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Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
Ebook46 pages42 minutes

Amazing Grace

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Terri is an Army Vet with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. She returned to civilian life and took on the management of a civic center in Seattle. Booking events throughout the year for various organizations to hold their meetings.

Terri is unapologetically, bi-sexual and has led her life, not making a big deal of her sexual preferences. That is until she books an event for Joanna and her group of Home Health Care workers. Joanna senses quickly that Terri has an eye for the ladies and exploits it to get Terri to participate in the event. An ‘In Service’ training event to define the parameters of sexual abuse.

It's not long before the entire group shows up and Terri is drawn to the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Grace. Terri’s lust for Grace, turns the training class is a blur and it soon devolves into an orgy rather than an educational activity. Even exposing Terri to some unbelievable fetishes. It becomes obvious to Terri, what sexual abuse is, and what it is not. Unable to control the event at hand Terri has boarded the runaway train and is steamily moving down the tracks.

The entire group is nearly exposed when a surprise visit by the police commissioner catches them with their proverbial pants down. In a mad scramble to assume some sense of propriety, the group avoids detection by the commissioner. Leaving the rest of the evening for the debauchery to go on unabated.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateMar 6, 2019
Amazing Grace

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Amazing Grace - Candice Christian

    Amazing Grace

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2019 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Adults Only 18+


    Clara Barton

    Part One

    Wow! As I whistled, I realized another opportunity for a smashing orgasm just past me up. I really didn't know how I was going to handle my present state. Three girls in the past three days that would have made my life a little better for having known them and I just didn't react with anything but a smile. That is not like me at all. I usually say hello, or say something nice, smile again and that usually gets them to come say hi, back. Unfortunately, recent events have tired me out.

    Where to start...I guess I will start with who I am, what I do, and the circumstances behind my job. My name is Terri Reich. I am ex-Army and I just broke up with my lover, Jill, a woman I met and made love to in the desert of Afghanistan. We had been shipped home together after our sergeant and several of our team mates were killed. We remained lesbian lovers for the remainder of our tour and when we got home we stayed together for two years. Jill missed her flings with the girls. She told me I had become boring and I told her if she needed to go, it would not bother me. It did, but I am slowly getting over it. I realized that I like both sexes as well and it has paid off that Jill decided to take off and leave.

    I guess a description is in order. I am approximately five foot eight inches tall, athletic in build, naturally blond hair, deep blue eyes, fine features and a dominating personality. That is one of the reasons I have little trouble attracting both sexes. You see, I have come to realize that I am bisexual. Thinking I was completely lez was wrong; I was just in love with the newness of woman-love and Jill. My abnormally long tongue has been in every human access point imaginable since and I have had all of my orifices compromised by either sex, one at a time or several, on many different occasions.

    I work as a booking agent for a civic meeting area in the Seattle area, very close to the home of a major coffee cafe. When someone or some company needs a place to meet, my venue provides small meeting rooms in the city building that they can rent at moderate prices. My job is to simply book their use and bill them for the amount of time occupied. Although the meeting room wing of this particular city building I work in stays quite busy, there are days that there are little, if any occupants. Even so, there has been an enormous selection of different uses for these rooms, but none as fantastic as the one I am about to tell you about.

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