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Crave: This Lesbian Love
Crave: This Lesbian Love
Crave: This Lesbian Love
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Crave: This Lesbian Love

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About this ebook

The marriage failed. Maybe we never really loved each other.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He went his way, I went mine.
Now, the children have left, and I find myself feeling lonely.
I find myself thinking of somebody I was once involved with…
A woman.
She was gorgeous, sexy as sin. We laughed together, kissed, made love day and night.
But… time moves on. So did we.
Now, though… I find myself wanting to meet her again. Wondering how she is. Wondering if time has been kinder to her than it has to me.
It’s silly, to dote on the possibility… the ‘what if’.
But what if we could rekindle that old flame again?
What if this could be a second chance?
Not just lust… not just fun.
A second chance at love?
I’m going to take that chance.
I need to take that chance.
Crave is a steamy and sensual full-length lesbian romance from Celeste Fox, author of ‘Covet and ‘Desire’, telling the love story of two women rekindling an old flame. This F/F romance novel contains graphic descriptions of explicit lesbian situations.
PublisherCeleste Fox
Release dateApr 11, 2019
Crave: This Lesbian Love

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    Book preview

    Crave - Celeste Fox


    This Lesbian Love

    Celeste Fox



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Bonus Book: The Surprise

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    All characters depicted in this book are 18 years of age or older.

    Copyright 2019

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this work are adults.

    License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Created with Vellum


    This Lesbian Love

    The marriage failed. Maybe we never really loved each other.

    Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He went his way, I went mine.

    Now, the children have left, and I find myself feeling lonely.

    I find myself thinking to somebody I was once involved with…

    A woman.

    She was gorgeous, sexy as sin. We laughed together, kissed, made love day and night.

    But… time moves on. So did we.

    Now, though… I find myself wanting to meet her again. Wondering how she is. Wondering if time has been kinder to her than it has to me.

    It’s silly, to dote on the possibility… the ‘what if’.

    But what if we could rekindle that old flame again?

    What if this could be a second chance?

    Not just lust… not just fun.

    A second chance at love?

    I’m going to take that chance.

    I need to take that chance.

    Crave is a steamy and sensual full-length lesbian romance from Celeste Fox, author of ‘Covet and ‘Desire’, telling the love story of two women rekindling an old flame. This F/F romance novel contains graphic descriptions of explicit lesbian situations.

    Chapter 1

    Memory is both seductive and selective. We’ve all relived the so-called ‘good old days’ and I’m no different. The older I get the more I find myself returning again and again to one particular year. It was 1988 and I was nineteen. I was a country girl from Healesville on the outskirts of Melbourne, the eldest of three daughters.

    Dad was a vet at Healesville Sanctuary and mum worked at the local clinic as a medical receptionist. Australia’s Prime Minister was Bob Hawke. Home And Away debuted that year but one of the most watched shows was Hey Hey It’s Saturday featuring Daryl Somers and Ossie Ostrich, a pink, wisecracking ostrich. It was the year of big hair, Australia’s Bicentennial and U2 but it was also the year I met my first love.

    I haven’t seen her for years but just recently I stumbled across an article in The Independent about a doctor from Médicins sans Frontières who’d just returned from the war in Yemen. My heart skipped a beat when I read the name, Hailey McMahon. The picture brought a smile to my face and a lump to my throat. Twenty eight years have aged us both but she could still pass for forty five.

    She was a twenty two year old nurse in 1988 when I knocked on the door of her house in Bayswater North on a hot summer day. I was staring at the imposing grandeur of Mount Dandenong, the most dominant feature in Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs.


    She wore a patterned shirt-dress and her straight brown hair nudged the small of her back, very unlike my blonde mane, yes, I had the big hair as well!

    It’s quite a view, her brown eyes twinkled, I love sitting by the window in the morning with a coffee, I’m Hailey McMahon, she held out her hand.

    Rachelle, I took her hand, Rachelle Wood.

    Rachelle, her smile was disarming as she glanced at the bible poking out of my handbag, if you’re a Jehovah’s Witness then they’ve got a vendetta against me. I had two here last week.

    I’m not, I blushed, although I am a believer, I just came from church, I’m here about the room?

    Ah, she took a step back and gestured, that’s different, come on in. You’re actually lucky to catch me, I was getting ready to go shopping, she closed the door behind me, I’m a nurse and this is one of my days off. Sad I know.

    I laughed at the joke and then I saw the iconic Flashdance poster hanging above the mantelpiece. I was transfixed by the picture and it wasn’t some homoerotic fixation.

    You like Jennifer Beals? Hailey raised her eyebrows.

    She’s okay, I brushed a lock of hair aside, I haven’t seen the movie yet.

    She’s my dream woman, she smiled slyly.

    The statement took a moment to sink in. There were gays in town but they tried to stay anonymous, there was one polite older man who rarely spoke to anyone, and a cast off relic from the punk era called Doris. Most of us tried to avoid Doris because she could be quite abrupt and she could take care of herself in a fight as Charlie found out in the Grand hotel one night. She’d impressed the proprietor so much he hired her as a barmaid slash bouncer. Only a foolish man would argue with Doris if she refused to serve him. I stared blankly at Hailey as it sunk in. She certainly didn’t look like a lesbian, but I’d only ever known Doris with the tattooed arms.

    Normally I don’t mention it but you’re here about the room, so...

    Oh, okay, it just took me by surprise.

    I’m in a relationship, she paused, if that puts your mind at ease?

    And your girlfriend doesn’t mind?

    She lives in Moonee Ponds, it’s complicated, she smiled and gestured, so, if you’re okay with that I’ll show you the rest.

    The house was a three bedroom, weatherboard with a large living room and a monster back yard. One of its most unusual features was the fact that the bedroom came fully furnished. If I took the room I’d have a double bed for the first time. She used the third bedroom as a sewing room.

    Rent is seventy a month, she leaned against the wall, but we can bring the price down if it’s too high. Where do you work by the way?

    I work out at the Christian bookshop in Heathmont.

    Oh, I know where you are now, she smiled crookedly, not that I’ve ever set foot inside.

    I didn’t reply as I sat

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