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Earth Enchanted
Earth Enchanted
Earth Enchanted
Ebook260 pages4 hours

Earth Enchanted

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A telepath, an ex-cop, stolen diamonds and a killer on the loose make for a deadly combination...After his wife was murdered, Detective Jackson Roarke gave up his badge in grief. Two years later, her killer still roams free. When a chance meeting with another writer turns into something more, Jack is thrown back into the case. To save the life of his new love, Liv Corrigan, he must embrace the life he left behind and find his wife's murderer.

Descended from fairies and mages, writer Liv Corrigan has unique mental gifts, particulary the ability to read thoughts of those closest to her. When she meets Jack Roarke, afraid of another failed romance, she decides to keep her talents hidden. When a killer resurfaces and secrets come to light, she is targeted.

Injured, Jack retreats with Liv to his house under armed guard. But with Liv’s mysteries rapidly coming unraveled, a diamond-thief and killer to stop and passion in the air, the safe house is anything but safe for their hearts!

PublisherBrynna Curry
Release dateMar 17, 2019
Earth Enchanted

Brynna Curry

Bethany Cagle, who writes as Brynna Curry, was born south of the Mason-Dixon Line in a small Alabama town. Growing up, books fueled her dreams and imagination, ultimately became her sanctuary during the hardest times in her life. After living all over the southern states, she finally landed back in north Alabama where she met her husband, Jackie. She spent a wonderful twenty-two years with her hero, raising their three children. Now widowed, she spends her free time writing. Her furry minions, Jace, Styxx, Beerus, and Asheron, are always willing to keep her company while she works. She insists love is the truest magic and with it, every day is an adventure. You can read more about her work on her website,

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    Book preview

    Earth Enchanted - Brynna Curry

    About the Book

    A telepath, an ex-cop, stolen diamonds and a killer on the loose make for a deadly combination...

    When his wife is murdered, Detective Jackson Roarke gave up his badge in grief. Two years later, her killer still roams free. When a chance meeting with another writer turns into something more, Jack is thrown back into the case. To save the life of his new love, Liv Corrigan, he must embrace the life he left behind and find his wife's murderer.

    Descended from fairies and mages, writer Liv Corrigan has unique mental gifts, particularly the ability to read thoughts of those closest to her. When she Jack Roarke, afraid of another failed romance, she decides to keep her talents hidden. When a killer resurfaces and secrets come to light, she is targeted. Injured, Jack retreats with Liv to his house under armed guard. But with Liv’s mysteries rapidly coming unraveled, a diamond-thief and killer to stop and passion in the air, the safe house is anything but safe for their hearts!


    For my husband, Jackie. You are the hope, life, heart and soul that lights my world, my inspiration and my dream, the love and the magic. Your faith in me gives my heart wings. Till we meet again on the other side in that field of sunny yellow flowers. Then, now, ever and always, I love you.


    Cursing, Daemon watched as his beloved Briella crossed into the ring of standing stones. She would be stronger here, more so than her twin Arianne or even himself. It was a wise move and certainly a frustrating one. Because of what he was, he could not break her circle and enter the dance unless she allowed him passage. And in her current state of mind, such a gesture was unlikely.

    Pigheaded woman.

    A smile curved his mouth at the challenge she presented. He tamped down the urge to release the demon. Not yet, and never against Brie, but Arianne? Definitely. Must keep the dark hidden for a little while longer.

    Briella, love.

    At the sound of her name on his lips, she turned to him. Long black hair whipped in wild wet ropes around her face with the force of the storm. She was tall, slim like a fairy; her beauty unmatched except by her twin, but her gentle nature and kindness was balm to his tortured soul. Where would he be, what would he have become without her? He would never have betrayed her. It had been Ari’s power, her seductive dark magic controlling him. If only Brie would see the truth.

    Daemon pitted all his magic against the wall of her power in a fruitless attempt to break through her circle. Wave after wave of rolling water washed over the bubble surrounding the stones, but every drop fizzled, evaporating on contact.

    Angry with her, himself, and Arianne, Daemon cursed the gods. If he could not stop Brie, she would die. As would he, because of the link they shared. Who knew a simple, silly little spell, that could have been avoided had he been conscious, would do so much damage to so many? Like ripples in a pond, every act touched someone else and each one went on forever.

    At one time he would have welcomed death, but she had changed him with her simple gift. She gave him life, love and showed him what good magic could do. Then there was Arianne. Oh, he knew her power well. Dark and evil, it showed in the woman who cleaved to it like a lover.

    He had to save Briella before she could break their bond. Nothing Arianne could do to them was worth the price of their lives or the loss of their daughter. He had lived hundreds of years and knew more about incantations than she ever would. He didn’t like the spell he had in mind, but it would put all this to an end without killing anyone. He hoped. They would still lose Sorca, but at least their daughter would be safe from her aunt’s trickery. Still, he had to be in her circle to cast it.

    Summoning all his power, he threw another wave of crystalline blue water against the barrier she had placed between them. It fizzled and evaporated.

    Daemon, stop this. I will see this through. This is the only way. Brie countered.

    There are other ways. I swear to you, and I ask one last time. Please, don’t do this.

    The determination in her eyes wavered. I might yet be able to sway her.

    Go away, Daemon. You are not invited here. Briella put no heat in the demand. She looked so tired, drained, but he knew she would do this before she weakened and changed her mind.

    He found it hard to face death with eyes wide open. Harder still to leave their daughter behind. How could she do the same so easily?

    The hell I will. Let me in. The burr of his Scot blood came through loud and clear with his temper.

    She only scowled at him, undeterred.

    Brie. He spoke softly now, but she would not be coaxed. Fine, woman, do what you will. He threw up his hands in exasperation. But I’d ask something of you first?

    What is it you wish?

    Don’t shut me out. If this is the way it must end, I want to remember the gift you gave me, the love we shared. I want to grieve over the life we made and have to leave behind. He pressed his hand to the wall of magic. Please, love.

    The wall disintegrated.

    Daemon entered the dance and pulled her into the circle of his arms.

    I love you. Whatever came before or comes after, know that is forever. Holding her close, he regretted knowing he would have to betray her trust in these last moments. Cast your spell. We’ll be right here for each other when the end comes.

    Tears streamed from her eyes, clouds and rain. She began to chant. I call power to mind, mind to heart, heart to soul. That which binds us now must break its hold. She buried her face in his chest and sobbed for what she was losing. Her tears broke him when she spoke the incantation a second time.

    It has to be now. By all the gods, I am sorry, so sorry, Brie. May they help us and all those who come after.

    Daemon! No. Do not! You! You betrayed me. I let you in my circle…

    There is no other choice. Sea that is my life, hear my call. Rise, form water into a raging wall. Earth that is my mate, Air who set this fate, both shall hear my cry and obey my call. Come to me.

    The wind keened, carrying Arianne’s trapped screams to them. The ground rumbled underneath her feet, and the force of it threw Briella to her knees. A great wall of water rose up out of the sea, silhouetting him against the night sky.

    Briella looked at him with a mixture fear and disgust. He knew it was because of what he was, and it sickened him.

    Gods he hated it, hated having to use the hideous beast that walked inside him. But it was love for her that had prompted him. He’d begun to wonder if he really had a choice. The demon in him loved her too and would probably have gotten free on its own. It had before.

    He didn’t like to remember the destruction the monster had reaped. He’d been banished from the highlands by Laird McLoch, lost his younger cousin Devin to a father who couldn’t understand that magic had purpose both in battle and out. Who would step up to teach Devin the craft, forge the fire rippling through him? Time would now be his friend and his foe. Time for it to end, for it to begin.

    * * * *

    Briella watched Daemon fling his arms high and wide, felt the wave of power wash over him into her, through their link. She was smothering, engulfed by the most evil force she could imagine, but oddly enough, fear did not come with the sensation. For a moment, just an insane second, lust for his dark power overwhelmed her. She wanted to give over to it. In that instant, Briella finally understood why her sister craved it so.

    Its warmth whispered sweetly in her ear. Join me.

    She fought for focus and centered her gaze on Daemon’s eyes. Trusting him. Completely calm now, she heard his words, clear as her own thoughts in her mind.

    Briella, have faith. Time and patience will break the spell I cast. You need do nothing, but trust and wait. We will be together always. As the sea kisses the earth. I will never leave your side.

    Eyes glazed over with the sorcery he’d yet to perform, Daemon tried to explain.

    This is the only way to save us. One day the children of our daughter’s children will have the chance to free us. Until then, all three will stay trapped in your circle. When their love breaks the spell, you and I will be released and Arianne will remain here forever.

    I am Sea, endless, constant. Time is nothing to me. Raging waters, shifting tides, within our power she will abide.

    * * * *

    Daemon lifted his hands and spread them wide to encompass the circle and Briella. She is Earth, bearer of life, comfort in death, mate of Sea, thus by her right she holds the key. She that is Air all must take heed, a maelstrom of fury her dark deeds unknown, a lesson this one must be shown. I call her now here to me.

    And the wind roared, tearing at her robe, fighting Daemon’s power until Arianne appeared within the circle in a swirl of red velvet and wildly curling black hair. The mirror image of her sister, she was as dark as Brie was light. Water swirled around her feet and the ground shook.

    Earth, Sea, hold fast, hold strong. Daemon shouted, Hello, Arianne.

    What is this? she demanded. I don’t know what trickery you’ve conjured, Daemon, but I will break it. Such petty revenge. It was but a kiss.

    Arianne pulled the wind to her, absorbing its power. Black lightning flew from her fingertips as she tried to strike him.

    Daemon’s power was a shield and she could not touch him.

    You brought down the price on all three. Earth, Air, and Sea we shall ever be until our blood meets love, one times three. He continued to chant. My seal is set, our bargain met, if three can accept love’s pain and joy without condition, then Earth and Sea shall be set free, only Air will be chained to thee.

    For all she had done, Arianne was still her sister. The kindness in Brie wouldn’t allow her to damn her own blood. Tears carried the weight his words lay on her heart.

    I know she has good within her, however small that spark may be. Even the darkest heart can love, Daemon. Please give her hope, though she does not deserve it. It will be for her to decide her fate.

    He considered, thought of Devin, his young apprentice, and he smiled. The phoenix would need someone equally as strong to tame his wild nature and he might be the only one who could warm Arianne’s cold heart.

    Air may scream and howl, but it is her sister’s pleas you will hear now. Fire will come to wrench her free, if he is not bold and Air’s heart grown too cold, love will fail and your chains will hold. But if Fire can melt Air’s icy wind, then love will triumph once again. So mote it be.

    Daemon collapsed into her arms, spent from the spell.

    Husband, what have you done? You have damned us all.

    Never. I am the lock, you are the key. Never forget my love for you. Five or five thousand years, my heart will seek yours.

    Catching the tear that slipped down her cheek, her husband smiled and dissolved into the sea, taking her tear with him. Her sister howled as she vanished into the air, trapped within the stone circle. An instant later, Briella became dust on the ground where she stood.

    In Scotland, standing on a battlefield littered with his fallen clansman, the one called Fire fed off the magic of Daemon’s spell, vowing to save his clan at any cost, and sealed his fate.

    Chapter 1

    Like a scene in a movie unfolding, Jack dreamt but could do nothing but watch his wife’s last moments in agony. His hands ached to touch Ren, hold her one more time. Lips craved one last taste of what would never be his again. In his dreams, Serena was still alive and vibrant. He watched the candlelight bounce off her hair, saw the lusty light come to her eyes as she watched his dream counterpart. Jack wished for her even now. If wishes were pennies…

    Candlelight flickered in the dim room. Music, something soft with a lot of strings, played quietly in the background. Jack wasn’t sure what the piece was called, but his ears told him it was beautiful. White tablecloths adorned the small round tables while wine shimmered in the elegant crystal flutes. Nothing could have been more perfect.

    The restaurant was peppered with couples, lost somewhere in their own murmured conversations. Nameless faces. Staff became ghosts slipping unnoticed through the crowd as they went about their duties. The woman who sat across from him was many things: childhood friend, comforter, partner, lover, wife.

    Jack had known Serena nearly all his life. Her family emigrated from Ireland when she was five, but the lilt that came from her homeland had never left her voice. Both she and Jack had wanted to be in law enforcement for as long as either could remember. It had been a rough road, but they had made it together.

    Their first anniversary, a special time for any couple, was only a sidestep for them tonight. Both were dutifully married to the job first. He tried to focus as Serena discussed the case they were working on, but he had tuned out the words and was just listening. Too blinded to see how distracted she was. The rise and fall of Serena’s voice became a spellbinding music leaving him breathless and entranced.

    Their cellphones rang, interrupting the nice little lull his mind had gone into. He answered, Roarke, softly into the small phone. She frowned at the ID and shut hers off.

    Informant wants a meet. He whispered.

    Back to work then. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Like magic, the lovers were gone and they were cops again.

    Jack noted Serena kept quiet for most of the drive, barely speaking at all. Uneasy ever since his informant’s call, he grew tense as they got closer to the building and he parked the car along the sidewalk. Though she had a ‘no flirting during working hours’ rule, he dragged her across the seat and kissed her hard.

    What was that for?

    Nothing. Everything. I love you, Ren.

    She brushed a curl of hair from his forehead. He never did manage to remember to get it cut before it grew out. She smiled. Let’s get this over with. That being said, she checked her gun out of habit and climbed out of the car.

    The alley where their informant preferred to meet ran behind one of the rattraps in the worst part of town. This place in particular was notorious for drugs. They had raided it for drugs recently, got another meth lab off the streets. No light reached here in the bowels of the city. The air was thick with the stench of garbage, smoke, and prostitution. Summer heat in northern Alabama had the thermometer bursting at 103 degrees by noon. Though it had cooled a little with the sunset, heat still made the smell walk like a living thing.

    Ren passed her penlight beam over the brick wall of the building, turned it on and off a few times. Jack’s informant Mickey, probably not his real name, always showed on the signal, but not this time. He had a gut feeling to grab his wife, turn, and run as hard and fast as he could. The premonition flashed through him dark and heavy.

    Copper, the raw taste of fear, slid over his tongue. He drew his weapon, half expecting to find the informant dead, definitely to find trouble. Something about the case Ren had been investigating separately from him, made him wary of anything unexpected. She worked late hours. Left for weeks at a time to go undercover, something she couldn’t talk about, not even with him. He noted a tremor in hand as she lifted her gun to pan the area. Something’s wrong, Ren.

    Terror tore through him as Jack screamed at Ren and his dream self. Run, baby, please.

    She couldn’t hear him. Would never hear him again.

    Why? Why do I have to watch over and over? His heart and soul cried out from the wrenching pain. Please, God, have mercy! Just let me die with her this time.

    Finally merging with his dream self, he felt the prickles of warning on the back of his neck. The nauseating pain spreading from the base of his skull to his temples and lastly in front of his eyes. Finally able to see the threat, Jack knew, the vision came far too late. Someone was watching them, unseen from high atop the neighboring building.

    Get out, Ren! Jack screamed. It’s a trap! Run! He fired two shots in the direction of his unknown attacker.

    Three more shots pealed through the dark. Two pinged off the brick. And as Ren turned toward his shouted warning, the third slammed into her chest. Dazed, she clutched her chest.

    Jack returned fire instinctively, getting off another six rounds, before the gun dropped from his hand. A dark stain began to spread across her white silk blouse. He caught her as she cried out and crumpled to the ground. He pressed his hand over hers, a futile attempt to staunch the blood.

    All that blood, so much gushing out of the hole in her chest. Oh, God!

    It pulsed and dripped across her hand where his ring rested on her slim finger. An hour ago, it had seemed they had a lifetime to live, love, but now they might have minutes only. Maybe not even that long. He’d seen men die, had killed before, but nothing compared to watching the woman he loved bleed to death in his arms. There wasn’t anything he could do.

    Help us! Somebody! He rocked her back and forth gently, and dug his cellphone out of his pocket. The alley fell silent. Her attacker had accomplished his mission.

    Another vision came, along with a sickening sense of loss. She would be gone before help would come. Helpless, Jack fought back the drowning tears and grief he already felt, and lied to her.

    It’s going to be all right, Ren, just hold on to me. I’ve got you. He stroked her hair, kissed her cheek.

    She shuddered in his arms as though she’d never be warm again.

    He dialed 9-1-1. Detective Jackson Roarke. I need a bus at… He rattled off the address. Officer down, I repeat officer down. Bullet wound to the chest. Hurry, damn it!

    Not fast enough. Don’t lie. Good…as dead. You see. Know you. Her breath hitched as blood gurgled from her throat and stained her lips. Catch them. Promise. She clutched his shirt, pleading.

    I will, but you’ll help me. You’ll be there to help me.

    She nodded.

    He looked back toward the gaping mouth of the alley. Where were the medics? He couldn’t panic, couldn’t afford to let his mind go frantic. Maybe he was wrong and what he saw wouldn’t come to pass. When he was about to give up all hope, the screaming sirens ripped the night air. Help was here. His vision had to be wrong, born of panic instead of the gift. Serena must live.

    Almost here. She was so cold. How could she be so cold already? I love…tell…sorry…ga.

    Don’t say it, not now.

    Live. She whispered, just live.

    He felt Serena’s spirit leave her body before fingers left a trail of blood to mix with his tears. Her bright green eyes lost their spark, faded and then saw

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