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Blood Rite: The Lost Clan Chronicles Book 1
Blood Rite: The Lost Clan Chronicles Book 1
Blood Rite: The Lost Clan Chronicles Book 1
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Blood Rite: The Lost Clan Chronicles Book 1

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Tamsin’s world is turned upside down after her mother’s death. Left to run Wolf Lodge on her own, she must come to terms with her grief and prepare for the spring season. To make matters worse, something is changing inside her.

Rafe is the Alpha of the Cascade Pack. The Clan Meet is quickly approaching, and the location needs to be secured. He calls the lodge. A curt woman answers and informs him of her mother’s passing. Before he can respond, she disconnects.

Mary never spoke of a daughter. Why would she keep such a secret from the Pack? If Tamsin was born a Shifter, a Blood Rite would be called. Challenge after challenge would take place, and the Alpha left standing would claim her as his.

The Meet could quickly turn into a bloodbath.

*This series changes POV's.

More from Janelle Peel-
The Clutch Mistress Series
Vampire Mage
Allied Mage
Chosen Mage
Alpha Mage
The Sundering
Demon's Rage

The Clutch Mistress spin-off Series- Tabula Rasa
Tidal Magic
Blood Origin
Rune Gate

The Lost Clan Chronicles-
Blood Rite
Royal Rising

PublisherJanelle Peel
Release dateApr 11, 2019
Blood Rite: The Lost Clan Chronicles Book 1

Janelle Peel

Janelle is a Military Spouse and mother of two gorgeous girls. She loves to read and loves to write. Want to become a member of the Clutch and get the official newsletter? Signup here! Not a fan of emails? Follow her on facebook!

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Two many names to keep up with and the ending where’s the alpha that chase her it ended and to much was left unsaid
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Awful book! I wish I could have the time I wasted back. Contradictory characters and a mess of a plot so most definitely not continuing with the series. Along this, was the very disturbing moment where author writes with the implication of sexual assault towards what would be a 10 year old (in human years) shifter by a lieutenant with hedonistic tastes . GRIM!

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Blood Rite - Janelle Peel



The Lost Clan Chronicles

Janelle Peel

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2019 Janelle Peel

Illustrated by Ke Sneller

To be notified when Janelle Peel’s next book is released, follow her online at

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All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations used for promotion or in reviews.

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, businesses, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

I’d like to thank all of my betas. Without you this journey wouldn’t have been possible.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18



Tamsin’s world is turned upside down after her mother’s death. Left to run Wolf Lodge on her own, she must come to terms with her grief and prepare for the spring season. To make matters worse, something is changing inside her.

Rafe is the Alpha of the Cascade Pack. The Clan Meet is quickly approaching, and the location needs to be secured. He calls the lodge. A curt woman answers and informs him of her mother’s passing. Before he can respond, she disconnects.

Mary never spoke of a daughter. Why would she keep such a secret from the Pack? If Tamsin was born a Shifter, a Blood Rite would be called. Challenge after challenge would take place, and the Alpha left standing would claim her as his.

The Meet could quickly turn into a bloodbath.

Chapter 1


Polishing the stainless steel counter to a mirrorlike sheen, I frowned at my reflection.

The smattering of freckles on the bridge of my nose enhanced the golden flecks lining my jade eyes. Their number seemed to be increasing at an alarming rate.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only change I noticed. My sense of smell had tripled, and I was almost always irritated. I’d gone from a sweet chipper barista to snapping at patrons who let their children run screaming through the coffee shop. Their shrieks pierced my overly sensitive ears and left me wanting to throttle everyone in sight.

Heaving a sigh, I glanced at the assortment of tables and chairs spread across the room. Puddles of dirty water flickered on the polished oak floor. If I hoped to be out of here before nightfall, I’d need to get a move on.

The lodge was my home. At least, it used to be.

Now it felt cold… empty.

Most nights I wished the avalanche that had claimed my mother’s life had taken mine as well. Her laughter, her warmth, was snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

Waiting for the spring melt had been the hardest. I hadn’t realized how much hope I’d held onto.

Oddly, when she was found, not a single mark marred her perfection. The Sherriff was baffled. There should have been some sign of animal activity. The surrounding wolf packs had to have been starving by that point, but none of their prints ventured closer than five feet from her body.

My chest clenched at the recollection.

The funeral was only a month ago. I could have taken more time but refused. The festering anger at the unfairness boiled just below the surface and threatened to swallow me whole.

This was my first season running the place on my own. In years past I’d been away at law school. I was scheduled to take the bar exam, but things hadn’t gone according to plan. The resort closed for two weeks to get everything in order. If the forecast could be trusted, the glampers would arrive in droves.

As if the thought alone had conjured them, the phone began to ring.

Dropping my rag, I eyed the receiver with disdain.



Gritting my teeth, I jerked it against my ear. Wolf Lodge.

The sound of breathing filled the speaker.


Finally, a deep bass answered, Yes. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?

Something in his tone raised the small hairs along the nape of my neck. Pushing the sensation aside, I cleared my throat. Tam. How can I help?

Rafe. Is this the reservation line?

Yes, but we’re after hours now. Perhaps you could call back in the morning?

He paused. Is Mary available?

The air wheezed from my lungs at the mention of her name. When I recoverd, my tone hardened. My mother is dead, sir. Goodbye.


I frantically tugged the cord from the wall. The slim plastic snapped with a twang of finality.

Damn it. My night just got a whole lot longer.

Storming to the supply closet, I cursed the asshole who’d called for his ignorance.

My mother’s death wasn’t a secret. Who the hell did he think he was? Most people took to the web to make reservations.


What kind of name was that anyway? Was it short for Raphael? Not that Raphael was any better. Perhaps his parents hated him.

Smirking, I wheeled out the mop bucket.

If I ever met him I’d be sure to give him a piece of my mind.


He’d been trying the same number for an hour to no avail. The female he’d spoken with must have gone home.

That alone was terrifying news.

Mary had a daughter. Perhaps the child was adopted? If so, why would Mary keep her existence a secret?

Not that it mattered. He had to be sure.

Rubbing his chin, he shouted, Kira!

Seconds later his Omega rushed into the room. Her blue gaze scanned the small office before meeting his own. Shoving a few strands of ebony hair away from her cheeks, she groaned. Christ, Rafe. You don’t have to yell.

Kira alone could mouth off without reprimand. Sadly, she also knew it.

Rising from his chair, he chuckled. Pack a bag. You’re going to Leavenworth.

Her expression changed to amusement. And why, pray tell, would I do that? The Clan Meet isn’t set until next week.

Close the door.

Throwing him a glare, she did as he asked.

Satisfied, he moved to the leather couch and gestured for her to join him. As she settled, he lowered his voice. Mary is dead.

Her shock mirrored his own. How? Why? Where?

Shaking his head, he held up a finger. I searched the internet. She perished in an avalanche. It took months to find her body. I assume that is why we never heard about it.

Unshed tears glittered on Kira’s lashes. Biting her lip, she took a deep breath to compose herself. She wasn’t Pack, but she was close. How she survived so far away from her kin is beyond me. Will you be notifying her Clan? And what about the Meet? Where will we hold it now?

Kira babbled when she was stressed. Rafe only had to wait for a pause.

Hush. Mary was a lone Wolf, Kira. She had no ties to any Clans that I know of. It’s why we’ve successfully held the Meet there every five years.

Her expression shuttered. Then why must I go?

This was the crux of his problem. Fisting his hands, he whispered, Mary had a daughter.

Kira’s teeth closed with an audible click.

He continued, We need to know if the child is one of ours.

Fear flashed across her face. And if she is?

Then the Meet will proceed as it always has, and she will be claimed by Blood Rite.

She paled. You can’t, Rafe. You said she’s only a child.

Though it pained him, he was left with little choice in the matter. The laws had been set long before he was born. As Alpha of the Cascade Pack it was his sworn duty to uphold them. If he didn’t, his Clan would be disassembled. Most of the other Packs were volatile. He couldn’t let his Wolves be caught up in the slaughter. According to Mary’s obituary, Tamsin is nearing her twenty-fifth year. There was no mention of paternal lineage or any other family.

An irritated growl rumbled from Kira’s throat. How long?

The full moon, in seven days.

Kira moved from her seat faster than Rafe could track. She paced a circuit around the room, her gaze hardened. You’re fucking with me, right? There hasn’t been a Blood Rite in centuries, and now you’re saying we might have a new Wolf on the very first day of the Meet? Do you think she even knows what her mother was? As if that’s not bad enough, to be dropped into this world? I pray for her sake she’s human.

Meeting her gaze, Rafe silently begged her to understand. I know.

Twenty minutes later Kira departed. If she kept the Range Rover to a normal speed, she’d arrive at the lodge in a few short hours.

He snorted internally. That was a foolish thought. Kira drove like a demon. What would take a typical driver three hours, she’d easily cut in half.

Tamsin’s profile filled out the computer screen before him. Locating her Facebook page hadn’t been difficult. Unfortunately, everything except her picture was set to private. He’d have to be her friend to get any further.

Shifting in his seat, he enlarged the image.

A set of stunning jade eyes seemed to laugh back at him. Freckles dotted her upturned nose, and her cheeks held a rosy hue from the cold. Though her lips were chapped, their bow shape curled at the edges as if she were on the verge of a smile. The fluorescent green beanie she wore would have looked absurd on anyone else, but it only made her more endearing. Her thick coat and bibs swallowed the rest of her body before he could make out her size. The date on the photo listed it’d been taken last winter. Most likely before Mary had met her end.

Hesitantly, he maneuvered the mouse over the Add button. Only the fact that he’d given her his name stayed his hand.


Shoving my key into the ignition, I turned the old engine over. The battered truck hesitantly rumbled to life.

I patted the steering wheel affectionately. There’s a good girl. Shifting into drive, I headed for town. With a little bit of luck, the gas station would have a spare phone line.

A partial moon shone high in the sky. Stars twinkled merrily without a care in the world. Lit by wavering headlights, the silhouettes of tall pines flew by. Most of the snow had melted, and the two-lane road was mostly dry for a change.

Sniffling at the chill, I adjusted the vents. Blessed heat began to blow.

Nestled between the Cascade Mountains, the city of Leavenworth was picturesque in an old-timey way. The buildings boasted charming Alpine themes, and the population was around two thousand. Nearly everyone knew one another. Tourists flocked from all over the globe to see the ornate Christmas displays. Though most of the shops were closed at this hour, the gas lamps still burned brightly. It was a complete money trap, but one I absolutely adored.

Flipping on my blinker, I pulled into the vacant lot of the 76 station.

Through the window, Tommy looked up from the cash register. His brow furrowed for a moment. Slowly, a wide grin spread across his face.

Shit, couldn’t I catch a break?

Dating him had been a mistake. Ending it was even worse. He took the word stalker to a completely different level. I’d had to change my number twice and block him from every social media profile I had. What I’d naively thought was love, turned into a dangerous game of manipulation. It’d taken a series of martial arts classes to make me feel remotely safe.

On the other hand, I was not that sad little thing anymore.

Leaving the engine running, I stepped into the cold and slammed the door.

A bell chimed overhead as I pushed through the entrance.

Bracing his flannel-clad arms on the counter, Tommy snickered, Well hey, Tam Tam. Long time no see. What brings you by?

My stomach churned at the moniker, and I squared my shoulders. I hated the nickname and he knew it. "Hello, Thomas. Do you have any phone cords?"

His brown eyes slit at the snark. Sure. Aisle two.

Keeping him in my periphery, I strode to the appropriate shelf and grunted at the prices. Nine bucks was robbery, but driving another hour to Wenatchee would be just as ridiculous.

Plucking the package from the hook, I turned. A startled shout fell from my lips.

Tommy Jones was built like a linebacker, and yet he’d managed to sneak up on me. The scent of stale beer wafted from him in waves. Sneering, he leaned closer. I’ve missed you, Tam Tam.

Bile burned the back of my throat. Sidestepping him, I moved toward the register. Good for you.

Giving him my back was my first mistake.

A strong grip wrapped around my neck. His fingers tightened just shy of bruising as he spun me around. Don’t be such a bitch.

Rage darkened my vision, and I growled, Let. Go.

He leaned closer. The dimples I’d once thought were cute cast his face with menace. In slow motion, his other hand slipped under my jacket.

Pressure began building inside my chest as he neared the edge of my breast.

A terrible roar filled my ears, and I passed out.


A green sign beside the road announced I’d reached my destination. The lodge was located on the other side of town. Checking my speed, I rolled down the windows. If Tamsin was truly on the verge of her first shift, I’d be able to scent whether she was in the vicinity.

Inhaling in short bursts, I barely paid attention to the ornate structures passing by.

An unmistakable musk penetrated my nose.

Fuck. I hated it when Rafe was right.

I stomped on the gas,

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