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Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC, #2
Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC, #2
Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC, #2
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC, #2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Overprotective Biker is book 2 of The Valves MC trilogy. Book 3, Overprotective Outlaw, is available everywhere now!

The bad boy next door is getting a little overprotective.

He's a single dad by day.
And a ruthless biker by night.
I wanted a taste… but I got too close.
And then I fell for the bad boy.

Ever since he's moved in, my life has been turned completely upside down.

That motorcycle of his is always roaring outside of my window.
I see him every time I step out.
Hard muscles and dark tattoos glistening under the sun—a dangerous combo of ink and testosterone.
Every time those steely green eyes look at me, I can feel them pierce right through my clothes.

His little baby is a student in my class.
So what better excuse than a parent-teacher conference to some…*gulp*… "alone time"?

But I might have bitten off more than I can chew.
Up close, Dawson is…
An alpha male, in every sense of the word.

His voice alone makes me shiver.
But you know what the crazy thing is?

I want more.
I want him to do more than just stare.
I want him to pull me into that broad chest of his.
I want him to pin me against the backseat of his Harley.
To use me.
I want him to make me scream…

… But when I made that wish, I had no f***ing idea what I was getting myself into.

Release dateMar 25, 2019
Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC, #2

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    Book preview

    Overprotective Biker - Paula Cox

    Overprotective Biker: The Valves MC Book 2

    By Paula Cox


    The bad boy next door is getting a little overprotective.


    And a ruthless biker by night.

    I wanted a taste... but I got too close.

    And then I fell for the bad boy.

    Ever since he’s moved in, my life has been turned completely upside down.

    That motorcycle of his is always roaring outside of my window.

    I see him every time I step out.

    Hard muscles and dark tattoos glistening under the sun—a dangerous combo of ink and testosterone.

    Every time those steely green eyes look at me, I can feel them pierce right through my clothes.

    His little baby is a student in my class.

    So what better excuse than a parent-teacher conference to some...*gulp*... alone time?

    But I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

    Up close, Dawson is...



    An alpha male, in every sense of the word.

    His voice alone makes me shiver.

    But you know what the crazy thing is?

    I want more.

    I want him to do more than just stare.

    I want him to pull me into that broad chest of his.

    I want him to pin me against the backseat of his Harley.

    To use me.

    I want him to make me scream...

    ... But when I made that wish, I had no f***ing idea what I was getting myself into.


    Today felt like one of the worst days in my life. It would have been a usual Friday if it weren’t for Dawson taken Ginger home himself. I had to drive alone and the ride seemed terrible. I was growing quite fond of coming home with her.

    When I had seen him at school, he seemed distant, in a hurry and my reaction was to crawl into my shell and not say more than two words. He didn’t seem to notice, which only made me feel even lonelier.

    Once at home, I felt too drained to do anything productive so I left everything as it was and turned the TV on. I couldn’t find anything worth watching and my attempt at an afternoon nap turned out to be futile, too.

    With less than half of a grain of motivation, I got out of the bed and walked into the kitchen. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I really didn’t have anything to do, but then desperation hit me. What was I to do to settle my wayward mind?

    On the fridge I had put a page from an old-fashioned cooking magazine. I remembered discovering it a few weeks back and liking the idea of salty caramel and raspberry on a cheesecake base. Excitement at a premium today, I decided to try the recipe anyway. How could it hurt? I checked for ingredients and learned I didn’t have any cream. I looked out the window, at the heavy rain and shivered.

    What the hell? I said, and grabbed my coat.

    I ran to the car and drove away. In the store, a moment of clarity opened my mind to the fact that everything around me seemed to slow down. From the moment I left home, starting the car with delayed motions, to my perusing between the aisles aimlessly, unsure of what I wanted. It seemed like some sort of physical sadness had engulfed me like quicksand, blocking my mind, slowing my life down. For a moment, I was unsure of why I had come to the store, then I remembered what I needed to buy. Still fighting my trance-like state, I grabbed the cream and left the store in a hurry.

    A weird energy was coiling inside me, in direct contradiction to my languid perspective. The result was unsettling and I needed to be busy soon, otherwise I feared I would break down.

    Too focused inwards, I almost bumped into Dawson, who was waiting for me by the front door.

    What are you doing here? I asked automatically.

    Are you all right? he ignored my question.

    I frowned. What was he talking about? Yes. Why are you here?

    Are you sure?

    I was noticing how he was in the habit of talking over me. It felt particularly annoying. Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?

    He regarded me pensively. You look unwell, baby. Let’s go inside. His voice sounded warm and sincerely concerned for me. Out of habit, he pressed the door handle before I could unlock the door and I discovered that, in my foggy state of mind, I had left the house unlocked. He looked at me again, questions in his eyes.

    I shrugged and stepped inside. He followed immediately and closed the door behind him. He didn’t say a word as I put the cream on the counter and started rummaging through my cupboards for the rest of the ingredients. I could feel his eyes on me and it made me uncomfortable. I wasn’t very good at awkward silences, especially when they came with a hefty side of personal concern.

    I was thinking of trying a new recipe. Some sort of cheesecake, but without any cheese. I needed to talk. He kept watching me. I think I liked it because of the salted caramel, but I didn’t have any cream so I had to go to the store.

    He shifted behind me, his uneasiness almost a physical object. I’m sorry, baby, I heard him whisper. I turned around to see him looking at me.

    What for? I had to ask. Another thing I was starting to notice and find unsettling was his way of confusing me with so much ease.

    I didn’t do it right today. Now I was completely puzzled. Before my mouth could form a real question, Dawson went on, I’m not very good with surprises. I wanted to make it right between us and I thought something out with Ginger. Apparently she was right and I should listen to her more often.

    What on Earth are you talking about?

    He smiled. Your idea of dessert fits right in, actually. Now that we had to change our plans because of the weather.

    I frowned at him, but had to acknowledge I was starting to feel better. He could barely keep from laughing under his own frown. Would you like me to help you with those?

    What for? Back to being confused.

    We’re going at my place, of course.

    Of course. Naturally. What else? I laughed.

    He came close, bent and kissed me, then grabbed everything in a pile in his arms and started for the door. "Are you

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