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Hearth, Holly, & Honor: Zulu Spectre
Hearth, Holly, & Honor: Zulu Spectre
Hearth, Holly, & Honor: Zulu Spectre
Ebook265 pages4 hours

Hearth, Holly, & Honor: Zulu Spectre

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About this ebook

A collection of three Christmas stories involving members of Zulu Spectre.
BELIEVE -- Trystan "Mayhem" Blade and Ivy Wallace. Can they find love in the snowy town of Starpoint, Vermont?
ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU -- Rance "Quint" MacLean and Dana MacLean. Will these two, having been driven apart by death, be able to reunite this Christmas?
THE STAR CAROL -- Jacob "Bam Bam" Tracey and Astreah Sims. A few nights of unbridled passion, a connection which was deeper than either believed, and a blessing which would bring them together for all time.

Release dateJun 19, 2016
Hearth, Holly, & Honor: Zulu Spectre

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is a USA Today Bestselling Author who’s an avid reader and never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is happily married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi. She spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. If you would like to be kept abreast of what's going on in the world of Aliyah, please join her newsletter: and/or cozy newsletter: Other places to find her on social media are: Amazon Author Page - Book Bub - Goodreads - Website - Facebook -  Facebook Author Page - Pinterest - Twitter - Instagram -

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    Hearth, Holly, & Honor - Aliyah Burke

    Hearth, Holly, & Honor





    Sensual Romance Publishing

    Hearth, Holly, & Honor

    Copyright © 2013 by Sensual Romance Publishing

    The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows:

    BELIEVE Copyright © first released 2009 by Aliyah Burke

    ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU Copyright © first released 2010 by Aliyah Burke

    THE STAR CAROL Copyright © first released 2011 by Aliyah Burke

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. The unauthorized replication or allocation of any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing is an international crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Border Patrol, Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by up to five years in federal prison, a fine of $250,000 per reported instance, and seizure of computers.

    This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

    Editor: Jessica Bimberg

    Cover Artist: MMJ Designs

    ISBN: SNSRMC0000002

    Vellum flower icon Created with Vellum



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    All I Want For Christmas is You

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    The Star Carol

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    About the Author

    Additional Books by Aliyah Burke:




    In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

    ~Janos Arnay

    Tristan Hallan Blade sighed heavily, took the final drag off his cigarette, and flicked it toward the ground. As it hissed from contact with the snow, he blew out a thin stream of smoke into the frigid air. Brushing his hands off on jean-clad legs, he opened the door to his truck and slid into the warm vehicle. With a groan, he shifted into gear and got back on the road.

    Five years is a long time to be away from home. Rounding the final corner, he smiled as his gaze landed upon his hometown. The picturesque northern New England town of Starpoint, Vermont, was decked out for the holidays and covered by a pristine blanket of snow. It was early Sunday morning , the sun barely peeking up over the horizon, and his was the only vehicle on the road.

    It’s grown some.

    But not much. Tristan drove down Main and smiled when he saw lights on inside Mama Ruth’s, the town’s main diner. Parking his truck, Tristan got out and headed for the door. His nose was assaulted with the scent of freshly baked muffins and biscuits the moment he made it through the door. Without breaking his stride, Tristan moved to the counter and sat on a vinyl topped stool.

    Be right out, hon. I’m running a bit… Ruth’s voice trailed off when she stepped through the swinging door, a bag in hand. Tristan, she said affectionately with a warm smile. Well, this is a surprise. And what a pleasant one. Welcome home.

    Thanks, Ruth. It’s been a while. He leaned over the counter, kissed her cheek, and gave her a hug.

    She set the bag beside him and placed a hand along the side of his face. Too long. Have you gone home? Ruth moved to get him some coffee.

    Not yet. Just got in, and you’re my first stop.

    The door opened, and he turned when Ruth said, There you are, dear. Wondered where you were.

    Tristan’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the woman at the door, currently removing the snow off her boots. Her smooth mocha skin flushed with cold. A knitted cap rested up on a mass of black whorls. A smile curved up her full lips, making him think seductive thoughts.

    Morning, Miz Ruth, she said in a velvety soft voice.

    He gripped his hand into a fist so not to reach out and caress her. Tristan wanted her to look at him. Wanted her eyes focused on him. He stared unabashedly as she walked to the counter and reached for the bag, her body moving with some near invisible stiffness but no less enticing.

    Ivy, this here is Tristan Blade. He was born and raised here but hasn’t been home in a few years. Tristan, meet Ivy.

    Ivy? Why didn’t Ruth supply her last name to me? A pleasure, he said, stretching out a hand to her.

    Nice to meet you, she responded, shaking his hand and releasing it immediately.

    Tristan got the feeling she only shook his hand because he initiated it. Not because she wished to make his acquaintance. He realized he was faced with a woman who kept to herself a lot. Tristan sat there and watched her pay Ruth and give the older lady a kind smile. She turned around and left without giving him a second glance. The moment the door closed behind her, Tristan spun on the stool and met the observant eyes of Ruth Wiggins.

    You just leave her alone, Tristan, Ruth commanded, shaking a finger at him. She don’t need you messing up her life just to turn around and leave for another undisclosed number of years.

    He took a sip of his coffee and held the assessing blue gaze of Ruth. Is she married? And why didn’t you give me her last name?

    A frown marred her face. If you’re looking for a holiday fling, Tristan, stick to your usual taste. I’m sure Sable would be more than happy to be that for you.

    Drinking more coffee, Tristan remained silent. What is it about this woman that makes Ruth so protective? I’m not that kind of guy anymore, Ruth. Yeah, good job, Tristan. Lie to her about how quickly your thoughts dropped to the bedroom the moment you laid eyes on Ivy.

    I mean it, Tristan. Ivy doesn’t need that.

    Tell me about her.

    Ruth’s gaze narrowed. Nothing to tell. Now, go home and see your father.

    Tristan drained the rest of his drink and stood. He dropped some money on the counter and headed for the door. I’ll see you later.

    She nodded and sighed. Of course. Now, go on.

    Yes, ma’am. He opened the door and stopped, looking back at her. It’s good to see you again, Mom.

    Ruth just waved and turned her attention back to the task before her. Getting ready for the morning rush. Tristan left, knowing they’d have a longer reunion later at her place. It was odd for him to have his parents living in the same town and yet divorced. But neither of them had wanted to leave; they just avoided one another. Ruth wasn’t his biological mother but she was the only one he knew.

    He started his truck and headed off towards his father’s house. As he drove by the gas station, he swore the second his gaze landed upon Ivy. She was outside snow blowing the sidewalks. Tristan turned in, pulled up to a gas tank, and jumped out to fill up. He leaned against the side of his truck as the pump did its job and watched Ivy. She still had a slight limp, but she moved the snow blower with the ease of someone who’d done so many times before. He couldn’t understand his immediate attraction to her.

    Women were merely a distraction to him which he used when he wanted one. Aside from his mother and Jacey Blackjack Thompson, a woman he worked with, he really had no use for them. But Ivy was different. Perhaps it’s the way she didn’t give me the time of day that has me so intrigued with her. Tristan looked again and watched her disappear into the building.

    He grabbed his receipt from the pump and drove up to the door before getting out. Striding in through the door, he moved toward the candy aisle while his gaze honed in on Ivy. She stood behind the counter, stocking cigarettes. Grabbing two packs of gum, he headed for where she was and placed his items there.

    This all? she asked, her voice just as soft as before. He searched for an accent but couldn’t pick up on anything which would identify from where she hailed.

    Tristan stared into her deep brown eyes and said, I’ll take a pack of Red’s, too, please.

    She ran her gaze over him, observing something only she could see. Honestly, it was a bit unnerving. Without a word, Ivy reached up and pulled down the pack he’d asked for. She wasn’t very talkative while she rang him up. Professional and yet distant.

    See you around, he said with a smile, grabbing his items.

    Have a nice day.

    The moment the phrase was out, Tristan knew her attention had moved from him to something else. While he wasn’t a vain man, he figured he’d at least get a second look. Hell, a first look even. Ivy had barely glanced at him the two times he’d been in her presence. Back in his truck, Tristan popped a piece of gum in his mouth and backed out of the parking spot. Ivy was on his mind the entire drive to his dad’s house.


    Ivy shook until long after Tristan Blade left her presence. It had taken an inordinate amount of control not to show him how being near him affected her. Never before had a man made her feel such things, especially at a first meeting. But this man… Tristan Blade with his powerful body, sexy stubble, shoulder-length dark brunet hair, and thickly lashed blue eyes that belonged in a bedroom, along with a deep voice that seemed infused with sexual innuendo had accomplished precisely that very thing.

    Licking her lips, she readjusted her stance and got back to work. Tristan Blade was not what she needed. Still, a few hours later, after the morning rush had subsided and she was nearing the end of her shift, Ivy found her thoughts back on that very man. She looked up and smiled at Matt when he entered.

    Hey, Matt, she said.

    Hey, Ivy. How was it? he asked as he moved to the computer to log in.

    Same ole, same ole. I brought you two muffins from Ruth’s; they’re in the back in the fridge.

    He sent her a grateful smile. Thank you. I can’t start my day without them, and we all know, by this time of day, she’s out of them. Matt slipped out from behind the counter and headed toward the back. Be right back, he said over his shoulder.

    The second he was out of sight, she allowed the grimace to fill her expression. Wearily, Ivy rubbed the heel of her palm against her left thigh. I need to get home and get off this leg. By the time Matt made it back up front with his muffins warmed and on a paper plate, there was no trace of the pain on her face. It didn’t take her long to count out her drawer and fill out the required paperwork.

    Okay, Matt, she said, sliding on her coat. I’m outta here. Have a great day.

    Will do. Be careful out there.

    With a wave over her shoulder, Ivy walked outside into the cold winter air. The chill bit at her, but Ivy was well prepared and had dressed for it. Shoving her hands fully into her pockets, she turned and began her trek home. The wind swirled around her, bringing with it more snow, but she just tucked her head and kept going.

    Some days, a car would be nice. She continued moving down Main Street, waving to people who called to her. The closer she got to her house, the more extreme the pain in her leg became. Letting herself in, Ivy breathed deeply as the warmth from her home surrounded her. Soon, she was lying back in her tub as the jets did their work on her leg. It didn’t matter that her skin began to prune, Ivy never got out until the pain was nothing more than a dull ache.

    I think I need to take Ruth up on the snowmobile.

    Ivy moved slowly, getting out of the tub and wrapped herself in a thick terrycloth robe. She walked to her bedroom and sat on the hope chest at the end of the bed. Rubbing the back of her neck, she sighed before getting up and reaching for her lotion. Before long, she wore a tattered sweatshirt and some warm sweats as she began making herself some food. While it cooked, she picked up the phone and called Mama Ruth’s.

    Mama Ruth’s.

    Hello, Miz Ruth, it’s Ivy. Sorry to bother you at work but I was wondering if that offer of the snowmobile was still there.

    Hi, dear. Of course it is. Are you home now?

    Yes, ma’am.

    Her huff was blatant across the line. Don’t tell me you walked again. A short pause. Never mind. I tell you what, I’ll have it over there this evening for you.

    I can walk over and pick it up. Just let me know when you’ll be home.

    Nonsense. Are you home for the rest of the day?

    Yes, ma’am. I have some work to do around here.

    Good. It’ll be there in a while.

    Thank you, Miz Ruth.

    My pleasure, dear. I’ll talk to you later. Ruth hung up, and Ivy did the same on her end.

    She ate a quiet meal then sat in her spare room and picked up her brush. Ivy worked until the soft chime of her doorbell sounded through the house. Standing, she walked to the door and pulled it open. The cold air combined with the visual presented before her stole her breath.

    Tristan Blade.

    Lifting her chin, Ivy held his gaze. She fought back a shudder as his eyes dropped and scanned her body.

    Ruth sent me over with a snowmobile for you.

    Her eyes widened, and she peered around him and saw one in front of the porch. Oh…I…come on in.

    She stepped back and inhaled sharply as he moved past her. Ivy shut the door and bit back a whimper as the smell of crisp outdoors, snow, and something totally masculine filled her senses. Longing grew within the pit of her belly, and she ground her teeth forcing it away.

    Thank you, he said in a deep pitch which made her toes curl in her socks.

    I didn’t expect…um…it here so soon. She worried her lower lip and tried to think of something to say.

    She said to get it here as soon as possible, that you were out walking in this weather. He arched a brow. Where’s your car? I can take a look at it if you need.

    I don’t drive.

    Those damnable bedroom eyes of his narrowed. Don’t tell me you’ve been walking from here to the gas station.

    She shrugged and cocked her head to the side. I fail to see how that’s any of your business. But if you can give me a second, I’ll take you back on the snowmobile.

    Ivy walked passed him without looking back and headed to her room, where in no time she threw on some more outdoor appropriate clothing. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she made sure it contained no emotion, no sign of the strain and stiffness her leg still felt. Her walls were firmly in place when she returned to the front of the small house. Tristan stood where she’d left him, hands shoved in his pockets, looking extremely relaxed and comfortable in her home. Ivy wasn’t sure what to make of that.

    His gaze peered intently at her, and she fought back a shiver. He sees too much. Reaching for her coat, she slid it on and opened the door. Tristan was silent as his strong body followed her back out into the cold air. Night approached quickly, and in the fading light, she stared at the snowmobile, waiting for Tristan to say something.

    You do know how to operate one of these, right? he asked, his question a low rumble of warmth in her ear.

    More of that heat spiraled through her. Ivy purposefully put weight on her weaker leg, knowing the sharp shaft of pain to follow would deter those lustful and wandering thoughts. Without looking at him, she said, Yes. But since I don’t know where you live I assumed you’d want to drive.

    Climb on. I don’t have any problem letting a woman drive.

    So much sexual innuendo infused his voice, Ivy felt her knees shake. Swallowing hard, she moved around to the right side of the sleek machine and lifted her left leg over, knowing this was the only way to do so without her leg giving out on her. She’d overworked it today, and it screamed in agony. The moment she settled upon the seat, his large body materialized behind her. Oh my. This isn’t gonna be good. A sentiment which only increased the moment his arms settled about her waist, and he slid even closer to her.

    Ready? she asked.

    Oh yeah, he purred in her ear.

    Starting the engine, Ivy turned them around and headed down her driveway. Pausing at the end, she waited.

    Something wrong? he asked in a low voice which made the cold of the night slip away.

    Waiting for directions, she muttered, fighting the urge to lean back against him even more.

    Left, he said.

    The ride was done in silence except for his directions which, despite the wind rushing past them, were spoken in a low spine-tingling tone. When Ruth’s house on the outskirts of town came into view, she sighed. You could have just said you needed to get back to Ruth’s.

    What fun would that have been? Besides, I’m not staying here; I just have my truck here.

    Ivy maneuvered up to the side of his older model truck and let the engine idle. Thank you for taking the time to bring this to me. She turned her head toward him when his heat left her back.

    Tristan stared down at her, his blue eyes framed by those thick lashes, giving him a sleepy sensual look. It didn’t matter; she still felt exposed to his sharp gaze. His eyes narrowed briefly before a grin curved up one side of his mouth. I’ll be seeing you, Ivy. The statement was simple and yet laced with nothing less than an iron-clad promise.

    Ivy blinked and revved the engine before pulling away and heading home without a look back, even though for the entire trip Tristan was in her mind’s

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