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Penny's Pits
Penny's Pits
Penny's Pits
Ebook33 pages15 minutes

Penny's Pits

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About this ebook

Penny has two secret fetishes, the first is quite normal she suspects, but the other she's convinced is decidedly strange and kinky. Often she wears a loose top and gives a quick peep at her firm ebony breasts and erect nipples, she even posts nude selfies online displaying herself, but her second fetish is a confusion to her, because she's never met anyone who gets turned on by hairy armpits like hers... that is until she meets Joan and Tom, and suddenly her life begins to spin out of control!

Release dateMar 29, 2019
Penny's Pits

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    Book preview

    Penny's Pits - John Lord


    Chapter 1

    PENNY HAD ALWAYS CONSIDERED it to be her own, private, and almost embarrassing fetish.

    No-one else likes it she told herself, she’d seen photos online, but those women all seemed to be spaced out hippy types, middle aged white women with greasy dreadlocks protesting against nuclear power or some distant war.

    But I’m not like that, I’m pretty normal really!

    Penny was an unexceptional girl, not really taking anything to extremes, she wasn’t exactly pretty, but she wasn’t ugly either, interesting she had been told once, and had taken it as a compliment. She wasn’t fat, nor thin, somewhere in between, a little extra padding around her waist and thighs, a slight tummy, but nowhere near obese.

    Am I a BBW? She had asked an ex-boyfriend.

    He had shaken his head and smiled. You are just curvy babe. he had replied, and she had embraced that compliment too.

    I’m like the majority of real women she told herself, the slim and sexy girls that appeared in magazines and on websites were just the tiniest percentage of all females, and it seemed a little frustrating that the majority were always judged against such a minuscule minority... but there were a couple of things that

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