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The Tri-Rep
The Tri-Rep
The Tri-Rep
Ebook149 pages2 hours

The Tri-Rep

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About this ebook

Meet Ralph! He's a seventy year old Widower who has lived alone for three years since the death of his wife.
His home has never changed; a two bedroom ranch with twenty five acres out in the country. Then one night
an object flew by which would change his life forever. In the middle of his field a light appeared and he went
to investigate. Upon entering the portal, he would start a whirlwind adventure that would save or enslave all
sentient life in the Milky Way including the oldest race from another galaxy.

PublisherA.H. French
Release dateMar 12, 2019
The Tri-Rep

A.H. French

I am originally from New York . After retiring in 1998 I took my dream girl and relocated to a town just outside of Nashville TN. After 20 years of retirement life was getting dull. Taking the advice of an English teacher I had in 1961, I thought I would try my hand at writing. If nothing else, it keeps me thinking. One of my daughters is an art teacher and a very good one. She offers advice and encouragement along with my wife Carolyn. Now that I've managed to get thruogh one book , I'm thinking of adding and making a series. Time to return to my outline book..

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    Book preview

    The Tri-Rep - A.H. French

    The Tri-rep

    By A.H.French

    Published by A.H.French at smashwords

    copyright © 2019 A.H.French

    smashwords edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not

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    Ralph/Allonin, middle aged widower

    Quirmo, centuries old tri-rep alien

    #1,2,3,4- Quirmo’s aides

    #3-Andromeda- paradox for Commander

    mother-Alien super brain running Mothership

    Harry Swanson- missing scientist

    Linda- Harry’s wife

    Robert Griffen- Billionaire American

    Betty/Sam/Robert jr.- Robert’s wife and kids

    General Clark Head of DC security

    Tommy /mother(Donna) Ames

    George/Mary Walker- previous president and 1st. Lady

    Meet Ralph! He’s a seventy year old Widower who has lived alone for three years since the death of his wife. His home has never changed; a two bedroom ranch with twenty five acres out in the country. Then one night an object flew by which would change his life forever. In the middle of his field a light appeared and he went to investigate. Upon entering the portal, he would start a whirlwind adventure that would save or enslave all sentient life in the Milky Way including the oldest race from another galaxy.

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1 The encounter

    CHAPTER 2 Meeting the alien

    CHAPTER 3 Offer made, offer accepted

    CHAPTER 4 Indoctrination

    CHAPTER 5 The Mothership

    CHAPTER 6 Physical and mental adjustment

    CHAPTER 7 Training and adjustment

    CHAPTER 8 Home

    CHAPTER 9 Missing scientists

    CHAPTER 10 Implementing phase 1

    CHAPTER 11 Downward spiral

    CHAPTER 12 The UN

    CHAPTER 13 The Dirty Work

    CHAPTER 14 Sobering Revelations

    CHAPTER 15 Quadrant Run

    CHAPTER ONE The Encounter

    time, Fall,20—

    place, southeast USA.

    Ralph sat staring at the moon as small clouds passed in front of it. Summer was almost over, but the evenings were still mild. Looking up, Ralph thought he saw something move in one of the clouds, but nothing was there. He sighed and chuckled Eyes were playing tricks on him. He looked at his watch, then looked up again. Stars were blinking like a Christmas tree but there was nothing there. Following the blinking stars Ralph, noticed a pattern. Something was moving and, as it moved, it blocked the stars as it passed in front of them. Pulling out his lighter and pipe he again looked where he last saw the stars being blocked. It was gone. Ralph thought to himself, I’m seeing ghosts in my old age. Ralph looked out over the twenty acres that was his backyard and took a sip of his coffee which was now only luke warm. Lighting his pipe he again looked around the sky and field unable to get that event in the sky out of his mind. Enough of this tomfoolery he thought and started to rise and go into the house. As he rose he saw a circle of light about the size of a flashlight in the field. Picking up his cup he was surprised to see the light had grown in size to about three feet in diameter. Against his better judgment, he decided to see what was happening in the middle of the field.

    As he walked toward the light it became the size of a round six foot opening. Coming within twenty feet, he stopped and asked himself, do I really want to see what is in there? A thought came to him that there was no reason to be scared. Just go look in and then go back to the house. Forward he went, to look at this strange light and satisfy himself that it was his imagination. As he approached the light a strange thing happened. The light dimmed and was replaced with a soft blue hued portal. Putting his head into the portal,  he saw that it was just a corridor that was quite long in both directions. Now what? As he started to turn around a soft voice in his head begged him to stay and come in for a hot cup of coffee. That should have told him to run. Then a thought occurred to him. That voice was not vocal. No sound came to his ears, only the slight breeze and his own breathing. Again, he thought he should leave, but the voice asked him to stay. Something in that voice brought the thought of someone in need of help. As he hesitated the voice said to him, Turn left and follow the red ball of light." Without a second thought Ralph turned and there was the ball of light at eye level moving up and down a few inches as it waited for Ralph to follow.

    Ralph took a halting step toward the ball and it moved down the corridor. So Ralph started walking, following the light. After a few yards, the corridor started to curve. Wherever he was, this thing was large. After walking a few minutes there appeared to be a series of doors up ahead. Whatever kind of doors they were, they had no handles or hinges that were discernible. At the third set of doors the light stopped and seem to float through the door. As Ralph walked up to the door it slid into the wall and a soft white light lit up the area. He had come this far, so without hesitation he entered the room.

    CHAPTER 2 Meeting The Alien

    Looking around the room he spotted items that were futuristic in design. Chairs, sofa lounges and some kind of screen. Could be a viewing screen, but no knobs or buttons. After perusing his surroundings, he saw movement. That voice again came into his mind. Have a seat and get comfortable. Cream and two sugars, I presume? Ralph wondered how his host knew how he liked his coffee? To answer he nodded his head. Would my pipe bother you? Ralph asked. His host answered with a thought to his mind, Please give me a second to adjust the filters said his host via the thought process. You seem to know quite a bit about me and my habits. His host again answered, We have been monitoring your planet for a long period of time and now decisions must be made and actions taken. His host went on to explain that Ralph didn’t need to vocalize his words. Just think what you want to say and I will understand you as you understand me at this moment. Let me introduce myself. My name in your language as close as can be translated is QUIRMO. You were scanned when you entered. Name is Ralph, height, 5‘11, in reasonably good health, some where in your mid seventies. As humans go, you are fairly well educated for the amount of your brain that you use. You have no responsibilities except you and your abode. If I have made an error, I apologize and you may correct what I have just said. Ralph thought a minute and found his host knew more than he thought possible. You are correct and have me at a distinct disadvantage. His host retorted that there was a remedy for that and he would give a brief summary of himself.

    Quirmo started with the fact he came from a planet near the center of the galaxy. He was somewhere about one thousand years old by earth standards and never got ill nor did he age. He had no siblings nor relatives. Before reaching adulthood He was offered a position as a tri-rep and had accepted the offer and responsibilities that went with the assignment. Have you any questions beyond what I have related to you? Ralph thought a minute,do you have anything like a white medium wine? Indeed I do and #1 will bring it to you shortly. In fact, I think I will join you. Without a sound a rather tall, pale human set a large glass of wine on the side table, then went over to the dark area with a second glass. I hope #1 didn’t startle you. I’m so used to having him silently around me I forget how someone might be surprised. Picking up his glass, Ralph said No problem, someone is always sneaking up on me. With that said, he took a large sip from his glass. This is definitely better than any I’ve ever had. There is one thing that intrigues me. When do you come out of that dark area and let me see you in the flesh, so to speak? I want you to understand said Quirmo, that I will be very different from anything you have on earth. That said, Quirmo came into the area and stopped about five feet from Ralph. Ralph looked at Quirmo from top to bottom and side to side. You are definitely not from around here. In fact your coloring is magnificent. I should look that good. To describe him would be difficult; body like a penguin, four arms, short legs, and a face that vaguely resembled an owl. He had no hair, but his body was covered with every color of the rainbow. You are definitely a very easy sight to see. With a chuckle, they both drank a toast to their meeting. I know you are tired, but I’d like to continue our chat tomorrow. You may stay here this evening or #1 will escort you to the exit and we will pick a suitable time to get together. Ralph thought about it for a sec and decided there were lights and other things to see to before bed. Thank you for your kind offer, but a few things need to be done before I go to bed. Good night and I shall see you in the morning.

    CHAPTER 3 Offer Made, Offer Accepted

    Luckily, it was only Tuesday and no one would be looking for him until Friday at the earliest. So, after a cup of coffee and a light breakfast he walked down to where he’d been the night before. He stood there for a second and wondered How do I attract their attention? There’s no place to knock, no buzzer, and no door! Then that voice from last night came into his head and said Think the word OPEN. Ralph was perplexed by what was said. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. So he pictured the word open and the opening materialized before his very eyes. WOW he thought, that’ll make your hair stand on end. Without further ado, he walked in, turned left and walked down the corridor. At the third door he again pictured the word open, and the door slid into the wall. He walked in and, as before, hot coffee accompanied by  scones and doughnuts was on the side table by the chair he had sat in the prior evening. As he sat down and reached for his coffee Quirmo joined Ralph with his own coffee "Over the years I have come to be hooked on your drink you call coffee. Also I find your sweets

    are quite good. Now, where were we when we parted last night? Oh yes, you were amazed at the coloring of my skin. I will tell you that my race has members that put my colors to shame. At first, I was at a loss for words when I found your people only have four colors and all are singular to each person. This bought a curious look on Ralph’s face. Quirmo chuckled and said red, yellow, black, and white. Ralph replied Oh, okay. Quirmo asked him if there were other things he wished to know. I will answer those that I can, but many things I cannot discuss at this time". Ralph had a thousand questions he wanted to ask. He also knew that most, if not all, would go unanswered. With a little thought of what had transpired already he began with what he thought would be a question that Quirmo might answer.

    How big is this place and is it the odd thing I saw up in the sky yesterday? First, this is not a place, it is my ship. Next, my ship is 1800 yards in diameter by your measurement. It is a hundred forty-eight feet high consisting of 12 levels. It is mainly a scout ship, but can be used for other duties. How come I can’t see it on my property as big as it is, asked Ralph. That I can’t discuss with you at this time said his host. Do you have others on this ship? I have #1 and three others like him who tend the ship. I arrived in this solar system just two days ago. Before starting to check the surveillance tapes, I decided on a short detour. That detour being you. Will what I’ve told you so far suffice for the time bring? After careful reflection, Ralph regrettably agreed. Though I have a thousand questions nagging me, I will try not to bug you too much. I’m afraid, Quirmo, I must leave and make use of my bathroom up at the house. Quirmo laughed and told

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