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Forever: A Tale of Hellraiser
Forever: A Tale of Hellraiser
Forever: A Tale of Hellraiser
Ebook39 pages35 minutes

Forever: A Tale of Hellraiser

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Based on the characters and universe created by Clive Barker.

An all - new, original tale of Hellraiser.

Release dateMar 25, 2019
Forever: A Tale of Hellraiser

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    Forever - Christopher Thompson


    A Tale of Hellraiser


    Christopher Thompson

    Not affiliated with Clive Barker, Dimension Films or Seraphim Productions

    This is an unlicensed story and no connection to the above should be presumed or inferred


    What’s your pleasure, sir?

    A simple question, right?

    So it would seem given the circumstances through which the question had been asked of me.

    A night out, at the club, where I often made my second home. The man behind the bar gave me that look that comes, not with recognition, but with slight familiarity. I’d been here before, and he knew it. Never before had I spoken to the man aside form the occasional order of beer, or maybe something stronger. That night, however, things would change for me in ways I had never imagined possible.

    Sir, can you hear me? He leaned closer to my ear, trying to speak to me over the sounds of pumping techno-tronic music and the excited screams of the other club goers.

    Yes, sorry, I turned around then and got my first real look at the barman. He was of average build, with a tall widow’s peak of slowly greying dark hair. His look was pleasant, but very professional, and he had an almost regal air about him. I’ll have a beer. Whatever’s on tap will be fine.

    Of course, sir. He quickly filled a plastic cup from the tap atop the bar. But, that’s not what I asked you.

    Sure it is, I took the cup and dropped a five on the bar for him. He let the rumpled bill sit, untouched, on the smooth surface. You asked: what’s my pleasure, and I ordered a beer.

    Yes, I see. That is what I asked, the barman leaned a little further across the bar, as if what he was about to say was of great importance. Besides, I think I already know your pleasure.

    Okay, I leaned away from the man. This is getting a little too weird for me. You’re starting to overstep the customer/barkeep relationship we’ve developed here.

    I think not, friend, his voice dropped to a near whisper, now full of a worldly sense. Education and pedigree beyond what one would normally have found in such a man. "I’ve seen you here, night after night, week after week, sitting at this very bar, watching the dancing bodies and feeling the music played at these horrific levels. You find pleasure in these things, yes, and yet, are forever seeking more.

    "You desire the press of flesh to flesh, the sensations of another’s sweaty body pressed against yours in exuberance. This horrid noise, these grotesque lights. The smell of excited young flesh as it rubs against you and stays upon your body for hours after you’ve gone. You see the beauty in the modifications to the flesh of those around you, the horrible beauty of these grotesque people.

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