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10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband
10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband
10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband
Ebook58 pages54 minutes

10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband

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About this ebook

So, you think you would you know the tell-tale signs if your partner was cheating?  Lipstick on his collar, unfamiliar scent on his clothes…right?  Wrong! 

Rachel Latimer advises what to look out for after she discovered her husband had led a double life for fifteen years, with hundreds of affairs and casual sex.

Rachel's story in 10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband will open your eyes, take your breath away and turn your stomach. The unimaginable, the unspeakable, and the downright twisted, does, as the author found out, happen.

It's not always the obvious things that signal infidelity – sometimes it's the very ordinariness of below-the-radar stuff that constitutes behavior to note.  Rachel is not a counsellor or professional advisor, just a regular mom with children, whose life was turned upside down by the abhorrent, selfish and dangerous 'other life' of the man she loved.  Read her story – she has been there and been through it.

Get clever. Get knowledge. Learn the 10 Deadly Signs!

PublisherLatimer Books
Release dateMar 20, 2019
10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband

Rachel Latimer

Rachel Latimer is a writer living in the UK. She loves running, tennis, good movies, cats and dogs, and lives with her two children in a rather untidy house full of books and animals.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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Book preview

10 Deadly Signs of a Cheating Husband - Rachel Latimer



1  Habits:  a clean sheet

2  Sex:  alive and well

3  Cheater:  very ordinary and he’s under your nose

4  Condoms:  don’t be conned

5  Multi-tasking:  skills never imagined

6  Remote and removed:  where do you keep the scissors?

7  Porn addiction:  one thing leads to another

8  Bringing it all home:  the unspeakable

9  My friends would tell me:  wouldn’t they?

10  Working away:  all work and no play?

The discovery

WHEN I FOUND OUT MY husband had been leading a double life throughout our fifteen years together, my world was knocked off its axis.  Devastated and distraught, I was floored by hurt and pain, winded by disbelief and shock.  It would be years before I regained a sense of emotional and mental equilibrium, or any semblance of peace, contentment and self-confidence.

In the early days and weeks, I tried to absorb the information I’d been given, but finding the head-space to sort through the jumble of women, dates, places, events, to piece it all together, proved immensely difficult.  In addition, it transpired that what I had learned initially was merely the tip of the iceberg.  As months dragged by, further revelations came to light, in what seemed like a never-ending cascade of grotesque behavior by my husband

His infidelity was on an astoundingly epic scale, having scores of affairs, one-night stands and casual sex with friends, colleagues, acquaintances and complete strangers.  He had ‘regulars’ he visited when in certain cities, he picked up ‘randomers’ wherever opportunity arose, as well as some longer-term affairs, and he usually had several of those on the go at the same time.  As well as being unfaithful to me, he was also lying to those he had longer ‘relationships’ with. I understand some of those women thought they were his only bit-on-the-side, that they were special.  Little did they know he was like a dog on perpetual heat − any time, any place, and any one.

As I grappled to digest and make some form of sense of this juggernaut of lies, deception and repulsive behavior I had never imagined him capable of, I felt overwhelmed and reeling, but my brain needed the information.  Did it matter if it was fifty women, one hundred, or five hundred?  Would it make any difference if I knew the minutiae of the who, where and how of all those encounters?  Possibly not.

I have now resigned myself to the fact I will never know of all the women my husband slept with − only he knows that − but at that time my mind somehow yearned for the detail, no matter how difficult to hear. To try and process what had happened to me, I found myself needing to absorb each crushing, painful crumb of information.

I felt like I was tumbling helplessly in zero-gravity limbo, rudderless, with no firm ground beneath my feet.  Unable to think clearly, I found it impossible to make decisions of any kind or trust my own judgement.  It was as if I didn’t know myself or know anything for certain any more.  Everything I thought I knew about the previous fifteen years, our family life, our marriage, had turned out to be a farce, a charade.  Our life together was not at all what I had understood it to be, and he was not remotely the fine man I had thought he was.  I was flailing around for answers, and what I realise now is that I was in an acute state of shock.

How could I not have known anything about this?  How could I have missed those little things, or bigger things, which surely must have been there?  Indications, tell-tale signs, of my husband’s double life?  I learned later that many people

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