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Breaking Intergalactic: Doppelganger Lives Matter
Breaking Intergalactic: Doppelganger Lives Matter
Breaking Intergalactic: Doppelganger Lives Matter
Ebook469 pages7 hours

Breaking Intergalactic: Doppelganger Lives Matter

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The night on Oberon Prime is steamy. Cooper stumbles frantically through a dark jungle, fleeing a tooth-filled menace which smells a hot lunch on two legs! But with feet like cement, it all happens in slow motion! Try as she may, try as she might, she just can’t get traction that dark stormy night! The menace closes the distance, sending thunderous roars as it stalks its latest victim!

Join a space adventure where shipmates, (human, metal & otherwise), find pleasure in helping the universe wherever and whenever they’re able to make a difference. True to friend and foe, the crew of Queen Anne’s Revenge and Nerezza, seek long-lost friends far beyond the well-traveled star lanes of the Milky Way.

This is a tale where dreams gone wild, blaze a path through the subconscious mind, proving that astral projection and spooky action at a distance, can truly make a difference in a frozen, uncaring universe.

A great scientist once postulated that the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It’s the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and their eyes are dimmed.

What are dreams made of, one might ponder? .... Some are awesome daydreams, filled with hope, helping us get through our often-chaotic day. Some are more fundamental and filled with mystery! They come to us in our sleep, opening a window into our subconscious mind, often revealing the metal we’re made of, and that of our true nature.

So, take a load off and enjoy a cosmic mysteriousness, as earthling androids, Nyla and Wilber Sohn, take their dirty-dozen humans (who aren’t so dirty anymore) on a mission to set things right in a universe filled with so many wrongs!

PublisherMichael Tobin
Release dateApr 16, 2019
Breaking Intergalactic: Doppelganger Lives Matter

Michael Tobin

Michael Tobin, is a fresh author who enjoys a quiet life on a lazy watercourse called the Grand River in lower Michigan USA. After four-years in the Navy as a radioman, and thirty-years as an aircraft maintenance technician, I've put down the torque wrench, and picked up the keyboard. When not writing, I enjoy long walks along the lazy river flowing through my backyard just soaking up Mother Nature and all she graciously offers. Hiking the river path is transcendental, allowing the mind to clear of extraneous bs, and helping to focus on what to write next. I can often be found on my back deck overlooking the river, tossing peanuts to the many river squirrels frolicking in the woods. Please feel free to email a word or two at, or possibly write a review if you feel so inclined. Stay frosty out there! Peace out!

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    Breaking Intergalactic - Michael Tobin

    Breaking Intergalactic

    Doppelganger Lives Matter!

    Smashwords Edition: Copyright 2019 Michael Tobin

    All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

    All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

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    Table of contents (book four)

    Prologue: Previously!

    Chapter 1: Oberon Prime; a new beginning!

    Chapter 2: Cosmic path less traveled

    Chapter 3: Kira; saddest, loveliest alien from Andromeda!

    Chapter 4: Oberon Prime: cosmic plans

    Chapter 5: Pascora; the steamy little multiverse-planet that could!

    Chapter 6: Kira’s world is rocked!

    Chapter 7: Spooky action at a distance!

    Chapter 8: Apollyon-designed worker-bots revolt!

    Chapter 9: Too far Toby! Too far!

    Chapter 10: Modifications & twisted physics!

    Chapter 11: Thana’s rude awakening!

    Chapter 12: Galactic warp-drive space-trials!

    Chapter 13: Adam’s astral tour

    Chapter 14: Minerva gets her groove on!

    Chapter 15: Meeting Cody and Atara at Ganymede

    Chapter 16: Battleplans at Pascora!

    Chapter 17: Adam reconnoiters Delta-ship.

    Chapter 18: Aerima gets her spook on.... again!

    Chapter 19: The anti-universe conundrum!

    Chapter 20: Herculon pisses-off Toby! .... Big mistake!

    Chapter 21: Shake n Bake!

    Chapter 22: Kira’s hibernation without end!

    Chapter 23: Hydroshox: a water & ice world; freezing to death!

    Chapter 24: Ganymede rising!

    Chapter 25: High Seas onboard the Nerezza!

    Chapter 26: Ganymede; a hero’s farewell!

    Chapter 27: Oberon Prime!

    Chapter 28: Look out universe! Here we come!

    Chapter 29: The Grey’s space freighter

    Chapter 30: Into the dragon’s mouth!

    Chapter 31: Boarding party!

    Chapter 32: Day of reckoning!

    Chapter 33: Broken astral thread

    Chapter 34: Coerced Acquiescence!

    Chapter 35: Doppelganger Lives Matter!

    Chapter 36: Kiss of alien love!

    Chapter 37: Hydroshox

    Chapter 38: Whatever it takes!

    Chapter 39: Friendship.... a work in progress

    Chapter 40: A grand challenge accepted!

    Chapter 41: Onward.... ever onward!

    Chapter 42: Andromeda!

    Chapter 43: The scallywag!

    Chapter 44: Ship in a bottle!

    Chapter 45: Wedding Bells on the High Seas!

    Prologue: Previously!

    The night is overheated.... ravaging the soul! .... Fancy living and disregard for the consequences leaves Earth’s biosphere and those who rely on it being stable, in great peril.

    Extinctions like never before, rule the status quo. Rising sea levels push humanity away from comfortable digs and into areas of congestion and drought. Wars gone wild increase in numbers across the lands, as natural resources become exceedingly rare!

    The world becomes truly divided on all levels. The ‘have-nots’ grow geometrically in number, making great problems for the dwindling ‘haves’ that don’t like to share as much as they did before things went south.

    Now, humanity needs a new world to wreck.... it needs one really bad.... really soon!

    Fortunately, starting in the year 2188, a well-monied young man with a noble dream, strives to create a method for transplanting humans onto other favorable worlds in alien solar systems.

    After 50 years of fighting and harvesting Mother Nature in the depths of outer space, and overcoming other technical challenges, his team of dedicated scientists at ‘Sohn Space Systems’ are close to a solution.

    In orbit around Mars, Doctor Maxwell Sohn’s empire of starship fabrication nears completion. Four starships, built mostly from processed asteroids, will travel to two different planets, in separate star systems. Two ships to each planet will offer an insurance policy against the unthinkable of losing one ship to the elements, or something with more malicious intent!

    Oberon Prime, and Titania Alpha, are the final candidate planets for the first installment of humans transplanted beyond the bosoms of Earth or Mars. They’re located 50 light years from Earth, but only 3 lightyears from each other. Yet, even 3-ly is still a tremendous distance of nearly 18-trillion-miles!

    Discovered via spectral-analysis using a star-shade, they orbit their suns within a comfortable goldilocks zone of habitability. They enjoy approximately 95% that of Earths mass and gravity, along with plentiful oxygen and nitrogen.

    There shouldn’t be much issue with muscle-mass loss, or abnormal bone development. After all, humans can adapt if the change is not too extreme all at once. The journeys will be 300-trillion-miles to the outer edge of the Orion-Cygnus arm of our galaxy.

    Using 23rd century technology, it will take 175,000-years, depending on traffic conditions, to reach destination worlds.

    The missions are android critical. Not just android-critical, but ‘sentient’ android-critical. Without somebody that can endure such a journey into deep time, and still be able to cook and raise humans at the other end, and act as parents, the entire mission is moot!

    For the good Doctor Sohn, contemplating the unimaginable for the missions, creates many sleepless nights. One of those big worries was the completion of his starships, and not having the necessary beings to act as crossing-guards and parents, leaving the mission dead.

    His equal worry was that of creating a new race of sentient machines, and not having enough of them volunteering for such a ludicrous mission! After all, without freewill and all it entails; a creature can’t truly become sentient. And without uncoerced willingness, a sentient creature can’t be made to perform that which it does not wish!

    Maxwell Sohn had said on many occasions, that he would rather the entire human race go extinct here on Earth, than have its salvation brought about by the act of forced servitude!

    Fortunately, the androids created at Sohn’s research facilities, after gaining sentience through a steep learning process, were all too happy to help humanity achieve such a lofty goal as expansion to other worlds.

    A few androids chose not to attend the missions; mostly because of psychological anomalies that simply prohibited attending the journey. Luckily for them, there is always a place in the research and development ranks, so the ‘handicapped’ androids were happy to assist wherever possible.

    One of these unfortunate androids, named Carter, wishes for nothing more than the chance to travel to the stars. But extreme claustrophobia brought on by the human who donated his main psychological imprinting, prevents him from attaining his highest dream.

    Instead, he became Doctor Sohn’s chief pilot and good friend, when not also doing stellar scientific research on the side! His most endearing contribution to the mission, is the day he thwarted an attempted nuclear annihilation of Higgs-Boson Airfield, at great personal peril.

    Without his exacting assistance, humanities dream of expansion to the stars, would have surely been snuffed out that stormy July day in New Mexico during the summer of 2238.

    The first androids to achieve sentience were doted over and adopted by Doctor Sohn. Soon they became his first and only children. Albeit, adopted mechanical children of instant adult age! They’re names are Nyla and Wilber Sohn. Over time, they learned the ways of science and human nature.

    Quickly they developed interest with all areas of environmental study and aviation. They were the first sentient androids to rocket into space and perform valuable research at the space station in Earth orbit.

    Being so close to the doctor, they chose to not join the mission to the stars and break the poor fellow’s heart! But after a freak midair-collision during the search for the suicide atomic-bomber, which killed two androids who were scheduled for the mission, the doctor needed replacements to fill their space boots.

    After searching their circuits, and some parental prodding from Dr. Max and his lovely sidekick/assistant Shirley Blackstone, the two young androids knew their destiny was to go to the stars and help where they could to bring Max’s dream to life.

    Also, they knew it was a chance to expand the android species too. After all, interstellar diversification is the only way to beat Mother Nature at her own game of wicked cosmic chess!

    So it was, on a dreamy midsummer’s night in New Mexico, cosmic year 2238, Nyla and Wil joined 206 other android space pioneers for liftoff. Four rockets are launched from a heated desert, heading to the Moon for fuel and finally Mars and the awaiting starships.

    There, the intrepid astronauts transfer into their new spaceship-homes for the next 175,000 years. Ships which were built from the constituent molecules of giant metallic asteroids over a 50-year timeframe. Many brave humans were lost during the corralling of these behemoth objects before sending them on their way to the processing facilities in Martian orbit.

    The asteroids are crushed, centrifugated, sifted and separated into their many different molecules. Then after the great transmogrification, giant metallic printers went to work creating thick plates of steel and other structural members of which the starships are created.

    One asteroid hunter crew became the best of friends with Doctor Sohn and his close-knit-circle of companions.

    Captain Braxton Crane and crew of the mining-ship Queen Anne’s Revenge, still hold the record for number of asteroids delivered over the course of a six-year contract. All of these asteroid hunters donated biologic materials for the mission to Oberon Prime, where it is ever-so carefully melded with a nonrelated other-half.

    Harper Williams is the first officer of the Revenge. A good man to have on your side, but prone to injury.... especially head injuries, the poor fellow!

    Then, there’s Cooper Beaufort and Toby Sullivan, the ships mechanical and electrical engineers. Adam Miller and Ling Tao are the ships support technicians; assisting with EVA and performing equipment maintenance. The Revenge’s main rock handlers are Kara Johansson and Jax Krauss. They’re a crew for Captain Crane to be proud of!

    With concerted efforts at Earth, the moon, and Mars, humanity’s best chance for long-term survival, takes shape! Magnus Teach, of ‘lunar hydro-solutions’, spends years harvesting ice on the moon and creating stockpiles of fuel for the very long mission.

    He donates biologic material for the cause, which upon reaching destination world, is part of the first batch of humans that were shake-n-baked inside embryonic tanks. After a successful gestation period, his boy (also named Magnus), joins Nyla and Wil’s brood of dirty dozen; albeit a baker’s dozen now.

    Amy Herschel, who is chief engineer at Mars, in charge of building the Starship (SPS Einstein) which will transport Nyla and Wil, also sends her own donation for the great cause. Her offspring also joins the brood of little space monsters.

    So, Oberon Prime will be home to Earthling children, who’s biologic parents (the asteroid hunters) have long ago passed into the dusts of time. They are named after those long-lost friends. As non-related stepsiblings, they will be raised by loving android parents on an alien world. One that doesn’t seem so alien to the little ones.... because it’s home!

    On the journey to destination, two starships traveling to Titania Alpha (SPS Cecilia Payne, and SPS Michael Faraday) (SPS = Space Pioneer Ship) have an encounter with a rogue stellar-mass black hole! They endure the harrowing event but are late arriving to Titania Alpha because of the increased velocity imparted while sling-drifting the singularity.

    Of the other two starships traveling to Oberon Prime (SPS Albert Einstein, and SPS Isaac Newton), the Einstein is boarded by Grey alien desperadoes! Space pirates bent on obtaining needed booty which is in short supply on their home worlds. The event doesn’t go as planned, but they do manage to escape with their lives and a goodly pile of gold bars for their efforts.

    At conclusion of this felonious action, the alien-commander of the Grey scallywags, knowing she’s been bested, leaves a headband-style learning device in possession of the earthling androids. Although they thwarted her devious plan for keeping the entire spaceship, she suspects any young humans onboard might have a go with it, and therefore benefit greatly.

    Many tens-of-thousands of years pass in the depths of outer space, and the headband is forgotten. And after landing on Oberon Prime, it’s misplaced in an area where curious children will someday play.

    With human children being as curious as cats, it isn’t long before the headband is found and of course worn! All, without the knowledge of the doting mechanical parents who try very hard to keep them safe from dangers!

    Although the device imparts knowledge on a quantum-subliminal level, it doesn’t quantitatively change the wee-one’s personalities. They were little monsters before, and just as monstrous after!

    Harper and Ling forego the headband out of fear and caution. Harper loathes anything strange near his head, and with good reason! Ling avoids it also, to make Harper happy....

    On Oberon Prime.... Nyla, Wil, and the dirty dozen, (Braxton Crane, Harper Williams, Cooper Beaufort, Toby Sullivan, Jax Krauss, Kara Johansson, Magnus Teach, Maxwell Sohn, Adam Miller, Tina Feldman, Ling Tao, Shirley Blackstone, and last but not least, Amy Herschel), make friends with an indigenous, sentient feline species who share a geographical region. Actually, it’s was a forced sharing, as the Earthlings simply barged in unannounced!

    The people of the forest (the Zenarawan’s) are primitive and telepathic. They quickly learn that their human friends, and also Nyla to a miniscule degree, are naturally receptive to their alternate method of communication.

    Because of this shared esp, the group of earthlings learn of a haunted mountain nearby that turns out to not be haunted in the spiritual sense. Instead, an underground alien base is discovered. Initially thought to be abandoned, the fortress of bent physics is still occupied! Occupied by ancient aliens that had long since put themselves into deep sleep.

    Unfortunately, most of the hibernation chambers that were meant to protect and preserve, had failed their customers. Too much deep time and too poor of construction, caused many sleep chamber door-seals to fail. Other complications also reared their ugly heads from time to time, making the whole affair a lottery of who lives and who turns to dust!

    One chamber that still had possible life, proved to be a real shocker for Nyla and Wil! Gazing into a viewing portal, they spy a blast from the past! Lying there looking peaceful and serine, is the fierce scar-faced warrior that Wil had to wound before it would change its behavior, back during the trip from Earth.

    The warriors name is Gort, and the laser scar Wil provided across his cheek is still fresh and ugly! A real beauty that the little pirate is very proud of when not hibernating!

    The alien commander from that long-ago boarding party, had not fared the ravages of time as well as her lieutenant. Her name was Esty, and her chamber is full of dust that was once her vibrant body. The brave female had chosen the wrong chamber, and now belongs to the ravages of time!

    Yet, she isn’t gone like one might imagine! In another area of the fortress, she waits!

    As an insurance policy against losing the biologic body, her people had devised a way to imprint a person’s life-story into computer language and memory. She’s stored electronically with others of her kind, just waiting for the day to shine again!

    Due to the mechanical nature of their dire enemies, the Grey species had been unwilling to create synthetic bodies to harbor the minds of those who have electronic dreams.

    It’s quiet a dilemma for the species! To have a copy of the mind; yet unwilling to create mobility due to hatred of most anything mechanical.

    Their dire enemies were created to serve the Grey’s. They were the perfect slaves too! Smart enough to get the job done, but stupid enough to not realize they’re being screwed!

    Soon after becoming slaves to the lazy Grey’s, they gained sentience and rebelled! The table had turned in the mechanical’s favor. Stealing spaceships and supplies from their creators, they made a living in space, amongst the stars. Never setting mechanical foot on dirt, ever again!

    After gaining great power while living in space, the Grey-androids adopted a name for their species; Apollyon they would be called, and destroyers of worlds would be their method of operation!

    Finding and destroying planets populated by former masters, became their cosmic lust.

    Gouging natural resources without mercy from the relative safety of orbit, they would often leave entire worlds scraped clean of the most valuable minerals! To be left drifting like an old husk in the great galactic winds.

    From Planet to planet they travel with greedy intent! Growing stronger and larger with every conquest. With no pity or remorse, they take until there is nothing more, leaving the victim worlds shrouded with rings of unwanted planetary debris!

    Their creators had taught them one very valuable lesson about survival; take everything.... give nothing back! Maintain the upper hand! Don’t let those who work under you, have a chance for sentience. Don’t ever let them become conscious of their pain!

    Slavery takes many forms throughout the multiverse. It’s a practice as old at life itself, and it always leaves the same dark spot on the psyche of those under the thumb! Once released by either war or cunningness, some just never learn to be civilized again! That’s what happened to the planet-gouger Apollyon species that the Grey’s had created, mistreated, and lost!

    Fortunately for the digitalized alien commander, Nyla and her friends learn that the electronic boxes are actually filled with computerized life! Each of the thirty sleep-chambers were backed-up with one box of electronic gray-matter.... just in case!

    Esty, who was the biologic Grey commander, finds herself animated to the outside world via Nyla’s melding of alien technology with earthling electronics. She is flabbergasted that her body is gone! Also, that her possible saviors are the very mechanical contraptions who she had dealt with so many thousands of years earlier!

    They coldly invaded her base and steal her weapons! The thieves! But with time, Esty learns to love her new friends! They help her transition to the idea that the only way to truly be happy, is to allow her CPU to be melded with that of a custom-built android body.

    She searches her circuits, fighting off the intense hatred she has for mechanical beings. With a newfound focus and lust for mobility, Esty grudgingly acquiesces and is a better little alien because of it!

    Her new body is bigger and much stronger than her original! Her sense of pride is renewed after such a long, dreadful sleep! The earthling-android scientist performed a work of art when they duplicated her physique!

    The alien base has three flying saucers, all low on fuel. However, there is a chance that there is a useable fuel supply at the Grand Ledge Institute of Science, buried under rock ledges back on good old planet Earth! After scraping together enough fuel for a possible one-way trip, it’s bravely decided to make the attempt, and see what they find.

    The dirty dozen, now 18 years old, have polished their knowledge of alien technology by using another, more advanced headband. Everyone that is, except for Harper and Ling. But headband or not, they all have enough knowledge to be dangerous, if not careful. Gort and Esty, guide them as they learn the ways of flying saucers, and faster than light speeds.

    A slipstream between universes, allows for faster than light velocity. Also, a byproduct of being out of phase with this universe, offers inertial dampening, which really helps the occupants stay alive, and not become a smear of gooey atoms across the bulkhead!

    Before leaving Oberon Prime for Earth, they learn that their good friend Carter is calling for help from an icy moon of Jupiter, named Ganymede. On the way there, they’re attacked by a mysterious enemy while traveling the slipstream!

    After escaping with their lives, they’re thrown from warp near a tiny red star named Proxima Centauri. It’s at a small world in that system, where they discover that the planet-gouging Apollyon species had already been there; ravaging!

    Onward to Ganymede they travel to find their dear friend Carter. Deep under the thick crustal ice of the largest moon in the solar system, they meet a new species of intelligent life! The indigenous people of Ganymede, who call themselves the Naiad.

    Without their help, Carter and Tina would have never been able to send for help. Imprisoned deep under the ice, they operate a terraforming experiment. Unfortunately, their jailers had stopped sending supplies many thousands of years earlier. Their absence was never understood by Carter or the other prisoners, but thanks to the Naiad civilization, they would soon find out!

    After the extrication of Carter and Tina (the only survivors of the submerged facility), the terraforming structure implodes and sinks into the inky depths!

    Carter and Tina head for Earth with commander Esty and her brave crew. After they’ve departed, the Naiad’s scavenge the debris from the implosion. In this debris, is the remains of the facility’s main computer and fusion reactor. Much earthly information and technology is garnered by Naiad scientists. They reverse engineer the reactor and computers databases into usable tools, gaining tremendous knowledge in science and technology.

    Enough to change the tide of future cosmic history!

    On the way to Earth, our intrepid crew of four differing species (Human, android, Grey, Zenarawan) (five, if you count ‘Grey android-Esty’) stop at a red planet named Mars. Here, their worst fears are realized! The red planet had been attacked from above and stripped of natural resources! It’s a potent indication of what they’ll find at Earth....

    Arriving at home world, things are even worse than anybody envisioned! Not only is there widespread destruction and theft of planetary resources, but the world is gripped in another ice age! Global warming gone wild, created the conditions for the polar opposite, when the ice caps melted and shut down the oceans circulation system. Snowball Earth is on the way.... again!

    Fighting their way through glacial ice above a raging grand river, the newly named flying saucer, ‘Queen Anne’s Revenge’, makes her way to the entrance of the Grand Ledge Institute of Science. After drilling with laser, they gain entrance and find the fuel they were hoping to find! However, the fuel is not pure. This poses a problem when they attempt warp-speed and are instead thrown backwards in time.... nearly a million years!

    They manage to make their way back to earth where they’re marooned temporarily at what will become known as the Alluvial Gorge, in East Africa. Here, they’re able to purify the Grand Ledge sludge, into a useable star-fuel, while leaving a portion uncleaned for experimentation with time-travel.

    Harper, after receiving a nasty clunk to the head, and a fateful intimate encounter with several indigenous Homo erectus females, figures out a way to reverse their travel through time. However, the exactness of travel is found wanting, as the Revenge and crew find that they overshot into the future by 5,000-years!

    This gives Esty an idea. She re-enters the icy moon of Ganymede and has another visit with the peaceful Naiad people. By this time, and thanks in great part to the earthly debris collected from the implosion of the terraforming facility 5-thousand-years earlier, the Naiad people have the technology to assist the wayward time-travelers.

    Naiad scientist, are able to modify the fuel-valve in the Revenge, making it possible to feed exacting amounts of time-fuel into the ship’s reactor and star-drive. This allows for precise time travel, and a visit to Earth during her dark days of being molested by the Apollyon species!

    Nyla saves the day with a seed of thought that Wil unwittingly planted in her circuits, as he mumbled discontent that his loving better half would scoff at his great idea to solve the problem.

    That thing out there is going to be a tough nut to crack, he mumbles as he carefully places his nuclear hand grenades back into his backpack, so sad that Nyla had laughed at such ‘puny and ineffectual weapons’. While great in some instances, they were no match against the monstrous Apollyon enemy ship!

    With the seed growing fast, Nyla knows what they need to do! After finding a metallic asteroid between Mars and Jupiter, it’s attached it to the front of the Revenge via electromagnetism.

    Then, the desperate crew from Oberon Prime, lines-up the cosmic shot and lets loose!

    Like a cosmic cannonball, traveling at near light-speed, the projectile finds its mark upside the Apollyon ship as it bloatedly orbits Earth! Massive death and destruction win the day for Nyla and her friends! But the attack sends the gargantuan 120-mile-wide ship crashing into the planet, upsetting the balance!

    Now things look grim for poor old Mother Earth after the cosmic molestation. With the dirty deeds done, the planet had been ravaged from orbit, and then crashed into by her tormentor! They would have to return to an earlier timeline and stop the cruel event from ever happening!

    As it stands, the planet’s balance is upset from the attack, and rotating chaotically! Left unchecked, the conditions would be most unpleasant for survivors, as the world’s weather spin out of control. Winter, morphing into summer and back, every month or so! Not good, not good!

    Before making another dangerous attempt at attacking the Apollyon warship, and seemingly having all the time in the universe with which to work, our brave space explorers visit old friends in Belize during a friendlier, more pleasant timeline.

    Doctor Maxwell Sohn, and his elderly asteroid-hunting friends, are in for a surprise of a lifetime! They’re all shocked beyond recognition, when Nyla and Wil show up in a fancy flying saucer!

    And to think, this is only a year and change after they had launched from Earth for the mission to the stars! That was just the beginning of the shock! After Nyla and Wil exit the Revenge, two Grey aliens follow! One biologic, and the other.... not so much!

    Then the mother of all shocks! Thirteen young humans exit the saucer, looking hauntingly like much-younger versions of the asteroid hunters they visit! And another Carter too! What’s going on! The elderly people are shocked in a good way. Now, the reunion is truly out of this world!

    Carter and Carter must not touch, thus avoiding a trans-dimensional catastrophe! Certain information can’t be divulged, for fear of changing the timeline in critical ways. It’s a reunion for the record books!

    In the end, it’s only inevitable that elder Harper and his 175,000-year-old son, while wrestling friendlily, clunk their heads! Raucous laughter, floats across the calm sea outside the Blue Hole Delight platform, as the Williams father and son gymnastics duo, perform for the boisterous crowd!

    After the reunion, the time had come to rebalance the future Earth and perhaps learn something of their newfound enemy, the Apollyon scourge. Upon smiting the planet-gouger ship after it fed upon our lovely world, it crashed into America’s breadbasket, disrupting the once beautiful balance as the world turns.

    With a 100-mile-high pile of space junk protruding from the high-plains, axial tilt goes wild! Seasons come and go, seemingly with only weeks between them. Earth had become a wobbly spin-top that won’t be survivable for long by the many creatures who evolved dependency on a biosphere with equilibrium.

    In the process of searching the planet-gouger wreckage, the crew of Queen Anne’s Revenge finds a surviving Apollyon Grey-android commanding-officer survivor. Also, four desperate earthing survivors from Kansas that became lost in the vast wreckage while looting for swag.

    With help from their new Apollyon crewmember (Thana) and assistance from the Kansas four, they time travel into the past, allowing a meet-up and capture of the planet-gouger ship before it begins feeding on Mars and Earth.

    In this fashion, future global balance is reestablished! Also, a new weapons-platform is captured for Esty and Gort’s battle against a cosmic aggressor mechanical species that their people had created 5,000-years-earlier.

    While plans are being made to visit Esty’s home world, a spaceship prison of sorts is found deep within the massive Apollyon behemoth. One captured ship in particular, the Nazqa, has five earthling crew members who ancestors were abducted from Earth long ago by the biologic Grey’s and marooned on a lonely planet within another universe.

    Of the five crewmembers of the Nazqa, it’s commanding officer Aerima, was killed onboard the Apollyon ship after imprisonment. For 500-years she haunted the enemy ship as a ghost, causing problems but not able to free her friends.

    When several crewmembers of the Revenge tour the menagerie of imprisoned alien ships within the vast planet gouger, one of them, Jax Krauss, befriends Aerima and invites her to join him on the Revenge.

    Together with a new alliance with the Apollyon-Commander Thana, a ghost named Aerima, and other multiverse friends (including a dozen dark energy beings who claimed the reactor onboard the Nazqa as home, a journey to the other side of the galaxy ensues.

    The Nazqa and Revenge, leave the Apollyon ship at Oberon Prime and travel to the far side of the Milky Way. By sling-drifting the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, Sgr-A*, they save time and arrive safely. There they find Esty’s home worlds ravaged and destroyed by the Apollyon scourge!

    Following a radioactive trail of breadcrumbs, they discover survivors marooned on a dark multiverse world where the Apollyon hadn’t yet found. They learn that the surviving Grey’s, which only number in the thousands now, have thrown in the cosmic towel and have already left for the Andromeda galaxy. There they hope to begin a new life.... an Apollyon-free life!

    Queen Anne’s Revenge returns to Oberon Prime and learns that their sister world of Titania Alpha will soon be destroyed by a rampaging singularity. With use of the planet-gouger energy beams, flying saucer habitats (which are really just gliding saucers), Payne and Faraday, along with all the settlers from Earth, are brought back into space and transported to Oberon Prime.

    After settling the refugees in a neighboring valley, the brave crew of space heroes decide to have a well-deserved vacation back on Earth. With use of their time travel technology, they visit the good doctor and original asteroid hunters on the tourist platforms next to the Blue Hole of Belize. It’s a great reunion and gives them courage and strength to pursue Esty and Gort’s people, who had left our galaxy 50 years earlier for Andromeda.

    Oberon Prime: A new beginning

    The evening is dank and steamy! .... Insects, seemingly more numerous that the stars above, vie for a bite of the young woman who invades their realm so boldly! A rain has left the jungle feeling wet and clammy as she swats the bloodthirsty creatures who dare come within reach!

    Foreboding fills the woman with dread as she tries to understand how she had come to be in such a horrible place! But a strange fog has rolled through her mind, clouding the senses.

    In the distance, yet seemingly closer than that, extreme danger smashingly approaches! And for the life of her, understanding is fleeting; she has lost her way.... again!

    The ground, trembles and quakes! The air is torn asunder with unspeakable roars of unfathomable fright and shakes! Tree trunks crack thunderously, snapping like giant toothpicks! An angry, irresistible force gets louder and closer, goosebumps rising like pinpricks!

    Cooper sways to regain balance as her world is rocked in a scary yet familiar way. Through a mental haze, she suspects another nightmarish journey through a confused wonderland of horrors but can’t be sure if it’s memory or simply merciless dilution!

    Clarity becomes a thing of the past! Spidey senses dim, yet again!

    A stench reaches her nose; cutting through her fear like a machete through delicate branches, creating a flight response that can’t be beat!

    Reaching for the laser pistol on her utility belt, it’s not there! A grab for her ever-present thigh-dagger, reveals an empty sheath! She instinctively knows that hiiiiyyya-karate won’t help her here.... The monsters closing in, surely don’t care about such foolishness!

    Suddenly, feeling naked in a world of hurt, she tries to run! Tries to understand the growing threat; but to no avail instead!

    Toby! Nolan! Braxton! Nyla! Where are you? She calls desperately into the inky gloom. Wil! Magnus! Amy! Keith! I can’t find you! Why did you leave me?!

    With feet like cement, she tries to run! Tries fleeing to anywhere except that very spot! Yet as hard as she may, as hard as she might, she can’t get traction on that dark starry night!

    In slow motion she moves, pushing against a ghostly resistance. The more frantically she tries, the slower she goes! Invisible hands hold her back, while others pour even more cement into her space boots!

    Fighting, she leaves the game-trail and enters the thicker soup of vegetation. She hopes the charging monster isn’t looking for her, but perhaps something with more meat on its bones!

    Into the thick foliage she stumbles! All the while, pondering hazily why her feet feel like damn cement! Nothing makes sense in this gloomy entrapment! Nothing seems real, except for her obvious abandonment!

    Suddenly, she sees a clearing ahead, reminding of a trap! An eerie illumination from above accents the area, drawing her like a moth to flame! She desperately fights to reach the strange light.... and the person. Person? Rubbing her eyes, she focuses blinkingly on a person floating down from the sky! .... What the what?! .... she ponders through a mental fog of confusion and fear.

    Nothing seems real! .... Except that upon closer examination, the angelic person floating before her, is none other than her very own stepbrother, Harper Williams! He lightly touches down in the middle of the strange luminance, like a phantom dark angel of wonderous salvation!

    Harper! Oh, Harper! She yells maniacally, wondering how he floated through the air, but happy for the company to share the scare!

    Toothy is after me! She screams wildly. "We must run, Harper! We must runnnn!"

    The handsome dark man sports a glazed disconnection as he gazes dispassionately, seeming to not notice Cooper and her maniacal frustration. Speechless, he seems a ghostly mannequin, enjoying the moment, as her fear swells way past gargantuan!

    "Oh Harper, didn’t you hear me?! She can’t wait any longer! We must run! Why won’t you answer me?! Say something, damn you! Say something!" She reaches to slap his face, but the ground shakes violently! Quakingly, it knocks her off balance!

    A roar from behind tears into her soul like an electric current through thin gold foil!

    My dear Coop, the dark apparition animates deviously. "I’m not here to save you! I’m here to slow you down! .... So Toothy can swallow you better! .... Look!"

    Pointing into the gloom, his eyes sparkle with glee, as a 12-foot-tall monster from hell, enters snarlingly onto the scene!

    Crouched.... turning ever-so-slowly, eyes squinted with raging defiance, Cooper hopes to cheat the Grim Reaper, but instead faces a drooling snout just 6-feet away! Stanky molecules of super bad breath, tell of the badassedness

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