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Let Me Love You: Quick-Read Series, #8
Let Me Love You: Quick-Read Series, #8
Let Me Love You: Quick-Read Series, #8
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Let Me Love You: Quick-Read Series, #8

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The dreams of a lonely woman are invaded by a handsome faerie.  But the passion they share spills into her waking life.

Release dateMar 18, 2019
Let Me Love You: Quick-Read Series, #8

Allison M. Azulay

Born to Canadian parents of mixed, predominantly British heritage, Allison M. Azulay spent her formative years in a village outside of the capital city of Ottawa and her teen years in the steel city of Hamilton, Ontario. Like her mother, she read voraciously, and she composed stories of her own at home as well as in school. Later, encouraged by her husband to explore her ideas and talents, she wrote poems, short stories, children's storybooks for relatives, and more. After the death of her husband, she began to write and independently publish novels and short stories.

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    Let Me Love You - Allison M. Azulay

    Allison M. Azulay

    Let Me Love You

    A Quick-Read Supernatural Romance

    Copyright © 2019 by Allison M. Azulay.  All rights reserved.

    The use of any part of this publication, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the publisher is an infringement of the copyright law, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Let Me Love You is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN 978-1-989215-40-1 (e-book)

    Cover Design by

    Published in Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6

    It Never Rains But It Pours

    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8

    Desperate Measures

    Chapter 9

    Promises to Keep

    Chapter 10

    The Mortal Life

    Chapter 11

    The Other Side of Night


    Chapter 1


    GRIGOR DASHED ALONGSIDE THE DEER, thrilling at the rush of wind through his long jet hair and at the thump of the beast’s heart as they sped together through the twilit forest.  His blood rushed and body tingled at the sensations of this newfound realm brimming with exotic creatures.  From tiny microbes to giant trees, the beings of this domain captivated him.

    When first he had been banished to the Otherworld, he had been indignant at the injustice of punishment for a tiny indiscretion.  (It was just a joke, turning her scales black; mermaids have no sense of humour.)  But now, only a day later, he revelled in the novelty of this place where life proliferated in such magnificent variety.  Indeed, the Kin’s Domain of the Fay now seemed to him entirely too simple, despite the complexities of its hierarchies and of the interrelationships of its diverse inhabitants.  What other faeries called serene, he now considered boring.  The Queen had been unwise to send him here, he decided.  He just might never go home.

    In the back of his mind, a concern expressed itself:  Did Aveen have the power and will to force his return?  She might be the Oldest of the Old, one who had always been, but surely she would not punish him twice for the same offence by refusing to let him stay here if he wished to remain?

    He dismissed the thought.  The ways of the Elders often bemused him, he being a mere nine hundred and eighty-seven turns of the sun in age, and he could not guess at their reasoning.  Take, for instance, the law that forbade interaction with Men:  The Queen had warned him to avoid the race that called itself the people and deemed itself superior to other living beings, for direct contact with its members was subject to the severest of all punishments.  His father and mother had repeated the admonition.  Why? he wondered.  What made Men so fearsome?

    He mentally shrugged.  What did it matter that one species was proscribed?  There was far too much to enjoy and he had every intention of drinking in all the marvellous new feelings he could find in this wondrous Terra.

    The deer rejoined its herd and Grigor left the four-legged family sheltering in a glade as the celestial hues deepened from purple to black.  Able to see in the darkness, a trait common to the Fay, he negotiated the woods with ease, examining the texture of bark and leaf, watching furred animals forage and feathered ones fly, listening to the patter of feet and rustle of foliage, feeling the caress of wind and the kiss of water droplets as a light rain fell.

    He laughed and he danced and he tasted the rain as lightning flashed and thunder grumbled.

    HOW MANY TURNS OF THE SUN had he seen?  Many thousands, Grigor reckoned as he loped down the hillside toward distant lights.  He had been exiled again, though he had to admit to himself that, this time, he had more than earned his banishment.  Well, actually, he had earned all but the first, in his estimation.

    He chuckled to himself, remembering Aveen’s expression when the ever-solemn Lord of the Centaurs detailed the transgressions Grigor had committed.  (He had been unable to help himself:  From the moment the four-legged windbag began his annual sermon upon the history of the equine race,

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