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The Riddle Tree
The Riddle Tree
The Riddle Tree
Ebook80 pages1 hour

The Riddle Tree

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This is the story of Malachi, the curious boy, eager to know everything by solving puzzles and riddles. He never gets enough of the mysteries until one day his curiosity gets him into trouble. He is captured and imprisoned inside an mysterious Riddle Tree. Together with his friend Ariana he plans to escape the three Aurik, but he is running out of time...

Release dateApr 22, 2019
The Riddle Tree

Eric Landa

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    Book preview

    The Riddle Tree - Eric Landa


    Eric Landa

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © Eric Landa 2016

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author's imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    Thank you for purchasing this book

    I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it.

    Eric Landa

    It was ten years ago that summer.

    Yes, ten years since Malachi, the curious boy, sought to acquire more knowledge

    by solving many difficult puzzles and riddles.

    He could never get enough of them, he always wanted to learn more. And why not?

    After all, he was a smart boy.

    But in the end, Aurik bound him to live forever inside a tree instead.

    Now, ten years later, Malachi would become friends with a village girl, Ariana, and together, they’d attempt to solve a mystery that would hopefully set him free.

    Enjoy reading this story about Aurik, Malachi and Ariana as their adventure begins.

    If you wish to know him, hear his name, hear his name!

    If all were to glow in fall, you’d find his first in all

    Creaking under a hefty burden but here now standing tall

    When roses turn red, his second will start to call

    Yet, his third rests silently in the middle of it all

    While Kings conquer and kind Kings kindle...his last louds the whisper

    Dear, what is the puzzler’s name?



    A Magical Summer Night

    The wind was soft, warm and moist, gently moving through the atmosphere, cool enough to soothe and mild enough to be almost unnoticeable. It was a perfect night with different shapes of clouds in the dark blue sky that looked like tasty fruits and small, cute animals. This night made storytelling simply amazing for the children who were lucky enough to still be awake at this hour.

    Despite the complete darkness in the sky, the moon cast its beautiful bright light all over the place, creating a warm glow and mystical feeling. But unknown to most, the moon wasn’t the only thing with a magical presence that night! In a tree that grew half a mile up the hill from a small mundane yet picturesque village, a little boy stared at the bright blue moonlight. His name was Malachi. Malachi sniffed as he continued to stare at the sky from inside the tree. He was lonely.

    Malachi wasn’t quite sure which feeling was stronger – sadness or loneliness. But he knew he longed for a friend. He needed someone, a friend he could talk to, and laugh and play with. Malachi had never had a single friend in his entire life – until he met Aurik, the magical tree, of course. But right now, he desperately wanted to talk to someone; he needed to talk with a friend apart from the tree. He wasn’t even sure if he had a friend in Aurik. He needed to tell someone about the secrets that he learned from the magical tree. His final test, Aurik told him, was to find his way out by solving the final mystery. Then he could go and share everything he had learned. One final puzzle, one more riddle.

    However, Malachi was clueless as to what the answer to the puzzle was, and he couldn’t find anyone to talk to. He was so close to leaving, yet so far. How could he? It wasn’t as if he could just get up, open a door in the tree and leave. He was bound to stay in the dark, silent shelter forever until he found a friend! What sort of fix had he gotten himself into?

    But how do I find a friend without ever leaving this place? Malachi thought to himself. He was pretty sure no-one, not even the friendliest person in the world, could make a friend when there was no-one around. The most important consideration in making a friend was that they had to be a human being. What were the chances of anyone ever coming to this mystical tree? Who in his or her right mind would talk to a tree?

    Even if it’s the devil himself, I would be friendly to him, he thought to himself as tears rolled down his cheek like a waterfall. In that very moment, he felt completely hopeless.

    What is the last puzzle, Aurik? Please, tell me!

    Malachi remembered how he had been elated three nights ago when his body lifted in the mist of the night

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