your gut?

    Perhaps it’s hard to tell because you’ve swallowed so much flatness over the years that you don’t even taste it anymore? Maybe all the artificial sweeteners you’ve thrown in along the way are helping to disguise the frustration? Or could it be you’ve poured so much futility down your throat lately that you find yourself starting to gag?

    Filled with coffee, a pot will only ever pour coffee. Filled with water, it will only ever pour water. Filled with the ways of the world, it will only ever pour an impalpable sense of incompleteness.

    Need proof?

    Just look in the mirror!

    Yes, a pot only pours what it stores, and the worry water pooling between our ears these days seems to be getting deeper by the minute.

    As the old saying goes, any problem clearly stated, becomes a problem half solved!

    So, what’s the problem?

    Is it just the pot?

    Or could it be that we’ve all been duped into believing that there’s no other drink in town?

    Chapter 2

    A cup with no handle

    Dragged from bed at dawn and thrown back onto the ‘chessboard’, the game resumes. Not exactly sure of where the moves will come from, nonetheless we know they will come. They always do! Every move we make is shadowed. Every move made by others impacting us in ways we can’t foresee.

    The unrest within us surrounds us.

    It’s an edginess which manifests itself in many shades, ranging from the weightless fog of confusion through to the heavy gloom of depression. All bind us, and all blind us.

    So, what can we do?

    Unable to see or think clearly, what can any of us do?

    It’s just another day at the coalface.

    If only there was time to pause, a way of putting some space back between each breath, a way of understanding, a way of emerging from whatever it is that keeps dragging us down. If only we had an opportunity to weigh it all up

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