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The Alpha's a Bitch
The Alpha's a Bitch
The Alpha's a Bitch
Ebook59 pages1 hour

The Alpha's a Bitch

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About this ebook

Hunted. Confused. Terrified.
Stephanie Bennett was always straight as an arrow. That was until she and her boyfriend, Frost, were suddenly harassed by a pack of angry werewolves.

Fighter. Strong. Smart.
Now on the run for their lives, Frost and Steff try to find a safe place to hide before the next shoe drops while trying to figure out their next move. 

Plotting. Dangerous. Sister.
Going back on her word, Frost's sister has a change of heart and is now looking to end his existence and any possible chances of his getting the Alpha pack leader position back.

Just what will go wrong next? 

Release dateAug 4, 2014
The Alpha's a Bitch

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    Book preview

    The Alpha's a Bitch - Cera D. Colby


    Chapter 1

    IT HAD BEEN HOURS SINCE they were so forcefully pushed out of the safety of Stephanie's house and they were still on the road. Running his hands through his hair, Frost breathed in deeply. He knew that he needed to come up with a plan. And the sooner the better. It wouldn't be dark much longer, he had less than a quarter of a tank of gas and he had no idea how close or how far away the next gas station was.

    But he just kept on driving. Not really listening to the music in the CD player as it played quietly in the background, Frost kept on cruising along the interstate to who knows where, with Stephanie still asleep in the passenger seat. They had been driving for what seemed like days now and Frost was now taking his turn at the wheel so she could get some much needed sleep.

    Simon Jr., bloody and bruised, was still out cold in the back seat of Stephanie's truck, an occasional moan coming from him as if he were still dreaming about the events of the past few days.

    Then he noticed something that immediately brought him out of his reverie. Feeling his front left tire beginning to pull to the side, Frost slowed down and took the first exit he saw, not realizing he had just made the mistake of pulling off into active gang territory. He was exiting into Parkinsville - a town he hadn't been to since he was a teen. In the back of his mind he wondered if his cousins still lived here - the last he had heard of them, a couple were getting really interested in law enforcement, or becoming a lawyer, or something like that - he couldn't remember the exact details right off the top of his head.

    Carefully parking on a side street out of the main traffic, Frost quickly got out of his truck and examined the front left tire. Damn it! he said as he kicked the ground next to the tire.

    Seeing that the tire had a nail in it and was slowly going flat, and knowing he had made a terrible mistake by pulling into a bad neighborhood, Frost decided to quickly fix the tire of Stephanie's fancy truck instead of waiting for a tow truck to come and rescue them. They needed to get out of that neighborhood as fast as humanly possible. And undetected too!

    Looking all around him he figured no tow truck would come out here anyway even if it were broad daylight since all he saw were rundown houses spray-painted with gang graffiti and yards lined with nothing but trash, burned out cars and the like. Off in the distance, he heard loud rap music being played somewhere. Hurrying, he opened the truck box, pulled out some tools and got to work, with Stephanie and Simon Jr. still asleep inside, completely unaware of the danger they were now in.

    At that very same time a few blocks away, Ricardo ‘D’ Ramirez, the leader of the ‘Red Fist’ gang, had just been pulled under an old wooden bridge and shown the dead body of a young man shot through the head. Recognizing the body was the missing step-son of the local sheriff, Ricardo instantly becomes furious. Thinking his rival gang the ‘Silver Switchblades’ killed the sheriff’s step-son in order to get the 'Fists' in trouble with the cops, Ricardo ordered an Everything-Goes Gang Fight to be carried out at sunup to take out the Switchblades, once and for all.

    As he was walking back to the projects, Ricardo, dressed in his favorite Hawaiian shirt, took a short cut where he saw a stranger, Frost, working

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