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Nocturnal Academy 20: Universal Magick
Nocturnal Academy 20: Universal Magick
Nocturnal Academy 20: Universal Magick
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Nocturnal Academy 20: Universal Magick

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Alice Dibble and her friends have finally made it to the Nocturnal University, the only Nocturnal Academy that flies high above the Earth and can travel from place to place.

They discover that life at the university isn’t that different, with lessons, new students to meet, and adventures in underground dungeons. But Alice is particularly annoyed that a dark aspect of her past has followed her. Will she ever escape the legacy of Unlucky Alice?

Then Mt Takameetu, a nearby Pacific island volcano located at a nexus of leylines, erupts with explosive force. A deadly Magickal effect spreads across the entire planet.

Only the Nocturnal University is spared.

Once again it falls to Alice and her friends to find out what happened, and travel to Mt Takameetu to save the supernaturals still trapped there.

But something else is brewing in that volcano, something dark and evil and more powerful than anything that has ever set foot on Earth before.

Release dateFeb 28, 2019
Nocturnal Academy 20: Universal Magick

Ethan Somerville

Ethan Somerville is a prolific Australian author with over 20 books published, and many more to come. These novels cover many different genres, including romance, historical, children's and young adult fiction. However Ethan's favourite genres have always been science fiction and fantasy. Ethan has also collaborated with other Australian authors and artists, including Max Kenny, Emma Daniels, Anthony Newton, Colin Forest, Tanya Nicholls and Carter Rydyr.

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    Book preview

    Nocturnal Academy 20 - Ethan Somerville

    Nocturnal Academy 20

    Universal Magick


    Ethan Somerville


    * * * *


    Storm Publishing on Smashwords

    Nocturnal Academy 20 – Universal Magick

    Copyright © 2019 by Ethan Somerville

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

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    Chapter 1

    Despite all the adventures she’d had, Alice Dibble had never actually been to the Nocturnal University before. Even when the giant floating college had appeared at the Australian Nocturnal Academy, after the demon invasion at the Old Cider Factory, she had not actually gotten around to visiting it. She’d wanted to, but at the time was far too focussed on the mission into the Immaterium to fight Necronis the Unmaker. Her big brother Malcolm and his girlfriend Kim had always come down to see her.

    So now, as she entered the great, draughty entrance hall from the teleportation chamber, she could only stop and stare in amazement, struck dumb by the enormous, ancient elegance of the place; its many fluted columns, high, vaulted ceiling, statues and austere paintings of deans from centuries gone by. A cold wind moaned like the ghosts of those old deans were still haunting the place.

    The tall, black-haired vampire was still gawking when someone ran hard into her back and nearly knocked her flying.

    "Ouch! You’re blocking the way, Alice!’

    Alice turned to glare at the tall, burly werewolf standing behind her. He was rubbing his nose. Toby, can’t a girl stop and admire the scenery for a few seconds? she snapped.

    Hey, I was admiring it too, retorted sandy-haired Toby Thompson as he straightened and brushed down his faded, too-small Metallica shirt, but I didn’t have to stop to do so. I can walk and look at the same time!

    A shame you can’t walk and think! quipped a tall, well-built young woman with masses of thick red hair as she sashayed through the door.

    Toby pulled a face at her. Carla, that wasn’t very nice. I don’t pick on any of your negative features.

    Carla Hightower, a tall, well-built weretiger, planted her hands on her hips and gave a brilliant smile. "That’s because I don’t have any negative features!"

    A fourth person came hurrying from the teleportation room, a small, slender young man with long blonde hair that kept falling in his eyes. He gave the room a cursory glance and then focussed on the others. Why is everyone just standing around staring like a bunch of … how do you Aussies put it? ‘Stunned mullets’?

    Alice decided to stop and sight-see, holding everything up! complained Toby, whose nose was still smarting from where he’d slammed into her. We’ve only got a few minutes before orientation starts. Let’s find our designated areas, okay? He gestured across the mosaic floor. It had been divided into sections with glowing lines, each clearly marked with a different faculty.

    You’ve seen one huge, draughty entrance hall, you’ve seen them all, said the blonde boy, whose name was Andre Sauvage. He was an omniwere and Alice’s fiancé. They had both agreed they would marry as soon as they had completed their degrees.

    Alice, Toby, Carla and Andre shuffled away from the doorway into the middle of the room as other students from the Australian Nocturnal Academy began to file out after them. This year the Nocturnal University had taken a record number of students from that previously disreputable school. But the Australian Academy had recently been the target of numerous of high-level demon incursions, forcing its students to master a lot of skills in a hurry. Most of its weres and even a vampire had achieved adept status and thus qualified for the University’s elite Tooth and Claw and Werefighting programs. At the end of these gruelling, four-year courses, they would graduate as fully qualified warriors.

    After that, if they so wished, they could continue their studies into more esoteric areas to become masters.

    Toby Thompson had made it into this course, as had Carla Hightower, Jamie Bell, Jing Bing Ai, Lucinda Little and a number of others. But as they headed off to their marked-off area they were followed by the one vampire, the very first vampire to ever receive a full Tooth and Claw scholarship.

    Her name was Millicent Jorgenson, and she appeared incongruous in amongst all the burly weres as they gathered in the Tooth and Claw space. She was tall and slender, the same build as Alice, with long, white-blonde hair she now wore pulled back in a tight braid. As weres from other schools began file in and assemble, more than a few disparaging glances were cast in her direction. They were obviously wondered why such a spindly creature was with the Tooth and Claws, or T&Cs as they would be designated. Eventually she had to pop out two sets of formidable black talons to show them that she was, indeed, in the right place.

    After that the disparaging glares lessened. But they didn’t fade completely. One tall, muscular werewolf girl kept staring at her with her long fangs bared.

    Alice and Andre, along with more academic students like Nancy Gordon, James Adamson and Amala Poudel, made their way to different areas designated by their faculty. Even though others at their school had done quite well at Arcane Arts, only Alice and Andre had actually made it into the prestigious School of Magick. Both students already knew spells up to Fifth Circle, and could easily receive bachelor degrees already. In fact, they could even qualify for master degrees. If they were lucky, by the end of the year they would both be Masters of Magick, and if Alice succeeded, she would have the honour of becoming the youngest Master of Magick ever.

    She was so excited by the thought that she couldn’t stop hopping from one foot to another, quite unlike her usual quiet, elegant self. Even Andre kept glancing at her in concern.

    Around them gathered the other students who would be taking Magick with them; mainly grim, austere vampires from more prestigious academies, whose lineages were so long they could fill entire books. A few glanced curiously at Alice, obviously wondering who she was and why they had never seen her around. She certainly resembled one of the ancients, with her height, long black hair, and pale, flawless skin. Her lacy black gown shifted around her body as though alive – a simple enchantment she had learnt from the late, great Madam Nocturna.

    Only one vampire actually gave her a disdainful glare.

    However the slender blonde Andre received considerably more disparaging looks. The vampires knew, as soon as they squinted at him to determine his aspect, that he wasn’t a vampire but a were.

    What kind of a were knew Magick?

    Of course, these snobs didn’t realise that the Nocturnal University already boasted a number of were mages, including the wererat and werebadger currently ascending the stage at the far end of the room. They accompanied the big tree spirit dean and the other faculty heads. They all wore their long robes and mortarboards, appearing quite academic and impressive, although the dean of Tooth and Claw, Professor Hiroku Watanabe, looked about to burst out of his outfit. Even in his full human form he was enormous, although no-one could tell what kind of a were he really was.

    By now the great entrance was packed with students, and not quite so cold and draughty anymore. They continued to come through the portal, but Dean Von Stumpf was a very busy tree and determined to start on time. He clapped his huge, gnarly hands and cleared his throat, his voice enhanced by a simple spell so it would reach everyone.

    Welcome one and all to the Nocturnal University! he boomed, the largest and most prestigious of all the Nocturnal Academies! To have made it here means you must have worked very, very hard and I applaud your efforts. My name is Dean Stefan Von Stumpf, and these are the various faculty heads. But before I introduce them I would like to give you a brief rundown about this elite establishment and its extremely interesting history. He began the story behind the university, founded during Roman times by the ancient vampire mage, Adamus Nocturnus.

    Alice wondered idly if he was one of Madam Nocturna’s illustrious ancestors.

    Due to its extreme age, this school is riddled with ancient tunnels and long-forgotten classrooms and lecture halls. The ground teams with wildlife, some naturally occurring, the rest specimens that have escaped from laboratories over the years and gone wild. Recent efforts have been made to uncover and secure these mysteries but I suggest you don’t venture into any out-of-bounds areas. Students are still getting lost in the passages, sometimes for days. He paused and cleared his throat. And now, as promised, here are your faculty heads. He started with the most prestigious of all, the new Dean of Magick, Professor Nigel Ashe. Professor Ashe is replacing Professor Fenwycke, who retired suddenly at the end of last year. Do not let Professor Ashe’s appearance fool you. He is eminently qualified for the position. He has undertaken numerous missions into the very depths of the Immaterium, to the Moon and to the Hollow Earth, and he has fought demons, dark gods and alien invaders. He has learnt Magick from all the schools and some of the world’s most powerful mages, and is even a highly qualified scientist and technomancer.

    The small, slightly hunched wererat stepped forward and lifted his mortarboard with one clawed paw. He gave a smile, showing his pointy front teeth. Almost immediately the whispers started, and the vampire who’d given Alice the evil eye folded his arms in disdain. A wererat is the new Professor of Magick? he scoffed, a little too loudly. Is this some sort of joke?

    Morlaine, shush! another vampire hissed at him.

    But Morlaine refused to be mollified, and continued to snort. Alice glanced at him. What a tool-bag, she thought darkly.

    Morlaine noticed the direction of her stare, and shot her a filthy look. Alice jumped, wondering why he was so hostile. He didn’t know her, did he? She had certainly never seen that pretentious twit before in her life!

    But there was something familiar about him. Tall and arrogant, with long dark hair falling impeccably from a centre part, a spotless velvet suit and lacy cravat … no – they all look like that, Alice realised. I must have just imagined the Déjà vu.

    "Because Professor Ashe is now our new Dean of Magick, the previous position he occupied, Dean of Technomancy, is now going to be filled by Doctor – or should I say Professor Doctor – Muriel Primus."

    The tall, well-built niece of the late Madam Nocturna stepped forward, her thick, curly brown hair shifting restlessly around her head and shoulders like Alice’s gown. Only her hair did that naturally. She smiled and lifted her mortarboard.

    Dean Von Stumpf continued, providing Dr Primus’ qualifications. Then he named all the other deans and their various accomplishments. Professor Watanabe was not only a full Tooth and Claw Master, but also a Werefighting Master, and a black belt in several human combat styles. He could fight with various weapons and even knew Magick to Fourth Circle. He stepped forward, almost two and a half metres of rippling muscle with short black hair cut close to his big round skull, and glared down at his new students, clearly unimpressed with the selection. Those who felt they had excelled at their various schools shrank down into their collars. Had they been in their animal forms, they would have crouched and tucked their tails between their legs. A few might even have peed themselves.

    Only Milly remained standing straight. But she made sure to keep her gaze respectfully lowered.

    At the end Dean Von Stumpf introduced the enormous werebadger, who was currently in his half-human form, towering over everyone except Professor Watanabe. And this is Captain Horatio Butterworth, out chief of police. He is both a Tooth and Claw Master and a Seventh Circle mage. He and his elite squad of ferrets are here to keep us all safe.

    Captain Butterworth bared his teeth in what he thought was a friendly smile. It wasn’t.

    And now the introductions are over, I will deliver you all into the more than capable hands of your various deans, who will take you to your faculties and show you around.

    And with that the first-year undergrads went their separate ways. Alice tried to catch a glimpse of Toby and Carla as they followed their massive dean, but lost them in the seething crowds.

    This is it! declared Andre with a nervous smile. We’re not little school kids anymore – we’re uni students!

    You’re three years older than me, Alice told him dryly. You haven’t been a little kid for a while now.

    Andre giggled. Fair enough.

    As they started moving, the tall vampire man, Morlaine, shoved past them, pushing Alice and nearly knocking Andre flying.

    Sacre bleu! cried Andre.

    Watch it you big stupid fop! Alice shouted. Why don’t you loosen your corset a little?

    Morlaine turned, glaring at them. A look of pure hatred crossed his noble features. Alice baulked. If looks could kill, she thought darkly. I don’t stop for no-name colonials! he growled, and spun on his heel, the hem of his frock coat flying out.

    "What the hell was that all about?" exclaimed Alice.

    Oh, he’s just one of those snotty Swiss Academy vamps who hates weres. Andre flipped a hand. I wouldn’t worry about him.

    Yeah, but that stink-eye was directed at me, not you!

    Are you sure? Everyone’s looking at me like I’m in the wrong place!

    Positive, Alice growled. I’ve been paranoid long enough to realise when I’m at the receiving end of someone’s hatred. Unlucky Alice strikes again.

    Andre wasn’t sure how to respond to that, and for a few minutes they followed the general crowd in moody silence.

    Professor Ashe escorted his group from the great entry hall and into the main body of the Nocturnal University. Although the huge floating island was over a kilometre long, by almost a kilometre wide and nearly half a kilometre high at the back, the place was so built up that only a few main roads were completely exposed to the air. Most twisted and wound down through the buildings, sometimes disappearing for many metres beneath the ground.

    Ashe led his Magick students up steep stairs, worn smooth by generations of shoes, feet and paws, down narrow cobble-stoned alleys, through tunnels where the surrounding buildings met overhead and the lights only worked every other day, and once through the tightly-packed roots of an old-growth forest. His voice enhanced by a spell so everyone could hear it, the new Magick Professor kept up an entertaining narrative along the way, pointing out interesting features. His path made its way steadily uphill, for the Faculty of Magick was located at the very rear of the facility.

    When the university was first created, the Faculty of Magick, as the Nocturnal University’s oldest department, was located at the centre of the island, Ashe explained. "But as the college grew and developed, the faculty soon disappeared beneath newer departments, like the Faculty of Chemistry.

    Now this annoyed the mages, who believed they deserved better. But nothing changed until the day a demon-possessed specimen escaped from one of the Magick labs and rampaged into a nearby chemistry lab. It caused no end of trouble before it could be neutralised, smashing vials and mixing dangerous chemicals, unleashing noxious gas-clouds and starting a fire that ended up burning down half the building!

    Ashe had a gruff, no-nonsense tone, but there was something engaging about him. Alice and Andre knew him from earlier adventures and already liked him, though he tended to smell a bit and sometimes groomed himself at inopportune moments. But other students were also soon snickering at the Professor’s interesting and amusing descriptions. Only the snooty Morlaine remained completely unmoved.

    The Faculty of Magick was quickly relocated above the History Department, which contained nothing more dangerous than dusty old texts and equally dusty old academics, Ashe continued as he led everyone out onto a narrow, rickety old balcony where they could see the Nocturnal University in its entirety. And over the years, as it grew, this department extended down the back of this facility, and deep into the ground underneath.

    Everyone stopped and gasped at the view in amazement, even the surly Swiss Academy vampires. Morlaine pressed himself against a wall and Alice suppressed a smile. Even snotty vampires could get vertigo.

    Professor Ashe proceeded to point out the various sights. See that massive, multi-dimensional sculpture in the middle? Looking like the departments of art and architecture had a big fight they couldn’t resolve? That’s the library. I suggest you don’t go in there until after I assign you your third-year mentors. They’ll show you how to navigate without getting a nosebleed.

    There were more titters. Alice nodded in agreement. Just looking at that thing, with its many weird angles defying the laws of physics, was giving her a headache. She was reminded of the astral version of the Nocturnal Academy.

    Over there, perched near the very edge of the starboard side, is the relatively new Faculty of Technomancy, which until recently I headed, said Ashe. "And over there are the rest of the science faculties … biology is far below us, directly beneath the History Department … that tall, rickety tower that looks like it’s about to fall over is the Department of Literature… that huge, gnarly tree that looks like it has been made from several other trees twisted together, with small apartments nestling within its branches, is the Arboretum. It’s a popular vegan restaurant and unfortunately rather expensive hotel. The revolving restaurant on top of the engineering block is called Cloud 9, over there is Burleigh House, for students of more limited means, and that makeshift thing, which looks about to slide off the side of

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