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Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40
Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40
Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40
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Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40

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In this next episode of the Action! Series, we catch up with LAPD SWAT Lieutenant William Paul Sharpe; ‘Billy’. Billy’s powerful presence in the series looms large as the forty-nine year old law enforcer once more becomes the center of the story.
Billy and his superstar husband, Alexander Mark Richfield, a young man twenty years the lieutenant’s junior, have once again come to a crossroads in their relationship after Alex’s infidelity while filming his last movie. The two men come to an agreement, one they can both accept.
Meanwhile, former cop turned CEO-Steve Miller’s new husband Tadzio Andresen, continues his transition from a gorgeous male runway model, to a woman, with the full support of his husband.
Mark Antonious Richfield is in heaven with his newborn son, ‘Zak’ and has embraced fatherhood with outstretched arms. His young stud husband, Stan Charles Richfield, gets a movie offer he is struggling to refuse.
Add to this mix of characters you love and hate, is Joe Scarbino. The hot SWAT cop turned model, has one thing on his mind. Mark.
Find out what happens next in this continuing saga about the boys from LA.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateFeb 28, 2019
Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Bad Lieutenant- An Action! Series Book 40 - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019


    Book 40 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019

    ISBN Trade paperback: 978-1795-7157-3-7

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC publication:

    March 2019


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    Chapter 1

    Sipping coffee from a white porcelain cup, LAPD SWAT lieutenant Billy Sharpe gazed out of the window in the ‘nook’ area. He and his superstar actor husband, Alexander Richfield were spending the weekend at Alex’s father’s mansion in Paradise, California; a sprawling estate with a property line that went right up to the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. A massive thirteen-bedroom palace with a stable housing three horses, two pools, one indoor one outdoor, basketball courts, tennis courts, a chef, a manservant, a chauffeur with a stretch limousine…

    The forty-nine year old police lieutenant had invited his nephew Matthew Nolf to spend time here. He and his young LAPD rookie-nephew had yet another thing in common now.

    They had both shot a man on duty.

    Billy had served in the army for decades before becoming a Los Angeles Police Department patrol officer. Two years ago, he had been selected Chief of Police for the Santa Monica department, asked to resigned after an incident involving him breaking the window glass out of a pickup truck owned by a rookie he’d fired, ironically, for being heavy-handed. Now, he was having second thoughts about being back on the front lines, in LAPD SWAT.

    Billy sipped the strong espresso, up early, before the rest of the group that was staying here, so he could relax and think before his workout in the spa’s gym. Behind him, Sierra, their chef, was rolling out dough for homemade bread for their breakfast.

    It was Sunday morning and he needed to head back to Los Angeles with Alex tonight.

    But, as he stared out at the golden rays of the dawn, he had second thoughts.

    Warren, Mark Antonious Richfield’s manservant, approached Billy with a carafe. Can I top you up, Lieutenant?

    Billy held his mug higher for Warren. Thanks.

    No problem. Warren, an older gentleman with thinning hair and a sweet smile, returned the coffee carafe to the warmer.

    Billy gazed at him and Sierra for a moment, smelling the comforting aroma of the strong brew as he held it under his nose.

    The efficient couple had gotten married after meeting while working here for Ewan Gallagher and his husband Dr Jason Phillips; the two men who had originally hired them.

    This house, this mansion, was first built by Mark’s father, Milt Richfield. Then, after he passed, it was Mark’s mother Leslie’s domain. She then, sold it to the two Englishmen, Ewan and Jason, who in turn, sold it back to Mark.

    Billy moved closer to the large glass window that showcased an expansive view of the back of the property. Their new groom, Larry McLeary, was leading the three horses out of the barn to graze in the paddock.

    He sipped the black, dark-roasted coffee, wishing he lived here permanently.

    A soft scuff of a shoe drew Billy’s attention.

    The master of the house approached; Mark Antonious Richfield, the stunning supermodel, previously named The World’s Most Beautiful Man and The Sexiest Man Alive, at least according to the two magazines that had selected him.

    Mark, with his long shoulder-length brown head of hair, his emerald green eyes, and angular jaw and high cheekbones, always made Billy smile.

    He was carrying his newborn son, Isaac ‘Zak’ Milton Richfield, in a pouch. Seeing the top model that way was very strange. Billy had always thought of Mark as a sex object. The baby? That made him more of a dad.

    You’re up early, Lieutenant. Mark’s smile was gorgeous.

    I am. Billy had left his husband sleeping in bed.

    Mark checked the view outside and said, I shan’t be long.

    Are you going riding with Zak? Billy asked, caressing Zak’s back as he was huddled against Mark in the pouch/sling.

    I am. Mark tugged a hot pink knit cap lower on his son’s head. Isaac enjoys it. Mark kissed the little guy’s head. Ta. He left the house through the back door.

    Billy watched Mark walk down the paving stones to the barn.

    As Billy admired Mark’s sexy strut in his tight britches and high-black boots, he thought about Mark’s first born son, Alex.

    Sadly, Alex had come to Mark after eighteen years of not knowing Mark was his dad.

    Sierra asked Billy, Lieutenant? Can I warm a croissant for you while you wait for the others?

    I’m fine, Sierra. Thanks. Billy lingered near the window to watch Mark riding his white Arabian stallion, Piccadilly’s Phantom. Although Mark usually flew across the lush green meadows, when he was with Zak, they walked leisurely, wary of bouncing the newborn around.

    Once Mark vanished from his view, Billy took his coffee with him to the first floor bedrooms, where he, his husband, Mark’s ex-husband, Steven Jay Miller, and his new spouse, Tadzio Andresen, were sleeping.

    Billy entered his and Alex’s bedroom, seeing Alex still asleep.

    Billy gazed at him.

    Alexander was twenty years his junior, and still wild and crazy. Billy wasn’t sure he wanted Alex to change.

    Alex’s cheating, however…

    I’m not one to talk. Billy had recently had his own tryst with Dangereux Cologne’s newest top model.

    One of his fellow SWAT officers, Joe Scarbino, was now a model, taking over for Mark, who wanted to be a dad full time.

    Seeing Alex’s hair as long as it was when he first met him nearly a decade ago, Billy smiled as he held the warm mug to his lips.

    Alex, Alex, Alex

    Their relationship had been impulsive from the start. At the time he first met Alex, Billy was living with a soft-porn star, turned bookstore owner, Angel Loveday. Angel’s son Oliver dated Alex while they were in UCLA’s drama school together.

    Billy may have been unable to steal Mark from his then husband Steve, but, he had stolen Alex from Oliver with ease. Alex has a ‘thing’ for cops, like his dad does.

    Billy set his mug aside and crawled over the bed to his sleeping beauty.

    A soft sigh came from the superstar.

    Alex rolled to his back, his hair a mess from his tossing and turning, his morning erection tenting the sheets.

    At the moment, he and Alex were going through a rough patch in their marriage. Both of them continued to enjoy extramarital affairs. He had used protection. Alex? He had not. But Alex had gotten tested last week at the walk-in clinic, and was lucky. He had not contracted anything…this time.

    Billy squeezed Alex’s hard cock through the bedding.

    Mmm. Alex hummed and spread his legs.

    Billy drew the sheets down and sucked the head of Alex’s cock into his mouth.

    Why’d ya get out of bed? Alex asked, his voice hoarse from his slumber.

    I’m here now. Billy took off his shirt, tossing it on the floor.

    Alex bent his knees and straddled.

    Billy stood from the bed, removed his clothing, and crawled towards Alex. He wrapped his arms around Alex’s thighs, nuzzling into his balls and groin, licking a tattoo of a lieutenant’s badge on Alex’s pelvis with the words, Billy and Forever on it.

    Alex, looking sensual with his cat-like green eyes, said, Fuck me.

    Billy had every intention. He knelt upright and jerked on his cock to get it harder as Alex stretched towards the nightstand to toss Billy lubrication.

    Using the lube, Billy jerked himself with it as he gazed at his movie star husband. He advanced on Alex, aiming his cock between his legs.

    Alex opened up, drawing his knees to his chest.

    Billy glided in and shivered.

    While he made love to his man, Alex jerked on his own cock, staring at Billy.


    His lieutenant.

    Alex adored him. He may cheat, he may screw around with other men while away filming, but, William Paul Sharpe was his true love. From the first time he’d laid eyes on him, Alex knew, Billy would be his.

    The powerful forty-nine year old SWAT lieutenant had a barbed wire tattoo around his biceps with Alex’s name scrolled into it. His eyes were steel blue, and the hair at the lieutenant’s temples was turning gray.

    As Billy increased his penetration and established a lovemaking rhythm, Alex bit his lower lip in ecstasy. Billy Sharpe was by far the most powerful man Alex knew.

    Sure, his father’s new husband Stan was big, but, he didn’t have any of the attitude Billy did.

    Lt Billy Sharpe could be mean.

    But, he could also be your greatest ally.

    If Alex was ever in trouble, this would be the man he’d want backing him up; he was brilliant, tactically trained, and incredibly strong.

    Fuck… Billy closed his eyes and hammered in.

    Alex pulled on his own erection, gazing at Billy’s huge chest, his massive shoulders, six-pack abs, and stunning face. He came, spattering cum all over himself. Ah! Billy! Alex’s body went tense as he continued to ride the waves.

    Billy licked his lips and stared at Alex’s act, then he too, came, grunting, the veins showing in his neck and forearms, as he stilled his hips.

    Alex released the hold he had on his dick and caught his breath.

    Billy pulled out and dropped to his back beside him, recuperating.

    Mmm. Alex nestled against him, feeling Billy’s heat, smelling his masculine scent. He inhaled Billy’s armpit and moaned in delight. I love you.

    I love you too, babydoll. Billy kissed Alex’s hair and relaxed.


    Steve washed his face and brushed his teeth over the bathroom sink. He was wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt, anticipating working out with Billy and Stan in the spa. Maybe running across the meadow if the weather was good enough.

    He gazed into his blue eyes and inspected the hair growing on his jaw. It was Sunday, so he wasn’t going to shave. His mother, Susan Miller, had been staying with them here at the estate.

    Steve’s dad, a former, disgraced, LAPD sergeant, had shot himself in the head last week.

    As Steve thought about his dad being gone, he paused and got lost in his dark pupils inside the ring of blue.

    Memories flooded Steve; everything from the day he and his African America girlfriend, Sonja Knight, were getting coffee and his father accosted them while on duty, in uniform, in a police cruiser and drew down on them; to his dad inferring Mark was a pedophile; to his father calling his new husband, Tadzio, a ‘freak’.

    He was still trying to find his feelings. To let go of the agonizing disappointment.

    Movement in the mirror caught Steve’s eye.

    His gorgeous Swedish runway model, Tadzio Andresen-Miller was awake and scuffed into the bathroom. Tadzio approached the toilet, which opened the top lid automatically.

    Tadzio made a noise of annoyance, pushed the lid down again, and sat on it, like a lady, nudging his cock between his legs.

    Steve tried not to smile or laugh, because Tadzio’s desire to be a natural born woman was nothing to joke about.

    Steve dried his face and spun around to see his lover, his husband. Tadzio’s long blond hair was messy from his sleep. He wore just an oversized T-shirt, one of his, and was adorable.

    You running? Tadzio asked as he finished up.

    Yes. I was going to look for Billy and see if he and Alex want to run before we lift weights.

    Tadzio stood from the toilet and it automatically flushed. They both watched the water swirl.

    Shaking his head as if he thought the automated toilets Jason and Ewan had installed were insane, Tadzio stood at one of the double basins and washed his face. He squeezed toothpaste on his electric toothbrush and stuck it into his mouth.

    Steve stood behind him, rubbing his crotch on Tadzio’s tight bottom. Run with me.

    The toothbrush humming in his mouth, Tadzio nodded.

    Steve patted his butt and left the bathroom, looking for Billy. He peeked into the bedroom next to his and Tadzio’s and found Billy and Alex, both in their workout clothing.

    Cool. Steve leaned on the doorframe.

    Billy tied his laces while seated on a messy bed, and Alex put his hair up in a ponytail. Steve? Can I borrow a cap? Alex asked.

    You bet. Steve returned to his room and found Tadzio also in his spandex leggings, a sweatshirt, and white socks. He took two ball-caps out of the closet, tossed Tadzio one, and brought the other to Alexander.

    Alex took it, putting it on his head, drawing his ponytail out of the back.

    Is Mark coming? Steve asked.

    He’s riding. Billy indicated he was ready. Let me see if Matt wants to come.

    Steve hadn’t considered Billy’s nephew.

    What’s Stan doing? Is he watching Zak or is my mom?

    Zak’s riding with Mark. Billy left the room, and Steve heard him heading to the foyer, ascending the mahogany staircase. Stan, Matt, and Steve’s mom, were staying in bedrooms on the second floor.

    Steve’s mother had come to help with the newborn baby, and, it was a way for her to cope with the grief of Steve’s dad, Dick, killing himself. It got her mind off of it for a week. Maybe that was enough. She was hinting she wanted to go home, back to Los Angeles, back to his sister Laura and her family.

    Steve was giving a home he owned in Bel Air to them, so they could all live together comfortably after Dick’s death.

    Tadzio stood behind Steve, poking his bottom playfully.

    Steve drew him into his arms and waited for Alex.

    Ready? Steve asked.

    Yup. Alex nodded.

    Tadzio rushed to give Alex a good-morning hug, and they hummed and rocked happily.

    Steve smiled at their closeness. Alex and Tadzio. They’d known each other for a decade, ever since the two men starred together in a nighttime cable vampire series, Being Screwed.

    They sprinted down the hallway to the back of the house.

    Steve laughed at their antics, wondering if he should look in on his mom before they ran across the meadows.


    Billy peered into bedrooms as he went.

    He spotted Stan, who was in shorts and a tank top, putting on white socks.

    The big man was only twenty-seven, over twenty years younger than Mark, his new husband. Stan, with his hazel eyes and designer stubble, his tattoos and perfect ten bod, was one of the sweetest men Billy knew.

    No wonder he snagged the Nation’s Top Male Model away from Steve. Stan wanted babies, Steve did not.

    Hey. Stan smiled broadly.

    I’m surprised you didn’t ride with Mark. Billy folded his arms and leaned on the doorframe. He spotted his nephew coming towards him from the hallway.

    Are we running, Uncle Billy? Matt was in shorts and a hoodie sweatshirt, white socks and running shoes, an LAPD ball-cap on his head.

    Yup. Billy backed out of the doorway when Stan approached.

    Answering Billy’s question, Stan said, He wanted to go on his own.

    Billy thought that was odd, but that was Mark- odd.

    Steve’s mom appeared as well, wearing a peach-colored sweater and light green polyester pants, her gray hair tied up in a bun. The typical church-lady with a large silver and turquoise cross hanging around her neck.

    Good morning, Susan. Billy smiled at her.

    Good morning, Lieutenant. She asked Stan, Is Zak with Mark?

    Yes. He took Zak for a morning ride. Stan and Matthew walked to the staircase.

    Billy said to Susan, So, you’re coming back to LA with us this evening?

    Yes. Susan held the rail on her walk down the stairs.

    Billy figured Susan needed to get back to a routine, although how she was going to do that after Dick had killed himself in her backyard while she was out doing an errand, he had no clue.

    But, Paradise was a long way from her church in Pasadena, and maybe Susan needed to be back at work as a bookkeeper in the church, or closer to her daughter and granddaughter.

    The small group made their way to the kitchen’s back door. The scent of cinnamon was coming from the oven, where Sierra had prepared home-baked buns. As the men inhaled it, they moaned in harmony, making the sweet chef laugh.

    The morning light was shining, the air was crisp with frost and glistening on the wet grass while they stretched and got ready for a long run.

    As they jogged the paving stones to the stable, Billy spotted Mark on his white horse.

    Steve paused with Billy to admire the gorgeous model as Mark allowed Piccadilly to leisurely make his way back to the barn.

    Steve said, Mark and Zak, already inseparable.

    Billy was thinking the same thing. Miller? Billy whispered to Steve, Mark needs to be home with Zak, not working with you.

    Steve gave Billy a sideways glance and said, Let’s go. He started running a bridle trail to the base of the mountains and a picturesque waterfall.

    Stan jogged towards Mark, who leaned down to give Stan a kiss from the saddle while holding the delightful bundle of his son in the pouch. Stan joined them once

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