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Lusting for the Librarian
Lusting for the Librarian
Lusting for the Librarian
Ebook50 pages48 minutes

Lusting for the Librarian

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Studying law turns out to be rather unexciting, but Kiana finds a hobby to keep her busy. After learning that the handsome older librarian has a bit of a thing for her pantyhose covered legs and feet, she goes out of her way to put them on display for him as much as she can. Even after he asks her out she doesn't let up on the teasing. In fact, she does it more.

And as she journeys down this road of sexual adventure, she takes an unexpected detour with her attractive art major roommate, whose legs turn out to be almost more beautiful in nylon than her own.

PublisherJ.T. Peters
Release dateMar 8, 2019
Lusting for the Librarian

J.T. Peters

J.T. Peters is the naughty alter ego of an established writer. He wanted an outlet for his erotic writings, and wanted to contribute to an area of the fetish world that seemed to be lacking in erotic material that satisfied his particular tastes. As a foot and pantyhose fetishist himself who is in a healthy and wonderful relationship with his wife of many years, he wants to share his stories with like-minded folks.

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    Lusting for the Librarian - J.T. Peters

    Lusting for the Librarian

    J.T. Peters

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2019 J.T. Peters

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    No portion of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author.

    Author's Note

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    He was watching her again. She didn't even have to see him to know that. She could almost feel his eyes on the sole of her stocking foot, like the tips of fingers softly stroking them. The imagery started to get her going right there in the middle of the library. A warmth crept over Kiana's dark cheeks and her deep brown eyes scanned the few students scattered around the library, as if they had caught on to her naughty feelings, but of course they were all focused on their own thoughts. Breathing a small sigh of relief, she turned her head as casually as she could and glanced over her shoulder. She barely caught his eyes snapping away from her direction, and back to the computer screen in front of him. She did catch the darkening of his own cheeks, though, almost hidden by his beautiful chocolate skin.

    It was a game they played, although he didn't realize that fact, Kiana thought with a smile as she turned her attention back to her homework. She had caught the older librarian sneaking glimpses of her at the beginning of the semester, but it had never been consistent. She hadn't been able to figure out the pattern until a night of drinking with a few of her girlfriends gave her a clue. One of her roommate's friends had let slip that she had dated a guy with a nylon fetish, and despite the alcohol that Kiana had consumed the pieces fell into place in an instant. All of the times that she had caught the librarian staring at her she had been wearing tights.

    She played with her low-heeled pumps a little more, dipping her feet in and out, twirling a shoe around the floor with her toes, and she felt the warmth from earlier turn into a tingling. Her eyes danced over the words on the page in front of her, but she couldn't focus on the ins-and-outs of law at the moment. She was more interested in what that handsome librarian would do to her if he had the chance to get his hands on her. After figuring out the older gentleman's point of focus, she had switched from casual tights to classy pantyhose. She had almost balked at the price of a pair of Wolfords, but the money had been worth it. The man's attention had gone from covert (or so he had thought) glances to full-on jaw-dropped stares. And, Kiana had discovered that his attention was further held when she exposed her feet, so she had made it a point to sit where he could see her play with her shoes.

    Because she was always thorough with whatever she set her mind to, she had done some research on nylon and foot fetishes. A whole world that she had never been aware of had been opened up to her. Rather than be disgusted with the pictures, videos, and stories that she had run across on various places of the internet, she had found herself incredibly turned on. And, to be honest, she wanted a

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