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Finding My Self
Finding My Self
Finding My Self
Ebook58 pages56 minutes

Finding My Self

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“Dear Olivia, what a great romance story.I was young, inexperienced and confused myself about my sexuality.How to dress, how to walk, who to talk to, and yes, my family.How do I deal with my family that had one idea of what I should be and the idea that I felt deep down inside of myself.This love story had me crying more than once and I could relate to each and every detail.Please keep writing.”Love, Hannah, Chico, CA

“Olivia, all I can say is Smashing.This story was a killer. You just nailed all of the important parts of my life and brought me to tears with the touching ending.You had me thinking deep and feeling even deeper with your journey through this first time lesbian romance story or adventure. And the love scenes, WOW!I felt like I was there.”Ellie, Reno, NV

“What a wonderful trip it was I took with you in this love story.And what an ending.I had no idea what was going to happen.And, unlike most of the movies, television shows and books that I have experienced, this adventure was totally unpredictable.The main character Venny was so adorable and pure and thought provoking that she touched my heart with her sensitivity.Thank you Olivia Hampshire.I love your mind.”Kaylee, Springfield, OR

“Simply the best.I almost went to a movie, and then I was browsing Amazon and came across this book.There was something about the cover and the title that just told me to download it and then read it on the weekend maybe.The title “Finding My Self,”made me think of me and decisions I had to make about my sexuality at a real turning point in my life.Something made me begin to read the book before I was supposed to go to the movies with my friends and once I started reading, I just could not stop.I had to call my friends and tell them I was busy.This story really touched me.Great characters.I´m giving this book to all of my friends.”Serenity, Redding, CA

Release dateNov 14, 2017
Finding My Self

Olivia Hampshire

Olivia Hampshire loves writing about the adventures of women in this modern, complex world that is so male oriented and controlled.  Olivia Hampshire loves to write about love and the sexual experiences of men and women. At an early age, Olivia discovered that many people on the planet do not like to talk about sex at all.  Yet each and every one of us are a result of two or more people getting naked, hot and bothered and having sex beyond the wildest imaginations of most of the children produced by these wonderful excursions of passion.  When telling her friends and family that she pens stories of wild, lesbian sex adventure and international political sex affairs, often peoples faces appear to be appalled.   Yes, Olivia Hampshire graduated from an Ivy League school in New England dominated by nervous little boys that drank lots of beer, and feared beautiful women.  Olivia, being one of the most beautiful women in the world, loved women also.  She met her partner, also a women, in an Ivy League, graduate school program where they feel in love, moved to Vermont, adopted 5 children and live happy ever after.  Olivia, her partner the Doctor, and their children love the mountains of Vermont, their travels to all of the continents of the world as well as many long weekends in Manhattan shopping and watching people.

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    Book preview

    Finding My Self - Olivia Hampshire

    Chapter 1, The Big Mistake

    Yenny was walking around the El Prat Airport, Barcelona’s international air hub, wondering what to do. She was on the way back from a major sewing machine convention, which her boss had paid for her to attend. It had been a crowded affair and very busy. Although sewing machines were probably the furthest thing on the mind of modern home makers, there was still a booming need for industrial sewing machines. Of course the garment industry was still booming and had an ever important need for new sewing machines that could be operated by poor workers in third world countries with the most minimal of training. But there were non-garment needs as well. Yenny worked in a handbag factory that sewed together leather purses and briefcases. Originally, the factory she worked at had done the upholstery for cars, including nice leather car interiors, but these sort of luxury goods were no longer being produced in Romania. The purses they made now were no Louis Vuittons. Yenny spent most of her day making cheap purses for the latest celebrity brand. For example, the past three months had been devoted to bringing out Jessica Simpson’s new line of purses. They weren’t necessarily your brand name knock-offs sold on the streets of New York City and China, but they were pretty close. Yenny had been told that they were being contracted to bring out Kim Kardashians new line of handbags, all the way from grown up, designer inspired purses to little over the shoulder bags for the Kardashian Kids line. Regardless of what B-list celebrity had a name on the bag, the stuff did not sell well.

    Still, Yenny enjoyed her job and she liked being good at what she did. She loved learning new designs and working with thick leather or pleather material. She had learned to sew with cloth at a very early age. Being the eldest daughter of a family of five children, it had been necessity. Her family did quite well for Romanian standards. Her father was a long distance truck driver, and although he was often gone for very lengthy periods of time, he brought home the bacon. The family lived in a nice, large house and they had a family car in addition to father’s truck. They could have afforded to buy clothing, sure, but it was more traditional to sew at home, and Yenny seemed to have a knack for it. From a very young age she had been drawn to her mother’s sewing machine. Something about the sound and the movement attracted her little toddler hands and eyes, and her mother would have to shoo her away from whatever work she was doing on it. On her fifth birthday, Yenny remembered her father brought her back a kid’s sewing machine from a recent delivery to Germany. It was made for children, but it really worked. It was a beautiful piece of German engineering and Yenny cherished it and began sewing little outfits for her dolls and teddy bears.

    When she was nine years old, her mother finally let her use the big sewing machine. At this point, there were already three additional younger siblings, and her mother barely had time to sew anyway. She was always running around in a big hubbub chasing after curious kids getting into mischief. Yenny began sewing clothing for herself and for her younger siblings. She liked to sew traditional Romanian and gypsy type clothing, including head scarves and beautifully patterned skirts for her and her little sisters. She sewed a wide range of vests for both her male and female siblings, and began to learn the beautiful and delicate art of embroidery. Seeing how much she loved sewing and how good she was at it, her father began bringing her back sewing patterns from the different European countries he made deliveries to. Pretty soon the whole family was very fashion forward and Yenny began getting requests from neighbors to sew custom pieces. She made quite a bit of money doing this, but her parents wanted her to have a real job, not just doing piecemeal work, and so when a new handbag factory had opened up within a bus ride from the family home, Yenny had signed on at the tender age of sixteen.

    Yenny had become one of the shining stars at the factory, and she gradually rose to a prominent position. She had enough money that she could move out of her family home, but she had no marriage prospects and it was not traditional for her to just move

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