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The Fates
The Fates
The Fates
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

The Fates

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Thor, Prince of Asgard sets off on a quest to save his wife, Sif from certain death as well as to find his father's lost eye.  Accompanied by his uncle, they face a dangerous choice, for the Fates will not give up the eye without a terrible price.

Release dateOct 1, 2017
The Fates

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    The Fates - RK Wheeler

    The Fates

    A Short Story

    Copyright ©2019

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Taken from RK Wheeler’s Epic Fantasy Novel

    Scions of Azazyel

    War in Heaven

    Copyright ©2017

    The Fates

    Through the Bifrost we can fly,

    To find the King’s missing eye

    In the Garden under tree,

    In clear waters said to be

    Flaming sword fell there as well,

    May be useful where giants dwell

    Three blind sisters beneath World Tree,

    Have not eyes but still they see

    One named Was, second Now, and third Shall be

    Heimdall stood next to Thor at the base of the steps leading up to a platform where Odin sat upon a golden throne. A matching throne was notably empty of his wife, Freya. Heimdall called out in an amplified voice announcing each of the party members by name and what realm they were from.

    Great gasps, followed by whispering, were made when Hammerhand, nephew of King Grumblemace, entered the room. No one had seen a dwarf in Asgard for nearly four hundred years! Many of the Highborn and Earthbound immortals had fought alongside then, ‘Prince Hadgrim Grumblemace’ long ago and celebrated their victories together in the mead halls.

    Looks of disbelief followed when Atungitok entered, as the gnomes was but a legend among the Asgardians.

    Atungitok sheepishly walked under the gaze of so many towards the thrones.

    Raphael was called in, and Heimdall listed off titles he had born throughout the ages of the earth, including; ‘God please heal,’ ‘Heavenly Healer’, ‘Angel of Mercy’, ‘Archangel’, and a ‘Son of the Morning.’ Raphael’s shield was strapped to his left arm, and he held the Cadeuseus Wand in his right hand. His armor was polished silver which reflected the images of those he passed as he approached the Thrones of Rokstolar. Raphael carried himself with confidence but also with humility.

    Last, came Gabriel, ‘Commander of the Cherubim’, ‘The Unwavering One’, ‘The Undefeated’, ‘God is my strength’, ‘Archangel’, and ‘A Son of the Morning.’ His great sword was strapped across his back, while his armor glinted in the light.

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