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Animal Shelter
Animal Shelter
Animal Shelter
Ebook53 pages35 minutes

Animal Shelter

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On the phone, “Someone just held up the Animal Shelter, shot the Pound attendant, and took our computers and radios. They are gone and I am fine. Send the police and an aid car, hurry.”
The 911 Center sends the help and the Commander calls in the homicide detectives.

Minutes later, the aid car leaves the shelter as the squad car pulls in. Officer Jones checks on the people in the office and they go to the Pound where the shooting occurred.
“I don’t hear any barking! They took all the animals; did they gas them first?”
Jones tapes the doors, and no one goes in until the police team checks it out.
Back in the office they find everything has been taken. All the records of the animals, radios, computers, and phones. Outside they find that three utility poles have been cut down and all the wire taken.

In Inspector Strong’s office, “They took everything, records, file cabinets, equipment, wires, but left the chairs.”
He nods, “OK, what did they come for? They took everything to misdirect us.”
Detective Rage says, “They did a good job. They shot Pound keeper; he may not make it. The Shelter has no phones. The manager will route all the calls to the Emergence Center where he will set up a temporary call center for the Shelter.”
Detective Smith says, “We will have a complete inventory of what they took. The obvious thing is they wanted an animal or two. So, they took them all.”

In a week they are no closer to solving the case, officer Jones asks, “What is the least important thing they took?”
Rage answers, “The phones.”
“But they also cut the phone lines down and took the wire.”
The Inspector nods, “We have no idea what if any animal they wanted. Chase down the phone connection, but they did get a direct line into the Emergence Center when the Pound moved their call center in there. I will call the Commander and tell him of our concerns.”

Is this one of the few cases the Inspector will not solve?

Release dateApr 5, 2019
Animal Shelter

D. E. Harrison

I am trained as a theoretical mathematician. I am an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society for fifty odd years. I have lived in Seattle since 1967. I starting writing fiction after writing a family history.

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    Book preview

    Animal Shelter - D. E. Harrison

    Animal Shelter

    By D. E. Harrison

    Copyright 2013 by D. E. Harrison

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 the Pound Heist

    Chapter 2 Review Items Stolen

    Chapter 3 All Pound Data Lost

    Chapter 4 Undercover Pound Surveillance

    Chapter 5 Animals or Emergence Center

    Chapter 6 Return the Pound to Use

    Chapter 7 Investigate the Phone System

    Chapter 8 Fund World Relief Organizations

    Chapter 9 The End

    About D. E. Harrison

    Discover other titles by D. E. Harrison

    Chapter 1 the Pound Heist

    It is a typical Seattle morning. Some people would say gloomy, others wet and cold. But it is just a normal morning with a mist and the overcast is down to the deck.

    In the local Animal Shelter, the Pound’s attendant has been at work since 5:30 am. Mabel is the office staff and arrives at 6:00 am at the Shelter. She is making several pots of coffee. It will be a chilly day for the six drivers who will start arriving at 7:30 pm. Their shifts start every half an hour until all six are in the field.

    The attendant in the Pound with the animals looks up and is faced with several people all wearing duck masks, What are you doing here. No one is allowed back here without a person to escort them. Get out.

    The front duck pulls a weapon out, Shut up, put down that shovel, and give me the keys to the cages. Hay stupid, do what you are told.

    The revolver fires one shot and George is down.

    That was not very smart. You two go to the office and be more careful, back the trucks in. Follow the plan.

    Maybel is startled by a gun shot from the building where the animals are kept.

    In the office the two ducks wearing people bust the door in because it’s locked.

    You get in the closet now, or I will shoot you. Give me your phone.

    Maybel goes to the closet, is shoved in, and the door locked. A metal door brace is set, and the two people begin following the plan.

    At 7:15 the ducks and trucks pull out of the Pound building and are gone. Their lookout pulls in behind the last truck. At every intersection, several trucks leave the convoy.

    At 7:25 the first driver arrives at the office and finds

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