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Colonel Corporal
Colonel Corporal
Colonel Corporal
Ebook46 pages49 minutes

Colonel Corporal

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Corporal Sanderson walked into her new duty station wearing her best. Seeing work needing to be done and idle soldiers, she couldn't help herself. She started issuing orders and surprisingly people started following them. They all knew what needed to be done, they'd just gotten away with not doing it. When the Colonel walked in and saw all this business, and traced it back to Sanderson, he did the best thing for his soldiers and for his stomach. He pinned his rank on her collar and turned her loose. Could she stay out of jail long enough to whip this kitchen into shape? Only time would tell.

PublisherAnna L. Walls
Release dateFeb 23, 2019
Colonel Corporal

Anna L. Walls

I grew up a rancher's daughter hoping to inherit the ranch and run a riding school for city kids. However, my brother bought the ranch from our parents in order to avoid an inheritance tax and I ended up joining the army, marrying my fisherman husband and moving to the wilderness of Alaska where I raised two wonderful boys. One of them gave me an old laptop computer and now I'm a published author. Go figure.

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    Colonel Corporal - Anna L. Walls

    Colonel Corporal

    I stopped outside the cafeteria to make sure I was in order. As the newest person on staff, I wanted to make a good first impression. My boots were spit-shined – no stray drops of mud from the rain outside, not on the cuffs of my pants either – white was such a pain to keep white. My hair was properly up and neat – couldn’t have stray hair flying around in the kitchen.

    I took a deep breath and steeled myself for starting at a new post. This will be my third one since graduating from AIT. There is just no knowing what I was going to find once I walked through that door. The last guy had been a real drill sergeant, but he’d been fair, and not a bad guy once you got to know him, provided you did your job. The guy before that, well, he knew the job well enough, but he just wasn’t a very good leader; he ended up working himself into the hospital.

    I took another deep breath; I was as ready as I would ever be – time to go find the guy in charge here and get put to work. Too bad I was wearing my best, but I suppose it has to be broken in sometime.

    I stepped through the swinging door and the first thing that struck me was the stale grease smell, but breakfast was only just over, and I did just come in from outside where the air had been freshly washed by last night’s rain.

    Sitting at a table were three girls and a guy, and sitting at the end of the service counter were another couple girls; they were eating their breakfast now that all the soldiers were finished and gone. I stopped kinda midway between them and asked, Where can I find the chief?

    He’s in back. You new here? said one of the girls at the counter.

    Just drove in this morning, I said. Haven’t even found a bunk yet.

    The girl who’d spoken nodded. Would you be so kind as to get me a cup of coffee?

    I raised my eyebrows at the request, but okay, I was going back there anyway. These people had probably been going at it since four or five o'clock this morning; they deserved to be able to sit down for a while.

    I headed for the swinging door leading to the kitchen.

    Milk and sugar too, said the girl as I passed.

    Okay so now I figured I was being tested. I was the newbie. I’d be getting all the shit until I stood up for myself and said no. So, it wouldn’t be this time. She could get her own coffee next time.

    In the kitchen, I was very nearly bowled over by the smell of dead barbecue sauce, or maybe it was chili, I couldn’t tell. The place reeked of Jurassic grease, and something had been burned too, at some point. All those delightful aromas were mixed in with hot soapy water.

    Two guys were washing dishes and steam rose from the wash sink and the first rinse sink. At least the wash sink had soapy water in it, though maybe too much soap, judging from the mound of suds, and it looked like the rinse sinks were pretty clear still. I might be able to trust myself to eat here after all, but judging by the smell, someone wasn’t doing their job. Maybe the chief didn’t have a nose. Swimming in this reek all day, it was no wonder.

    I wandered through the kitchen looking for the things I needed: something to put some sugar in, and the sugar – the milk and something to put that in as well. My search was very disturbing. I found where the barbecue sauce, or whatever it was, had died, before I found the milk. It was this vat that looked like a miniature train car where upwards of like a hundred gallons of sauce is poured in, and as

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