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Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes: An Erotic Paranormal Vampire Romance
Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes: An Erotic Paranormal Vampire Romance
Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes: An Erotic Paranormal Vampire Romance
Ebook48 pages27 minutes

Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes: An Erotic Paranormal Vampire Romance

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About this ebook

A young man with a crush on his high school sweetheart makes a desperate wish he wasn't entirely prepared for. He thought he understood the agreement - turns out he ignored the fine print.

Will he ever get the girl of his dreams? Maybe, but not quite the way you might expect.

Warning: This Paranormal Romance short story contains some violence and heavy sexual situations. Recommended for ages eighteen and up.

Release dateAug 5, 2014
Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes: An Erotic Paranormal Vampire Romance

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    Book preview

    Too Consumed With Desperate Wishes - Cara B. Connor


    Chapter 1

    THIS WHOLE THING STARTED innocently enough a few years back while they were both in middle school.

    Chris was practically dragged to a birthday by a few of his other friends.  He just wasn’t That Guy – parties were never his thing, even if the parties were mostly an excuse to have a barbecue and some cake.  He clung close to the buffet table while everyone else mingled or enjoyed a rousing game of spin the bottle.

    Then, he saw her.  Long hair, bright-eyed, wearing a tropical-themed summer dress.  She was running around barefoot, bubble-wand in hand, and Chris couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight.  It took the nudging of one of his friends to pull him out of it and it didn’t take long for him to find out the name of the mystery girl – Kelly, with a long ‘E’.  She was one of those friends of a friend that he never really had a chance to talk with very often.

    That was then. Today, however, things today were a little different.

    Chris stole a single glance at Kelly as she passed him in the hallway. She looked gorgeous as always, her brown hair pulled back in a loose pony and her light green sweater reflecting her eyes. It almost hurt to turn away as she came closer, but the pain was worth the loss. The last thing he wanted was for her to think he was a creep if she caught him staring.

    Chris had been in love with Kelly for what felt like forever now, since she moved here back in middle school, and they had been going to the same school ever since. He knew he was being ridiculous not talking to her, but at least he was man enough to admit to himself that he was a coward. He simply couldn't summon the nerve to tell her how he felt about her, that the only thing that brought him to school every day was the handful of chances he got to pass her in the halls, dependent on the merciful chance of their converging timetables.

    Of course, it wasn't like he'd never spoken to her; he wasn't that hopeless. She was his lab partner once last year for a couple of days, and she asked him what page they were on in history once, when she was sitting in front of him. He had been so focused on her slim neck that he was caught blushing when she was suddenly facing him, her green eyes amused and that smile of hers playing at the corners of her mouth.

    No, they definitely spoke. Sometimes they even exchanged greetings in the hall, especially if she wasn’t walking with a friend and giggling about something. But those brief encounters were usually enough to make his entire week.

    But he wanted so much more than that with her. He wanted to feel her wrap those thin, delicate arms around his waist when he got to school in the morning. He wanted her

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