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Chupacabrón: Weird Tales of the California Missions
Chupacabrón: Weird Tales of the California Missions
Chupacabrón: Weird Tales of the California Missions
Ebook41 pages30 minutes

Chupacabrón: Weird Tales of the California Missions

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A warrior monk with a mechanical hand hunts a shape-shifting, blood-sucking creature that has been slaughtering goats at San Antonio de Padua Mission. Chupacabrón is part of the "Weird Tales of the California Missions" series, featuring the exploits of Teutonic Knight Otto Eisenschaf, "peculiar intercessor" to Father Junípero Serra from 1778 to 1783. This is a Weird Western short story with a Catholic twist. Approximately 8,200 words. Rated "PG" for action.

PublisherPatrick Dorn
Release dateSep 21, 2017
Chupacabrón: Weird Tales of the California Missions

Patrick Dorn

Patrick Dorn used to write weird westerns set in Old California, New Mexico, and Colorado, but then he visited Ireland. Now his supernatural fiction alternates between The West and The Emerald Isle, but is always, always weird. He's also an Anglican priest and a full-time chaplain. Check out Patrick's blog, stories, plays, musicals, children's books, and more at You can reach him at

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    Chupacabrón - Patrick Dorn



    San Antonio de Padua Mission, 1779

    Patrick Dorn





    About the Author



    A warrior monk with a mechanical hand hunts a shape-shifting, blood-sucking creature that has been slaughtering goats at San Antonio de Padua Mission.

    Chupacabrón is part of the Weird Tales of the California Missions series, featuring the exploits of Teutonic Knight Otto Eisenschaf, peculiar intercessor to Father Junípero Serra from 1778 to 1783.

    This is a Weird Western short story with a Catholic twist. Approximately 8,200 words. Rated PG for action.


    A Weird Tale of the California Missions

    By Patrick Dorn

    12 June 1779 - Mission San Antonio de Padua, Alta California

    The waxing full moon shone brightly overhead as Brother Otto Eisenschaf rode out of the gray pine forests of the Santa Lucia mountains, through the rocky chaparral of the foothills, and onto the white oak-studded grounds of the San Antonio de Padua mission.

    Well done, Maravilla, he said, leaning over to scratch his mule’s scruffy cheek.

    She flicked one floppy ear, but Otto wasn’t sure if it was from pleasure or annoyance.

    The pair had covered the sixty-five miles of rugged trail from San Carlos Borromeo mission in only two days. Father-President Serra had tasked his intercessor with delivering vital information to the priests at his third and farthest inland mission. They were both dusty and tired, but Otto’s spirits were high as they approached their destination.

    Otto scratched the stump of his left forearm as he looked past the livestock pens toward the solitary lantern that shone a warm and welcoming glow on the chapel door. He patted the leather courier bag with his right hand. After I deliver these documents to Father Pieras, we’ll rest up, re-stock our provisions, then head back to the cool sea breezes of Carmel. How does that sound?

    Maravilla stopped. Her ears pricked up, and she snorted. The goats in their pen cowered in one corner, bleating in fright.

    What is it, girl? Otto asked. Maravilla stomped a hoof. It could be coyotes. We’d better check it out. He nudged Maravilla’s sides with his moccasin boots and she leapt forward, galloping through the pasture on nimble hooves.

    Several goats screamed. Otto shivered and felt goosebumps rise on the nape of his neck. They sounded almost human in their plaintive distress.

    Maravilla jumped over an irrigation trench, cantered alongside the corralled pigs and sheep, and trotted to the goat enclosure.

    Otto reined up next

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