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It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To
It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To
It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To
Ebook59 pages42 minutes

It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To

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About this ebook

Lesley's birthday party is the event of the season. Beautiful and charming Lesley is willing to make it perfect by getting the handsome Johnny to be her boyfriend. But unfortunately her gorgeous rival Judy stands in her way. Competing for a man they both desire, Judy and Lesley will resolve their old enmity in a furious brawl in which each will mercilessly use every weapon in their power to prevail over the other, woman to woman.

PublisherJulia Vargas
Release dateFeb 20, 2019
It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To

Julia Vargas

Julia Vargas likes martinis, high heels and brawls with babes as hot as her. She writes stories about sexy tough hotties engaged in intense battles against other sexy tough hotties, using fiercely every part of their bodies. And if they have to use every inch of them (including some parts that prudish people would blush just by reading their names), they'll use them. So their stories are full of heated duels in which the babes bump into each other fiercely, and they catfight, fistfight, titfight or sexfight, depending on the tastes and needs of the girls (often all of them).

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    It's My Party And I Fight If I Want To - Julia Vargas

    It's my party and I fight if I want to

    By Julia Vargas

    It's my party and I fight if I want to

    Copyright 2019 Julia Vargas

    Cover by Julia Vargas, Photo by AS Inc.

    Published by Julia Vargas on Smashwords.

    This is a work of fiction that should not be read if you are under 18 years old. It involves adults engaged in sexual acts that include fetishes as sexfights, catfights and titfights. If this type of fiction offends you or it is forbidden in your country, I strongly ask you not to continue reading.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Tell me what did you like of the story, what you would change or just give me a few ideas about what you would like to read writing me at Stay tuned for more stories soon on my Smashwords page!

    It's my party and I fight if I want to

    By Julia Vargas

    It's my party and I fight if I want to

    I had been, I’m not exaggerating, two months preparing my birthday party. Everything had to be perfect, everything was going to be perfect. My parents were going to be on a business trip (they buy companies around the world, refloat them and sell them at an exorbitant price) and let me celebrate it at home. We have a huge house, perfect for parties, but my parents don't usually use it for that. They're so worried about making indecent amounts of money that they forget to spend it.

    Don't let the party get out of hand, Lesley, my father asked me.

    Of course not, Dad! Only a few friends will come, I assured him, putting on my best face like a good girl.

    From time to time, you have to tell a little lie so that everything goes well. My parents stayed calm, and I had a free hand.

    The Saturday of the party was a success from the beginning: everyone wanted to go to the party of the year.

    I'm a pretty popular girl and almost everyone wants to be with me. The girls, because I'm cheerful and generous, and I lend some clothes from my gigantic wardrobe (another advantage of my father being really wealthy).

    The boys because I have long legs, an imposing ass, a flat belly and big tits, and a face with voluptuous lips and blonde mane.

    Plus, I give the best blowjobs in town.

    Naturally, my virtues, and my way of exhibiting them without modesty, have also attracted some enmities between girls who would like to reach my status, or who are envious of my body or popularity.

    But I can live with some enemies.

    Life is like that.

    My parents' mansion was full of people having a great time. There was everything you could ask of a party: a DJ putting on smashes, cute boys, cute girls, a catering, hundreds of bottles of rum and whiskey, cocaine, rooms for those who wanted to make out and the desire to have a good time. I walked around the house like a queen, wearing a Givenchy emerald dress that my mother had given to me, which left me a bare leg up to the top of my thigh and made the guys wonder if I was wearing panties or not. I was spreading smiles and receiving congratulations everywhere. The boys looked at my cleavage with almost no slyness and the girls were as green as my dress due to envy.

    Only one thing was missing for the party to be perfect, and it arrived at half past nine.

    Hello, gorgeous, happy birthday, said a manly voice.

    I turned around and there he was, Johnny. Johnny is 20 years old and the most handsome boy in college. Tall, strong, with a lovely smile and a big, wonderful

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