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Competition Secrets
Competition Secrets
Competition Secrets
Ebook70 pages56 minutes

Competition Secrets

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About this ebook

Suzanne, Jasimine and Becky are at the House of Romance for an international competition. The most beautiful and talented women in the world have arrived and the competition is fierce. One of these three competitors has a big secret, and two of these women fall in love with one another and the secret will be very important to the future of the relationship.

"A wonderful read and what an imagination on the part of the author." JoAnn, Richmond, VA

"The whole story is wild and crazy. But it was fun, and in the end, well I could say but I don´t want anyone to know how it ends and spoil your day, but I liked it." Catherine, Columbus, OH

"There was a lot going on in this story and it was a story line that I have never, ever, read before in my entire life. My partner said it was too out there. I told her she needs to loosen up and get away from her Jerry Falwell books." Mellisa, Scottsdale, AZ

Release dateNov 14, 2017
Competition Secrets

Olivia Hampshire

Olivia Hampshire loves writing about the adventures of women in this modern, complex world that is so male oriented and controlled.  Olivia Hampshire loves to write about love and the sexual experiences of men and women. At an early age, Olivia discovered that many people on the planet do not like to talk about sex at all.  Yet each and every one of us are a result of two or more people getting naked, hot and bothered and having sex beyond the wildest imaginations of most of the children produced by these wonderful excursions of passion.  When telling her friends and family that she pens stories of wild, lesbian sex adventure and international political sex affairs, often peoples faces appear to be appalled.   Yes, Olivia Hampshire graduated from an Ivy League school in New England dominated by nervous little boys that drank lots of beer, and feared beautiful women.  Olivia, being one of the most beautiful women in the world, loved women also.  She met her partner, also a women, in an Ivy League, graduate school program where they feel in love, moved to Vermont, adopted 5 children and live happy ever after.  Olivia, her partner the Doctor, and their children love the mountains of Vermont, their travels to all of the continents of the world as well as many long weekends in Manhattan shopping and watching people.

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    Book preview

    Competition Secrets - Olivia Hampshire

    Chapter 1, Barcelona Beautiful

    The airport’s busy today, said one gate attendant to another as they watched yet another group of women walk by. Normally, the airport was busy but today it seemed like there was a lot more traffic than normal. His counterpart nodded her agreement and took the chance to ogle the women. Usually the traffic was more varied. There was normally a mix of business men and women dressed in suits, socialites who were wearing the latest fashions and tourists who usually dressed for comfort as they flew in from all four corners of the world.

    The women that were in the airport today, however, all seemed to be travelling in groups and each were wearing cheerleading outfits in various combinations of colors. The outfits were the stereotypical short, pleated skirts and sleeveless tops, their bare skin tanned and smooth and their long hair slicked back in high ponytails. The cheerleaders all seemed nervous but excited and were chatting and hugging one another in their excitement.

    Two of the girls were sitting on chairs near the baggage carousel. One was shorter and was sitting on a taller girl’s lap. The sign above it said that the flight had come in from Russia and both girls had traditional Slavic good looks. A passersby stared as the taller one ran her hands up and down the shorter girl’s legs then ran one hand up under her skirt. The shorter girl settled back against the taller one, closing her eyes and cooing as the taller girl caressed her inner thighs and stroked along the length of her slit. Even though the taller girl’s fingers were on the outside of the other’s underwear, the recipient of her caresses could feel every move, every bit of pressure as the taller girl stroked her to orgasm.

    The shorter girl’s head rolled back and rested on her partner’s shoulder. Her eyes were closed and she was panting heavily while the taller girl licked and nibbled at her throat. It had been a long flight and both girls were looking for a way to relax while they waited for their baggage to arrive. The taller girl, whose name was Mischa, gently fondled her partner, whose name was Tatyana, until she felt a spurt of wetness through Tatyana’s panties. Then she brought her hands out from under Tatyana’s skirt and continued rubbing and caressing her friend until Tatyana was purring like a kitten. Mischa had heard that the people of Barcelona (and of Spain in general) were much more accepting of lesbians but she didn’t want to risk causing more of a scene. She could wait until they were alone at their hotel before she explored her friend’s body more fully. 

    After her orgasm, Tatyana was more than happy to wait for more and the two women spent their time kissing and stroking each other lovingly and passionately. High overhead, a plane circled. It was a small chartered flight full of more women. Like the girls thousands of feet below them, these girls were also dressed in cheerleader outfits. Unlike the girls below, there was nobody to look on disapprovingly at what they were doing so the girls were making the most of their privacy and had decided to while away the hours spent in the air practicing their skills for the upcoming competition. 

    These girls were determined to win and truly loved the chance to practice on one another any chance they had. These girls were from Ireland and they all wore beautiful emerald green cheerleader outfits. While there were girls of every physical description on board most of them had the stereotypical Irish good looks with long, curly red hair and clear alabaster skin. The team captain, a statuesque young woman named Fiona currently had her face buried between her teammate Ellen’s thighs. Fiona was lapping Ellen’s wet slit and nibbling at her clitoris while her fingers explored the inside of Ellen’s tight pussy. Ellen was moaning and trying to concentrate on exactly what Fiona was doing so that she could critique her performance but Fiona was so skilled that after a while Ellen simply gave up and enjoyed the wave of sensation that Fiona was calling forth from her body. Other girls on the plane were similarly occupied. 

    Another girl, Mary-Ellen, was seated in a reclined position. Her thighs were wide spread wide open and a short, redheaded girl named Caitlyn was blowing gently on her pussy. Mary-Ellen purred and her back arched as Caitlyn teased her into arousal slowly but gradually. Caitlyn could see the moisture beginning to gather along the walls of Mary-Ellen’s pussy and she lowered her head

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