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Marv Gosh
Marv Gosh
Marv Gosh
Ebook60 pages1 hour

Marv Gosh

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About this ebook

Simon Elsha is a 26-year-old boy who works in a studio in Ghost City County as a psychologist. 
Of all the patients, a new boy, Marvel Gosh, will be the one who will strike him most of all. 
Indeed, he will find a solid relationship of friendship with him that will make him violate any professional code existing between a psychologist and a patient.
Between funny moments, dramas, secrets, joints and alcohol, the two will find comfort in each other, session after session.
So, the strange patient, at the end of each session, will reveal to the doctor some premonitions about some strange things that will really happen in the following days. At the same time a killer sows dead in the county.
As if that were not enough, some patients begin to talk to the boy about a spirit, a man without hands, who comes out of bed or closet at night, causing deaths in sleep to more than one person. Between surreal stories and strange vicissitudes, the quiet but hectic life of Simon will be completely upset, in a totally unexpected way.
Release dateMar 3, 2019
Marv Gosh

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    Marv Gosh - Simone Pugliesi

    Marvel Gosh

    The summer that was coming would be the hottest summer ever in Ghost City, because of strange currents.

    I was spying from the window of my room Linda, my neighbor, who many nights gave me shivers, especially the nights I saw her undressing her bathrobe and putting on intimate lingerie for the night, as now, when the ringing of my phone sadly catapulted me into the real world.

    I'm Dr. Simon Elsha, 26, and I've been a psychologist for four years. I have a firm in a condominium of lawyers and other shitty people full of money and cocaine.

    I just stopped dating my former secretary Grazia, very pretty girl, always moved with a graziella.

    But he knew how to break a lot of balls.

    He always told me that I heard the music too loud and that I would go deaf, but if I didn't go blind with all my haandswork as a boy, my hearing was not in danger at all.

    Her was a very clear and transparent person, so transparent that I could see them through.

    Ate only white rice and fish, and then her shit sushi.

    On the phone was a Marvel Gosh, he wanted to make an appointment with me for the following week.

    I marked his name on my diary and set the date, the eleventh of this month.

    He immediately put down, he had a strange voice, a particular tone, he was restless to say the least. I looked out the window and thought it would be nice if one day someone would be a psychologist to me, sometimes I would really need it.

    Last week, a really weird thing happened to me.

    Like every Friday, my last therapy was two hours with Liz, a freaky teenager tormented by the spirit of her ex who usually visited him during the nights. She had taken me for Dylan Dog but she was the only one I listened to willingly, I never knew if it was just fantasies and if it was all true. I just listened, because I couldn't help her, since she was sure it wasn't about hallucinations.

    She died in her sleep the following night, a classic white death, my suspicions began there, but I wasn't a detective and she wasn't my patient anymore, so I gave up everything, even if today I still think about this story.

    Bah, weird women.

    The day he returned to work was the day Marvel Gosh had his first session.

    He introduced himself to me and then whispered to me that he needed to talk, to throw out things that he had kept inside for too long, and I nodded.

    By phone it was more mysterious, more disturbing. Not live, but he was a little bit depressed, at least at first glance, a weak person who sought his strength. It was still pretty shady.

    He had black hair, classic double cut, green eyes, big nose and fine lips, and she had an Arab style beard. Two tears wet his cheeks, and then go into his lips leaving that bitter taste in his mouth, now bitter as life. His mind went back in time.

    I nodded the patient into starting his session.

    He looked at me and said Let me speak, without interruptions please, otherwise I will lose the thread of speech.

    I said yes with my head, but I didn't say shit about anything.

    In this country it is easy to socialize, the climate is one of the best, especially in Central and South. The people are very welcoming, even in spite of the current social status. You can eat very well, you can taste excellent wine and is equipped with every kind of comfort.

    The houses where you live are more than decent and comfortable, and in recent years prices are falling, even compared to other European cities. The health system is one of the best in the world, schools are good, art does its part (also done the rhyme) and some landscapes have a I know that artistic. It has fantastic seas, amazing seaside resorts and fabulous places, small corners of paradise.

    It may have many virtues, but it's also a dark place. Passing through Falcone and Borsellino, Aldo Moro, P2 and Freemasonry, for many strange cases, some never resolved.

    All these things have made me grow up with terror, anxiety, panic. They've given me a lot of fear.

    The people of this country do not like to be, but to appear, the important thing is to feel beautiful, dress well, follow the fashion and praise football, for football you clash, you kill and you go to manifest. Serious problems are complained about on the web or in bars, but the facts are not there. Few balls, many assholes. Many change opinions as the wind changes, they think one thing and say another, they hate a politician but then they vote again, they don't want migrants in Italy, but they go to hookers with Nigerians, and when they close the ports they also protest violently against those who imposed the closure. They don't understand that migrants don't have to come to Italy anymore because of the simple fact that if they don't make the houses for the earthquake victims first (see L'Aquila and Amatrice) there isn't any way to keep these people in the resorts, and it's also due to a fact of

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