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Out of this World : Alien Menage Romance
Out of this World : Alien Menage Romance
Out of this World : Alien Menage Romance
Ebook167 pages2 hours

Out of this World : Alien Menage Romance

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About this ebook

Talia was only a child when it was revealed that aliens have been living among the human race for many years, and that they've always been planning a rebellion. She's grown up in the war, and has become a badass, loner fighter because of that.

But life in the middle of the war isn't always easy, and soon she gets captured by the enemy. As she spends time with the people that she's spent her entire life fighting against, she starts to notice a bond building, a common ground, but that quickly turns into something more scandalous, which might just threaten absolutely everything…


Standalone Romance Stories With No Cliffhanger!

PublisherAnna Lewis
Release dateFeb 21, 2019
Out of this World : Alien Menage Romance

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    Out of this World - Anna Lewis

    Out Of This World

    Book 1: The War

    Chapter 1

    Talia was only six years old when the whole world collapsed around her. She might not have been able to remember much of her life before the war, but that was the one day that she didn’t think she would ever forget. It was ingrained so deeply into her memory that it would probably be the last thing that she thought about before she died.

    She was sitting in class, next to her best friend at the time – Bonnie Smith. They were giggling about something, not really concentrating on the lesson, until the teacher’s voice started to change enough to actually drag them out of their little friendship bubble.

    Talia had never particularly liked Mr. Jones – he wasn’t passionate or interesting – and it was ironic that the first time he’d ever sparked any kind of reaction from her was when he was telling her the worst news ever. The news that would change her life forever.

    Everything is about to change, he said, actually sounding passionate for the first time in his entire life, but also completely bizarre too. Everything you ever knew is about to be no more.

    A murmur burst up around the class, and Talia had glanced towards her friend, but Bonnie was so sucked in by their teacher’s words that she didn’t even realize that her eyes were upon her.

    "There has been a plan in place for generations. We have merely been biding our time, waiting for the time to strike. Now, finally, that time is upon us."

    Talia watched in a stunned silence as his skin took on a purplish hue and his face began to change shape. She blinked a few times, trying to make the terrifying image in front of her to finally disappear. This had to be a dream, some kind of nightmare and she needed desperately to wake up. Even though her young mind didn’t fully understand what was going on, it seemed to be able to grasp that she should be afraid. There was a cold terror coursing through her veins and fixing her to the seat.

    What’s happening? she asked out of the side of her mouth, needing some kind of confirmation from Bonnie. What is he doing?

    But as she spun around to look at her friend, to get the reassurance that she so desperately needed, she realized that not only was Bonnie taking on the same look as their teacher, but so were a few of the other members of the class too.

    Talia scooted back in her seat, feeling more frightened than she ever had before, which only got worse as the teacher spoke out again.

    Now this will be too much for your young minds to comprehend, but I will tell you about it anyway. His shape shifted over and over again, until Talia couldn’t keep up. She didn’t understand what he was at all, and that was almost worse than anything else. We have been living among you for a very long time, taking your form. You didn’t ever recognize that there was something different about us. Of course, a few of us have gone rogue, but thankfully human nature is unpredictable enough so that no one realized. Talia didn’t really understand the words, but they stuck firmly in her mind regardless. She could just tell that they would be important and that she needed to remember them to get her through the rest of her life. And now it is time for us to act, to take you down. You might assume that because we have lived among you and we have adopted your ways, that we would have sympathy for you. But we don’t. Nor do we wish to continue living among you as we have been. That was never our end goal. He began walking through the rows of children, focusing on the few remaining humans. I think that you should know our race is far ahead of humans in every way possible. We have skills, talents, and abilities that you wouldn’t believe. It has been torture to hold ourselves back, to act like we are just these boring vessels. You will die at our hands, unless you make the smart choice right now.

    Die?! Her eyes flickered everywhere at that word. She didn’t want to die. Bonnie wouldn’t do that to her would she? They were friends, they shared secrets. But as she glanced over to Bonnie, all she saw was another terrifying beast that wanted her dead too. Everything that she’d ever thought in her life had been a lie, and that was utterly devastating.

    It is a shame for you to die, which is why I want you to join us, work for us, start your life in the right way for the time that the new regime is beginning.

    He looked at every one in turn, waiting for a response. Finally he got one from the youngest lad in the class... Johnny. Can I ask my mommy first?

    No, Mr. Jones shot back firmly. Definitely not!

    Why? Johnny whined, starting to cry. Why are you doing this? Why can’t I see my mommy? I need to know what she says...

    Before he could even get the rest of his sentence out, Mr. Jones obliterated him in a massive flame ball, leaving only ashes behind.

    The same happened to other children, as they began to cry too, finally realizing that this wasn’t a game. Talia was scared and very upset, but her life preservation kicked in and all she wanted to do was survive. She ducked under her desk and curled herself up into a ball while the chaos went on around her.

    People fought, people died, and Talia remained put.

    Just as the weird, shape-shifting people were about to leave, one of them leaned down to face her. For a split second, Talia’s heart raced and her mouth ran dry with fear. The thing cocked its head, looking at her, and just at the moment Talia became convinced that she was going to end up a spot of ash too, the figure zipped away, leaving her completely alone.

    Bonnie – it had to be. Her friend had saved her life. Maybe some of their bond had been true after all...

    Of all the horror that had surrounded her, of all the awful things that came afterwards, Talia would always remember her friend and the fact that she risked herself to let her live.

    Chapter 2

    TALIA WRESTLED THE alien interloper, using her size to knock him down. She clawed at him with her fingers, then punched him with her elbow.

    You’ll die, you scum! she cried. The alien struggled back, but Talia had been in this position before, many times. She was confident.

    Talia was pretty sure that it was her birthday. Somewhere along the line she had lost track of days, but she definitely felt like it could have been. If so, that made her eighteen years old, which she was pretty certain would be the type of birthday that she should have been celebrating with a big party with all of her friends, but of course the world wasn’t like that. Not anymore.

    Now she was spending her days by herself, fighting off aliens, and wondering how different things would be if her life was normal, if the aliens hadn't invaded Earth. She still didn’t fully understand why this race – the Ec’dua, they called themselves – felt the need to take over the planet in such a horrendous fashion, but to be honest she didn’t really care.

    All she did was fight... fight for her survival. Like her fight against this alien, whose neck she now held tightly in her strong, battle-hardened hands, and whose face showed that he was running out of oxygen.

    Okay, so the aliens had proven time and time again that their technology was much better than humans, which meant they had some seriously amazing weapons, but if you could get them one on one, in hand-to-hand combat, they were quite a bit easier to defeat.

    Especially for Talia, who had grown up in the war. She had quickly become a badass fighter, defending herself in the best way that she could.

    When she raced home that dreaded day, when she was only six and the entire world had turned on its feet, she found her mother dead and there was absolutely no sign of her father – that was the day that she’d learned that she was truly alone. She never did discover what had become of her dad. She simply focused on what needed to be done to keep her alive.

    Bonnie had lied to her, betrayed her, and although she had allowed her to live, she still felt like she could no longer trust anyone. She was alone. As time passed, she realized she was going to stay alone. She got used to it.

    It didn’t help that it was really difficult to tell if the shape shifting Ec’dua race were humans or not, when they were playing that role. How could she trust any human, when they might be an alien? The only one she could really trust was herself.

    She felt the life leave the alien’s body.  She’d beaten him. Go to hell, she muttered to herself as the alien melted beneath her. That’s what happened when they died.

    It was frustrating to her to know that the human race could easily win this war, if it wasn’t for their technology... that was the one thing she had no idea how to overcome. Of course it was amazing that the human race had managed to keep on going for so many years. But the war was exhausting, and Talia just wasn’t sure how long they could continue.

    The fight over, Talia slumped onto a nearby rock to rest. But she did not have long. While still catching her breath, she suddenly found herself surrounded... which was the absolute last thing that she needed.

    Ugh, she groaned, getting back up, trying to find it within herself to keep on going.

    Well, well, well, one of the aliens said. He had mostly a stereotypical handsome human guy look about him... all except for his eyes that had the intense blackness that seemed to be their natural look. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?

    What’s that supposed to mean? Talia growled back, not having time for the mind games.

    You... He trawled his eyes up and down her body, making her feel a little vulnerable and exposed. She guessed that he was obviously trying to disarm her emotionally, and she hated to think that it might actually be working. She hadn't built up her thick walls for nothing!

    What? she demanded.

    You really are something else... it’s a shame that you’re human. If you were a shape shifter like us, I would be all over you. I like my women with a little more meat on them.

    Don’t be so disgusting, she yelled angrily, wanting him to get off her back. You’re just doing all this to toy with me. Will you just get on with whatever it is that you have planned?

    You know that you’re outnumbered, right? he drawled at her, a smirk playing on his lips.

    She glanced around, thinking that they obviously didn’t realize how tough she was, and that she would have no trouble taking down all four of them.

    Oh, this isn’t it! The alien laughed loudly and happily. Take a look around.

    Then she glanced up and spotted hundreds of them appearing, as if from every angle.

    What was she going to do now? 

    Chapter 3

    OKAY, SO WHAT DO YOU want from me? Talia asked, trying to keep the wobble out of her voice. What’s the point of all this? She waved her arms around, trying to act like she wasn’t as bothered as she really was. What do you want with me?

    "Oh, I

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