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Tales of the Abducted Princess: Adult Romance
Tales of the Abducted Princess: Adult Romance
Tales of the Abducted Princess: Adult Romance
Ebook187 pages3 hours

Tales of the Abducted Princess: Adult Romance

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 Jean is a headstrong nineteen-year-old girl that knows what she wants, and that is to marry Joe the Blacksmith, he keeps saying he is too old for her that he is old enough to be her father. But his age doesn’t worry Jean especially after she had wormed her way into his bed and found out what a good lover he was. Jean finds loads of other men to satisfy her lust as she tells Joe about them just to tease him.


Joe had promised Jean’s father he would bring Jean up as best as he could when he and his wife were handed Jean to them as a baby. Joe’s wife died and Joe struggled to bring Jean up on his own as a travelling blacksmith going from village to village in a caravan, he tried not to fall in love with Jean but he failed all too easily. Joe has a big secret to tell Jean, and he was sure she would hate him when she finds out, and the king would have him hanged for his relationship with Jean.


Tale of the Abducted Princess is an Adult Romance set in England in the 1060s when there was a lot of unrest in England. Jean has been brought up more like a boy as Joe taught her to hunt with the bow and arrow, he taught her so well that she became a huntress. Follow Jean as she hops in and out of bed with the king’s soldiers and discovers a plot to kill a member of the royal family. Will, she catches the two assassins in time and will she forgive Joe.

Release dateMar 11, 2019
Tales of the Abducted Princess: Adult Romance

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    Book preview

    Tales of the Abducted Princess - Allan J. Lewis



    Abel Lazarus had been leading a double life since he found his gift of getting into people’s minds and dreams, which the FBI termed Parapsychology, the study of hypnotism and telepathy. Abel was happy that they had a name for his gift and they called him Joe the Magic Man, a rogue hypnotist as he was known to the FBI. Joe now helps out on difficult cases.

    To Jean Thornton, Abel is known as Joe, her dream lover, as he visits her dreams most nights to take her on an erotic adventure. Jean reads a lot of Historical Romance and Adventure books, and he knew she had been reading a book about Sir Lancelot rescuing a Princess in a story from King Arthur time, so for the last two days, Joe had been thinking up an adventure to take Jean on in her dreams tonight.

    He knew she loved the danger nearly as much as the sex in her dreams. To Jean, it was like living the storybook romance, back in time where her pussy was called a fanny, fucking was shagging and her clit was called her love button. He knew she wouldn’t care what they called it as long as Jean got fucked by loads of lovers with big cocks and she would wake up in the morning feeling happy, thinking it was her oversexed imagination that caused her dreams. Joe was quite happy to let her think that.

    He knew Jean loved the danger in her dreams, like when she was a Soldier’s Wife back in King Henry the VIII’s army, and she was captured by pirates that sold her in the Egyptian slave market. In another dream, she was captured by Indians and was rescued by a handsome Frontiersman.

    Who wouldn’t want to capture Jean? Joe thought. She is beautiful and yet she is so shy that she tries to hide her beauty. Jean’s boyfriend, Steve Bateman, shares her apartment with her and has told her over and over that she should be a movie star, but Jean doesn’t want any of that stardom fuss and is happy working as a waitress in a roadside diner.


    Jean gave a big sigh as her partner, Steve, switched to the sports channel on TV. ‘Oh well, I am off to bed.’ She grabbed her latest book that she was reading. ‘I might try to finish this book tonight; you can stay and watch the sports roundup.’ She said with a hint of sarcasm.

    ‘I’ll turn it over if you want me to?’

    ‘No, I am going to spend a couple of hours reading.’ Jean tapped her book, KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, and smiled at him.

    There was disappointment in Steve’s voice as he knew there would be no sex tonight. ‘You only started that book two nights ago.’ He shook his head. ‘And it’s a kid’s book about King Arthur.’

    ‘It is not a kid’s book, it’s a Medieval Love Story about a Princess that has been kidnapped and held for ransom, and I am sure her knight in shining armor will come and rescue her.’

    ‘Yeah, that’s what I said; it’s a kid’s book.’

    ‘Well, this kid isn’t going to sleep until I finish it.’

    ‘Oh, honey,’ Steve said in a sexy tone, ‘I won’t be long, half an hour at the most.’

    ‘In half an hour, I will be well into this book, so don’t disturb me.’

    Jean wasn’t annoyed with him. They both had to be up early for work and she was sure she wouldn’t miss out on sex because her dream love, Joe, would visit. Jean had no idea how she could come up with such exciting dreams; her bed had come to be like her private time machine. She could be taken anywhere in the world and back in time, present day or in the future. Jean put it down to reading her romance books and wanting to be like the characters in the books.

    Joe couldn’t wait for Jean to go to sleep so he could take her on another sexual adventure, and tonight, he was going to take Jean back to old England in the eleventh century where she would be a nineteen-year-old huntress, hunting prey for the table to eat and boys for her to bed. It was 11:45pm and Joe was lying in his bed. He closed his eyes and thought of Jean, who lived miles apart, and called out to her telepathically, Jean Thornton, my love, it is me, your secret lover, Joe.

    Every night, Jean went to bed hoping her dream lover would visit. And tonight, Jean was fast asleep in bed with Steve, dreaming about her friend in work when Jean heard his voice so clearly. ‘Joe, is that you?’ And Joe easily got her under his hypnotic spell and straight into their adventure as he whispered to her subconscious. ‘That Tom is late. ’Jean soon fell into her new role of a tomboy that Joe had come up with for her as she waited for her new friend, Tom.

    Chapter 1


    England 1060s

    Jean was getting impatient. ‘That Tom better not be late,’ she said quietly to herself as she threw her knife at a tree for practice, ‘and he better shag me tonight if he knows what’s good for him.’ Jean pulled her throwing knife out of the tree and walked back thirty paces and turned to throw it again. ‘I know he is going to say that his father wouldn’t let him go until he finished all his chores. Why do I bother with farmer boys? It will be dark soon and he’ll have to be in before dark.’ Jean heard a twig snap in the woods behind her and she spun around, pulling her other dagger from her belt, and shouted out.

    ‘Tom, if that’s you, you better step out now,’ Jean said in her West English accent as she pulled her throwing knife out of the tree and tossed it in the air before catching it by the blade, ‘or I will pin whoever is there, ears to the tree.’ Jean had her long dagger in her left hand and raised her throwing knife ready to throw.

    ‘Okay, it’s me.’ Tom said as he peeped his head out from behind a tree.

    ‘You could get yourself killed sneaking up behind a girl like that.’ Jean said as she put both her knives back in their sheaths on her belt.

    Tom started to walk towards her. ‘I wasn’t sure if it was a girl or a boy by the way you were throwing that knife.’

    Jean clenched both her fists and put them on her hips, standing with her feet apart in a stance of defiance and spoke in a rough tone. ‘What the bloody hell do you mean, you weren't sure if I was a girl?’

    Tom felt a little braver now she had put her knives away. ‘Well, you dress like a boy.’ Tom nodded to her deerskin breeches.

    ‘I’ll have you know, I hunted the stag down, killed it and skinned it,’ Jean tapped her breeches proudly, ‘and I made these breeches myself out of its hide.’

    ‘Most girls wear a dress or a blouse and skirt, not breeches and a deerskin shirt.’

    Jean laughed, ‘I can take these breeches off just as quick as any village girl can lift her skirt and take her bloomers off.’

    Tom had to laugh. ‘Ha, I bet you can.’ He didn’t know what to make of the vulgar way she spoke, but she was very pretty.

    ‘Well, are we going to stand here arguing, or are you going to take me for a walk?’

    ‘Okay,’ Tom didn’t know if he should hold her hand or not, ‘shall we go down by the river?’

    Jean thumped him on his arm. ‘What, and waste all that time walking when we could go over behind those bushes?’ Jean hiked her thumb to the bushes on the other side of the path, ‘you’ll be saying it’s time to go before you even start kissing me.’

    ‘See what I mean,’ he rubbed his arm where she had hit him, ‘you fight like a boy and cuss like an old man.’

    Jean liked that he spoke back at her, most boys were afraid of her at first. ‘So, you think I am a boy?’

    ‘No, it just doesn’t feel right, I asked you out for a walk and you turn up wearing two knives.’

    ‘One is a dagger,’ Jean let fly with a backhander and caught Tom unexpectedly in the belly, ‘just in case I don’t like the boy I am with.’ Jean added with a smile as she saw him double up. ‘I do like fighting boys, but I’m still a girl.’

    ‘Oh, did you have to hit so hard?’ Tom said as he stepped away from Jean and tried to smile back at her.

    ‘You shouldn’t have made fun of my breeches and shirt,’ Jean spoke in a softer tone, ‘and you had no trouble undoing my shirt last night and feeling my tits, remember?’

    Tom came back to her side. ‘You undid your shirt, not me,’ he gave her a big smile, and he was ready to avoid her next punch, ‘and your tits are a lot bigger than they look in that shirt.’ Tom nodded to her tits. ‘So, I know you are not a boy and your tits felt lovely.’ Tom said, hoping for another feel.

    They arrived at a spot that Jean thought was okay and she stopped. ‘So, you like my tits, but did I kiss you like a girl or a boy?’

    ‘Oh yeah, you were a good kisser too.’

    Before Tom could say any more, Jean put her hand behind his head and pulled him to her and kissed him gently. ‘Did that feel like a girl’s kiss?’

    ‘Oh yeah, that was nice.’

    ‘Some boys have tits like a girl,’ Jean said in a more playful tone, ‘so, what will you do if you put your hand down my breeches to find I have a big hard cock that wants to shag you?’

    Tom had never heard anyone talk like Jean. ‘Jean, you are too pretty to be a boy.’ He couldn’t take his eyes off her tits as Jean started to undo her shirt. ‘But, if you did have a big cock hidden down there, I would run like mad.’

    Jean pulled him down behind the bush onto the grassy spot. ‘And if you’ve got a big cock then I might run like mad too,’ Jean kissed him to give him time to think it over as she half laid on top of him, ‘unless you will be gentle with me, then I won’t run?’

    ‘You definitely don’t talk like any girl I know,’ he put his hand in her shirt and gently cupped her tit, hoping she wouldn’t hit him again, ‘you don’t hold back on your words, do you?’

    ‘No, I don’t know when I will be moving on to the next village or town and I might not see you again.’ Jean gave him another kiss as he played with her nipple. ‘So, have you got a big cock that’s going to frighten me?’

    Tom gave a nervous laugh. ‘Huh, I don’t think anything will frighten you.’ Tom knew she lived with her uncle, Joe, the blacksmith, who had a wagon and they travelled from village to village.

    Jean guessed Tom was only one year older than her, but he was a little shy, and she was more than ready for him. She wasn’t going to waste the second night with just a feel and a kiss. Jean pushed away from the kiss and looked into his eyes, and then with a wicked smile, she looked at the bulge in his breeches. ‘Well, are you going to show me your cock or have I got to hunt for it?’

    Tom gave a nervous sigh. ‘Oh god, I can’t believe you just said that.’

    Jean got on her knees and started to untie his breeches. ‘Do you want to shag or not?’

    Tom more than wanted to but was too scared to make the first move. ‘Yes.’ He said quietly and left her to it.

    Jean stood up, took his boots off and then caught hold of the legs of Tom’s breeches and yanked them off him. She smiled as she looked at his stiff cock. ‘Yes, I do think you want to shag me.’ Jean quickly took her belt off with the two knives on, and then removed the rest of her clothes as she watched the frightened look on Tom’s face disappear as her tits jiggled about.

    Tom didn’t know what to say as Jean stood by his side naked. ‘Oh god, Jean, you are so beautiful.’

    She fell into his arms and kissed him, and as his hand went back to Jean’s tits, she grabbed hold of his cock and said teasingly, ‘Ah, it’s bigger than my cock.’

    Tom didn’t know what was happening as he said, ‘You are not a boy, I just saw you standing by there.’

    Jean rolled over onto her back, pulling Tom with her as she looked up at his handsome face. ‘But, what if my cock wasn’t stiff, and it was hiding from you, don’t you think you should go looking for it?’

    Tom didn’t need another invite as he kissed Jean and his hand slowly made its way down to her mound of hair.

    ‘Aren’t you cold?’He asked.

    Jean relaxed and let Tom’s gentle touch send shivers through her body as he stroked her inner thigh. ‘No, I am not bloody cold.’ Jean gave a sigh and lifted her knees up and opened her legs for him. ‘Oh, Tom, kiss me.’

    Tom took a quick look at her open legs as his hand got closer, and in a shaky voice, he asked, ‘Are you sure about this?’

    Jean just nodded, and her fanny was twitching with excitement as his fingers stroked her wetness. ‘Am I your first girl?’

    Tom was getting used to Jean’s bluntness as his finger entered her wetness. ‘No, but you are the prettiest girl I have kissed.’

    ‘Kissed?’ Jean gave another little moan of pleasure, ‘oh, oh I hope you are going to give me more than a kiss?’

    ‘Well, if you are sure?’ Tom’s cock was throbbing, waiting to take her.

    ‘Yes, I am sure.’

    Tom had to kiss those lovely tits as Jean’s nipples were so erect. ‘Oh, bloody hell; I can’t believe we are doing this.’

    Jean was gasping with pleasure as his tongue played with her nipples. ‘No more talking. I am ready to be shagged.’ Jean knew he was still afraid of her as he slowly got between her legs while he kissed her tits and fingered her. ‘Oh, yes, Tom, take me.’ Jean watched him guide his cock in between her legs, and before he could get any rhythm going, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. ‘Oh, yes.’ Jean knew it would be over for Tom in no time and she hung onto him as he grunted his pleasure. Excitement fluttered in her stomach as he inserted his eager cock, and before he could get going, Jean could feel him coming with a hard thrust and loud grunt. He couldn’t hold back. ‘Oh, Tom, don’t stop.’

    He tried to keep going but was spent as he tried to roll off.

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