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Progress, Really?
Progress, Really?
Progress, Really?
Ebook62 pages47 minutes

Progress, Really?

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It is always important to reflect on change and learn from experiences. In my book, I seek to bring socio-political issues to the forefront for dissection. Progress has had great power to change and shape American culture over the course of my lifetime. I wish to compare the history of policies to their current state in the hopes to help bring up important issues for the reader.

I begin by talking about education in America. What has changed and what has the result been? What have we gained and what have we lost? Have we gotten caught up in trying to honor the uniqueness in every student that we neglect the teaching? I continue by discussing the issue of uniqueness and entitlement among people raised during the height of progressive change in public education; everybody gets a trophy. The following chapters discuss the issues of sexuality, morality, and political correctness. Where do we draw the line? Rather, where should we draw the line? I examine the effects of political correctness on our culture here.

Labor Unions, government, and individual rights have all been greatly affected by progress. It seems as progress continues, government grows at the cost of individual rights. Citizenship should not be a complex or confusing experience, yet it's so easy to misstep because of advances in progress. Then comes revolution. Many people, regardless of political affiliation, agree that revolution is coming – if not already here. Do not assume revolution must be violent – I suggest nonviolent means of revolution in this chapter.

My political opinions are clear from the contents of this book, but I do not seek agreement. I see the blind march of progress, and I am afraid. I am afraid that too many choose not to face issues head-on. I am afraid of the unexamined life. I ask you to remember Socrates. Is your life worth living?

Release dateApr 18, 2019
Progress, Really?

Peter Serefine

Meet Peter Serefine: A U.S. Navy veteran and dedicated U.S. Mail carrier, Peter embodies the spirit of service. With a solid high school education and a role as a Pennsylvania State Constable, he's deeply rooted in his community. Amid the turbulent political landscape of 2016, Peter, a representative of the dwindling middle class, felt a calling to bring about change. His initial creation, "Progress, Really?", aimed to ignite critical thinking about the course of societal and political progress. But Peter's impact didn't stop there. His passion for enlightenment led him to establish the Liberty Lighthouse, a beacon of insight for those navigating the complexities of today's world. Not content with just inspiring through words, he created the online Liberty Lighthouse Classroom, a virtual space where the principles of constitutional governance are shared to empower others. In the midst of a full schedule that includes a demanding full-time job, op-ed article writing, and book publishing, Peter dedicates two hours each week to host a live radio show. His residence in a quaint Victorian town in Pennsylvania serves as a backdrop to his life's endeavors. Sharing this journey is Staisha Hancock, Peter's cherished partner, whose unwavering patience beautifully accommodates his passionate political discussions. Peter Serefine embodies the essence of dedication, a true advocate for knowledge and change within his community and beyond.

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    Book preview

    Progress, Really? - Peter Serefine

    Peter Serefine

    Progress, Really?

    One man’s view of social progress in America

    First published by Liberty Lighthouse 2019

    Copyright © 2019 by Peter Serefine

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Peter Serefine asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Peter Serefine has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    Author’s profits will be donated to the Convention of States Project (

    Second edition

    ISBN: 9781386256533

    Editing by Marlene Miller

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

    Find out more at

    Publisher Logo

    I dedicate this book to MM1 Hecht and BT2 Templeton, Company Commanders of Company 248, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, 1991. No person who has ever gone through basic military training will ever forget the names of their instructors.






    1. Education

    2. Everyone is Special

    3. Entitlement

    4. Sexuality

    5. Morality

    6. Political Correctness

    7. Labor Unions

    8. Government

    9. Individual Rights

    10. Revolution?



    About the Author

    Also by Peter Serefine


    There is no doubt that progress can be good. It was Progress that got us out of caves and into houses. Progress gave us running water, electricity, computers, and all the comforts of modern life. There is also no question that Progress never stops. Just look at communications for example; we went from telegraphs to party line telephones to dedicated line phones. From touch tone to cordless. From cellular phones to smartphones with more computing power than all of NASA in 1969 when we put a man on the moon.

    I am writing this book to look specifically at social progress. Social progress has brought a lot of good to the world. Unfortunately, social progress has also brought up even more questions for our society. I am not against progress itself, but rather blind progress: progress for the sake of progress without thought to how it will affect our country. This book is about a single question, where is social progress in America taking us?


    It is important to understand where information comes from, so let me start by telling you a little about myself. I am a high school educated, middle-aged, white man, and a proud member of the middle class. I consider myself a conservative in politics, however, I have not voted for a Republican presidential candidate in the past several elections. I am not a politician or a political expert in any way. In fact, I don’t consider myself an expert in any subject. In short, I am an average American man.

    I have never written anything to be published before, not even a letter to the editor. I have decided to write this book partly for my own catharsis, and partly to, Support and defend the constitution of the United States of America, much like many figures before me. The following are my observations of the changes to the American culture during my lifetime, a compilation of many of the, signs of progress I have witnessed. I will not attempt to tell you what to think. I only ask that you do think.


    I would like to thank my primary school teachers and my parents who taught me to think for myself. I also would like to thank my fourteen-year-old son, Jack, for making me proud by showing interest while I wrote. I especially want to thank

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