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Escort or Partner
Escort or Partner
Escort or Partner
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Escort or Partner

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About this ebook

Charlie and his friends decide to take a four day holiday, but as he does not have a regular girlfriend he decides to call an Escort Agency to see what they can recommend!

The young lady who runs the Escort Agency is intrigued by their plans and presents herself as their Escort, although she has never been an Escort herself!

Their trip by car in northern Vietnam is both surprising and humourous as she tries but fails to follow the Escort rules!

Release dateMar 31, 2019
Escort or Partner

Adam Mann

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and then Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, and even had a marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner.Adam Mann is a pen name.

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    Book preview

    Escort or Partner - Adam Mann

    B utterfly Books

    Escort or Partner

    A romantic adventure novel by

    Adam Mann

    Copyright © Adam Mann, 2019.

    ISBN: 9780463850497


    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained.

    Guidelines for Escorts:

    Most people hiring female escorts will be men away from home.

    If an overnight stop is indicated then arrive at your appointment with the client early, and persuade him to have sex immediately even if it’s late afternoon or early evening.

    Never have unprotected sex – it’s not difficult to persuade him to use a condom.

    When you know he’s about to ejaculate fake or have an orgasm – you can let him know by the sounds you make or even your fingernails in his back!

    Try to get him to take a shower with you after the sex – it is quite enlightening experience and can paste over any misunderstandings, and there is still time for him to take you out to dinner.

    If the client wants you to stay overnight with him keep to these guidelines.

    Never ever steal anything from a client – you can always persuade him to give it to you.

    Apart from paying the fees to the Escort’s Agency most clients will be very generous with their escorts.

    If you feel you are becoming emotionally attached to your Client get your Agency to provide another Escort.

    Chapter One – Plans are made:

    Hi Bert, Charlie called, and thanks, he added as he took the tumbler of cold lager from his tall Australian friend who had been standing at the crowded bar. He took a large mouthful.

    How’s Helen?

    She’s coming here in a minute so you can ask her yourself, Bert responded, and from his smile looking over his shoulder Charlie could guess that she had just arrived.

    Charlie turned to greet her as she threaded her way around tables walking towards them both standing at the bar. Helen was French, and always insisted that people addresses her as ‘Elen, abbreviating the ‘H’ in the name as was usual in France. That was a bit more difficult as they lived and worked in Vietnam, where many names began with ‘H’.

    As she reached them she kissed her husband, and then ‘pecked’ Charlie on one cheek, but did not stop smiling even though she carried a large selection of shopping bags.

    Bert had a drink waiting for her, and she turned to see if she could find a vacant table. Bert had read her mind;

    No table, sweetheart, but we’ve saved you a chair at the bar.

    Bert and Charlie took her bags and found a place to stack them at the end of the bar.

    I think I got everything we needed, she smiled at Bert, as she took a sip from the glass that Bert had given her.

    Why don’t you come with us? she smiled again at Charlie, and her smile made her even more desirable.

    Who’s coming? Charlie asked to get some thinking time, although he knew the answer – he didn’t want to go alone!

    Hung, who can help us if we get stuck with the language, and he’s agreed to bring his long suffering girlfriend, Tien, said Bert.

    I like talking English with her, admitted Helen smiling, we have great fun making up bad English words, which aren’t bad to other people!

    How’s your vehicle behaving? asked Charlie.

    Bert said nothing, but Helen chimed in; being overhauled and serviced, so that it starts first time on Friday morning

    What time do you intend to start?

    Seven, if we can, said Bert.

    I could do with a break, Charlie admitted, "I really do want to see what has happened to Hue since I was last there."

    "We thought that we could stop in Vinh first, and stay the night if necessary, and then go on to Hue in the morning, suggested Bert, and if we have time we could go onto Hoi An on Sunday."

    And then back to Ha Noi on the Ho Chi Minh Road on Monday, added Charlie smiling to himself.

    Please come with us? smiled Helen, and then looking a bit serious; Bring a girlfriend if you can!

    Where’s your sister, ‘Elen, Charlie joked, and she smiled a bit sadly.

    Do any of us need to get permissions to travel down there? Bert queried, As we don’t want to fall foul of the law.

    I don’t think we do, volunteered Charlie, as you have several fluent Vietnamese speakers with you, but you’ll have to watch your driving, and no speeding!

    If I can get away, let’s all meet at my flat then as the parking there is easier, suggested Charlie, and if you want to drop off anything beforehand please do.

    They all agreed.

    Charlie drank his beer, said goodbye, and set off to go back to his flat.

    What I need is a little Black Book! he thought to himself and just then saw a small notice pinned to an announcement board.

    ESCORTS! it proclaimed in large letters, Ha Noi Friends.

    He walked across to the notice and made a mental note of the telephone number, so he continued back to his flat.

    He made some food to eat, and went back to his laptop.

    Editing must be the most boring but necessary occupation. He thought to himself, but he knew it had to be done. Just before midnight he finished a chapter and switched on the TV to get the late night news.

    He could not get the telephone number of the Escort Agency out of his mind so he wrote it down on a notepad which he propped against the screen.

    He got up in the morning, and remembered that he hadn’t collected his laundry yesterday, so he dressed hurriedly and went down to collect it.

    The first thing he saw when he came back was the number for the Escort Agency leaning against the screen of his laptop, so he dialed the number but there was no reply, on the other hand it was still early morning.

    He made himself some breakfast, and went back to his editing of his manuscript. As he worked he changed some of the manuscript to make the plot a bit more complicated.

    Just before lunch he dialed the number of the Escort Agency again.

    Chapter Two - The Escort Agency.

    Hi, Charlie said into his mobile phone in clear English when his phone call was answered, is that Ha Noi Friends?

    Yes, said a female voice in good English but with a distinct Vietnamese accent, my name is Thanh, so how can I help you?

    Thanh, can you provide me with an escort to accompany a group of us for a journey of several days? Charlie asked.

    Yes, we can, but not outside Viet Nam. Thanh replied, and she continued to explain the terms and conditions and costs.

    Great, said Charlie, I want to go to Hue by road with some friends on Friday, and I’m looking for an escort to travel with me.

    Can I get one of our escorts to contact you for details? asked Thanh.

    Marvellous, agreed Charlie, "but I’m staying at the Daewoo Hotel,

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