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Body Heat: Naked & Afraid!
Body Heat: Naked & Afraid!
Body Heat: Naked & Afraid!
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Body Heat: Naked & Afraid!

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About this ebook

Jennifer, and Accountant in Thailand has just completed her divorce from the man who stole her furniture, whilst miles away William in South Africa has just ended his report and recommendations for a neighboring farmer.
They innocently meet on the Internet, and compare the behavior and attitude on contestants on Survival programs, until one suggests that they might try it themselves...

Release dateApr 8, 2019
Body Heat: Naked & Afraid!

Adam Mann

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and then Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, and even had a marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner.Adam Mann is a pen name.

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    Book preview

    Body Heat - Adam Mann

    Butterfly Books

    Body Heat – Naked & Afraid!

    By Adam Mann

    © Copyright Adam Mann 2019

    ISBN: 9780463221655

    Cover Art © 2015 by Niki Browning

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this or any copyrighted work is illegal. Authors are paid on a per-purchase basis. Any use of this file beyond the rights stated above constitutes theft of the author’s earnings. File sharing is an international crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by seizure of computers, up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 per reported instance. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights and livelihood is appreciated.

    Pubic hair is there for a reason

    That is evident in the cold season:

    For the balls it’s a muff,

    For the rod it’s a ruff,

    And it keeps the vagina from freezing’.

    Chapter One

    Can you teach me to use this computer, please?

    Jennifer had deliberately chosen a computer Games Room with a woman assistant. She had tried a different computer shop earlier, but the man working there was too tired, or just couldn’t be bothered.

    The girl looked up and smiled at Jennifer.

    A good start, Jennifer thought.

    What do you want to do? asked the girl.

    I’d like to join a social network. I’ve heard Facebook is good, Jennifer said. But I don’t want to play games.

    Do you have your own computer?

    No. But I can come here most days, can’t I?

    Can you pay? The girl pointed to the price list on the wall.

    Shall I pay for one hour, now? Jennifer took some small notes from her bag, but left the coins behind. Behind the assistant, two lines of about twenty computers faced the walls. There were about five young men looking at the computer screens.

    Where do you want me to start?

    From the beginning, please, but I can type a bit in English.

    Come over here, suggested the girl, and you can ask me if you get stuck.

    Jennifer followed the assistant around the reception desk.

    Sit down, said the girl, and I’ll set up an account for you.

    How do you switch it on?

    In this shop they’re on all the time, but that’s not difficult.

    Jennifer sat in a chair in front of the screen.

    What’s your name? asked the girl.

    Jenn, but can I keep typing in English?

    The girl pressed some characters on the keyboard, and Jennifer’s name popped up on the screen. Some more keys were pressed. The girl wrote something on a piece of paper.

    Here’s your account, which I’ve called Jenn, and this is your password. She handed the piece of paper to Jennifer.

    Wait a bit, said the girl as she attended to another customer. A few minutes later, she returned to Jennifer’s side.

    Now type in your name in that box, she instructed.

    JENN, typed Jennifer.

    Now your password.

    Jennifer pressed the six number keys.

    Now press Enter.

    The screen went blank then opened MS Explorer with just a few words and blank boxes at the top.

    Type in Facebook dot com in that box.

    Jennifer did, and the screen flickered again.

    Now you have to open a Facebook account, but keep a note of the password you select and the number they allocate to you.

    All you have to do is complete your Facebook profile, said the girl. Can I leave you to it?

    Jennifer smiled and nodded then turned back to the screen. She took her USB flash drive out of her handbag, plugged it into the keyword and uploaded her picture to her Facebook account.

    Name, she read and typed in her given name and her family name.

    Address, prompted the screen.

    Jennifer completed as much as she could, but left out some information she didn’t want to add. The girl showed her how to press the blue button on the screen to save everything.

    Do you want it Public or Private?

    Oh, I’m not sure. She tapped the desk. To find friends I’d better make it Public.

    Do you have an email address? asked the girl.

    Yes. Jennifer typed in her Google mail address in the box on the screen.

    Great, announced the girl. Now you can start to find some friends!

    Jennifer saw a long list of faces on the left side of the screen, and she randomly pressed a few that she found attractive. She stopped after five or six names.

    Now you have to check your email address and see who has accepted your invitation, explained the girl, and you have to open the website to do that.

    Oh, yes, I remember how to do that, agreed Jennifer.

    The more familiar Google mail icon appeared on the screen, and she typed in her email address and password.

    After a few minutes, a new email appeared from Facebook.

    She clicked on the email, and a Facebook message opened showing the photograph of one the people who had accepted her invitation to be friends, along with six other suggestions to invite more new friends.

    You can write anything that everyone can read, or send a private message to that person, the girl concluded.

    Jennifer looked at these faces; one was a cat and another a doll, but three were women and one was a good looking man about her age, so she pressed the invitation for the man.

    The woman who had accepted her invitation appeared to be online herself, and she asked Jennifer what her job was. All Jennifer had written on her profile was worked in an office.

    Jennifer typed: I’m an accountant.

    The new friend typed: Put that in your profile, but you don’t have to reveal the name of your firm.

    The girl attendant came over to see her. Your time’s almost up.

    Thanks, said Jennifer, that will do for today. Can I come back tomorrow?

    The girl pointed to a list of opening times, and Jennifer smiled.

    Now you must logoff, said the girl, but don’t forget your name and password for tomorrow.

    Oh yes, added the girl, here’s your Membership Card. Please keep it somewhere safe.

    Jennifer stood. She was several centimeters taller than most women in Thailand, but then her father was an Indian construction manager from Kerala, so her skin was also a shade darker than most Thai females.

    Jenn looked at the clock on the wall and decided not to go back to her office that day. She walked back to her tiny flat.

    She thought fondly of her parents. They had left Thailand just before Jennifer was married to a man they didn’t like. Her parents didn’t like Jennifer’s choice of a husband, as they didn’t think he would treat her kindly.

    They were right. Jennifer frowned.

    While Jennifer was at work one day, he had taken all their furniture and moved in with another woman. Fortunately, Jennifer was employed, and had fallen back on her work, which was her only source of income.

    Their divorce was not acrimonious; just one day she was married, and the next she wasn’t. The court had ordered her husband to return a lot of her possessions, but he ignored it. She found a new, tiny studio flat and only purchased furniture she needed. She planned to move on, maybe leave Bangkok, but she hadn’t made a decision, yet.

    Her job was her lifeline.

    Jenn used computers more than she had admitted in the Games Room, but in her office, Social Media groups were simply not allowed. She had her own email address and used it mainly for work. Her job focused on data processing. She enjoyed using spreadsheets and statistical analysis and graphs every day, especially as her immediate boss could not use them effectively and had to rely on Jennifer to do them for him.

    She was

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