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Coach M
Coach M
Coach M
Ebook239 pages3 hours

Coach M

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Andi Zappa never expected to coach the Richmond College Ravens again, but she’s back five years after she left. She takes over as the women’s basketball coach midseason and must contend with obstacles, old and new. The biggest may be Melissa MacKenzie, the player she fell in love with five years ago. Melissa is now an assistant coach for the Ravens and navigates treacherous waters as she tries to keep her relationship with Andi professional.

PublisherQ. Kelly
Release dateApr 24, 2019
Coach M

Q. Kelly

I live in Washington state, where I am a writer and an editor. I also have a master's degree in deaf education. In my free time, I hike and savor frappuccinos.Fact One: I like corny jokes. If you have any good ones, send them my way!Fact Two: My favorite color is purple, but my writing is gray. Life is not black and white. I often write about issues and characters where there is no "right" answer.Fact Three: I'm weird. I like being weird.Email me at I'd love to hear from you.Check out my blogs at and

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    Book preview

    Coach M - Q. Kelly

    Coach M

    Q. Kelly

    © 2019 Smashwords

    Table of Contents

    Blurb for Coach M

    Author’s Note

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Have You Read Coach Z?

    Q. Kelly’s Works

    Blurb for Coach M

    Andi Zappa never expected to coach the Richmond College Ravens again, but she’s back five years after she left. She takes over as the women’s basketball coach midseason and must contend with obstacles, old and new. The biggest may be Melissa MacKenzie, the player she fell in love with five years ago. Melissa is now an assistant coach for the Ravens and navigates treacherous waters as she tries to keep her relationship with Andi professional.

    Author’s Note

    This book is the sequel to Coach Z. Coach M can stand alone, but reading Coach Z may enhance your enjoyment of the sequel. Purchase Coach Z here.

    Richmond College is fictional, as is Seattle State. The Las Vegas Aces is a real WNBA team, and any resemblance to its portrayal in this book is by chance. There is no Pacific Classic basketball tournament in real life, nor is there a Luau Paradise hotel in Honolulu.

    Ride the Rainbow Books

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced without the permission of the author.

    Coach M by Q. Kelly © 2019

    Email Q. Kelly

    Chapter One

    Melissa MacKenzie studied herself in the full-length mirror from all angles: front-on, side profile, butt. She squatted, bent and reached upward. The pantsuit kept her properly covered no matter her position. Good. Coaches found themselves in all sorts of contortions, and it was critical to have clothing that fit.

    It’s my rule number one, Diana told Melissa with a smile soon after Melissa joined the Richmond Ravens coaching staff in September. The head coach’s light-green eyes twinkled. Melissa did not know for sure then that Diana was pregnant, although the protective way in which she cradled her stomach made Melissa wonder.

    Fast forward to early January, and a suddenly difficult pregnancy consigned Diana to bed rest. The Ravens had been forced to fly to Hawaii without her, but even without the head coach, Hawaii hummed with enchantment and promise. Of course, wardrobe malfunctions could still catch Melissa unaware. Better safe than sorry.

    Melissa exhaled a jittery breath and gazed out her hotel room window onto sun-drenched Honolulu. The team was competing in the second-annual Pacific Classic basketball tournament at the University of Hawaii. The Ravens stayed at the Luau Paradise hotel overlooking Mamala Bay. Shimmery sand, exotic trees, colorful marine life…this extended weekend would slip through their fingers too soon.

    Forget Richmond, Melissa’s fellow assistant coach, Kevin Key, declared. Let’s move here pronto.

    Melissa turned. Kevin stood in the doorway that connected their rooms, and she smiled. You read my mind, she agreed. She’d take up surfing and learn how to do the hula. She’d transform her pale skin into the redheads’ version of a tan.

    Kevin checked his watch. Ten o’clock, he said, anxiety evident in his voice. Should be anytime.

    Melissa forced a smile to her face. Since the conversation with Brandon Charles yesterday afternoon, she alternated between excitement and dread for the moment that would occur soon: Seeing Andi in the flesh for the first time in five years.

    Will it be strange to work with Andi? Kevin asked.

    Melissa’s stomach folded in on itself. She shrugged, masking her apprehension with nonchalance. Sure, but that’s life. It’ll be odd for you too.

    I wonder what Poe would say about this.

    Melissa may have changed in the past five years, but dear, Poe-spouting Kevin had not. Well, except for one thing. He’d become even more handsome. Not handsome enough to turn Melissa straight. No, no, that would never happen, but she had a functioning brain and functioning eyes. She could appreciate Kevin’s looks for what they were, and he fulfilled his job of getting skilled young women to play basketball for Richmond College.

    Interestingly, a whiff of scandal never surrounded him, nor did Melissa ever get the feeling that he wanted to bed a player. There was just something harmless, vacant and asexual about him despite his startlingly good looks.

    Kevin joined Melissa at the window. Her flight actually landed a few minutes early, he said.

    Families sprawled on the beach. They staked umbrellas into the sand and laid down towels. Children and adults reveled in the sand, enjoying the sensations on their bare feet. In the waves, they laughed and frolicked.

    Unbidden images unfurled in Melissa’s mind. Her and Andi in the ocean, her and Andi naked, waves crashing over them as they fucked each other hard, as their tongues warred, as they—


    She couldn’t, but her daydream became gentler, the waves demure. Melissa licked Andi’s neck, enjoying her shudders and the bracing salt taste of her skin. The sun heated them both, promising great adventures to come.

    I need to tell you something, Kevin said.


    I don’t agree with what Brandon is doing.

    Melissa left her daydream behind to listen.

    I’m capable of leading the team, Kevin went on. No disrespect to Andi, but none of this is necessary.

    You’re right, Melissa said, only to be nice. But it is what it is. It’s out of our hands.

    Kevin scowled. I should’ve said no when Brandon talked to us. I should’ve stuck up for myself.

    I know the feeling, she murmured. Melissa had stared at the Ravens’ athletic director yesterday for a long, ghastly moment after Brandon made his suggestion. She went mute with horror. Meanwhile, Kevin nattered on and on about what an incredible idea it was, yes, oh yes, they should absolutely go for it.

    Then Melissa made her burbles, her strings of, Oh, it’s a wonderful plan!

    How could she and Andi interact in person on a daily basis until the beginning of April?

    Brandon’s eyes twinkled in merriment, like he fancied himself a grandfather who chose the right type of candy for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Full-size Snickers bars and king-size Reese’s Cups. I’m glad you both agree, he said. As you know, the original plan was for me to help out during the tail end of Diana’s pregnancy when necessary, but this is early. Much too early. I have other responsibilities.

    Melissa glanced at the red numbers of the alarm clock on her bedside table. Then she checked her phone. There had been nothing, absolutely nothing, from Andi since that night five years ago, but Melissa half-expected a text along the lines of, See you soon!

    Hurry up, Andi, she thought. Let’s get this over with.


    Brandon quizzed Andi on the drive from the airport to the hotel. Who are the guards? he asked.

    Apolline Nash, Vann Brewer, Jacqueline Posner, Sarah Brown and Amarika Jones, she answered smoothly.

    He flashed an approving grin. Who are the forwards?

    Jelen Murphy, Shikia Cole, Bertrise Hall, Whoopi Taylor and Zelena Garcia.

    The questions Brandon asked were easy. After all, Andi kept close tabs on the Ravens. How could she not? In her heart, in her soul, she remained a Raven, and fate had seen fit to reunite her with Richmond. Sure, it would be temporary, for the rest of this season only until Diana could retake the mantle next year. Still, Andi had her chance to redeem herself in Brandon’s eyes and perhaps even Melissa’s.

    Have you spoken to Kevin and Melissa about it? Andi asked the prior morning when Brandon called to outline his idea.

    Not yet. I had to see first if you were interested. But why wouldn’t they be onboard?

    Ha. Really? Andi could virtually guarantee that Kevin believed he should take over the head coaching job. As for Melissa, well, Andi broke her heart. Of course, Brandon would not know that.

    Andi turned to stock excuses. She coached at Seattle State University, for goodness sakes! She couldn’t up and leave her team.

    Brandon reminded Andi that it had been he who helped her get the job. Practically earmarked her for it, in fact. A graduate of Seattle State, he had a bit of chat with the administration over there after he visited her in rehab and saw the progress she was making.

    She resisted the idea of Seattle State at first. A Division II school, it would be a huge step down for the coach who just won the Division I national championship. Even with her drinking issues, she would field offers from decent or even good Division I schools, she was sure of it.

    You need the less competitive environment, he urged. You need less pressure. Seattle State sucks, to put it frankly. You have the chance to build a program from scratch while having the freedom to take risks and fail. She eventually saw reason and signed on with the Space Needles.

    In any case, Brandon said yesterday morning, It’s been five years. You built Seattle State into a tremendous program with two national championships. Aren’t you ready for the next level again?

    No, actually. She was by no means in love with Seattle State, but she was content. She’d made her peace with living out her days in Division II. She kept her life simple.

    They won’t mind if we buy out your contract, Brandon said in a voice that reminded Andi of a new car’s shininess. Next season, you can go wherever you want. The best Division I schools.

    The carrot he dangled proved bright enough. Andi could become a coach who mattered again.

    What about Melissa, though? Well, Andi was an adult. So was Melissa. Really, Andi would be stupid to turn down this once-in-a-lifetime offer. Over the next few hours, she met with the Seattle State athletic director, her assistant coaches and her players. Lots of goodbyes. Lots of tears.

    What’s your plan for the weekend? Brandon asked as he hung a right into the hotel parking lot.

    I’ll let Kevin and Melissa run the show. I’ll observe and gather how the land lies.

    Sounds good. Start with a light touch. Like I said earlier, Kevin, Melissa and these players think the world of Diana. They’re upset and worried about her and the baby.

    Of course.

    They stepped out of the car.

    I’ll get your luggage, Brandon said.

    Thank you. Andi gazed up at the hotel with its dramatic glass facade and balconies offering gorgeous views. Somewhere up there was Melissa, Melissa who made for a gorgeous view in her own right.

    Let’s go, Brandon said.


    Tropical lushness dominated the inside of the hotel. Andi passed sand sculptures of mermaids, dolphins, seahorses and palm trees. Next to the elevator bank, splashes of Hawaiian hibiscus added a delightful spill of colors and scents to the atmosphere.

    Richmond is in the wrong area of the country, Brandon joked. Hawaii is where it’s at.

    Yep. Ironically, Andi looked forward to winter this season. The snow and ice in Richmond used to irritate the hell out of her, but she hadn’t known the true meaning of annoying winters until she experienced gloomy, indecisive Seattle.

    Brandon took her to the twelfth floor. We’re going to Melissa’s room, he explained. The hotel is booked solid, but don’t worry, we’re working on getting you a spot.

    Uh... Andi’s heart fluttered. Was he implying that she and Melissa might have to share a room? Oh, God.

    Brandon knocked on Room 1281. The door opened a second later to reveal Kevin Key, as handsome as ever. He grabbed Andi’s hand and shook it heartily. Nearly ripped her arm from its socket, in fact.

    Andi! he said. It’s great to have you here. She saw nothing but excitement in his eyes. However, it must have been a blow that Brandon didn’t trust him to captain the team in Diana’s stead. Maybe if the Ravens were unranked or even, say, number fifteen, he’d be the guy steering the ship. But, alas, the Ravens were ranked number one in the nation.

    Dear, lofty number one, the Holy Grail. Higher than number-two UConn and number-three Stanford.

    Melissa, wearing a vibrant purple pantsuit, stood in front of windows affording a view of the beach, and Andi’s heart lurched. She replayed the softness of their last kiss and the hurt in Melissa’s eyes…Andi’s pleading words.

    Andi forced herself into I never loved this woman mode. She approached her former player with a welcoming, outstretched hand. They shook, and Andi saw nothing but neutrality on Melissa’s expression. Her smile stayed professional and brisk, and her eyes gave nothing away.

    Only her touch gave a tiny hint of their history, as Melissa kept Andi’s hand in hers a second longer than necessary. It made Andi’s day. Her year.

    Andi will lay low this weekend, Brandon said. You two are in charge. Especially you, Kevin. Brandon repeated the essentials of what he and Andi agreed on in the car.

    Team meeting in twenty minutes, Melissa said, taking over. We’ll introduce you to the players then. The game is at one o’clock, so the bus takes us to the arena soon after the meeting and a light lunch.

    I was going to say that, Kevin said.

    Melissa gave him an apologetic smile. Oops.

    Andi, I’ll let you freshen up before meeting the players. Brandon directed a contrite glance Melissa’s way and explained about Andi’s hotel room situation.

    Melissa blinked. Oh, she said. Okay.

    Brandon left, and Kevin craned his head toward the connecting doorway. I’m staying through there. Let’s go down to the meeting together, all three of us. Show that we’re unified.

    Great idea, Andi said.

    I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Kevin retreated, and the door snicked shut behind him. He clicked the lock into place.

    Andi went to the windows. She lifted one of her fingers to the glass—cool to the touch. Beautiful, she murmured, drinking in the beach and the sunshine. They had been so good together, her and Melissa, heated and passionate. Free and intense. They opened their eyes during lovemaking to look at each other, something Andi rarely did. With other women, it felt alien and wrong. Not with Melissa.


    Alone again with Andi. Melissa took in Andi’s profile as the coach gazed at Hawaii. Andi had swept her hair up in its usual bun, but a few curly dark strands escaped.

    That neck. Oh, that exquisite neck.

    Andi turned from the windows and rubbed her shoulder. A yawn escaped her mouth.

    Good flight? Melissa asked.

    Mmm, not bad. Andi heaved her suitcase, a gigantic black thing, onto the bed and yawned again. In a swift motion, she undid her bun, sending her curls cascading down.

    The skritch as she unzipped her suitcase. Brandon had put her garment bag on the bed, and Andi skritched again. Drew several pantsuits out.

    I’m going to undress, Andi said.

    Melissa’s throat went dry. She saw herself and Andi in the ocean again, felt the suppleness of Andi’s neck under her mouth, the salt, the sand, the throbbing of Andi’s pulse reflecting the spray of desire inside Melissa—

    Melissa, Andi said. Like she’d had to say it more than once.

    Melissa fought the muddle of her thoughts. What?

    Should I change in the bathroom? Andi offered.

    N-no, Melissa stammered. I’ll leave. Oh, first, though, your pantsuits won’t work. They match Seattle’s weather.


    Melissa explained, The Pacific Classic bills itself as a time for teams to relax and enjoy Hawaii. Coaches and their assistants wear colorful outfits. Brandon obviously forgot to tell Andi, and she’d brought the black and gray pantsuits she wore for Seattle State’s games.

    Andi frowned. I didn’t know. This tournament wasn’t around when I coached at Richmond. You think it’ll make that much of a difference? I could wear a lei or something.

    Melissa snorted. Google the pictures from last year and tell me.

    Andi did as Melissa suggested and took in her purple pantsuit with new

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