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Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions
Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions
Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions

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This book describes Bladder Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases

My Bladder

Oh My bladder I must protest
The patient really put me to the test
Oh, bladder, just hold on a little bit longer
My sphincter muscles just got to be stronger

They say Kegels will help strengthen my muscles
And also eating a lot of Brussels
But when I feel a little sneeze come from the head
There is always that trickle running down my leg

I really love to go outside for fresh air
Do not sneeze my nose, just hold it there
Otherwise I will have to run and hide
And then to wear a diaper tight

Stay strong for me, will you
Squeeze that muscles that is due
Do not ever forget
Or the panties will be wet

As the days and months went on
My muscles started getting strong
And as I learned to cope
I discovered the meaning of hope.

An original poem by Kenneth Kee

The bladder is a round, bag-like organ that keeps the urine to a certain volume after which it is passed out.
It is sited in the pelvic area, just below the kidneys and right behind the pelvic bone.
While it is essentially a human storage tank, it is very complicated in its design.
The bladder is normally the size of a large grapefruit.
It can stretch much larger when required, though, and shrinks back when it is empty.
In fact, it can retain around 16 ounces (almost half a liter) of urine at one time for two to five hours comfortably).
It is normal to urinate around 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period.
More frequent trips to the bathroom may indicate a disorder with the bladder, though it is frequent to urinate more as one becomes older.
The bladder is attached to the kidneys by two long tubes called ureters.
When urine is produced by the kidneys, it moves down the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored.
The bladder has 4 layers:
1.From the inside out, the epithelium is the first layer on the inside of the bladder.
It functions as the outer lining for the bladder.
2.The lamina propria is the next layer.
It comprises connective tissue, muscle and blood vessels.
3.Wrapped around the lamina propria is the third layer called the muscularis propria or detrusor muscle. This layer comprises thick, smooth muscle bundles.
4.The final, outer layer is the peri-vesical soft tissue, which is composed of fat, fibrous tissue and blood vessels.
The other parts of the bladder are sited at the bottom of the bladder.
An opening at the bottom of the bladder is joined to the urethra.
A circular, muscular sphincter squeezes tight to keep the opening and the urethra from leaking urine.
When a person urinates, the detrusor muscles tighten to squeeze the urine out of the bladder while the sphincter relaxes to open the opening of the bladder and urethra.
The opening at the bottom of the bladder empties urine into the urethra where it then drains from the body.

Many diseases and disorders can begin in the bladder
1.Leakage and frequent urges often are caused by the reduced capacity of the bladder and over activity of the bladder.
An overactive bladder can be produced by a wide variety of disorders, such as constipation and excess caffeine in the system.
2.Bladder infections or cystitis cause frequent urination
About 33% of all females get a bladder infection at least once.
3.Bladder inflammation from autoimmune or interstitial cystitis can cause painful urination or abdomen.
4.A bladder cancer may present with blood in urine, painful urination and back or pelvic pain.
5.An anterior prolapse of the bladder into the vagina or cystocele is a problem specific to females
6.Bladder stones are produced by concentrated urine that crystalizes in the bladder

Chapter 1 Bladder Diseases
Chapter 2 Work Related Bladder Diseases
Chapter 3 Cystitis

PublisherKenneth Kee
Release dateMar 26, 2019
Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions

Kenneth Kee

Medical doctor since 1972. Started Kee Clinic in 1974 at 15 Holland Dr #03-102, relocated to 36 Holland Dr #01-10 in 2009. Did my M.Sc (Health Management ) in 1991 and Ph.D (Healthcare Administration) in 1993. Dr Kenneth Kee is still working as a family doctor at the age of 70. However he has reduced his consultation hours to 3 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. He first started writing free blogs on medical disorders seen in the clinic in 2007 on His purpose in writing these simple guides was for the health education of his patients which is also his dissertation for his Ph.D (Healthcare Administration). He then wrote an autobiography account of his journey as a medical student to family doctor on his other blog This autobiography account “A Family Doctor’s Tale” was combined with his early “A Simple Guide to Medical Disorders” into a new Wordpress Blog “A Family Doctor’s Tale” on From which many free articles from the blog was taken and put together into 1000 eBooks. He apologized for typos and spelling mistakes in his earlier books. He will endeavor to improve the writing in futures. Some people have complained that the simple guides are too simple. For their information they are made simple in order to educate the patients. The later books go into more details of medical disorders. He has published 1000 eBooks on various subjects on health, 1 autobiography of his medical journey, another on the autobiography of a Cancer survivor, 2 children stories and one how to study for his nephew and grand-daughter. The purpose of these simple guides is to educate patient on health disorders and not meant as textbooks. He does not do any night duty since 2000 ever since Dr Tan had his second stroke. His clinic is now relocated to the Buona Vista Community Centre. The 2 units of his original clinic are being demolished to make way for a new Shopping Mall. He is now doing some blogging and internet surfing (bulletin boards since the 1980's) starting with the Apple computer and going to PC. The entire PC is upgraded by himself from XT to the present Pentium duo core. The present Intel i7 CPU is out of reach at the moment because the CPU is still expensive. He is also into DIY changing his own toilet cistern and other electric appliance. His hunger for knowledge has not abated and he is a lifelong learner. The children have all grown up and there are 2 grandchildren who are even more technically advanced than the grandfather where mobile phones are concerned. This book is taken from some of the many articles in his blog (now with 740 posts) A Family Doctor’s Tale. Dr Kee is the author of: "A Family Doctor's Tale" "Life Lessons Learned From The Study And Practice Of Medicine" "Case Notes From A Family Doctor"

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    Book preview

    Bladder Diseases, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Diagnosis, Treatment And Related Conditions - Kenneth Kee

    Bladder Diseases,





    The Condition,




    Related Conditions


    Dr Kenneth Kee

    M.B.,B.S. (Singapore)

    Ph.D (Healthcare Administration)

    Copyright Kenneth Kee 2019 Smashwords Edition

    Published by Kenneth Kee at


    This book is dedicated

    To my wife Dorothy

    And my children

    Carolyn, Grace

    And Kelvin

    This book describes Bladder Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases which is seen in some of my patients in my Family Clinic.

    (What The patient Need to Treat Bladder Diseases)

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If the patient would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader.

    If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

    Thank the patient for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I have been writing medical articles for my blog: (A Simple Guide to Medical Disorder) for the benefit of my patients since 2007.

    My purpose in writing these simple guides was for the health education of my patients.

    Health Education was also my dissertation for my Ph.D (Healthcare Administration).

    I then wrote an autobiolographical account of his journey as a medical student to family doctor on his other blog:

    This autobiolographical account A Family Doctor’s Tale was combined with my early A Simple Guide to Medical Disorders into a new Wordpress Blog A Family Doctor’s Tale on

    From which many free articles from the blog was taken and put together into 800 eBooks.

    Some people have complained that the simple guides are too simple.

    For their information they are made simple in order to educate the patients.

    The later books go into more details of medical disorders.

    The first chapter is always from my earlier blogs which unfortunately tends to have typos and spelling mistakes.

    Since 2013, I have tried to improve my spelling and writing.

    As I tried to bring the patient the latest information about a disorder or illness by reading the latest journals both online and offline, I find that I am learning more and improving on my own medical knowledge in diagnosis and treatment for my patients.

    Just by writing all these simple guides I find that I have learned a lot from your reviews (good or bad), criticism and advice.

    I am sorry for the repetitions in these simple guides as the second chapters onwards have new information as compared to my first chapter taken from my blog.

    I also find repetition definitely help me and maybe some readers to remember the facts in the books more easily.

    I apologize if these repetitions are irritating to some readers.

    Chapter 1

    The Bladder

    My Bladder

    Oh My bladder I must protest

    The patient really put me to the test

    Oh, bladder, just hold on a little bit longer

    My sphincter muscles just got to be stronger

    They say Kegels will help strengthen my muscles

    And also eating a lot of Brussels

    But when I feel a little sneeze come from the head

    There is always that trickle running down my leg

    I really love to go outside for fresh air

    Do not sneeze my nose, just hold it there

    Otherwise I will have to run and hide

    And then to wear a diaper tight

    Stay strong for me, will you

    Squeeze that muscles that is due

    Do not ever forget

    Or the panties will be wet

    As the days and months went on

    My muscles started getting strong

    And as I learned to cope

    I discovered the meaning of hope.

    An original poem by Kenneth Kee

    The bladder is a round, bag-like organ that keeps the urine to a certain volume after which it is passed out.

    It is sited in the pelvic area, just below the kidneys and right behind the pelvic bone.

    While it is essentially a human storage tank, it is very complicated in its design.

    The bladder is normally the size of a large grapefruit.

    It can stretch much larger when required, though, and shrinks back when it is empty.

    In fact, it can retain around 16 ounces (almost half a liter) of urine at one time for two to five hours comfortably).

    It is normal to urinate around 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period.

    More frequent trips to the bathroom may indicate a disorder with the bladder, though it is frequent to urinate more as one becomes older.


    The bladder is attached to the kidneys by two long tubes called ureters.

    When urine is produced by the kidneys, it moves down the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored.

    The bladder has four layers:

    1. From the inside out, the epithelium is the first layer on the inside of the bladder.

    It functions as the outer lining for the bladder.

    2. The lamina propria is the next layer.

    It comprises connective tissue, muscle and blood vessels.

    3. Wrapped around the lamina propria is the third layer called the muscularis propria or detrusor muscle. This layer comprises thick, smooth muscle bundles.

    4. The final, outer layer is the peri-vesical soft tissue, which is composed of fat, fibrous tissue and blood vessels.

    The other parts of the bladder are sited at the bottom of the bladder.

    An opening at the bottom of the bladder is joined to the urethra.

    A circular, muscular sphincter squeezes tight to keep the opening and the urethra from leaking urine.

    When a person urinates, the detrusor muscles tighten to squeeze the urine out of the bladder while the sphincter relaxes to open the opening of the bladder and urethra.

    The opening at the bottom of the bladder empties urine into the urethra where it then drains from the body.

    The three openings, two ureteric orifices, and the internal urethral orifice specify the triangular area termed the trigone of the bladder.

    These openings have mucosal flaps in front of them that function as valves to prevent the backflow of urine into the ureters, called vesicoureteral reflux.

    Between the two ureteric openings is a higher area of tissue called the inter-ureteric crest.

    The trigone is a smooth-muscle region that forms the floor of the bladder above the urethra.

    It is a region of smooth tissue for the easy flow of urine into and from this part of the bladder in contrast to the irregular surface of the bladder walls formed by the rugae


    Many diseases and disorders can begin in the bladder

    1. Leakage and frequent urges often are caused by the reduced capacity of the bladder and over activity of the bladder.

    An overactive bladder can be produced by a wide variety of disorders, such as constipation and excess caffeine in the system.

    Leakage of urine, or incontinence, can also be produced by bladder spasms or stress.

    A bladder sling is occasionally utilized to treat stress urinary incontinence.

    2. The most frequent bladder disorders in men are frequent urination at nights and incomplete bladder emptying.

    This is normally due to an enlarged prostate producing obstruction of bladder emptying.

    3. Bladder infections may be another reason for frequent urination.

    Bladder infections, also called

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